This script sends a g-code file to the uArm Swift Pro.
You can use it instead of uArm Studio, though so far it's onyl been tested for the "Draw" function.
You'll need to prepare the g-code file by using uArm Studio's Draw function, which will generate the g-code file you need.
What this script allows you to do is modify the feedrate of the g-code file generated by uArm Studio so you can make drawings faster.
On macOS I typically copy the file that uArm Studio generates at:
to the directory where I have sitting, then modify it by increasing the feedrate (the parts of the g-code file with 'F' and a number after them). For instance, if it has F2.5 I might change it to F10.0 using a text editor.
I then run the following command in the terminal:
python3 tmp.gcode /dev/tty.usbmodem1421
The /dev/tty.usbmodem1421 specifies the USB port. This will be different on different machines, and even more different on Windows or Linux.
Note that this script will attempt to kill the uArm Studio application, since it cannot use the serial port when uArm Studio is using it. (uArm Studio sometimes hangs onto that serial port even after you quit the application.)
I borrowed heavily from these two scripts found in the GRBL repository:
You can read more about this here:
Pete Prodoehl [email protected]