- Fixed bug where submitting an array of transactions to v2 client's sendRawTransaction would cause an error.
- Fixed bug where Indexer and algod V2 clients were omitted from module exports.
- Clients for Indexer and algod V2
- additional Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC)
- support for Dynamic Fee contract
- support for Limit Order contract
- support for Periodic Payment contract
- support for Suggested Params
- Added asset decimals field.
- Added support for Algorand Standardized Assets (ASA)
- Added support for Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC)
- Added support for Hashed Time Lock Contract (HTLC)
- Added support for Split contract
- Added support for Group Transactions
- Added support for leases
- msgpack lib was replaced with the official https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-javascript
- algod.transactionById returns the note as Uint8Array and not as base64
- Support for key registration transactions
- Support for flat fees
- Signing and verifying bytes
- deleteMultisig uses post instead of get
- "MultiSig" standardized to "Multisig"
- Support for Optional Parameters for GetTransactionsByAddress
- Support for GetTransactionByID
- Handle the case of undeclared noteField
- Support of GenesisHash and Close Remainder To fields
- Bug Fix for Suggested Fee
- Support for multisignatures
- kmd can now sign transactions
- Support in more than one token for algodClient
- Support in new Suggested Fee scheme
- Now the client handles empty transactions list
- Bug Fix
- Update to a newer msgpack version (Support 64bit numbers)
- Update algod client to convert b64 to buffer
- Support for arbitrary encoding and decoding of javascript objects
- Support for transaction information in algodClient
- Support for "genesis ID" field in transactions