docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
./mvnw spring-boot:run
You can run
from your IDE directly.
You can also run the application using Maven as follows:
./mvnw spotless:apply spring-boot:test-run
./mvnw clean verify
To run only the Catalog Service locally with clean logs, you can follow these steps:
- start the Kafka and Postgres servers by using below command(You should be inside appropriate directory and docker setup should be done :-)
docker compose up kafka postgres
- In IntelIj Open Modify Run Configuration from Main class:
Set the Environment variable value to
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:18080/catalog-service/swagger-ui.html
- Actuator Endpoint: http://localhost:18080/catalog-service/actuator
- Actuator Health Endpoint : http://localhost:18080/catalog-service/actuator/health
- Zipkin Server: http://localhost:9411