Deploy Quarkus CoffeeShop app using tekton pipelines via ACM.
Installing the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator in web console
Create Project
oc new-project quarkuscoffeeshop-cicd
Check Service account pipeline exists
oc get serviceaccount pipeline
Give Cluster admin permissions to project
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:quarkuscoffeeshop-cicd:pipeline
Creates persistent volume required for pipeline
oc create -f tekton/prepare/tekton-source-pvc.yaml
Tekton Task: to create namespace
oc create -f tekton/01_namespace.yaml
Tekton Task: to Application Subscription
oc create -f tekton/02_create_app_subscription.yaml
Tekton Task to deploy app on dev cluster
clusterid=cluster1 in this example
oc create -f tekton/03_create_dev_app_using_acm.yaml
Tekton Task to deploy app on qa cluster
clusterid=cluster2 in this example
oc create -f tekton/03_create_qa_app_using_acm.yaml
Tekton Task to deploy app on prod cluster
clusterid=cluster3 in this example
oc create -f tekton/03_create_prod_app_using_acm.yaml
Create Deployment pipeline
oc create -f tekton/pipeline-acm.yaml
Start Pipeline Run
oc create -f tekton/pipelinerun.yaml