Install Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite.
For the official Raspberry Pi OS, if you need to manually log in, the default user name is pi, with password raspberry.
Remember to create a empty file with the name 'ssh' in the boot partition -
Install Preempt-RT Patch for any Raspberry Pi.
Tutorial - Raspberry Pi 4B: Real-Time System using Preempt-RT (kernel 4.19.y) -
Install pigpio library
Pigpio Library
HOWTO install library -
Encoder and Motor Library
Periodic control task for position and velocity control of the wheel
PID Digital controller implementation example
Design position and velocity controller -
Reorganize the code and structure of the project
- Machine state to read quadrature encoder X4
- Motor Driver DRV8838
- Periodic cyclic task -> HOWTO build a basic cyclic application
- Transfer function of first order (angular velocity) with Matlab with system identification toolbox
- Step 5: Design position and velocity controller.
- Use PID controller for velocity control with ROS.
- Draw.io for creating diagram like electrical schematic.