Works for GSA - General Services Administration - 18F: Technology consulting team in the GSigus
Human Centered
Agile / iterative
Goals of 18F
- Raise the Bar
- Empower people
- Improve Procurement
- Teach people
- Build platforms
- Recruit people
RFP Ghost Writing
- Content Stratergy
- Interface copy
- Documentation
- Blog posts
- information architecture
- editing
- user research
- usability testing
- etc
Intersection of Software + Law + Bureaucracy
A Platform to Read Regulations
Standardized how Regulations are written to be readable across multiple government agencies.
Also wrote documentation on regulations themselves.
Asking Questions + writing precisely + iterating = .... (missed the slide end)
Drafted a policy to share with all agencies to open-source at least 20% of code and share code with other agencies
Put issues on GitHub
Missed the slide
Public Service + open source + documentation = of the people, by the people, for the people
Software is a core part of how government works - "It would be in the constitution if the founding fathers knew about it"
Copyright does not apply to US government works
- It's hard to read contribute or reuse code that isn't well documented
More people felt like participants in their government
- huge tons of skilled people wanted to work for or contract for the government.
- 18f.gsa.gov
- github.com/18f
- join.18f.gov
Also check out: U.S. Digital Service & Presidential Innovation Fellows