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[Bug] Crash only on server when crafting ender dust with better end #205

BatJPJonyGod opened this issue Sep 1, 2024 · 1 comment


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What happened?

Mod works fine on singleplayer but it crash my server everytime i try to take ender dust from an anvil with better end 21.0.10.

There's a lot of mods in my modpack, so i don't rule out the possibility of an incompatibility isssue. Still it's weird that it only happen on my server and not in singleplayer with the exact same modpack.





Fabric API


Fabric Loader




Relevant log output

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// On the bright side, I bought you a teddy bear!

Time: 2024-09-01 15:04:34
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/class_310
	at net.minecraft.class_1706.handler$zen000$bclib$bcl_onTakeAnvilOutput(
	at net.minecraft.class_1706.method_24923(
	at net.minecraft.class_4861$2.method_7667(
	at net.minecraft.class_1703.method_34249(
	at java.base/java.util.Optional.ifPresent(Unknown Source)
	at net.minecraft.class_1703.method_30010(
	at net.minecraft.class_1703.method_7593(
	at net.minecraft.class_3244.method_12076(
	at net.minecraft.class_2813.method_12191(
	at net.minecraft.class_2813.method_11054(
	at net.minecraft.class_2600.method_11072(
	at net.minecraft.class_1255.method_18859(
	at net.minecraft.class_4093.method_18859(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_24306(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_18859(
	at net.minecraft.class_1255.method_16075(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_20415(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_16075(
	at net.minecraft.class_1255.method_18857(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_18857(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_16208(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29741(
	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29739(
	at java.base/ Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.class_310
	at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassDelegate.loadClass(
	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader.loadClass(
	at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	... 26 more

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- System Details --
	Minecraft Version: 1.21
	Minecraft Version ID: 1.21
	Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 4.15.0-143-generic
	Java Version: 21.0.3, Eclipse Adoptium
	Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode, sharing), Eclipse Adoptium
	Memory: 10328909704 bytes (9850 MiB) / 12884901888 bytes (12288 MiB) up to 12884901888 bytes (12288 MiB)
	CPUs: 32
	Processor Vendor: AuthenticAMD
	Processor Name: AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
	Identifier: AuthenticAMD Family 23 Model 49 Stepping 0
	Microarchitecture: Zen 2
	Frequency (GHz): -0.00
	Number of physical packages: 1
	Number of physical CPUs: 16
	Number of logical CPUs: 32
	Graphics card #0 name: MGA G200eH3
	Graphics card #0 vendor: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. (0x102b)
	Graphics card #0 VRAM (MiB): 16.00
	Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x0538
	Graphics card #0 versionInfo: unknown
	Virtual memory max (MiB): 228876.36
	Virtual memory used (MiB): 299932.38
	Swap memory total (MiB): 100000.00
	Swap memory used (MiB): 62666.63
	Space in storage for jna.tmpdir (MiB): <path not set>
	Space in storage for org.lwjgl.system.SharedLibraryExtractPath (MiB): <path not set>
	Space in storage for io.netty.native.workdir (MiB): <path not set>
	Space in storage for (MiB): available: 263943.41, total: 933052.38
	Space in storage for workdir (MiB): available: 263943.41, total: 933052.38
	JVM Flags: 20 total; -Xms12288M -Xmx12288M -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:G1NewSizePercent=30 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=40 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=15 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=90 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=5 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1
	Fabric Mods: 
		additional_lights: Additional Lights 1.21-2.1.10
		allarrowsinfinityfix: All Arrows Infinity Fix 1.7.2
		alllootdrops: All Loot Drops 3.4
		amethystequipment: Amethyst Equipment 1.0.4
		animal_armor_trims: Animal Armor Trims 2.0.0
		animal_feeding_trough: Animal Feeding Trough 1.1.2+1.21
		appleskin: AppleSkin 3.0.5+mc1.21
		architectury: Architectury 13.0.6
		areas: Areas 6.0
		armadillobrushfix: Armadillo Brush Fix 1.2
		ash_api: Ash API 21.0.2-beta
		athena: Athena 4.0.1
		audaki_cart_engine: Audaki Cart Engine 3.1.1
		automaticdoors: Automatic Doors 4.8
		axesareweapons: Axes Are Weapons 1.9.1
		azaleawood: Azalea Wood Set 3.0.2-1.21
			terraform-wood-api-v1: Terraform Wood API (v1) 11.0.0-alpha.1
		backslot: BackSlot 1.2.15
		backslotaddon: BackSlot Addon 1.1.1
		balm-fabric: Balm 21.0.19
			kuma_api: KumaAPI 21.0.5-SNAPSHOT
		bambooeverything: Bamboo Everything 21.0.2+mc1.21
		barteringstation: Bartering Station 21.0.0
		basic_fluid_hopper: Basic Fluid Hopper 0.4.0-1.21.x
		bcc: BetterCompatibilityChecker 21.0.1
		bclib: BCLib 21.0.13
		bedrockify: BedrockIfy 1.10.1+mc1.21
		bee_info: MoreBeeInfo 1.3
		beekeeperhut: Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut 2.0.1
		better_impaling: Better Impaling 3.0
		betterend: Better End 21.0.10
		betterend-crashed-ships: BetterEnd Crashed Ships 1.1.0
		bettergrass: FabricBetterGrass 1.0.23+1.21.1
		betternether: Better Nether 21.0.11
		betterthanmending: BetterThanMending 2.1.0
		betterwalls: BetterWalls 3.0.1
		biomesoplenty: BiomesOPlenty
		blastingraw: BlastingRaw 1.21.1-2-fabric
		blastingsand: Smelting Sand In a Blast Furnace 1.21.1-11-fabric
		boats-on-lilypads: Boats On Lilypads 1.6.1
		bowinfinityfix: Bow Infinity Fix 3.1.0
		buffedsculkcatalysts: Buffed Sculk Catalysts 1.0.1
		cakechomps: Cake Chomps 10.0.0+1.21
		cardinal-components: Cardinal Components API 6.1.1
			cardinal-components-base: Cardinal Components API (base) 6.1.1
			cardinal-components-block: Cardinal Components API (blocks) 6.1.1
			cardinal-components-chunk: Cardinal Components API (chunks) 6.1.1
			cardinal-components-entity: Cardinal Components API (entities) 6.1.1
			cardinal-components-item: Cardinal Components API (items) 6.1.1
			cardinal-components-level: Cardinal Components API (world saves) 6.1.1
			cardinal-components-scoreboard: Cardinal Components API (scoreboard) 6.1.1
			cardinal-components-world: Cardinal Components API (worlds) 6.1.1
		cavernous: Fantastic Biomes Cave 2.1.3
		charmofundying: Charm of Undying 9.0.0+1.21
		chipped: Chipped 4.0.0
		chunksending: Chunksending Mod 1.21-2.8
		cicada: CICADA 0.8.3+1.21-and-above
		clayblasting: Blasting Clay and Clay Balls 1.21.1-0-fabric
		clientcrafting: clientcrafting Mod 1.21-1.8
		cloth-config: Cloth Config v15 15.0.130
			cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
		clumps: Clumps
		cobweb: Cobweb 1.1.2
		collective: Collective 7.84
		commonnetworking: Common Network 1.0.16-1.21
		compostables: Compostables 2.0.0
		compressedblocks: Compressed Blocks 1.7.0-1.21.0
		conduitspreventdrowned: Conduits Prevent Drowned 3.8
		configapi: Config API 1.21-2.3.3
		connectiblechains: Connectible Chains 2.4.2+1.21.1
		connectivity: Connectivity Mod 1.21-5.7
		copperbeaconsmod: Copper Beacons Mod 1.0.0
		copperhopper: Copper Hopper 0.9.3+1.21
		crafttweaker: CraftTweaker 20.0.21
		cratedelight: Crate Delight 24.8.9-1.21-fabric
		creativecore: CreativeCore 2.12.9
			net_neoforged_bus: bus 7.2.0
		creeperoverhaul: Creeper Overhaul 4.0.4
		croptopia: Croptopia 3.0.9
		cse: Craftable Spawn Eggs 1.2.8
		cupboard: cupboard 1.21-2.7
		customfence: Customfence 1-21-x
		damagenumbers: Damage Numbers 1.4.1-fabric
		darkness: True Darkness Refabricated 1.1.2
		dcch: DCCH 1.2
		deeperdarker: Deeper and Darker 1.3.2
			customportalapi: Custom Portal Api 0.0.1-beta66-1.21
		desolation: Desolation 1.7.0
			biolith: Biolith 3.0.0-beta.1
			terraform-tree-api-v1: Terraform Tree API (v1) 11.0.0-alpha.1
		dimensional_traders: dimensional_traders 2.0
		discerning_furnace: Discerning Furnace 1.1.1
		disenchanting_table: Dis-Enchanting Table 3.1.0
		distantfriends: Distant Friends 0.9.0
		diversity_better_bundle: Diversity Better Bundle 1.0.1
		doaflip: Do A Flip 4.0.0
		door_lock: Door Lock 1.0-1.21
		doorknocking: Door Knocking 1.0.0+1.21
		doubledoors: Double Doors 5.9
		duckling: Duckling 5.0.1
		durabilitynotifier: Durability Notifier 2.0.0
		durabilitytooltip: Durability Tooltip 1.1.5
		dyeable_shulkers: Dyeable Shulkers 2.1.0
		dynamic_asset_generator: Dynamic Asset Generator 6.1.1
		dynamiclights: Dynamic Lights 1.8.3+mod
		easyanvils: Easy Anvils 21.0.4
		easyelytratakeoff: Easy Elytra Takeoff 4.4
		easymagic: Easy Magic 21.0.2
		easyshulkerboxes: Easy Shulker Boxes 21.0.3
			iteminteractions: Item Interactions 21.0.5
		echochest: Echo Chest 21.0.0
		elytra-hud: Elytra HUD 2.1.5
		elytraslot: Elytra Slot 9.0.0+1.21
			mixinsquared: MixinSquared 0.1.2-beta.6
		elytratrims: Elytra Trims 3.4.4
			conditional-mixin: conditional mixin 0.6.2
		emeraldequipment: Emerald Equipment 1.0.4
		enchantable-horse-armor: Enchantable Horse Armor 1.0.0
		enchantable-wolf-armor: Enchantable Wolf Armor 1.0.0
		enderite: Enderite CJ Edition 1.21-2.2.4
		endportalrecipe: End Portal Recipe 5.5
		entityculling: EntityCulling 1.7.0
		epherolib: EpheroLib 1.2.0-1.20.6
		eternal_starlight: Eternal Starlight 0.1.12+1.21.1+fabric
		evs: Enchanted Vertical Slabs 2.2.2
		excavated_variants: Excavated Variants 4.3.0
		exlinecopperequipment: Copper Equipment 1.0.3
		expanded_axe_enchanting: Expanded Axe Enchanting 1.0.10
		expanded_bow_enchanting: Expanded Bow Enchanting 1.1.1
		expanded_crossbow_enchanting: Expanded Crossbow Enchanting 1.0.1
		expanded_trident_enchanting: Expanded Trident Enchanting 1.0.10
		expcounter: EXPCounter 1.21.1-2-fabric
		explorerscompass: Explorer's Compass 1.21-2.2.5-fabric
		extrasounds: ExtraSounds Next 1.3
		fabric-api: Fabric API 0.102.0+1.21
			fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.42+6573ed8cd1
			fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.68+b5597344d1
			fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 13.0.29+5bd9f1bcd1
			fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.22+0af3f5a7d1
			fabric-block-view-api-v2: Fabric BlockView API (v2) 1.0.10+6573ed8cd1
			fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.49+f71b366fd1
			fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.28+6ced4dd9d1
			fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.66+df3654b3d1
			fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 8.0.16+b5597344d1
			fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 2.0.19+7f945d5bd1
			fabric-convention-tags-v2: Fabric Convention Tags (v2) 2.5.0+c5e2b5c6d1
			fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.29+0af3f5a7d1
			fabric-data-attachment-api-v1: Fabric Data Attachment API (v1) 1.1.27+6a6dfa19d1
			fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 20.2.16+16c4ae25d1
			fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 4.0.0+6fc22b99d1
			fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.6.12+6fc22b99d1
			fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.7.12+ba9dae06d1
			fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.53+6ced4dd9d1
			fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 11.0.0+afdfc921d1
			fabric-item-group-api-v1: Fabric Item Group API (v1) 4.1.4+78017270d1
			fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.3.12+6c1df360d1
			fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 3.0.14+3f89f5a5d1
			fabric-loot-api-v3: Fabric Loot API (v3) 1.0.2+3f89f5a5d1
			fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 6.0.13+6573ed8cd1
			fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 4.2.2+60c3209bd1
			fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 15.2.0+a551f7a4d1
			fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 4.0.2+6573ed8cd1
			fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 5.0.12+65089712d1
			fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 5.1.2+60c3209bd1
			fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.48+73761d2ed1
			fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.1.6+b5597344d1
			fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 4.3.0+8dc279b1d1
			fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 1.3.0+56599129d1
			fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.86+b5597344d1
			fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 5.1.16+3dccd343d1
			fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 6.1.0+176f9036d1
		fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.12.1+kotlin.2.0.20
			org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 2.0.20
			org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 2.0.20
			org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 2.0.20
			org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 2.0.20
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.25.0
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.1
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.1
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.6.1
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-io-bytestring-jvm: kotlinx-io-bytestring-jvm 0.5.3
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-io-core-jvm: kotlinx-io-core-jvm 0.5.3
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.7.1
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.7.1
			org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.7.1
		fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.16.3
			mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.4.1
		fallingtree: FallingTree
		fancymenu: FancyMenu 3.2.5
			com_github_keksuccino_japng: japng 0.5.3
			com_github_rtyley_animated-gif-lib-for-java: animated-gif-lib-for-java animated-gif-lib-1.7
		farsight: Farsight Mod 1.21-4.4
			org_jctools_jctools-core: jctools-core 4.0.1
		fastasyncworldsave: fastasyncworldsave Mod 1.21-2.0
		fastpaintings: Fast Paintings 1.21-1.2.9
		faux-custom-entity-data: Faux-Custom-Entity-Data 12.0.1
		ferritecore: FerriteCore 7.0.0
		firstperson: FirstPerson 2.4.4
		fishingrodfix: Fishing rod fix 1.21-0.3
		flourish: Flourish 21.0.0
		flowerpatch: Flower Patch 7.0.1
		flowerymooblooms: Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms 2.0.2
		forgeconfigapiport: Forge Config API Port 21.0.8
		forgivingvoid: Forgiving Void 21.1.1
		formations: Formations 1.0.2
		formationsnether: Formations Nether 1.0.5
		formationsoverworld: Formations Overworld 1.0.4
		framework: Framework 0.9.1
			org_javassist_javassist: javassist 3.29.2-GA
			org_reflections_reflections: reflections 0.10.2
		friendsandfoes: Friends&Foes 2.0.16
		froglegs: Frog Legs 1.0.0
		fullstackwatchdog: FullStack Watchdog 1.0.1+1.19.2-fabric
		fusion: Fusion 1.1.1
		geckolib: GeckoLib 4 4.5.8
		geophilic: Geophilic 3.1.1
		gildednetherite: Gilded Netherite CJ Edition 1.21-1.2.2
		glitchcore: GlitchCore
			net_jodah_typetools: typetools 0.6.3
		globalxp: Global XP 1.12
		glowing-torchflower: Glowing Torchflower 1.1.0
		goldenhopper: Golden Hopper 1.5.3
		gpumemleakfix: Gpu memory leak fix mod 1.21-1.8
		grassoverhaul: Grass Overhaul 1.0.0
		guardvillagers: GuardVillagers 2.1.2-1.21
		handcrafted: Handcrafted 4.0.1
		healingcampfire: Healing Campfire 6.1
		hearths: Hearths 1.0.1
		him: Him 1.5.0
		hopobettermineshaft: Hopo Better Mineshaft 1.2.7
		hopobetterruinedportal: Hopo Better Ruined Portal 1.4.3
		hopobetterunderwaterruins: Hopo Better Underwater Ruins 1.2.0
		horseinboat: HorseInBoat 1.1.6
		iceberg: Iceberg 1.2.5
		idwtialsimmoedm: idwtialsimmoedm 0.3.2+1.21
		immersiveui: ImmersiveUI 0.2.2
		incantationem: Incantationem 2.0.3+1.21
		infinitetrading: Infinite Trading 4.5
		info-hud: Info Hud 1.0.0
		ironbookshelves: Iron Bookshelves 1.21.1-1.3.7-fabric
			configlibtxf: ConfigLib TXF 7.2.3-fabric
		itemcollectors: Item Collectors 1.1.10
		jade: Jade 15.1.5+fabric
		java: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 21
		jei: Just Enough Items
		jeresources: Just Enough Resources
		jmc: Just More Cakes! 1.19.1
		jmi: JourneyMapIntegration 1.21-1.4
		journeymap: Journeymap 1.21-6.0.0-beta.22
			ar_com_hjg_pngj: pngj 2.1.0
			journeymap-api-fabric: JourneyMap API 2.0.0-1.21-SNAPSHOT
		jumpoverfences: Jump Over Fences 1.6.0
		justenoughbreeding: Just Enough Breeding 1.4.0
		justenoughprofessions: Just Enough Professions (JEP) 4.0.1
		justhammers: Just Hammers 21.0.3
		kiwi: Kiwi Library 15.1.0+fabric
		konkrete: Konkrete 1.9.9
		krypton: Krypton 0.2.8
			com_velocitypowered_velocity-native: velocity-native 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT
		lavaclearview: Lava Clear View 8.0.0
		leaky: leaky Mod 1.21-2.1
		leathered_boots: Leathered Boots 5.0.0
		letmedespawn: Let Me Despawn 1.3.1
		libertyvillagers: Liberty's Villagers 1.0.15+fabric+1.21
			server_translations_api: Server Translations API 2.3.1+1.21-pre2
				packet_tweaker: Packet Tweaker 0.5.1+24w03b
		lightweight-inventory-sorting: Lightweight Inventory Sorting 1.1.2+1.21
		lithium: Lithium 0.13.0
		lithostitched: Lithostitched 1.2.5a
		livingthings: Living Things 1.21-2.1.0
		llamasteeds: Llama Steeds 2024.8.8
		logprot: Logprot Mod 1.21-3.4
		lolmblv: More Barrel Variants 1.6.0
		lolmbv: More Bookshelf Variants 1.0.4
		lolmcbv: More Chiseled Bookshelf Variants 1.6.1
		lolmcgt: More Cartography Tables 1.5.7
		lolmcmv: More Composter Variants 1.6.3
		lolmcmv-aft: More Feeding Trough Variants 1.0.1
		lolmct: More Crafting Tables 1.2.8
		lolmcv: More Chest Variants 1.5.6
		lolmft: More Fletching Tables 1.5.7
		lolmfv: More Furnace Variants 1.0.3
		lolmgv: More Grindstone Variants 1.0.2
		lolmlmv: More Loom Variants 1.0.0
		lolmlv: More Lectern Variants 1.6.0
		lolmst: More Smithing Tables 1.1.0
		lootr: Lootr 1.21-
		macawsbridgesbop: Macaw's Bridges - BOP 1.21-1.0
		macawsroofsbop: Macaw's Roofs - BOP 1.21-1.0
		magnumtorch: Magnum Torch 21.0.0
		mcwbridges: Macaw's Bridges 3.0.0
		mcwdoors: Macaw's Doors 1.1.1
		mcwfences: Macaw's Fences and Walls 1.1.2
		mcwfencesbop: Macaw's Fences - BOP 1.21-1.1
		mcwfurnitures: Macaw's Furniture 3.3.0
		mcwfurnituresbop: Macaw's Furnitures - BOP 1.21-1.0
		mcwholidays: Macaw's Holidays 1.1.0
		mcwlights: Macaw's Lights and Lamps 1.1.1
		mcwpaths: Macaw's Paths and Pavings 1.0.5
		mcwroofs: Macaw's Roofs 2.3.1
		mcwtrpdoors: Macaw's Trapdoors 1.1.3
		mcwwindows: Macaw's Windows 2.3.2
		melody: Melody 1.0.10
		memorysettings: Memorysettings Mod 1.21-5.5
		mes: Moog's End Structures 1.3.2-1.21-fabric
		midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.6.1
		mine-spawners: mine-spawners 1.0
		minecraft: Minecraft 1.21
		missingwilds: MissingWilds 1.3.3+1.21
			defaultresources: Default Resources 3.6.0
		mns: Moog's Nether Structures 1.0.2-1.21-fabric
		mo_glass: Mo Glass 1.9-MC1.21
		mob_catcher: Mob Catcher 1.5.5
			blue_endless_jankson: jankson 1.2.3
		mobhealthbar: MobHealthBar 2.3.0
		modernfix: ModernFix 5.19.1+mc1.21
		monolib: MonoLib 1.3.0
		moonlight: Moonlight Lib 1.21-2.14.12
		mooshroomtweaks: Mooshroom Tweaks 3.5
		more_bows_and_arrows: More Bows and Arrows 3.1.0
		morebrushes: More Brushes 1.3
		moremobvariants: More Mob Variants
		morenemoswoodcuttervariants: More Nemo's Woodcutter Variants 1.1.0-1.21
		morevanillashields: More Vanilla Shields 1.0.2-1.21
		mr_better_babies: Better Babies 0.7.12
		mr_developer_resources: Data API 1.6.2
		mr_flower_tweaks: Flower Tweaks 3
		mr_leaves_tweaks: Leaves Tweaks 3
		mr_sapling_tweaks: Sapling Tweaks 2
		mr_tidal_towns: Tidal Towns 1.3.3
		mss: Moog's Soaring Structures 1.1.2-1.21-fabric
		mvs: Moog's Voyager Structures 4.1.4-1.21-fabric
		naturallychargedcreepers: Naturally Charged Creepers 3.5
		naturescompass: Nature's Compass 1.21-2.2.6-fabric
		nautilus: Nautilus 1.2.0
		nbc_mr: Netherite But Cheaper 1.0
		necronomicon: Necronomicon 1.5.0
		nemos-blooming-blossom: Nemo's Blooming Blossom 1.2.0-1.21
		nemos-firework-keybinding: Nemo's Firework Keybinding 1.1-1.21
		nemos-mossy-blocks: Nemo's Mossy Blocks 1.5-1.21
		nemos-woodcutter: Nemo's Woodcutter 1.11.5-1.21
		netherchested: Nether Chested 21.0.0
			limitlesscontainers: Limitless Containers 21.0.0
		netherdepthsupgrade: Nether Depths Upgrade fabric-3.1.8-1.21
		netherite_compass: Netherite Compass 1.3.1
		netheriteextras: Netherite Extras 0.4.0+mc1.21
		netherportalfix: NetherPortalFix 21.0.2
		netherportalspread: Nether Portal Spread 8.3
		new_slab_variants: New Slab Variants 2.1.0
		no-shield-delay: No Shield Delay 1.0.1
			com_electronwill_night-config_core: core 3.8.1
			com_electronwill_night-config_toml: toml 3.8.1
		no_beacon_particles: No Beacon Particles 1.0
		nofeathertrample: No Feather Trample 1.3
		nohostilesaroundcampfire: No Hostiles Around Campfire 7.1
		noisium: Noisium 2.3.0+mc1.21-1.21.1
		notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.7.5
		nutritiousmilk: Nutritious Milk 3.4
		obsidianboat: Obsidian Boat 6.0.1+mc1.21
		obsidianequipment: Obsidian Equipment 1.0.2
		octolib: OctoLib 0.4.2
			org_yaml_snakeyaml: snakeyaml 2.2
		overworldpiglins: Overworld Piglins 1.5
		owo: oωo 0.12.11+1.21
			io_wispforest_endec: endec 0.1.5
			io_wispforest_endec_gson: gson 0.1.3
			io_wispforest_endec_jankson: jankson 0.1.3
			io_wispforest_endec_netty: netty 0.1.2
		packetfixer: Packet Fixer 1.4.1
		parrot-breeding: Breed Parrots With Seeds                  v1.0.0-fabric-1.21
		passablefoliage: Passable Foliage 9.0.2+fabric
		passiveshield: Passive Shield 3.6
		patchouli: Patchouli 1.21-87-FABRIC
			fiber: fiber 0.23.0-2
		perfectaccuracy: Perfect Accuracy 1.3
		perplayerwanderingtraders: PerPlayerWanderingTraders 1.0.2+1.20.6
		persistent_parrots: Persistent Parrots 1.0
		pickupnotifier: Pick Up Notifier 21.0.0
		pigsteel: Pigsteel 2.2.1
		placeholder-api: Placeholder API 2.4.1+1.21
		polymorph: Polymorph 1.0.4+1.21
		pottery: Pottery 1.0.2
		pumpkillagersquest: Pumpkillager's Quest 4.4
		purequartztools: Pure Quartz Tools 1.0.0
		puzzleslib: Puzzles Lib 21.0.24
		pyrotechnic_elytra: Pyrotechnic Elytra 1.0.0
		quad: Quad 1.3.0-beta.4
		quad-lolmbdv: More Bed Variants 1.3.0
		quad-lolmbhv: More Beehive Variants 1.0.0
		quad-lolmcrv: More Crafter Variants 1.0.0
		quad-lolmjnv: More Jukebox/Noteblock Variants 1.0.2
		quad-lolmsmv: More Smoker Variants 1.1.1
		randombonemealflowers: Random Bone Meal Flowers 4.6
		randomvillagenames: Random Village Names 3.7
		reinfshulker: Reinforced Shulker Boxes 3.1.0+1.21
			reinfcore: Reinforced Core 4.0.1+1.21
		repeatable_trial_vaults: Repeatable Trial Vaults 1.0.2
		replantingcrops: Replanting Crops 5.4
		reputation: Your Reputation 0.2.7+jade.1.21
		resource_nether_ores: Resource Nether Ores 2.0.4
		resourcefulconfig: Resourcefulconfig 3.0.3
		resourcefullib: Resourceful Lib 3.0.10
			com_teamresourceful_bytecodecs: bytecodecs 1.1.2
			com_teamresourceful_yabn: yabn 1.0.3
		resourcelibrary: Resource Library 1.21-2.0.3
		retraining: Retraining 2.0.0
		sea_lantern_spectrum: Sea Lantern Spectrum 1.0.0
		sereneseasons: SereneSeasons
		showmeyourskin: Show Me Your Skin! 1.11.3+1.21
		shutter: Shutter 1.1
		skeletonhorsespawn: Skeleton Horse Spawn 4.0
		skinlayers3d: 3d-Skin-Layers 1.6.7
		skyvillages: Sky Villages 1.0.6
		slabsandstairs: Frostbyte's Slabs & Stairs 1.11.0
		smallships: Small Ships 2.0.0-b1.5
		smarterfarmers: Smarter Farmers 1.21-2.0.2
		smeltingstone: Smelting Cobblestone In a Blast Furnace 1.21.1-0-fabric
		smoothchunk: Smooth chunk save Mod 1.21-3.6
		snifferite: Snifferite 1.0-1.21
		snowpig: Snow Pig 4.0.3
		sootychimneys: Sooty Chimneys 1.3.0
		soul_fire_d: Soul Fire'd 5.0.2
		soulcandles: Soul Candles 1.1.0+mc1.21
		sound_physics_remastered: Sound Physics Remastered 1.21.1-1.4.6
		spark: spark 1.10.97
		spawnermod: Enhanced Mob Spawners 1.2.8
		spidersproducewebs: Spiders Produce Webs 3.5
		sponj: Sponj 4.0.0
		spyglass_improvements: Spyglass Improvements 1.5.7
		stackrefill: Stack Refill 4.5
		stitchedsnow: Stiched Snow 1.1.0
		stonycliffs: Stony Cliffs Are Cool (Lithostitched Edition) 1.1.2
		storagedelight: Storage Delight 24.8.27a-1.21-fabric
		supermartijn642configlib: SuperMartijn642's Config Lib 1.1.8
		supermartijn642corelib: SuperMartijn642's Core Lib 1.1.17+b
		taxfreelevels: Tax Free Levels 1.3.12
		terrablender: TerraBlender
		the_bumblezone: The Bumblezone - Fabric 7.6.22+1.21-fabric
		thornybushprotection: Thorny Bush Protection 1.4
		tides: Tides 1.0.0
		tp: TintedPotions 2.0
		tradingpost: Trading Post 21.0.2
		transmog: Transmog 1.4.2+1.21
		trashcans: Trash Cans 1.0.18
			team_reborn_energy: Energy 4.1.0
		travelersbackpack: Traveler's Backpack fabric-1.21-10.0.6
		travelerscompass: Traveler's Compass 3.0.5
		trenzalore: Trenzalore 6.0.3
		trimeffects: TrimsEffects 1.3.5
		trimmed: Trimmed 3.0.0
		trinkets: Trinkets 3.10.0
		trofers: Trofers 8.0.0
		uncraftingrecipes: Uncrafting Recipes 1.0
		unloadedactivity: Unloaded Activity 0.6.4
		unwrecked_ships: Unwrecked Ships 2.0.0
		usefulhats: Useful Hats 1.21-
		variantsandventures: Variants & Ventures 1.0.5
		vcinteraction: Voice Chat Interaction 1.21.1-1.0.8
			polymer-registry-sync-manipulator: Polymer (Registry Sync Manipulator) 0.9.9+1.21
		veinmining: Vein Mining 5.0.0-beta+1.21
			spectrelib: SpectreLib 0.17.1+1.21
		villagebellrecipe: Village Bell Recipe 3.6
		villagerdeathmessages: Villager Death Messages 3.5
		villagernames: Villager Names 8.1
		villagesandpillages: Villages & Pillages 1.0.1
		visualworkbench: Visual Workbench 21.0.4
		voicechat: Simple Voice Chat 1.21.1-2.5.21
		wardentools: Warden Tools 2.5.1+mc1.21
		waveycapes: WaveyCapes 1.4.9
		waxablecoral: Waxable Coral 2.0.1
		waxedicons: WaxedIcons 2.0.0
		way_much_faster_oxidize_reborn: Way Much Faster Oxidize Reborn 1.4.4
		waystones: Waystones 21.1.2
		wider_ender_chests: Wider Ender Chests 1.0.2
		wooltweaks: Wool Tweaks 3.7
		wover: WorldWeaver 21.0.13
			wover-biome: WorldWeaver - Biome API 21.0.13
			wover-block: WorldWeaver - Block and Item API 21.0.13
			wover-common: WorldWeaver - Common API 21.0.13
			wover-core: WorldWeaver - Core API 21.0.13
			wover-datagen: WorldWeaver - Datagen API 21.0.13
			wover-events: WorldWeaver - Events API 21.0.13
			wover-feature: WorldWeaver - Feature API 21.0.13
			wover-generator: WorldWeaver - World Generator API 21.0.13
			wover-item: WorldWeaver - Item API 21.0.13
			wover-math: WorldWeaver - Math API 21.0.13
			wover-preset: WorldWeaver - World Preset API 21.0.13
			wover-recipe: WorldWeaver - Recipe API 21.0.13
			wover-structure: WorldWeaver - Structure API 21.0.13
			wover-surface: WorldWeaver - Surface API 21.0.13
			wover-tag: WorldWeaver - Tag API 21.0.13
			wover-ui: WorldWeaver - UI API 21.0.13
			wunderlib: WunderLib 21.0.8
		wsnds: Wither Skeleton No Drop Sword 0.1.1
		xp_storage: XP Storage 1.5.10+1.21
		yet_another_config_lib_v3: YetAnotherConfigLib 3.5.0+1.21-fabric
			com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-image: common-image 3.10.0
			com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-io: common-io 3.10.0
			com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-lang: common-lang 3.10.0
			com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-core: imageio-core 3.10.0
			com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-metadata: imageio-metadata 3.10.0
			com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-webp: imageio-webp 3.10.0
			org_quiltmc_parsers_gson: gson 0.2.1
			org_quiltmc_parsers_json: json 0.2.1
		yigd: You're in Grave Danger 2.4.7
			fabric-permissions-api-v0: fabric-permissions-api 0.3.1
			libgui: LibGui 11.0.0+1.21
				jankson: Jankson 8.0.0+j1.2.3
				libninepatch: LibNinePatch 1.2.0
		yungsapi: YUNG's API 1.21-Fabric-5.0.0
	Server Running: true
	Player Count: 1 / 5; [class_3222['BatJPJonyGod'/505, l='ServerLevel[Le Anti-Cross]', x=-615.72, y=-50.00, z=394.59]]
	Active Data Packs: vanilla, fabric, additional_lights, amethystequipment, animal_armor_trims (incompatible), animal_feeding_trough, axesareweapons, azaleawood, backslot, backslotaddon, balm-fabric (incompatible), bambooeverything, barteringstation (incompatible), basic_fluid_hopper, bclib, bedrockify, beekeeperhut, better_impaling, betterend, betternether, biomesoplenty (incompatible), blastingraw, blastingsand, cavernous, charmofundying (incompatible), chipped, clayblasting, collective, compressedblocks, connectiblechains, copperbeaconsmod, copperhopper, crafttweaker (incompatible), cratedelight, creeperoverhaul, croptopia, cse, customfence (incompatible), deeperdarker (incompatible), desolation, dimensional_traders, disenchanting_table (incompatible), distantfriends, diversity_better_bundle (incompatible), door_lock, duckling, dynamiclights, easyanvils (incompatible), easymagic (incompatible), easyshulkerboxes (incompatible), echochest (incompatible), elytraslot (incompatible), elytratrims (incompatible), emeraldequipment, enchantable-horse-armor, enchantable-wolf-armor, enderite, endportalrecipe, eternal_starlight (incompatible), evs, excavated_variants, exlinecopperequipment, explorerscompass, fabric-convention-tags-v2, fastpaintings, flowerpatch (incompatible), flowerymooblooms, formationsnether, formationsoverworld, friendsandfoes, froglegs, geophilic, gildednetherite, globalxp, goldenhopper (incompatible), grassoverhaul, guardvillagers, handcrafted, hearths, him, hopobettermineshaft, hopobetterruinedportal, hopobetterunderwaterruins, incantationem, ironbookshelves, itemcollectors (incompatible), jmc (incompatible), justhammers, leathered_boots (incompatible), libertyvillagers, lithostitched (incompatible), livingthings, lolmblv, lolmbv, lolmcbv, lolmcgt, lolmcmv, lolmcmv-aft, lolmct, lolmcv, lolmft, lolmfv, lolmgv, lolmlmv, lolmlv, lolmst, lootr, macawsbridgesbop, macawsroofsbop, magnumtorch (incompatible), mcwbridges (incompatible), mcwdoors (incompatible), mcwfences (incompatible), mcwfencesbop, mcwfurnitures (incompatible), mcwfurnituresbop, mcwholidays (incompatible), mcwlights (incompatible), mcwpaths (incompatible), mcwroofs (incompatible), mcwtrpdoors (incompatible), mcwwindows (incompatible), mes (incompatible), mine-spawners, missingwilds (incompatible), mns (incompatible), mo_glass (incompatible), mob_catcher, moonlight, more_bows_and_arrows (incompatible), morebrushes, moremobvariants, morenemoswoodcuttervariants, morevanillashields, mr_better_babies, mr_developer_resources, mr_flower_tweaks, mr_leaves_tweaks, mr_sapling_tweaks, mr_tidal_towns (incompatible), mss (incompatible), mvs (incompatible), naturescompass, nautilus, nbc_mr (incompatible), nemos-blooming-blossom, nemos-mossy-blocks, nemos-woodcutter, netherchested (incompatible), netherdepthsupgrade, netherite_compass, netheriteextras, new_slab_variants (incompatible), obsidianboat, obsidianequipment, passablefoliage (incompatible), patchouli (incompatible), persistent_parrots, pigsteel, pottery (incompatible), pumpkillagersquest, purequartztools, quad, quad-lolmbdv, quad-lolmbhv, quad-lolmcrv, quad-lolmjnv, quad-lolmsmv, reinfshulker, repeatable_trial_vaults (incompatible), resource_nether_ores (incompatible), sea_lantern_spectrum, sereneseasons (incompatible), server_translations_api, shutter, skyvillages, slabsandstairs, smallships, smarterfarmers, smeltingstone, snifferite, snowpig, sootychimneys, soul_fire_d (incompatible), soulcandles, spawnermod, sponj, spyglass_improvements, stonycliffs, storagedelight, supermartijn642corelib (incompatible), terrablender (incompatible), the_bumblezone, tides, tradingpost (incompatible), transmog (incompatible), trashcans (incompatible), travelersbackpack, travelerscompass, trinkets, trofers, uncraftingrecipes, unwrecked_ships, usefulhats, variantsandventures, vcinteraction, veinmining (incompatible), villagebellrecipe, villagesandpillages, visualworkbench (incompatible), wardentools, waxablecoral, waystones (incompatible), wider_ender_chests (incompatible), wooltweaks, wover-generator, wover-preset, wover-surface, wover-tag, xp_storage, yigd, file/, file/, file/, file/ (incompatible), file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/Zombie Horses [1.21].zip, file/, dynamic_asset_generator/dynamic_asset_generator:builtin_data, dynamic_asset_generator/excavated_variants:data, dynamic_asset_generator/missingwilds:data, soul_fire_d:campfire_tags, soul_fire_d:fire_source_tags, file/Leash+Villager+v1.1(mc-1.21).zip, file/, file/ (incompatible), file/, leathered_boots:leathered_boots
	Available Data Packs: additional_lights, amethystequipment, animal_armor_trims (incompatible), animal_feeding_trough, axesareweapons, azaleawood, backslot, backslotaddon, balm-fabric (incompatible), bambooeverything, barteringstation (incompatible), basic_fluid_hopper, bclib, bedrockify, beekeeperhut, better_impaling, betterend, betterend:nourish_extensions, betterend:patchouli_extensions, betternether, betternether:vanilla-hammers_extensions, betternether:vanillaexcavators_extensions, biomesoplenty (incompatible), blastingraw, blastingsand, bundle, cavernous, charmofundying (incompatible), chipped, clayblasting, collective, compressedblocks, connectiblechains, copperbeaconsmod, copperhopper, crafttweaker (incompatible), cratedelight, creeperoverhaul, croptopia, cse, customfence (incompatible), deeperdarker (incompatible), desolation, dimensional_traders, disenchanting_table (incompatible), distantfriends, diversity_better_bundle (incompatible), door_lock, duckling, dynamic_asset_generator/dynamic_asset_generator:builtin_data, dynamic_asset_generator/excavated_variants:data, dynamic_asset_generator/missingwilds:data, dynamiclights, easyanvils (incompatible), easymagic (incompatible), easyshulkerboxes (incompatible), echochest (incompatible), elytraslot (incompatible), elytratrims (incompatible), emeraldequipment, enchantable-horse-armor, enchantable-wolf-armor, enderite, endportalrecipe, eternal_starlight (incompatible), evs, excavated_variants, exlinecopperequipment, explorerscompass, fabric, fabric-convention-tags-v2, fastpaintings, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/ (incompatible), file/, file/Leash+Villager+v1.1(mc-1.21).zip, file/, file/, file/ (incompatible), file/, file/, file/, file/Zombie Horses [1.21].zip, file/, file/, file/, file/, flowerpatch (incompatible), flowerymooblooms, formationsnether, formationsoverworld, friendsandfoes, froglegs, geophilic, gildednetherite, globalxp, goldenhopper (incompatible), grassoverhaul, guardvillagers, handcrafted, hearths, him, hopobettermineshaft, hopobetterruinedportal, hopobetterunderwaterruins, incantationem, ironbookshelves, itemcollectors (incompatible), jmc (incompatible), justhammers, leathered_boots (incompatible), leathered_boots:leathered_boots, libertyvillagers, lithostitched (incompatible), livingthings, lolmblv, lolmbv, lolmcbv, lolmcgt, lolmcmv, lolmcmv-aft, lolmct, lolmcv, lolmft, lolmfv, lolmgv, lolmlmv, lolmlv, lolmst, lootr, macawsbridgesbop, macawsroofsbop, magnumtorch (incompatible), mcwbridges (incompatible), mcwdoors (incompatible), mcwfences (incompatible), mcwfencesbop, mcwfurnitures (incompatible), mcwfurnituresbop, mcwholidays (incompatible), mcwlights (incompatible), mcwpaths (incompatible), mcwroofs (incompatible), mcwtrpdoors (incompatible), mcwwindows (incompatible), mes (incompatible), mine-spawners, missingwilds (incompatible), mns (incompatible), mo_glass (incompatible), mob_catcher, moonlight, more_bows_and_arrows (incompatible), morebrushes, moremobvariants, morenemoswoodcuttervariants, morevanillashields, mr_better_babies, mr_developer_resources, mr_flower_tweaks, mr_leaves_tweaks, mr_sapling_tweaks, mr_tidal_towns (incompatible), mss (incompatible), mvs (incompatible), naturescompass, nautilus, nbc_mr (incompatible), nemos-blooming-blossom, nemos-mossy-blocks, nemos-woodcutter, netherchested (incompatible), netherdepthsupgrade, netherite_compass, netheriteextras, new_slab_variants (incompatible), obsidianboat, obsidianequipment, passablefoliage (incompatible), patchouli (incompatible), persistent_parrots, pigsteel, pottery (incompatible), pumpkillagersquest, purequartztools, quad, quad-lolmbdv, quad-lolmbhv, quad-lolmcrv, quad-lolmjnv, quad-lolmsmv, reinfshulker, repeatable_trial_vaults (incompatible), resource_nether_ores (incompatible), sea_lantern_spectrum, sereneseasons (incompatible), server_translations_api, shutter, skyvillages, slabsandstairs, smallships, smarterfarmers, smeltingstone, snifferite, snowpig, sootychimneys, soul_fire_d (incompatible), soul_fire_d:campfire_tags, soul_fire_d:fire_source_tags, soulcandles, spawnermod, sponj, spyglass_improvements, stonycliffs, storagedelight, supermartijn642corelib (incompatible), terrablender (incompatible), the_bumblezone, tides, trade_rebalance, tradingpost (incompatible), transmog (incompatible), trashcans (incompatible), travelersbackpack, travelerscompass, trinkets, trofers, uncraftingrecipes, unwrecked_ships, usefulhats, vanilla, variantsandventures, vcinteraction, veinmining (incompatible), villagebellrecipe, villagesandpillages, visualworkbench (incompatible), wardentools, waxablecoral, waystones (incompatible), wider_ender_chests (incompatible), wooltweaks, wover-generator, wover-preset, wover-surface, wover-tag, xp_storage, yigd
	Enabled Feature Flags: minecraft:bundle, minecraft:vanilla
	World Generation: Stable
	World Seed: -2347384178088009155
	Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fabric'
	Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)

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2 participants
@BatJPJonyGod and others