k8s-aio> git clone https://github.com/qarham/tf-os-k8s-vagrant.git
k8s-aio> cd tf-os-k8s-vagrant/aio-k8s
k8s-aio> vagrant status
k8s-aio> vagrantup
By default without making any change in "Vagrantfile" above topology will be created and you can access the Tungsten Fabric GUI and Kubernetes Dashboard using FoxyProxy
Follow these steps for GUI access via FoxyProxy. 1- Open FireFox and open https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ URL. 2- Search for FoxyProxy and select "FoxyProxy Standard" 3- Click on "Add to Firefox"
Note: I used FirFox FoxyProxy add-on
Now open ssh pot forwading session to Host using port 1080. please change IP as per your host config
your-laptop> ssh [email protected] -D 1080
Configure FireFox FoxyProxy add-on by configuring "" & port 1080 as Scoks4 as captured in screenshot.
Now enable FoxyProxy add-on by selecting the profile created earlier and open Contrail GUI using IP address of Vagrant VM
For MAC users Vagrant run locally and there is no need to SSH to host instead you can run GUI directly without Foxyproxy.
Contrail GUI: