Log Viewer for Laravel 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 and Lumen. Install with composer, create a route to LogViewerController
. No public assets, no vendor routes, works with and/or without log rotate. Inspired by Micheal Mand's Laravel 4 log viewer (works only with laravel 4.1)
Small log viewer for laravel. Looks like this:
Install via composer
composer require rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer
Add Service Provider to config/app.php
in providers
Add a route in your web routes file:
Route::get('logs', [\Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer\LogViewerController::class, 'index']);
Go to http://myapp/logs
or some other route
Install via composer
composer require rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer
Add the following in bootstrap/app.php
Explicitly set the namespace in app/Http/routes.php
$router->group(['namespace' => '\Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer'], function() use ($router) {
$router->get('logs', 'LogViewerController@index');
Publish log.blade.php
into /resources/views/vendor/laravel-log-viewer/
for view customization:
php artisan vendor:publish \
--provider="Rap2hpoutre\LaravelLogViewer\LaravelLogViewerServiceProvider" \
Publish logviewer.php
configuration file into /config/
for configuration customization:
php artisan vendor:publish \
If you got a InvalidArgumentException in FileViewFinder.php
error, it may be a problem with config caching. Double check installation, then run php artisan config:clear