🚨 Breaking Changes
- Add warmup runs and profile all iterations to benchmarks (#1402) @pentschev
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Disable UCXX tests in CI (#1406) @pentschev
- Ignore legacy Dask dataframe warnings (#1397) @pentschev
- Reenable UCXX in CI (#1396) @pentschev
🚀 New Features
- Enable Pytorch to share same memory pool as RMM via cli (#1392) @VibhuJawa
🛠️ Improvements
- enforce wheel size limits, README formatting in CI (#1404) @jameslamb
- Add warmup runs and profile all iterations to benchmarks (#1402) @pentschev
- remove unnecessary cmake and sccache configuration (#1400) @jameslamb
- make conda installs in CI stricter (#1395) @jameslamb
- Limit output of pytest durations (#1393) @pentschev
- Switch pytest
(#1389) @galipremsagar - Update PyNVML and set upper pin (#1130) @wence-