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@github-actions github-actions released this 27 May 22:59
· 352 commits to main since this release

Minor Changes

  • tailwind.config.cjs (by @maiieul in #753)


    The tailwind config now uses tailwindcss-animate

      plugins: [

    Instead of manually defined animations through a custom plugin like

    plugins: [
      plugin(function ({ addUtilities }) {
          '.appear': {
            opacity: 1,
          '.disappear': {
            opacity: 0,

    New keyframes

    We added

    animation: {
      'accordion-up': 'collapsible-up 0.2s ease-out 0s 1 normal forwards',
      'accordion-down': 'collapsible-down 0.2s ease-out 0s 1 normal forwards',
    keyframes: {
      'collapsible-down': {
        from: { height: '0' },
        to: { height: 'var(--qwikui-collapsible-content-height)' },
      'collapsible-up': {
        from: { height: 'var(--qwikui-collapsible-content-height)' },
        to: { height: '0' },

    to the tailwind config. You will need those for the styled accordion to be animated.

    Modal refactor


    The Panel now uses tailwindcss-animate and comes built-in with 5 position variant props

    export const panelVariants = cva(
        'fixed w-full bg-background p-6 text-foreground transition-all backdrop:brightness-50 backdrop:backdrop-blur-sm',
        'data-[closing]:duration-300 data-[open]:duration-300 data-[open]:animate-in data-[closing]:animate-out',
        'backdrop:data-[closing]:duration-300 backdrop:data-[open]:duration-300 backdrop:data-[open]:animate-in backdrop:data-[closing]:animate-out backdrop:data-[closing]:fade-out backdrop:data-[open]:fade-in',
        variants: {
          position: {
              'max-w-lg rounded-base shadow-lg data-[state=closed]:fade-out data-[state=open]:fade-in data-[state=closed]:zoom-out-95 data-[state=open]:zoom-in-95 data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-bottom-2 backdrop:data-[closing]:fade-out backdrop:data-[open]:fade-in',
            top: 'inset-x-0 top-0 mt-0 rounded-b-base border-b data-[closing]:slide-out-to-top data-[open]:slide-in-from-top',
              'inset-x-0 bottom-0 mb-0 rounded-t-base border-t data-[closing]:slide-out-to-bottom data-[open]:slide-in-from-bottom',
            left: 'inset-y-0 left-0 ml-0 h-full max-w-sm rounded-r-base border-r data-[closing]:slide-out-to-left data-[open]:slide-in-from-left',
              'inset-y-0 right-0 mr-0 h-full max-w-sm rounded-l-base border-l data-[closing]:slide-out-to-right data-[open]:slide-in-from-right',
        defaultVariants: {
          position: 'center',
    type PanelProps = PropsOf<typeof HeadlessModal.Panel> &
      VariantProps<typeof panelVariants>;
    const Panel = component$<PanelProps>(({ position, ...props }) => {
      return (
          class={cn(panelVariants({ position }), props.class)}
          <Slot />

    over previous tailwind.config.js home-made plugin

            '.appear': {
              opacity: 1,
            '.disappear': {
              opacity: 0,

    to avoid re-inventing the wheel.


    Title now holds text-lg font-semibold classes.


    Description now holds text-muted-foreground class.


    We changed the accordion animations. So make sure to update your taiwind config accordingly (explained at the beginning of the changeset!).

Patch Changes

  • ✨ new styled select component 🎉 (by @maiieul in #759)

  • Styled button now uses transition-all for every variant shared class (by @maiieul in #753)