These steps can be added to the Pull Request description's task list to remind the reviewer of how to release the gem.
# Release
Complete these steps on DESTINATION
## [](
### Terminology
* "Enhancements" are widening the API, such as by adding new classes or methods.
* "Bug Fixes" are fixes to the implementation that do not affect the public API. If the public API is affected then
the change should be listed as both a "Bug Fix" and either an "Enhancement" or "Incompatible Change" depending on how
the bug was fixed.
* "Deprecations" are changes to the implementation that cause deprecation warnings to be issued for APIs which will be
removed in a future major release. "Deprecations" are usually accompanied by an Enhancement that creates a new API
that is meant to be used in favor of the deprecated API.
* "Incompatible Changes" are the removal of classes or methods or new required arguments or setup that shrink the API.
It is best practice to make a "Deprecation" for the API prior to its removal.
### Task List
- [ ] Generate the list of changes since the last release: `git log v<LAST_MAJOR>.<LAST_MINOR>.<LAST_PATCH>..HEAD`
- [ ] For each commit in the release, find the corresponding PR by search for the commit on Github.
- [ ] For each PR, determine whether it is an Enhancement, Bug Fix, Deprecation, and/or Incompatible Change. A PR can
be in more than one category, in which case it should be listed in each category it belongs, but with a category
specific description of the change.
- [ ] Add an item to each category's list in the following format: `[#<PR>](<PR>) <consumer summary> - [@<github_user>](<github_user>)`
`consumer_summary` should be a summary of the Enhancement, Bug Fix, Deprecation, or Incompatible Change from a
downstream consumer's of the library's perspective. `github_user` should be Github handle of the author of the
- [ ] If you added any Deprecations or Incompatible Changes, then adding upgrading information to
The entries in the []( can be used to help determine how the `VERSION` should be bumped.
### Bug fixes
If the []( contains only Bug Fixes for the Next Release, then increment
### Compatible API changes
If the []( contains any Enhancements or Deprecations, then increment
[`MINOR`](lib/metasploit/model/version.rb) and reset [`PATCH`](lib/metasploit/model/version.rb) to `0`.
### Incompatible API changes
If the []( contains any Incompatible Change, then increment
[`MAJOR`](lib/metasploit/model/version.rb) and reset [`MINOR`](lib/metasploit/model/version.rb and
[`PATCH`](lib/metasploit/model/version.rb) to `0`.
## Setup []( for next release
- [ ] Change `Next Release` section name at the top of []( to match the current `VERSION`.
- [ ] Add a new `Next Release` section above the `VERSION`'s section you just renamed:
# Next Release
* Enhancements
* Bug Fixes
* Deprecations
* Incompatible Changes
## Release to
## jruby
- [ ] `rvm use jruby@metasploit-model`
- [ ] `rm Gemfile.lock`
- [ ] `bundle install`
- [ ] `rake release`
## ruby-2.1
- [ ] `rvm use ruby-2.1@metasploit-model`
- [ ] `rm Gemfile.lock`
- [ ] `bundle install`
- [ ] `rake release`
There are currently no known downstream dependencies