Module pypestutils.ctypes_declarations
+Low-level Fortran-Python ctypes functions.
++Expand source code +
+"""Low-level Fortran-Python ctypes functions."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from ctypes import ARRAY, CDLL, POINTER, c_char, c_double, c_int
+from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer
+# Cache variables by uppercase dimvar name
+_dimvar_cache = {}
+_char_array_cache = {}
+# other lengths not defined in dimvar
+_misc_lengths = {
+def get_dimvar_int(lib: CDLL, name: str) -> int:
+ """Get dimvar constant integer from library instance.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lib : CDLL
+ Ctypes library instance.
+ name : str
+ Uppercase name of variable in dimvar or other custom name.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ int
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError
+ If name is not defined in lib object.
+ """
+ if name in _dimvar_cache:
+ return _dimvar_cache[name]
+ elif name in _misc_lengths:
+ # Special consideration for constants not specified by dimvar
+ return _misc_lengths[name]
+ c_var = c_int.in_dll(lib, name)
+ _dimvar_cache[name] = c_var.value
+ return c_var.value
+def get_char_array(lib: CDLL, name: str):
+ """Get c_char Array with a fixed size from dimvar.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lib : CDLL
+ Ctypes library instance.
+ name : str
+ Uppercase name of variable in dimvar or other custom name.
+ """
+ if name in _char_array_cache:
+ return _char_array_cache[name]
+ size = get_dimvar_int(lib, name)
+ array_type = ARRAY(c_char, size)
+ _char_array_cache[name] = array_type
+ return array_type
+def prototype(lib) -> None:
+ """Add ctypes prototypes for each function in pestutils.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ lib : CDLL
+ Ctypes library instance, which is modified in-place
+ """
+ # Generate c_char Array types based on dimvar sizes
+ filename_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENFILENAME")
+ message_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENMESSAGE")
+ gridname_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENGRIDNAME")
+ vartype_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENVARTYPE")
+ flowtype_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENFLOWTYPE")
+ # inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs(
+ # filein,fileout,isim,itype,iprec,narray,ntime)
+ lib.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(filename_t), # filein, in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # fileout, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # isim, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # itype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # iprec, out
+ POINTER(c_int), # narray, out
+ POINTER(c_int), # ntime, out
+ )
+ lib.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs.restype = c_int
+ # retrieve_error_message(errormessage)
+ lib.retrieve_error_message.argtypes = (POINTER(message_t),) # errormessage, out
+ lib.retrieve_error_message.restype = c_int
+ # install_structured_grid(
+ # gridname,ncol,nrow,nlay,icorner,e0,n0,rotation,delr,delc)
+ lib.install_structured_grid.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ncol, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nrow, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nlay, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # icorner, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # e0, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # n0, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # rotation, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # delr(ncol), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # delc(nrow), in
+ )
+ lib.install_structured_grid.restype = c_int
+ # get_cell_centres_structured(gridname,ncpl,cellx,celly)
+ lib.get_cell_centres_structured.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ncpl, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # cellx(ncells), out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # celly(ncells), out
+ )
+ lib.get_cell_centres_structured.restype = c_int
+ # uninstall_structured_grid(gridname)
+ lib.uninstall_structured_grid.argtypes = (POINTER(gridname_t),) # gridname, in
+ lib.uninstall_structured_grid.restype = c_int
+ # free_all_memory()
+ lib.free_all_memory.argtypes = ()
+ lib.free_all_memory.restype = c_int
+ # interp_from_structured_grid(
+ # gridname,depvarfile,isim,iprec,ntime,vartype,interpthresh,nointerpval,
+ # npts,ecoord,ncoord,layer,nproctime,simtime,simstate)
+ lib.interp_from_structured_grid.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # depvarfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # isim, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # iprec, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ntime, in
+ POINTER(vartype_t), # vartype, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # interpthresh, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # nointerpval, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecoord, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncoord, in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # layer, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nproctime, out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # simtime(ntime), out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # simstate(ntime,npts), out
+ )
+ lib.interp_from_structured_grid.restype = c_int
+ # interp_to_obstime(
+ # nsimtime,nproctime,npts,simtime,simval,interpthresh,how_extrap,
+ # time_extrap,nointerpval,nobs,obspoint,obstime,obssimval)
+ lib.interp_to_obstime.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # nsimtime, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nproctime, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # simtime(nsimtime), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags="F"), # simval(nsimtime,npts), in
+ POINTER(c_double), # interpthresh, in
+ POINTER(c_char), # how_extrap, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # time_extrap, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # nointerpval, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nobs, in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # obspoint(nobs), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # obstime(nobs), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # obssimval(nobs), out
+ )
+ lib.interp_to_obstime.restype = c_int
+ # install_mf6_grid_from_file(
+ # gridname,grbfile,idis,ncells,ndim1,ndim2,ndim3)
+ lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # grbfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # idis, out
+ POINTER(c_int), # ncells, out
+ POINTER(c_int), # ndim1, out
+ POINTER(c_int), # ndim2, out
+ POINTER(c_int), # ndim3, out
+ )
+ lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file.restype = c_int
+ # get_cell_centres_mf6(gridname,ncells,cellx,celly,cellz)
+ lib.get_cell_centres_mf6.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ncells, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # cellx(ncells), out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # celly(ncells), out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # cellz(ncells), out
+ )
+ lib.get_cell_centres_mf6.restype = c_int
+ # uninstall_mf6_grid(gridname)
+ lib.uninstall_mf6_grid.argtypes = (POINTER(gridname_t),) # gridname, in
+ lib.uninstall_mf6_grid.restype = c_int
+ # calc_mf6_interp_factors(
+ # gridname,npts,ecoord,ncoord,layer,factorfile,
+ # factorfiletype,blnfile,interp_success)
+ lib.calc_mf6_interp_factors.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecoord, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncoord, in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # layer, in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # blnfile, in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # interp_success, out
+ )
+ lib.calc_mf6_interp_factors.restype = c_int
+ # interp_from_mf6_depvar_file(
+ # depvarfile,factorfile,factorfiletype,ntime,vartype,interpthresh,
+ # reapportion,nointerpval,npts,nproctime,simtime,simstate)
+ lib.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(filename_t), # depvarfile, in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ntime, in
+ POINTER(vartype_t), # vartype(17), in
+ POINTER(c_double), # interpthresh, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # reapportion, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # nointerpval, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nproctime, out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # simtime(ntime), out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # simstate(ntime,npts), out
+ )
+ lib.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file.restype = c_int
+ # extract_flows_from_cbc_file(
+ # cbcfile,flowtype,isim,iprec,ncell,izone,nzone,numzone,zonenumber,
+ # ntime,nproctime,timestep,stressperiod,simtime,simflow)
+ lib.extract_flows_from_cbc_file.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(filename_t), # cbcfile, in
+ POINTER(flowtype_t), # flowtype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # isim, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # iprec, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ncell, in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # izone(ncell), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nzone, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # numzone, out
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # zonenumber(nzone), out
+ POINTER(c_int), # ntime, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nproctime, out
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # timestep(ntime), out
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # stressperiod(ntime), out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # simtime(ntime), out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # simflow(ntime,nzone), out
+ )
+ lib.extract_flows_from_cbc_file.restype = c_int
+ # calc_kriging_factors_2d(
+ # npts,ecs,ncs,zns,mpts,ect,nct,znt,vartype,krigtype,aa,anis,bearing,
+ # searchrad,maxpts,minpts,factorfile,factorfiletype,icount_interp)
+ lib.calc_kriging_factors_2d.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # vartype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # krigtype, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # aa(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(mpts), in
+ POINTER(c_double), # searchrad, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # maxpts, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # minpts, in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out
+ )
+ lib.calc_kriging_factors_2d.restype = c_int
+ # calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d(
+ # npts,ecs,ncs,zns,mpts,ect,nct,znt,krigtype,anis,bearing,
+ # factorfile,factorfiletype,icount_interp)
+ lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # krigtype, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(mpts), in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out
+ )
+ lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d.restype = c_int
+ # calc_kriging_factors_3d(
+ # npts,ecs,ncs,zcs,zns,mpts,ect,nct,zct,znt,krigtype,nzone,zonenum,
+ # vartype,ahmax,ahmin,avert,bearing,dip,rake,srhmax,srhmin,srvert,
+ # maxpts,minpts,factorfile,factorfiletype,icount_interp)
+ lib.calc_kriging_factors_3d.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zcs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zct(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # krigtype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nzone, in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zonenum(nzone), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # vartype(nzone), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmax(nzone), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmin(nzone), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # avert(nzone), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(nzone), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # dip(nzone), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # rake(nzone), in
+ POINTER(c_double), # srhmax, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # srhmin, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # srvert, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # maxpts, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # minpts, in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out
+ )
+ lib.calc_kriging_factors_3d.restype = c_int
+ # krige_using_file(
+ # factorfile,factorfiletype,npts,mpts,krigtype,transtype,
+ # sourceval,targval,icount_interp,meanval)
+ lib.krige_using_file.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # krigtype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sourceval(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # targval(mpts), out
+ POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # meanval(mpts), in, optional
+ )
+ lib.krige_using_file.restype = c_int
+ # build_covar_matrix_2d(
+ # npts,ec,nc,zn,vartype,nugget,aa,sill,anis,bearing,ldcovmat,covmat)
+ lib.build_covar_matrix_2d.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ec(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nc(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zn(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # vartype, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nugget(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # aa(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sill(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ldcovmat, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # covmat(ldcovmat,npts), out
+ )
+ lib.build_covar_matrix_2d.restype = c_int
+ # build_covar_matrix_3d(
+ # npts,ec,nc,zc,zn,vartype,
+ # nugget,sill,ahmax,ahmin,avert,bearing,dip,rake,ldcovmat,covmat)
+ lib.build_covar_matrix_3d.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ec(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nc(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zc(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zn(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # vartype, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nugget(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sill(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmax(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmin(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # avert(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # dip(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # rake(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ldcovmat, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # covmat(ldcovmat,npts), out
+ )
+ lib.build_covar_matrix_3d.restype = c_int
+ # calc_structural_overlay_factors(
+ # npts,ecs,ncs,ids,conwidth,aa,structype,inverse_power,
+ # mpts,ect,nct,active,factorfile,factorfiletype,icount_interp)
+ lib.calc_structural_overlay_factors.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ids(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # conwidth(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # aa(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # structype, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # inverse_power, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # active(mpts), in
+ POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out
+ )
+ lib.calc_structural_overlay_factors.restype = c_int
+ # interpolate_blend_using_file(
+ # factorfile,factorfiletype,npts,mpts,transtype,
+ # lt_target,gt_target,sourceval,targval,icount_interp)
+ lib.interpolate_blend_using_file.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in
+ POINTER(c_char), # lt_target, in
+ POINTER(c_char), # gt_target, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sourceval(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # targval(mpts), inout
+ POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out
+ )
+ lib.interpolate_blend_using_file.restype = c_int
+ # ipd_interpolate_2d(npts,ecs,ncs,zns,sourceval,
+ # mpts,ect,nct,znt,targval,transtype,anis,bearing,invpow)
+ lib.ipd_interpolate_2d.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sourceval(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # targval(mpts), out
+ POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # invpow(mpts), in
+ )
+ lib.ipd_interpolate_2d.restype = c_int
+ # ipd_interpolate_3d(npts,ecs,ncs,zcs,zns,sourceval,mpts,ect,nct,zct,znt,
+ # targval,transtype,ahmax,ahmin,avert,bearing,dip,rake,invpow)
+ lib.ipd_interpolate_3d.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # npts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zcs(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sourceval(npts), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zct(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # targval(mpts), out
+ POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmax(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmin(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # avert(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # dip(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # rake(mpts), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # invpow(mpts), in
+ )
+ lib.ipd_interpolate_3d.restype = c_int
+ # initialize_randgen(iseed)
+ lib.initialize_randgen.argtypes = (POINTER(c_int),) # iseed, in
+ lib.initialize_randgen.restype = c_int
+ # fieldgen2d_sva(
+ # nnode,ec,nc,area,active,mean,var,aa,anis,bearing,
+ # transtype,avetype,power,ldrand,nreal,randfield)
+ lib.fieldgen2d_sva.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # nnode, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ec(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nc(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # area(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # active(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # mean(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # var(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # aa(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(nnode), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # avetype, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # power, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ldrand, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nreal, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # randfield(ldrand,nreal), out
+ )
+ lib.fieldgen2d_sva.restype = c_int
+ # fieldgen3d_sva(
+ # nnode,ec,nc,zc,area,height,active,mean,var,ahmax,ahmin,avert,
+ # bearing,dip,rake,transtype,avetype,power,ldrand,nreal,randfield)
+ lib.fieldgen3d_sva.argtypes = (
+ POINTER(c_int), # nnode, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ec(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nc(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zc(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # area(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # height(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # active(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # mean(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # var(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmax(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmin(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # avert(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # dip(nnode), in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # rake(nnode), in
+ POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # avetype, in
+ POINTER(c_double), # power, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # ldrand, in
+ POINTER(c_int), # nreal, in
+ ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # randfield(ldrand,nreal), out
+ )
+ lib.fieldgen3d_sva.restype = c_int
+def get_char_array(lib: CDLL, name: str) +
Get c_char Array with a fixed size from dimvar.
+- Ctypes library instance. +
+- Uppercase name of variable in dimvar or other custom name. +
+++Expand source code +
+def get_char_array(lib: CDLL, name: str): + """Get c_char Array with a fixed size from dimvar. + + Parameters + ---------- + lib : CDLL + Ctypes library instance. + name : str + Uppercase name of variable in dimvar or other custom name. + """ + if name in _char_array_cache: + return _char_array_cache[name] + size = get_dimvar_int(lib, name) + array_type = ARRAY(c_char, size) + _char_array_cache[name] = array_type + return array_type
+ +def get_dimvar_int(lib: CDLL, name: str) ‑> int +
Get dimvar constant integer from library instance.
+- Ctypes library instance. +
+- Uppercase name of variable in dimvar or other custom name. +
+- +
+- If name is not defined in lib object. +
+++Expand source code +
+def get_dimvar_int(lib: CDLL, name: str) -> int: + """Get dimvar constant integer from library instance. + + Parameters + ---------- + lib : CDLL + Ctypes library instance. + name : str + Uppercase name of variable in dimvar or other custom name. + + Returns + ------- + int + + Raises + ------ + ValueError + If name is not defined in lib object. + """ + if name in _dimvar_cache: + return _dimvar_cache[name] + elif name in _misc_lengths: + # Special consideration for constants not specified by dimvar + return _misc_lengths[name] + c_var = c_int.in_dll(lib, name) + _dimvar_cache[name] = c_var.value + return c_var.value
+ +def prototype(lib) ‑> None +
Add ctypes prototypes for each function in pestutils.
+- Ctypes library instance, which is modified in-place +
+++Expand source code +
+def prototype(lib) -> None: + """Add ctypes prototypes for each function in pestutils. + + Parameters + ---------- + lib : CDLL + Ctypes library instance, which is modified in-place + """ + # Generate c_char Array types based on dimvar sizes + filename_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENFILENAME") + message_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENMESSAGE") + gridname_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENGRIDNAME") + vartype_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENVARTYPE") + flowtype_t = get_char_array(lib, "LENFLOWTYPE") + + # inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs( + # filein,fileout,isim,itype,iprec,narray,ntime) + lib.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs.argtypes = ( + POINTER(filename_t), # filein, in + POINTER(filename_t), # fileout, in + POINTER(c_int), # isim, in + POINTER(c_int), # itype, in + POINTER(c_int), # iprec, out + POINTER(c_int), # narray, out + POINTER(c_int), # ntime, out + ) + lib.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs.restype = c_int + + # retrieve_error_message(errormessage) + lib.retrieve_error_message.argtypes = (POINTER(message_t),) # errormessage, out + lib.retrieve_error_message.restype = c_int + + # install_structured_grid( + # gridname,ncol,nrow,nlay,icorner,e0,n0,rotation,delr,delc) + lib.install_structured_grid.argtypes = ( + POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in + POINTER(c_int), # ncol, in + POINTER(c_int), # nrow, in + POINTER(c_int), # nlay, in + POINTER(c_int), # icorner, in + POINTER(c_double), # e0, in + POINTER(c_double), # n0, in + POINTER(c_double), # rotation, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # delr(ncol), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # delc(nrow), in + ) + lib.install_structured_grid.restype = c_int + + # get_cell_centres_structured(gridname,ncpl,cellx,celly) + lib.get_cell_centres_structured.argtypes = ( + POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in + POINTER(c_int), # ncpl, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # cellx(ncells), out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # celly(ncells), out + ) + lib.get_cell_centres_structured.restype = c_int + + # uninstall_structured_grid(gridname) + lib.uninstall_structured_grid.argtypes = (POINTER(gridname_t),) # gridname, in + lib.uninstall_structured_grid.restype = c_int + + # free_all_memory() + lib.free_all_memory.argtypes = () + lib.free_all_memory.restype = c_int + + # interp_from_structured_grid( + # gridname,depvarfile,isim,iprec,ntime,vartype,interpthresh,nointerpval, + # npts,ecoord,ncoord,layer,nproctime,simtime,simstate) + lib.interp_from_structured_grid.argtypes = ( + POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in + POINTER(filename_t), # depvarfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # isim, in + POINTER(c_int), # iprec, in + POINTER(c_int), # ntime, in + POINTER(vartype_t), # vartype, in + POINTER(c_double), # interpthresh, in + POINTER(c_double), # nointerpval, in + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecoord, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncoord, in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # layer, in + POINTER(c_int), # nproctime, out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # simtime(ntime), out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # simstate(ntime,npts), out + ) + lib.interp_from_structured_grid.restype = c_int + + # interp_to_obstime( + # nsimtime,nproctime,npts,simtime,simval,interpthresh,how_extrap, + # time_extrap,nointerpval,nobs,obspoint,obstime,obssimval) + lib.interp_to_obstime.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # nsimtime, in + POINTER(c_int), # nproctime, in + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # simtime(nsimtime), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags="F"), # simval(nsimtime,npts), in + POINTER(c_double), # interpthresh, in + POINTER(c_char), # how_extrap, in + POINTER(c_double), # time_extrap, in + POINTER(c_double), # nointerpval, in + POINTER(c_int), # nobs, in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # obspoint(nobs), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # obstime(nobs), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # obssimval(nobs), out + ) + lib.interp_to_obstime.restype = c_int + + # install_mf6_grid_from_file( + # gridname,grbfile,idis,ncells,ndim1,ndim2,ndim3) + lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file.argtypes = ( + POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in + POINTER(filename_t), # grbfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # idis, out + POINTER(c_int), # ncells, out + POINTER(c_int), # ndim1, out + POINTER(c_int), # ndim2, out + POINTER(c_int), # ndim3, out + ) + lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file.restype = c_int + + # get_cell_centres_mf6(gridname,ncells,cellx,celly,cellz) + lib.get_cell_centres_mf6.argtypes = ( + POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in + POINTER(c_int), # ncells, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # cellx(ncells), out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # celly(ncells), out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # cellz(ncells), out + ) + lib.get_cell_centres_mf6.restype = c_int + + # uninstall_mf6_grid(gridname) + lib.uninstall_mf6_grid.argtypes = (POINTER(gridname_t),) # gridname, in + lib.uninstall_mf6_grid.restype = c_int + + # calc_mf6_interp_factors( + # gridname,npts,ecoord,ncoord,layer,factorfile, + # factorfiletype,blnfile,interp_success) + lib.calc_mf6_interp_factors.argtypes = ( + POINTER(gridname_t), # gridname, in + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecoord, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncoord, in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # layer, in + POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in + POINTER(filename_t), # blnfile, in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # interp_success, out + ) + lib.calc_mf6_interp_factors.restype = c_int + + # interp_from_mf6_depvar_file( + # depvarfile,factorfile,factorfiletype,ntime,vartype,interpthresh, + # reapportion,nointerpval,npts,nproctime,simtime,simstate) + lib.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file.argtypes = ( + POINTER(filename_t), # depvarfile, in + POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in + POINTER(c_int), # ntime, in + POINTER(vartype_t), # vartype(17), in + POINTER(c_double), # interpthresh, in + POINTER(c_int), # reapportion, in + POINTER(c_double), # nointerpval, in + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + POINTER(c_int), # nproctime, out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # simtime(ntime), out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # simstate(ntime,npts), out + ) + lib.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file.restype = c_int + + # extract_flows_from_cbc_file( + # cbcfile,flowtype,isim,iprec,ncell,izone,nzone,numzone,zonenumber, + # ntime,nproctime,timestep,stressperiod,simtime,simflow) + lib.extract_flows_from_cbc_file.argtypes = ( + POINTER(filename_t), # cbcfile, in + POINTER(flowtype_t), # flowtype, in + POINTER(c_int), # isim, in + POINTER(c_int), # iprec, in + POINTER(c_int), # ncell, in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # izone(ncell), in + POINTER(c_int), # nzone, in + POINTER(c_int), # numzone, out + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # zonenumber(nzone), out + POINTER(c_int), # ntime, in + POINTER(c_int), # nproctime, out + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # timestep(ntime), out + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # stressperiod(ntime), out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # simtime(ntime), out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # simflow(ntime,nzone), out + ) + lib.extract_flows_from_cbc_file.restype = c_int + + # calc_kriging_factors_2d( + # npts,ecs,ncs,zns,mpts,ect,nct,znt,vartype,krigtype,aa,anis,bearing, + # searchrad,maxpts,minpts,factorfile,factorfiletype,icount_interp) + lib.calc_kriging_factors_2d.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in + POINTER(c_int), # vartype, in + POINTER(c_int), # krigtype, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # aa(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(mpts), in + POINTER(c_double), # searchrad, in + POINTER(c_int), # maxpts, in + POINTER(c_int), # minpts, in + POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in + POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out + ) + lib.calc_kriging_factors_2d.restype = c_int + + # calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( + # npts,ecs,ncs,zns,mpts,ect,nct,znt,krigtype,anis,bearing, + # factorfile,factorfiletype,icount_interp) + lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in + POINTER(c_int), # krigtype, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(mpts), in + POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in + POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out + ) + lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d.restype = c_int + + # calc_kriging_factors_3d( + # npts,ecs,ncs,zcs,zns,mpts,ect,nct,zct,znt,krigtype,nzone,zonenum, + # vartype,ahmax,ahmin,avert,bearing,dip,rake,srhmax,srhmin,srvert, + # maxpts,minpts,factorfile,factorfiletype,icount_interp) + lib.calc_kriging_factors_3d.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zcs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zct(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in + POINTER(c_int), # krigtype, in + POINTER(c_int), # nzone, in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zonenum(nzone), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # vartype(nzone), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmax(nzone), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmin(nzone), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # avert(nzone), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(nzone), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # dip(nzone), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # rake(nzone), in + POINTER(c_double), # srhmax, in + POINTER(c_double), # srhmin, in + POINTER(c_double), # srvert, in + POINTER(c_int), # maxpts, in + POINTER(c_int), # minpts, in + POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in + POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out + ) + lib.calc_kriging_factors_3d.restype = c_int + + # krige_using_file( + # factorfile,factorfiletype,npts,mpts,krigtype,transtype, + # sourceval,targval,icount_interp,meanval) + lib.krige_using_file.argtypes = ( + POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in + POINTER(c_int), # krigtype, in + POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sourceval(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # targval(mpts), out + POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # meanval(mpts), in, optional + ) + lib.krige_using_file.restype = c_int + + # build_covar_matrix_2d( + # npts,ec,nc,zn,vartype,nugget,aa,sill,anis,bearing,ldcovmat,covmat) + lib.build_covar_matrix_2d.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ec(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nc(npts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zn(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # vartype, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nugget(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # aa(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sill(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # ldcovmat, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # covmat(ldcovmat,npts), out + ) + lib.build_covar_matrix_2d.restype = c_int + + # build_covar_matrix_3d( + # npts,ec,nc,zc,zn,vartype, + # nugget,sill,ahmax,ahmin,avert,bearing,dip,rake,ldcovmat,covmat) + lib.build_covar_matrix_3d.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ec(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nc(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zc(npts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zn(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # vartype, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nugget(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sill(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmax(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmin(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # avert(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # dip(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # rake(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # ldcovmat, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # covmat(ldcovmat,npts), out + ) + lib.build_covar_matrix_3d.restype = c_int + + # calc_structural_overlay_factors( + # npts,ecs,ncs,ids,conwidth,aa,structype,inverse_power, + # mpts,ect,nct,active,factorfile,factorfiletype,icount_interp) + lib.calc_structural_overlay_factors.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ids(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # conwidth(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # aa(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # structype, in + POINTER(c_double), # inverse_power, in + POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # active(mpts), in + POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in + POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out + ) + lib.calc_structural_overlay_factors.restype = c_int + + # interpolate_blend_using_file( + # factorfile,factorfiletype,npts,mpts,transtype, + # lt_target,gt_target,sourceval,targval,icount_interp) + lib.interpolate_blend_using_file.argtypes = ( + POINTER(filename_t), # factorfile, in + POINTER(c_int), # factorfiletype, in + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in + POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in + POINTER(c_char), # lt_target, in + POINTER(c_char), # gt_target, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sourceval(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # targval(mpts), inout + POINTER(c_int), # icount_interp, out + ) + lib.interpolate_blend_using_file.restype = c_int + + # ipd_interpolate_2d(npts,ecs,ncs,zns,sourceval, + # mpts,ect,nct,znt,targval,transtype,anis,bearing,invpow) + lib.ipd_interpolate_2d.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sourceval(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # targval(mpts), out + POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # invpow(mpts), in + ) + lib.ipd_interpolate_2d.restype = c_int + + # ipd_interpolate_3d(npts,ecs,ncs,zcs,zns,sourceval,mpts,ect,nct,zct,znt, + # targval,transtype,ahmax,ahmin,avert,bearing,dip,rake,invpow) + lib.ipd_interpolate_3d.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # npts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ecs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ncs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zcs(npts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zns(npts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # sourceval(npts), in + POINTER(c_int), # mpts, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ect(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nct(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zct(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # znt(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags=("F", "W")), # targval(mpts), out + POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmax(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmin(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # avert(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # dip(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # rake(mpts), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # invpow(mpts), in + ) + lib.ipd_interpolate_3d.restype = c_int + + # initialize_randgen(iseed) + lib.initialize_randgen.argtypes = (POINTER(c_int),) # iseed, in + lib.initialize_randgen.restype = c_int + + # fieldgen2d_sva( + # nnode,ec,nc,area,active,mean,var,aa,anis,bearing, + # transtype,avetype,power,ldrand,nreal,randfield) + lib.fieldgen2d_sva.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # nnode, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ec(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nc(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # area(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # active(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # mean(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # var(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # aa(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # anis(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(nnode), in + POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in + POINTER(c_int), # avetype, in + POINTER(c_double), # power, in + POINTER(c_int), # ldrand, in + POINTER(c_int), # nreal, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # randfield(ldrand,nreal), out + ) + lib.fieldgen2d_sva.restype = c_int + + # fieldgen3d_sva( + # nnode,ec,nc,zc,area,height,active,mean,var,ahmax,ahmin,avert, + # bearing,dip,rake,transtype,avetype,power,ldrand,nreal,randfield) + lib.fieldgen3d_sva.argtypes = ( + POINTER(c_int), # nnode, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ec(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # nc(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # zc(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # area(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # height(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_int, ndim=1, flags="F"), # active(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # mean(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # var(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmax(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # ahmin(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # avert(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # bearing(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # dip(nnode), in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=1, flags="F"), # rake(nnode), in + POINTER(c_int), # transtype, in + POINTER(c_int), # avetype, in + POINTER(c_double), # power, in + POINTER(c_int), # ldrand, in + POINTER(c_int), # nreal, in + ndpointer(c_double, ndim=2, flags=("F", "W")), # randfield(ldrand,nreal), out + ) + lib.fieldgen3d_sva.restype = c_int