To run the example, first run the nats server using docker
docker run --rm -it -p 4222:4222 nats
Then, in another terminal session start the topic publisher
cd publisher
go run publisher.go
You can also configure how many topics the publisher should create and at what time interval every message is sent.
go run publisher.go --topics 100 --interval 1s
Then start the unifrost example server
go run main.go
Connect to the event streamer using the EventSource API in the browser or by using good old curl
curl 'localhost:3000/events?id=unique_id'
And in another terminal update the subscriptions of the consumer
curl -d '{"consumer_id": "unique_id", "add": ["topic1", "topic2"], "remove": []}' -XPOST 'localhost:3000/update_subscriptions'