The assembly code you upload should adhere to the following rules:
- File Format
; Write comments about the dependencies of the file.
extern ... ; Name of the file or link.
; If there are private functions, use the global directive for public functions.
global ...
; Declare any external glibc functions required by your code.
extern ...
; Delcare data section (global) variables for functions.
section .data
; Use nasm data section variable delcaration syntax.
; name: <type> <values>
; for example
var1: dd 0, 1, 2
str1: db "Hello, World!", 0
; If data section used, use section directive to specific that it is a text section;
; otherwise, not necessary
section .text
; Write your code below. The following is an example.
; Define your function prototype in the following format:
; func(int a, int b) -> int*
; If the function returns void, use the following format:
; func(int a, int b)
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; Function body goes here
Add pseudo code (similar to C/C++) in lines.
- Include pseudocode (similar to C/C++) alongside your assembly code for clarity.
- Example : Stack.asm
Do not use label as branch. (* All labels are treated as functions.)
- Instead, use the format
jmp function+address
. - For example:
jmp func+0x40
,jne $-0x4d
- Instead, use the format
Classify folders well.
Data section variable name must relate with function name.
- Any format is fine as long as each name is distinct.
- For example
function name : add variable name : constant => data section variable name : add_constant