Application that has users of 2 types: supplier & customer, that can coordinate meeting between them. The customer can search supplier by category.
- React
- MobX
- Node.js
- Express
- npm packages
- Have two types of users that can interact and coordinate a meeting
- Search bar for clients to search some kind of technicians. (results are filtered automatically by the address of the client)
- Calendar in the technicians page in which approved meetings appear automatically
- Sign up page for users
- Setting page by which users can change their data
- History page on the clients interface with data about previous requests
Get: '/login/:id'
- Req: TBD
- Res: TBD
Get: client/details/:clientId
- Req: Number
- Res: {}
- firstName: String
- lastName: String
- email: String
- phone: Number
- address: String
- city: String
- region: String
Get: client/searchProfs/:professionalName/:region
- Req:
- professionalName: String
- region: String
- Res: [ {} ]
- profId: Number
- firstName: String
- lastName: String
- email: String
- phone: Number
- address: String
- city: String
- profession: String
- description: Stringr
- Req:
Get: prof/details/:profId
- Req: Number
- Res: {}
- firstName: String
- lastName: String
- email: String
- phone: Number
- address: String
- city: String
- regions: [region]
- profession: String
- description: String
Get: general/appointments/:id
- Req
- PARAMS - id: Number
- QUERY – isClient: Boolean
- Res: [ {} ]
- appointmentId: Number
- appointmentStatus: String (Pending, Approve, Declined, Completed)
- startDate: Date
- endDate: Date
- title: String
- clientId: Number
- profId: Number
- Req
Get: general/cities
- Req: EMPTY
- Res: [String]
Get: general/regions
- Req: EMPTY
- Res: [String]
Get: general/professionals
- Req: EMPTY
- Res: [String]
Post: /signup
- Req: TBD
- Res: TBD
Post: /appointment
- Req:
- appointmentStatus: String (Pending, Approve, Declined, Completed)
- startDate: Date
- endDate: Date
- title: String
- clientId: Number
- profId: Number
- Res: EMPTY
- Req:
Put: /update-status/:appointmentId
- Req:
- PARAMS - appointmentId: Number
- BODY: (All the fields required)
- status: String
- startDate: Date
- endDate: Date
- title: String
- Res: EMPTY
- Req:
Put: /settings/:id?isClient
- Req
- PARAMS - id: Number
- QUERY – isClient: Boolean
- BODY: (All the body is optional – can be empty)
- firstName: String
- lastName: String
- email: String
- phone: Number
- password: Number
- address: String
- city: String
- profession: String
- description: String
- regions: [region]
- Res: EMPTY
- Req