Feed Users via API and display in List with flutter for mobile with Codetour for tutorial purpose.
- The basics fetch data via API works (with dio)
- How to Convert Json to Model
- Creating list layout with ListTile
- Navigate between 2 Screen, user list and user detail screen with Navigator.push
- How to use ListTile interaction
- Reference Material from: https://dev.to/dev-vickie/fetching-apis-with-cubits-in-flutter-b8f
- Using Cubit
- Add user detail screen
- Target: Mobile
- Including Code Tour
- Each topic has spesific commit
- Script to automatically reclone with spesific commit, see on vscode-open-commit.sh
- Clone repository
- Open with VSCode, Flutter SDK and Mobile (Android or iOS) SDK
- Enable Flutter and Dart VSCode extension
- Enable Codetour VSCode extension (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsls-contrib.codetour)
- Follow Codetour topic and step, each topic has script to automatically reclone with spesific commit.
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to open an issue and we will assist you in resolving them.
Feel free to contribute, don't forget to mention if needed