Data Grid: insert value options
Data Grid: columns
Query tab: explain
Host Tab: Variables for MySQL (edit)
SSH Tunnel via libSSH
HiDPI monitors support (+icons)
Drop: procedure, trigger, etc
Query results editing
Query results filter
Connection password encryption
Query: 3rd party syntax highlighter
Query: autocomplete
Host Tab: status tab for MySQL
Connection: use SSL option
Settings window
Import CSV
Buildable and deployable on macOS
Host tab: Processes
Host tab: Command statistics
Query: side help
Event support
MySQL: export database not via external mysqldump
Table tools: maintenance
Table tools: bulk table editor
Table tools: find text
Data Grid: insert files into text/blob fields
Query: progress
Data Grid: advanced sorting/query result sorting
Data Grid: export grid rows (more formats)
Translations: added 13 languages (partially imported from HeidiSQL), help needed.
Data Grid: export grid rows (CSV, HTML only)
MySQL: compressed client-server protocol option
SSH Tunnel via libSSH (incomplete UI, OFF by default)
Table Data Grid: basic sorting
User manager: fixes for MariaDB
Windows: migrate to MSVC 2017 and Qt 5.15.3
Windows now requires conan for building
Table: clear option
Data Grid: filters
Table columns: keys icons
SSH Tunnel via putty.exe
Table data edit: foreign key drop down
Table data edit: date/time/year editor
Table data edit: enum editor
Table data edit: set editor
ARM (raspberry builds)
Query: cancel, multiple results, stats
Table data: duplicate row
Multiple Query tabs
Query tab: run current query
Query: async execution
Main window left tree: filter by db and table
Main window left tree: sorted
User management (edit)
MySQL: Trigger form (r/o)
MySQL: Trigger form (edit, create)
User management (r/o)
MySQL: Procedure/function edit/drop
Table Data: datetime editor
MySQL: Procedure form (r/o)
MySQL: Function form (r/o)
Table Data Filter
MySQL: View form (edit, create, drop)
MySQL: renaming database
MySQL: View form (r/o)
Host Tab: Variables for MySQL (r/o)
SSH tunnel via OpenSSH (Linux only)
Text edit popup
SQLite3 view table structure (columns, indices, foreign keys) (read-only)
Initial SQLite 3 support (read-only).
Export from MySQL via mysqldump
PostgreSQL: edit table's data
Initial PostgreSQL support
SQL log
Ability to create & drop database
Move to CMake
Editable Table Data
Initial edit features
Bug fixing/Stabilization
Save UI geometry
Tree: mark current database
Table Tab: Options & Foreign Keys (editable)
Table Tab: Options Tab (editable)
Table Tab: Foreign Keys Tab (editable)
Table Tab: Basic & Indexes (editable)
Table Tab: Basic Tab (editable)
Table Tab: Indexes Tab (editable)
Table Tab: Columns (editable)
Table Tab: Columns (editable)
Full-featured Table Tab (r/o?)
Table Tab: Basic Tab (r/o)
Table Tab: Options Tab (r/o)
Table Tab: Indexes Tab (r/o)
Table Tab: Foreign Keys Tab (r/o)
Data Tab: auto-column size
Minimal working and useful read-only version
Session manager: minimum working (add/edit/remove multiple connections)
Connections tree: minimal working version
Host Tab: Databases (r/o), minimal
Database Tab: r/o, minimal
Query Tab: multiple queries input, minimal
Query Tab: multiple query execution result, minimal
Data Tab: minimal, r/o
Table Tab: Columns (r/o), minimal
Buildable and deployable on Linux
Buildable and deployable on Windows