This projects contains a CNN Classifier for classifying images. PyTorch Deep Learning Library is used for it.
Dataset can be downloaded from LINK.
Download the folder and place it as ../Cat_Dog_Classifier_CNN/cats_and_dogs_small'
Directory Looks Like
| CatsDogsClassifier.ipynb
| |___train/
| | |___cats/
| | | | cat.*.jpg
| | | | ...
| | |
| | |___dogs/
| | | | dog.*.jpg
| | | | ...
| |
| |___validation/
| | |___cats/
| | | | cat.*.jpg
| | | | ...
| | |
| | |___dogs/
| | | | dog.*.jpg
| | | | ...
| |
| |___test/
| | |___cats/
| | | | cat.*.jpg
| | | | ...
| | |
| | |___dogs/
| | | | dog.*.jpg
| | | | ...
- Loading Images from the directory and classes as per Directory Structure
- Making Visualization Functions for Quick and beautiful Visualization of data
- Updating Pre-Trained VGG19 Architecture to suit our application
- Training the model and collecting metrics (Accuracy and Loss)
- Evaluating the model
- Visualizing the filters
- Visualization of Feature Maps
Feel free to PR.