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File metadata and controls

29 lines (28 loc) · 2.37 KB


####• atexit allows you to register functions to call when your program exits.
####• argparse provides functions for parsing command line arguments.
####• bisect provides bisection algorithms for sorting lists (see Section 􏰀􏰈.􏰂).
####• calendar provides a number of date-related functions.
####• codecs provides functions for encoding and decoding data.
####• collections provides a variety of useful data structures.
####• copy provides functions for y data.
####• csv provides functions for reading and writing CSV files.
####• datetime provides classes for handling dates and times.
####• fnmatch provides functions for matching Unix-style filename patterns.
####• glob provides functions for matching Unix-style path patterns.
####• io provides functions for handling I/O streams. In Python 􏰂, it also contains Strin- gIO (which is in the module of the same name in Python 􏰁), which allows you to treat strings as files.
####• json provides functions for reading and writing data in JSON format.
####• logging provides access to Python’s own built-in logging functionality.
####• multiprocessing allows you to run multiple subprocesses from your application, while providing an API that makes them look like threads.
####•operator provides implementing the basic Python operators whichyou can use instead of having to write your own lambda expressions (see Section 􏰇.􏰂). ####• os provides access to basic OS functions. ####• random provides functions for generating pseudo-random numbers. ####• re provides regular expression functionality. ####• selectprovidesaccesstotheselect()andpoll()functionsforcreatingeventloops. ####• shutil provides access to high-level file functions. ####• signal provides functions for handling POSIX signals. ####• tempfile provides functions for creating temporary files and directories. ####• threading provides access to high-level threading functionality. ####• urllib (and urllib􏰁 and urlparse in Python 􏰁.x) provides functions for handling and parsing URLs. ####• uuid allows you to generate UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers). #点击黄哥python培训试看视频播放地址