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38 lines (29 loc) · 1.93 KB

File metadata and controls

38 lines (29 loc) · 1.93 KB

How to evaluate the model on the synthetic data

  1. Run prediction code:
% ./ datasetname predictions.txt
  1. Filter the output:
% ./ predictions.txt
% ./ predictions.txt

This will result in predictions_filtered.txt and predictions_filteredfast.txt files.

The fast filter is used for the slow motion sections of the supplementary video. The regular filter is used for all other non-live-demo sections of the supplementary video.

  1. Extract the joint locations, e.g., from the fast filtered predictions, by running the event simulator compiled from evsim_joints (run at evsim_joints working directory, where all the simulator assets are):
% ../evsim_joints_build/evsim -o -p predictions_filteredfast.txt -r 1000 -j joints.txt -w 240 -h 180 -v | ffmpeg -y -s 240x180 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -framerate 60 -i pipe: -vf vflip -crf 1 -pix_fmt yuv444p video1000.mp4

This will produce joints.txt and joints_camera.txt files containing 3D joint locations and the used virtual camera parameters. Also this will visualize the predictions into video1000.mp4. Every single prediction corresponds to one frame. Thus it plays at 1000 FPS / 60 FPS = 16.667 times slower than the real-time.

If one wants to visualize something at 60 FPS, one can either set the -r 60 instead of -r 1000 or speed the video up by 1000/60 times, e.g., using ffmpeg. With the first method, the joints file will only contain values corresponding to each 60 FPS frame instead of the full 1000 FPS frames.

  1. Convert the joints to the screen space:
% ./ joints.txt joints_camera.txt

This will produce joints_ss.txt file with joint positions in screen-space.

  1. Compute the errors and plot the results:
% ./ joints_ss.txt synthjoints/synthdemo_joints_ss.txt result_2d.pdf
% ./ joints.txt synthjoints/synthjoints_joints.txt result_3d.pdf