- #066c8dc: Config migration step for DSN with new mysql plugin
- #55d39a4: Add retry also on grpc.tasks initialization
- #83e3dd1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
- #8dc05c3: Add retry for inserting default jobs at firstRun
- #939cb52: Last changes to db connection
- #fc020a3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
- #c004df3: Detect language for mail-based users
- #4c92709: Display issue
- #3ee8eef: Removing consul_config for now
- #b7508b0: Phrasing
- #2d42d99: Configuration database set
- #c87026f: Commands
- #e9253b6: Improve install: fast proxy restart for opening browser window, then add timeout before reloading UX because gateway is restarting.
- #6773fb3: New command for adding databases
- #eefea2e: Workaround for link click on firefox
- #7ca6abe: Improve display for datasources status
- #961c377: Use hostname at install time for default datasources (or ip if not possible)
- #d076d05: Do not show schedule for event-based jobs
- #92429b4: Finish refactoring common/utils
- #9ea40f5: Utils refactoring: new package mtree
- #dca784f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
- #fc7055f: Refactor common/utils into dedicated packages
- #1d86d56: Fix Private IP
- #3814c47: More Italian translation for the Admin console
- #ca173a2: More Italian translation for the admin console
- #36366fd: More Italian translation for the admin console
- #d67d4ce: Change message
- #40c9c66: Fix "No Private IP" found
- #dafb6c1: Support hostname for PeerAddress: publish hostname in Node metadata, record it in registry.Peer Refactor ip, ports, selectors tools under dedicated package utils/net
- #f8da331: Meta namespace input validation
- #6eb1cdb: Swallow expected error when no EXIF data is present
- #38c1d5e: Fixng prepared statements with policies
- #68cb76b: Fixng prepared statements with policies
- #061776f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
- #87a5e4d: Missing toString() calls on some color objects ...
- #420e986: More Italian messages
- #dc03606: More Italian messages
- #942d628: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
- #7509fd4: UX: Remember display mode for workspace/cell - Partially fix sorting (still issues with some metadata types)
- #79be0a0: Better thumbs caching: cache in local storage instead of node metadata (as it is cleared on each refresh)
- #a4c8b64: Add link to dev guide and UX screenshot
- #76a0e2e: Fixing prepared statements with goqu
- #96ec094: Switch to bbolt
- #67d94e4: Update Bleve dependency
- #b547736: Remove legacy comment
- #8ffcb82: Fix language detection for sending emails
- #fb8f85c: Re-removing consul
- #abbfda3: Removing log
- #acb2c7c: Lower and instrument bigcache
- #7227c6a: Fixing mysql allow native password install
- #f6b2c9e: Fixing install first steps
- #ed498e1: Remove unnecessary error log when toggling bookmark
- #a827d46: Re-adapt task logging for sync-changes
- #76b3564: Fixing mysql8
- #7dc3563: Remove consul support as it's half-baked
- #1fc9ff5: Move test file
- #f4903ca: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
- #6b5612d: Unused code
- #f7d78fb: re-enable pprof with SIGUSR1
- #c78c246: Provide a mean to force used protocol in public URL.
- #6fd8d78: Fix cells-ctl create user command
- #5492e53: Merge with latest Cells version
- #ef86f32: Better policy management when creating a user via CLI
- #cf6dd6e: Update rand for goreport card
- #e58f41c: Change supported go version
- #2883781: Update Travis for build version
- #53a979f: Run goimports -w on some files