Simple (state-less) server that serves as a Webhook endpoint and forwards messages to Quip threads. Currently supported services are:
- GitHub: Notifications of commits.
- Crashlytics: Notifications of issues.
- PagerDuty: Notifications of new and resolved incidents.
An instance is running at
API access tokens are embedded in hook URLs. If you generate a new access token, you will need to edit the hook URL at its registered service.
First, install the App Engine SDK from and open it to install the symlinks. Then run:
To test changes without having to deploy, you can install ngrok which tunnels a localhost port such that it can be accessed from the Internet. Run:
ngrok 8080
And you'll be given an URL like
which you can use with GitHub, Crashlytics, etc. You can also visit http://localhost:4040/ to see all tunneled requests (and to replay them). --oauth2 --no_cookies update ./