diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 54263029..3104ccee 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
     * Added `RawDescriptionCmd2HelpFormatter`, `RawTextCmd2HelpFormatter`, `ArgumentDefaultsCmd2HelpFormatter`,
       and `MetavarTypeCmd2HelpFormatter` and they all use `rich-argparse`.
+## 2.5.5 (November 13, 2024)
+* Bug Fixes
+   * Fixed type hints for passing a class method to `with_argparser` and `as_subcommand_to`.
+   * Fixed issue where `set` command was not always printing a settable's current value.
 ## 2.5.4 (November 6, 2024)
 * Bug Fixes
   * Fixed `ZeroDivisionError` in `async_alert()` when `shutil.get_terminal_size().columns` is 0.
diff --git a/cmd2/cmd2.py b/cmd2/cmd2.py
index 7661b0ba..d8b3f7ad 100644
--- a/cmd2/cmd2.py
+++ b/cmd2/cmd2.py
@@ -3910,11 +3910,11 @@ def do_set(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
                 # Try to update the settable's value
                     orig_value = settable.get_value()
-                    new_value = settable.set_value(utils.strip_quotes(args.value))
+                    settable.set_value(utils.strip_quotes(args.value))
                 except Exception as ex:
                     self.perror(f"Error setting {args.param}: {ex}")
-                    self.poutput(f"{args.param} - was: {orig_value!r}\nnow: {new_value!r}")
+                    self.poutput(f"{args.param} - was: {orig_value!r}\nnow: {settable.get_value()!r}")
                     self.last_result = True
diff --git a/cmd2/utils.py b/cmd2/utils.py
index 1cac0a54..cee30b15 100644
--- a/cmd2/utils.py
+++ b/cmd2/utils.py
@@ -176,17 +176,14 @@ def get_bool_choices(_) -> list[str]:  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
         self.completer = completer
     def get_value(self) -> Any:
-        """
-        Get the value of the settable attribute
-        :return:
-        """
+        """Get the value of the settable attribute."""
         return getattr(self.settable_obj, self.settable_attrib_name)
-    def set_value(self, value: Any) -> Any:
+    def set_value(self, value: Any) -> None:
-        Set the settable attribute on the specified destination object
-        :param value: New value to set
-        :return: New value that the attribute was set to
+        Set the settable attribute on the specified destination object.
+        :param value: new value to set
         # Run the value through its type function to handle any conversion or validation
         new_value = self.val_type(value)
@@ -203,7 +200,6 @@ def set_value(self, value: Any) -> Any:
         # Check if we need to call an onchange callback
         if orig_value != new_value and self.onchange_cb:
             self.onchange_cb(self.name, orig_value, new_value)
-        return new_value
 def is_text_file(file_path: str) -> bool: