If you have any question, please contact project's owner at [email protected].
Asteroids is a game developed by Quang D. Nguyen (qu-ngx). The game was written in C/C++ as Major Project for my Data Structure Class Spring 2024 at DePauw University and then converted into WebAssembly to deploy on cloud.
If you are on your desktops or laptops, please feel free to try out my game ^^
- Try out this game here: Qu-Ngx's Asteroids Game
- This game was inspired by how the normal ways objects are managed in OOP manners
- Stack was made to store all the Bullet objects in the game, attaining the simplicity and fast retrival of O(1) when popping / using a bullet
- Array was made to store all the Asteroids objects, which keeps it maintainable for unchanged sized and fixed attributes. Memory usage: O(N)
- Vectors and Geometry were also utilized in the game to detect collisions, bullet contact and ship navigation.
Ship Navigation: Hold your left/right mouse clicks to navigate the ship. Release to float the ship
Shooting: Left click spam to fire bullets.
Asteroids Doppleganger: Beware that all asteroids will split into small fragments in 4 directions
Pause the game: Click P to PAUSE the game.
Brought down by Asteroids rain?: Happened to die? Click R to RESTART