Byte-Bite is a Web Based Online Food Review Platform which focuses to cater the "FOOD" needs of IIT Guwahati Campus Junta.
Rate and Post Review of Food Items/ Dishes of in and around IIT Campus Stalls.
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1.You must be a member of IIT Guwahati i.e. must have an account.
2.Python must be installed in your machine, since all this project is based on Python framework.
After extracting the .zip file, a folder named ByteBite will be created. Open that folder in the terminal. Once you are in that folder in terminal, type following commonds. If you are on base environment,type:
conda deactivate
cd ..
pip install virtualenv
This will install your virtual environment. Now create a virtual environment with the name 'env'.
virtualenv env
Get back into the Project folder:
cd ByteBite
Now to install requirements for this project, type the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now that all required libraries and framweworks are installed, type these final lines of command to execute the website:
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
This will host the site on your local port(default:8000).
To access the website, and on url section, type:
This will open the website.
Priyansh Awasthi
Raunit Patel
Prakhar Punj
Prof. Teena Sharma