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πŸ’§ This repository holds a list of open source Python packages interesting to Hydrologists

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Open Source Python Packages in Hydrology

My attempt to list interesting open source python projects that can be used in the field of Hydrology. Suggestions as issues or pull requests are welcome!

UPDATE: The Pypa package authority has now added "Hydrology" as a classifier so we can start collecting python packages used by the hydrological community! If you are maintaining a python package, please add Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Hydrology to your so people can find your package.

Raoul A. Collenteur, Eawag.

Hydrological Models

Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
CMF Catchment Modelling Framework, a hydrologic modelling toolbox. (Version: 2.0.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-01-19) PyPI Docs DOI
VIC The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Macroscale Hydrologic Model. (Version: 0.0.1, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 16-06-18) PyPI Conda Docs DOI
Xanthos Xanthos is an open-source hydrologic model, written in Python, designed to quantify and analyze global water availability. (Version: 2.4.1, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 21-08-10) PyPI
wrfhydropy wrfhydrpy is a Python API for the WRF-Hydro modelling system. (Version: 0.0.21, Last Update: 🟒 24-02-16) PyPI Docs
EXP-HYDRO EXP-HYDRO is a catchment scale hydrological model that operates at a daily time-step. It takes as inputs the daily values of precipitation, air temperature, and potential evapotranspiration, and simulates daily streamflow at the catchment outlet.
RRMPG Rainfall-Runoff modelling playground. Docs
LHMP Lumped Hydrological Models Playground.
SMARTPy Python implementation of the rainfall-runoff model SMART (Version: 0.2.2, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 22-02-14) PyPI
PyStream Python implementation of the STREAM hydrological rainfall-runoff model. (Version: 0.1, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 15-06-18) PyPI
HydPy A framework for the development and application of hydrological models based on Python. (Version: 6.1.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-09-23) PyPI Docs
Catchmod CATCHMOD is widely used rainfall runoff model in the United Kingdom. It was introduced by Wilby (1994).
wflow wflow consists of a set of Python programs that can be run on the command line and perform hydrological simulations. The models are based on the PCRaster Python framework (Version: 2020.1.2, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 20-11-26) PyPI Conda Docs
PyTOPKAPI PyTOPKAPI is a BSD licensed Python library implementing the TOPKAPI Hydrological model (Liu and Todini, 2002). PyPI
mhmpy A Python-API for the mesoscale Hydrological Model. (Version: 0.0.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 19-08-26) PyPI
SuperflexPy SuperflexPy: A new open source framework for building conceptual hydrological models (Version: 1.3.2, Last Update: 🟒 23-11-25) PyPI Docs
NeuralHydrology Python library to train neural networks with a strong focus on hydrological applications. (Version: 1.11.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-08-02) PyPI Docs
DRYP Dryland Water Partition model.
LuKars The LuKARS model is a lumped karst hydrological model to perform studies in karstic environments.
SUMMA A hydrologic modeling framework that can be used for the systematic analysis of alternative model conceptualizations with respect to flux parameterizations, spatial configurations, and numerical solution techniques. (Version: 1.2.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 19-01-16) PyPI Conda Docs

Meteorological tools

Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
MetPy MetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data. (Version: 1.6.3, Last Update: 🟒 24-08-26) PyPI Conda
PyEto PyETo is a Python library for calculating reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo), sometimes referred to as potential evapotranspiration (PET). The library provides numerous functions for estimating missing meteorological data. Docs
pyfao56 A Python implementation of the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach for crop water use estimation and irrigation scheduling. (Version: 1.3.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-03-21) PyPI Conda
Improver IMPROVER is a library of algorithms for meteorological post-processing and verification. (Version: 1.9.0, Last Update: ) Conda Docs
MetSim MetSim is a meteorological simulator and forcing disaggregator for hydrologic modeling and climate applications. (Version: 2.4.4, Last Update: 🟒 23-11-06) PyPI Conda Docs
MELODIST MELODIST is an open-source toolbox written in Python for disaggregating daily meteorological time series to hourly time steps. (Version: 0.1.6, Last Update: 🟒 24-06-07) PyPI
PyCat Climate Analysis Tool written in python (Version: 0.1.1, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 15-04-13) PyPI Docs
PySteps pySTEPS is a community-driven initiative for developing and maintaining an easy to use, modular, free and open source Python framework for short-term ensemble prediction systems. (Version: 1.11.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-08-27) PyPI Conda Docs
Evaporation Calculation of evaporation and transpiration. (Version: 2.0.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-04-16) PyPI Docs
rainymotion Python library for radar-based precipitation nowcasting based on optical flow techniques. Docs
pyet A python-package for calculating reference and potential evaporation. (Version: 1.3.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-03-15) PyPI Conda Docs DOI
SPEI A simple Python package to calculate and visualize some popular drought indices such as the SPI, SPEI and SGI. (Version: 0.5.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-09-18) PyPI

Unsaturated Zone

Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
Pytesmo python Toolbox for the Evaluation of Soil Moisture Observations. (Version: 0.16.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 23-09-12) PyPI Docs
Phydrus Python implementation of the HYDRUS-1D unsaturated zone model (Version: 0.2.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 21-03-30) PyPI Docs
VS2DPY Python implementation of the VS2D unsaturated zone model. (Version: 0.3.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 22-12-07) PyPI
pedon Python package for (unsaturated) soil properties including pedotransfer functions. (Version: 0.0.6, Last Update: 🟒 24-01-22) PyPI


Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
FloPy The Python interface to MODFLOW. (Version: 3.8.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-09-05) PyPI Conda Docs
imod-python Make massive MODFLOW models. Docs
Idfpy A simple module for reading and writing iMOD IDF files. IDF is a simple binary format used by the iMOD groundwater modelling software.
WellApplication Set of tools for groundwater level and water chemistry analysis. (Version: 0.5.6, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 18-05-30) PyPI Conda
TIMML A Multi-Layer, Analytic Element Model. (Version: 6.4.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-02-13) PyPI Conda Docs
TTim A Multi-Layer, Transient, Analytic Element Model. (Version: 0.6.6, Last Update: 🟒 24-02-14) PyPI Conda Docs
PyHELP A Python library for the assessment of spatially distributed groundwater recharge and hydrological components with HELP. (Version: 0.4.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 22-06-20) PyPI Docs
Anaflow A python-package containing analytical solutions for the groundwater flow equation (Version: 1.1.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 23-04-16) PyPI Conda Docs
WellTestPy A python-package for handling well based field campaigns. (Version: 1.2.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 23-04-18) PyPI Conda Docs
HydroGeoSines Signal In the Noise Exploration Software for Hydrogeological Datasets.
nlmod Python code to process, build and visualize MODFLOW models in the Netherlands. Model data is stored in a xarray Datasets and geopandas GeoDataFrames. (Version: 0.8.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-07-25) PyPI Docs

Time Series (Analysis)

Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
Hydropy Analysis of hydrological oriented time series. (Version: 0.1.2, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 17-02-03) PyPI
Pastas Analysis of hydrological time series using time series models. (Version: 1.7.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-09-06) PyPI Conda Docs 🟒 DOI
Hydrostats Tools for use in comparison studies, specifically for use in the field of hydrology. (Version: 0.78, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 19-04-24) PyPI Conda Docs
htimeseries This module provides the HTimeseries class, which is a layer on top of pandas, offering a little more functionality. (Version: 7.0.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-04-14) PyPI
HydroAnalysis Python package to calculate indices and metrics useful in the everyday job of a hydrologist. (Version: 1.0.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 21-11-20) PyPI Docs
HydroPandas Module for loading time series data into custom DataFrames (Version: 0.12.2, Last Update: 🟒 24-07-12) PyPI Docs
traval Tools for applying automatic error detection schemes to timeseries (Version: 0.5.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-08-15) PyPI Docs

GIS Related

Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
PcRaster Is a collection of software targeted at the development and deployment of spatio-temporal environmental models. (Version: 4.4.1, Last Update: ) Conda
PyGeoprocessing A Python/Cython based library that provides a set of commonly used raster, vector, and hydrological operations for GIS processing. (Version: 2.4.4, Last Update: 🟒 24-05-21) PyPI Conda Docs
Pysheds Simple and fast watershed delineation in python. (Version: 0.4, Last Update: 🟒 24-05-09) PyPI Conda
Lidar Terrain and hydrological analysis based on LiDAR-derived digital elevation models (DEM). (Version: 0.8.3, Last Update: 🟒 24-06-06) PyPI Conda Docs

Optimization, Uncertainty, Statistics

Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
LMFIT Non-Linear Least Squares Minimization, with flexible Parameter settings, based on scipy.optimize.leastsq, and with many additional classes and methods for curve fitting. (Version: 1.3.2, Last Update: 🟒 24-07-19) PyPI Conda
SPOTpy A Statistical Parameter Optimization Tool for Python. (Version: 1.6.2, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 23-02-28) PyPI Conda Docs
PyGLUE Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) Framework. (Version: 0.0.4, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 12-01-06) PyPI
Pyemu Python modules for model-independent uncertainty analyses, data-worth analyses, and interfacing with PEST(++). (Version: 1.3.7, Last Update: 🟒 24-08-14) PyPI Conda Docs
HPGL High Performance Geostatistics Library.
HydroErr Goodness of Fit metrics for use in comparison studies, specifically in the field of hydrology. (Version: 1.24, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 19-04-23) PyPI Conda Docs
Climate-indices Climate indices for drought monitoring, community reference implementations in Python. (Version: 2.0.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-09-19) PyPI Docs
HydroLM The HydroLM package contains a class and functions for automating linear regressions OLS for hydrologists. (Version: 1.0.7, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 19-01-15) PyPI
PySDI Pysdi is a set of open source scripts that compute non-parametric standardized drought indices (SDI) using raster data sets as input data. (Version:, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 20-02-25) PyPI
xskillscore Metrics for verifying forecasts. (Version: 0.0.26, Last Update: 🟒 24-03-10) PyPI Conda Docs

Data Collection

Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
HKVFEWSPY Connection to the Delft FEWS servers. (Version: 1.0.2, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 23-02-21) PyPI
Openradar Library for processing a set of dutch, german and belgian precipitation radars into calibrated composites. (Version: 1.0.1, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 19-10-31) PyPI
Ecohydrolib Libraries and command-line scripts for performing ecohydrology data preparation workflows. (Version: 1.29, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 15-07-02) PyPI
Ulmo Clean, simple and fast access to public hydrology and climatology data. (Version: 0.8.8, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 21-09-02) PyPI Conda Docs
PyHIS PyHIS is a python library for querying CUAHSI*-HIS** web services. (Version: 0.1.1-alpha, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 11-11-15) PyPI
Wetterdienst Python Toolset For Accessing Weather Data From German Weather Service. (Version: 0.95.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-09-04) PyPI Conda Docs
Dataretrieval Dataretrieval is a Python package for obtaining USGS or EPA water quality data, streamflow data, and metadata directly from web services. (Version: 1.0.10, Last Update: 🟒 24-08-05) PyPI Conda


Project Name Description (Longer Header to Widen Column) PyPI Conda Docs CI Paper
ESMPY Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) Python interface. (Version: 8.6.1, Last Update: ) Conda
PyHSPF Python extensions to the Hydrological Simulation Program in Fortran (HSPF). (Version: 0.2.4, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 17-08-10) PyPI
PYWR Spatial allocation tool. (Version: 1.26.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-06-25) PyPI Conda
SPHY Spatial Processes in HYdrology (SPHY) model. (Version: 2.2.1, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 19-05-26) PyPI Docs
xsboringen (In Dutch) A python library for processing and plotting borehole and CPT data, developed for open data formats in the Netherlands.
PyMT PyMT is an Open Source Python package that provides the necessary tools used for the coupling of models that expose the Basic Model Interface (BMI). (Version: 0.5.1, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 10-09-06) PyPI Conda Docs
Landlab The Landlab project creates an environment in which scientists can build a numerical landscape model without having to code all of the individual components. (Version: 2.8.0, Last Update: 🟒 24-05-13) PyPI Conda Docs
EFlowCalc Calculator of Streamflow Characteristics. (Version: 0.1.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 21-04-26) PyPI
IRIS A powerful, format-agnostic, and community-driven Python library for analysing and visualising Earth science data. (Version: 1.0.7, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 20-02-07) PyPI Conda Docs
Hydrointerp A Python package for interpolating hydrologic data. (Version: 1.2.13, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 22-05-11) PyPI Docs
Hydrofunctions A suite of convenience functions for working with hydrology data in an interactive Python session. (Version: 0.2.4, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 23-06-14) PyPI Conda Docs
Shyft Shyft is the open-source toolbox for the energy-market domain, funded and supported by Statkraft. (Version: 18.0.0.post1, Last Update: 🟒 24-09-03) PyPI
Hydroshare HydroShare is a collaborative website for better access to data and models in the hydrologic sciences. PyPI
Hydrobox Hydrological preprocessing and analysis toolbox build upon pandas and numpy. (Version: 0.2.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 21-05-20) PyPI
Wetland Wetland is a toolset for mapping surface water and wetland hydrological dynamics using fine-resolution aerial imagery within Google Earth Engine (GEE). (Version: 0.1.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 18-10-19) PyPI Docs
iRONS iRONS (interactive Reservoir Operation Notebooks and Software) is a python package that enables the simulation, forecasting and optimisation of reservoir systems. (Version: 1.0, Last Update: πŸ”΄ 22-11-12) PyPI
Mesas Multiresolution Estimation of StorAge Selection functions. (Version: 1.20240418, Last Update: ) Conda Docs
pydsstools Python library for simple HEC-DSS functions. (Version: 2.3.2, Last Update: 🟒 24-01-13) PyPI
eWaterCycle Platform to do computational hydrology using many of the above mentioned models. (Version: 2.3.1, Last Update: 🟒 24-09-17) PyPI


πŸ’§ This repository holds a list of open source Python packages interesting to Hydrologists







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