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174 lines (134 loc) · 5.63 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (134 loc) · 5.63 KB

#ADD npm webpack globally

-npm install -g webpack@1.12.13

#ADD npm react and react-dom locally

-npm install --save react@0.14.7 react-dom@0.14.7

#ADD devDependencies webpack, babel-core, babel-loader, babel-preset-es2015, babel-preset-react

-npm install --save-dev webpack@1.12.13 babel-core@6.5.1 babel-loader@6.2.2 babel-preset-es2015@6.5.0 babel-preset-react@6.5.0

#Index changes:

-delete cdn's
-delete type of script and change src to "bundle.js"

#ADD new file in public: app.js:

-require components
-run components

#ADD components dir in public:

-add Greeter.js
-define function greeter()
-export function: module.exports = greeter;

#ADD Webpack/ generate bundle.js (doesn't work with jsx):

-$ webpack ./public/app.js ./public/bundle.js (in terminal)

#ADD Webpack Config:

- add webpack.config.js:
    -output {path, filename}
    -resolve {extensions[]}
- run webpack with $ webpack

#ADD Babel & jsx support:

- webpack.config.js changes: 
    - change entry to app.jsx
    - add module {
-run $ webpack

#Refactor Components:

- require React & ReactDOM in app.jsx
- create Greeter.jsx, GreeterForm.jsx, GreeterMessage.jsx in components
- require react and module.export each function
- require components in Greeter.jsx
- require Greeter.jsx in app.jsx

#Custom Package Names:

- change component require paths in app.jsx & greeter.jsx to filename only
- add to webpack.config in resolve obj:
    root: __dirname,
    alias: {
        Greeter: "public/components/Greeter.jsx",
        GreeterMessage: "public/components/GreeterMessage",
        GreeterForm: "public/components/GreeterForm"
- use $ webpack -w to listen for live changes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- npm install react-router@2.0.0 --save


- add "debugger;" to code to pause code and access code in console
- add "cheap-module-eval-source-map", "inline-source-map" or 
  "eval-source-map" to webpack.config as devtool: "string" to 
  show hand-written code in console

#refactoring stateless functional components:

- presentational components with render function only:
-   var WeatherMessage = ({temp, location}) => { // obj destr. of whatver is passed(props)
        // var {temp, location} = props;
            <p>It's {temp} °C in {location}</p>

#installing foundation:

- npm install css-loader@0.23.1 script-loader@0.6.1 style-loader@0.13.0 jquery@2.2.1 foundation-sites@6.2.0 --save-dev
- update webpack.config:
    entry[]: add paths to jquery and foundation-sites js before app.jsx 
        add script! in front inside the path
    externals{}: jquery: "jQuery"
    add var webpack = require("webpack") before module.exports to 
    load in webpack utilities then add
        plugins[]: new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            "$": "jquery",
            "jQuery": "jquery"
- app.jsx:
    add require("style!css!foundation-sites/dist/foundation.min.css");
        chain style-loader(to inject into html) and 
        css-loader(to tell require what to do with css)
    start foundation: $(document).foundation();

#add ErrorModal & Component Lifecycle Methods:

-componentWillMount: gets called before rendering
-componentDidMount: gets called after rendering, allowing access to any refs of children
- ErrorModal.jsx: 
    componentDidMount: function() {
        var modal = new Foundation.Reveal($("#error-modal"));;
    <div id="error-modal" className="reveal tiny text-center" data-reveal="">
    <button className="button hollow" data-close="">Okay</button>

#add PropTypes to ErrorModal.jsx:

- set expected values for props and wether they are required
    propTypes: {
        title: React.propTypes.string,
        message: React.propTypes.string.isRequired

#add scss:

- npm install sass-loader node-sass
- change .css to .scss
- change alias to .scss in webpack.config

#Fix Nav Search & Example Links:

Read URL Props to find location:
+    componentDidMount: function(){
+        var location = this.props.location.query.location;
+        if(location && location.length > 0){
+            this.handleSearch(location);
+            window.location.hash = "#/";
+        }
+    },
Receive new Props from Main.jsx(Container) after Rendering:
+    componentWillReceiveProps: function(newProps){
+        var location = newProps.location.query.location;
+        if(location && location.length > 0){
+            this.handleSearch(location);
+            window.location.hash = "#/";
+        }        
+    },
Read input value and encode input for URL usage:
+        var location = this.refs.location.value;
+        var encodedLocation = encodeURIComponent(location);
+        if(location.length > 0){
+            this.refs.location.value = "";
+            window.location.hash = "#/?location=" + encodedLocation;
+        }