Faceted fulltext search and geometry retrieval for search results, with two backend options:
- Apache Solr
- Postgresql with Trigram extension
The static config and permission files are stored as JSON files in $CONFIG_PATH
with subdirectories for each tenant,
e.g. $CONFIG_PATH/default/*.json
. The default tenant name is default
- JSON schema
- File location:
"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qwc-services/qwc-fulltext-search-service/master/schemas/qwc-search-service.json",
"service": "search",
"config": {
"search_backend": "solr",
"solr_service_url": "http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/select",
"search_result_sort": "score desc, sort asc",
"word_split_re": "[\\s,.:;\"]+",
"search_result_limit": 50,
"db_url": "postgresql:///?service=qwc_geodb"
"resources": {
"facets": [
"name": "background",
"filter_word": "Background"
"name": "foreground",
"filter_word": "Map"
"name": "ne_10m_admin_0_countries",
"filter_word": "Country",
"table_name": "qwc_geodb.ne_10m_admin_0_countries",
"geometry_column": "geom",
"facet_column": "subclass"
- JSON schema
- File location:
"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qwc-services/qwc-services-core/master/schemas/qwc-services-permissions.json",
"users": [
"name": "demo",
"groups": ["demo"],
"roles": []
"groups": [
"name": "demo",
"roles": ["demo"]
"roles": [
"role": "public",
"permissions": {
"dataproducts": [
"solr_facets": [
"role": "demo",
"permissions": {
"dataproducts": [],
"solr_facets": []
You can choose the solr backend by setting
"search_backend": "solr"
in the search service config.
Solr Administration User Interface: http://localhost:8983/solr/
Core overview: http://localhost:8983/solr/#/gdi/core-overview
Solr Ref guide: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_0/ Indexing: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_0/uploading-structured-data-store-data-with-the-data-import-handler.html#dataimporthandler-commands
creates core in /var/solr/data/gdi
After a configuration change remove the content of /var/solr/data
e.g. with sudo rm -rf volumes/solr/data/*
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/dih_geodata?command=full-import'
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/dih_geodata?command=status'
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/select?q=search_1_stem:austr*'
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/dih_metadata?command=full-import&clean=false'
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/dih_metadata?command=status'
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/select?q=search_1_stem:qwc_demo'
If you encounter permission problems with the solr service then try the following command:
chown 8983:8983 volumes/solr/data
You can choose the solr backend by setting
"search_backend": "trgm"
and setting the trgm_feature_query
, trgm_layer_query
, trgm_similarity_threshold
variables. See also the Search chapter in the qwc-services documentation.
Config options in the config file can be overridden by equivalent uppercase environment variables.
Variable | Description | Default value |
SEARCH_BACKEND | Search backend | solr |
SOLR_SERVICE_URL | SOLR service URL | http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/select |
WORD_SPLIT_RE | Word split Regex | [\s,.:;"]+ |
SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT | Result count limit per search | 50 |
SEARCH_RESULT_SORT | Sorting of search results (solr backend) | score desc, sort asc |
DB_URL | DB connection for search geometries view | |
TRGM_FEATURE_QUERY | Feature query SQL (trigram backend) | |
TRGM_FEATURE_QUERY_TEMPLATE | Feature query SQL Jinja template (trigram backend) | |
TRGM_LAYER_QUERY_TEMPLATE | Layer query SQL Jinja template (trigram backend) | |
TRGM_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD | Trigram similarity treshold (trigram backend) | 0.3 |
environment variable to the path containing the service config and permission files when starting this service (default: config
export CONFIG_PATH=../qwc-docker/volumes/config
Overide configurations, if necessary:
export SOLR_SERVICE_URL=http://localhost:8983/solr/gdi/select
Configure environment:
echo FLASK_ENV=development >.flaskenv
Install dependencies and start service:
uv run src/server.py
Search base URL:
Search API:
curl 'http://localhost:5011/fts/?filter=foreground,ne_10m_admin_0_countries&searchtext=austr'
curl 'http://localhost:5011/fts/?searchtext=Country:austr'
curl 'http://localhost:5011/fts/?filter=foreground,ne_10m_admin_0_countries&searchtext=qwc'
curl -g 'http://localhost:5011/geom/ne_10m_admin_0_countries/?filter=[["ogc_fid","=",90]]'
Run all tests:
python test.py