原仓库使用 OpenCV 进行人脸检测,但准确度不够高,因此后改用 MTCNN 增加检测准确率。
增加 MTCNN 模型: haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml
更改程序 video_emotion_gender_demo.py, 使用 detect_face 来检测人脸。
下面是原始 README 内容:
Face classification and detection from the B-IT-BOTS robotics team.
Real-time face detection and emotion/gender classification using fer2013/IMDB datasets with a keras CNN model and openCV.
- IMDB gender classification test accuracy: 96%.
- fer2013 emotion classification test accuracy: 66%.
For more information please consult the publication
Real-time demo:
B-IT-BOTS robotics team :)
python3 video_emotion_color_demo.py
python3 image_gradcam_demo.py
python3 image_emotion_gender_demo.py <image_path>
python3 image_emotion_gender_demo.py ../images/test_image.jpg
With a few steps one can get its own face classification and detection running. Follow the commands below:
docker pull ekholabs/face-classifier
docker run -d -p 8084:8084 --name=face-classifier ekholabs/face-classifier
curl -v -F image=@[path_to_image] http://localhost:8084/classifyImage > image.png
Download the fer2013.tar.gz file from here
Move the downloaded file to the datasets directory inside this repository.
Untar the file:
tar -xzf fer2013.tar
- Run the train_emotion_classification.py file
python3 train_emotion_classifier.py
Download the imdb_crop.tar file from here (It's the 7GB button with the tittle Download faces only).
Move the downloaded file to the datasets directory inside this repository.
Untar the file:
tar -xfv imdb_crop.tar
- Run the train_gender_classification.py file
python3 train_gender_classifier.py