: ST0009 Change PE Service Loglevel - This Task to be used in conjunction with Puppet Enterprise Knowledge Base Article KB0009 - https://supporst0287_check_db_table_sizes
: ST0287 Check DB Table Sizes - This task is to be used in conjunction with Puppet Enterprise Knowledge Base Article KB0287 - https://support.pst0346_herd_resolver
: This Task will restart the puppet agent process in a randomised period between 0 and the currently set runintervalst0346a_bash_herd_resolver
: This Task will restart the puppet agent process in a randomised period between 0 and the currently set runintervalst0346b_powershell_herd_resolver
: powershell thundering herd scriptst0361_uploading_facts
: ST0361 Uploading Facts To the Puppet Primary Server Outside of a Puppet Run - This Task to be used in conjunction with Puppet Enterprise Knowst1096_db_commands
: ST1096 PDB Commands - This Task to be used in conjunction with Puppet Enterprise Guide Article -
ST0009 Change PE Service Loglevel - This Task to be used in conjunction with Puppet Enterprise Knowledge Base Article KB0009 -
Supports noop? false
Data type: Enum[trace, debug, info, warn, error]
The level to which the logging will be set
Data type: Enum[puppetserver, puppetdb, console-services, orchestration-services]
PE service
ST0287 Check DB Table Sizes - This task is to be used in conjunction with Puppet Enterprise Knowledge Base Article KB0287 -
Supports noop? false
Data type: Enum['pe-puppetdb', 'pe-postgres', 'pe-classifier', 'pe-rbac', 'pe-activity', 'pe-orchestrator', 'postgres', all]
The name of the db to connect to
This Task will restart the puppet agent process in a randomised period between 0 and the currently set runinterval
Supports noop? false
This Task will restart the puppet agent process in a randomised period between 0 and the currently set runinterval
Supports noop? false
powershell thundering herd script
Supports noop? false
ST0361 Uploading Facts To the Puppet Primary Server Outside of a Puppet Run - This Task to be used in conjunction with Puppet Enterprise Knowledge Base Article -
Supports noop? false
ST1096 PDB Commands - This Task to be used in conjunction with Puppet Enterprise Guide Article -
Supports noop? false
Data type: Enum[resource_events_per_resource,longest_resource_titles,postgres_replication_slots,postgres_replication_status,postgres_activity,database_table_sizes,database_sizes]
The PDB or PostgreSQL command to perform
Data type: Enum[pe-puppetdb,pe-classifier,pe-orchestrator,pe-activity,pe-inventory,pe-rbac,pe-postgres]
The database name for the PDB command. Default is pe-puppetdb