If you want to undeploy the SaaS application and all related services please follow the steps below. This is a prerequisite in case you want to deploy the Advanced Scope to the same landscape.
1.1. Make sure you unsubscribed from the SaaS application in all consumer subaccounts before starting the undeployment.
1.2. Delete all API Broker service instances from the consumer subaccounts before undeploying.
1.3. Ensure the API Broker is unregistered (click here) from all consumer subaccounts.
1.4. Undeploy the SaaS application from your provider subaccount.
$ cf login -a https://api.cf.<<region>>.hana.ondemand.com
$ cf undeploy susaas --delete-services --delete-service-keys
Warning - Please make sure to have the latest version of the Cloud Foundry CLI installed and your multiapps plugin is up-to-date. In older versions of the multiapps plugin, the option --delete-service-keys did not exist yet!
2.1. Go to your provider subaccount and check if all service instances, subscriptions, and applications are deleted.
2.2. If there are still artifacts remaining on the provider subaccount, please make sure to delete them manually in the following sequence:
- Application instances
- Service keys
- Service instances
For troubleshooting please check the separate Troubleshooting section of this scope (click here).
Please use the following links to find further information on the topics above: