diff --git a/compose/production/traefik/Dockerfile b/compose/production/traefik/Dockerfile
index aa87905..2365c4c 100644
--- a/compose/production/traefik/Dockerfile
+++ b/compose/production/traefik/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM traefik:v2.2.11
+FROM traefik:2.9.8
RUN mkdir -p /etc/traefik/acme \
&& touch /etc/traefik/acme/acme.json \
&& chmod 600 /etc/traefik/acme/acme.json
diff --git a/pycon_portugal_2022/content/tickets/tickets.md b/pycon_portugal_2022/content/tickets/tickets.md
index bd98096..1d7ee78 100644
--- a/pycon_portugal_2022/content/tickets/tickets.md
+++ b/pycon_portugal_2022/content/tickets/tickets.md
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ title: Tickets
layout: simple
**All tickets include access to the full day of the conference (September 24th)**. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter [@PyConPT](https://twitter.com/PyConPT){:target="_blank"} for the latest up to date information!
If you are from a marginalised or under-represented group, and you are not able to afford a ticket, you should apply for a [grant](/information/grants/). **Please consider making an extra donation** to help us offer grants to people from marginalised or under-represented groups.
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ The following **ticket types** are available:
- **Individual Ticket (€55)** - If you are paying your ticket from your personal money and are not being reimbursed by your employer.
- **Business Ticket (€65)** - If your employer is paying for the ticket or reimbursing you for your conference expenses.
** Be sure to grab your ticket ASAP! ** The tickets include the following food: morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. Please don't forget to ** add your dietary restrictions when purchasing your ticket! **
diff --git a/pycon_portugal_2022/templates/pages/home.html b/pycon_portugal_2022/templates/pages/home.html
index 8584012..044d3b7 100644
--- a/pycon_portugal_2022/templates/pages/home.html
+++ b/pycon_portugal_2022/templates/pages/home.html
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@