- Get cvwn working
- Get clyp working
- Text cpbe
- Units for molecule.repr_html
- repr and repr_html for basisset
- use numpy in shapes/viewer stuff
- Is there a redundancy in the Becke reweighting? Seems like I loop over all the atoms in the Ps loop, but also loop over all the atoms in becke_atomic_...
- The slater exchange has a fairly high error (2e-6) in the test suite. Is there a bug here? The value occurs at high densities. Does not seem to be an incorrect factor value.
- cvwn has a similar bug with the dfb value. The erroneous value occurs at 0 values of nb.
- Wrap libxc
- Settings to ConfigParser
- Move xyz readers into IO module?
- Should we require scipy to gain access to the incomplete gamma functions?
- How about scipy for the Legendre or Lebedev stuff?
- Itertools
- NamedTuples
- Cython
- Speed
- repr_html
- nosetests
- einsum