Added support for custom day decoration.
Added support for custom disabled days.
Fixed i18n issue for MonthPicker in case no locale was set.
Fixed selection periods with unselectable dates issue in RangePicker.
Minor changes and fixes.
Added scrollPhysics property to DatePickerLayoutSettings.
Added day headers style customization.
Added prev/next icon customization.
Added selected period text styles customization.
Added firstDayOfWeekIndex customization.
Added support of the CupertinoApp ancestor (fixed #29).
Added two customizable fields to DatePickerLayoutSettings: showNextMonthStart, showPrevMonthEnd (implemented #28).
Added onMonthChange callback for all day based pickers.
Added newPeriod field to UnselectablePeriodError class.
Fixed selection in RangePicker which is on the edge of date when time changes (#44).
Increased intl dependency version.
Minor changes.
Increased intl dependency version according to one used on
Migrated to null-safety.
Added DatePickerLayoutSettings.hideMonthNavigationRow option.
Used intl for getting short month name for MonthPicker (fixed #54)
Added initiallyShowDate optional property for DayPicker, WeekPicker and RangePicker.
Fixed nextTooltip initializing (#57).
Fixed defining DayHeaderStyle in DatePickerStyles.fulfillWithTheme.
Fixed incorrect new month calculations (#56).
Added dayHeaderTitleBuilder to DatePickerStyles (#64).
Fixed MonthPicker (#70).
Changed way to instantiate MonthPicker. Now you need to use MonthPicker.single instead of MonthPicker.
Handled Daylight Savings Time during defining firstDayOfWeek and lastDayOfTheWeek (#79).
Fixed getting month type for month picker (#87). Fixed deprecated styles (#83).
Improved RangePicker performance. Changed selection time for day-based pickers: For single date is midnight (00:00:00.000). For start of the range is midnight (00:00:00.000). For end of the range is millisecond before the next day midnight (23:59:59.999).
Added YearPicker.
Fixed Flutter 3 warning (#93).
Made eventDecorationBuilder applicable for disabled dates (#62).
Added DatePickerLayoutSettings.cellContentMargin for ability to margin decorations inside cell.
Used Material.maybeOf instead of Material.of to fix error.