Might need 3 days for presentations if class size is large
Add lecture on multi-state CMR?
Create tree conceptual diagram to organize all the models
Email profs with syllabi and recommendations
Make homework due by Monday night instead of Monday morning
Review previous week's homework in class on Tuesdays
Add a Bayesian review lecture somewhere in the middle
Include analysis grade as part of project/paper grade
R quiz to weed out students on day 1
Replace 'x1' 'x2' and 'w' with real variable names in occupancyII lecture
Remove missing values in grouse data, especially for Nmix examples
- Too much for students to learn so many things at once
Leave as much time as possible for homework on Thursdays
Remember the American Oystercatcher data (on GDrive)
Add lecture on movement models
Tell professors not to send their students until they're good with R
Shorten slides and make time for homework on Thursdays
Nmix-bin II is too long
Remove missing values in grouse data, especially for Nmix examples
- Too much for students to learn so many things at once
Start linear model section with alt form:
- mu = b0+b1*x, y~N(mu,sig2)
- Easier transition to GLMs than b0+b1*x+eps
Add spider plot to SCR shiny app
Consider moving advanced material (like SCR II) to the end after getting through survival and open models, especially if not many students are using SCR
Add something about Huggins
Make 3 days of presentations if necessary
Include analysis grade as part of project/paper grade
Ditch binomial N-mix II?
Avoid generic variable names like 'x', 'y', and 'w'
Ditch the dynamic N-mixture models? Not enough time?
Add more real datasets
- Blandings turtle CJS
Too many 'versions' for SCR IPP lecture
- Require R script with basic analysis for first draft
- Improve rubric
- Video presentations instead of in-class
Show more space-time maps in dynamic lectures
bs() splines in unmarked
Cut out popdy-basics intro??? To make more room for dynamic models?
Introduce JAGS in "stats-intro" lecture
- Require R script with basic analysis for first draft
- Improve rubric
For first SCR lecture, show 1D and 2D encounter rate function
Add info on parametric survival models and Cox PH
Show more space-time maps in dynamic lectures
bs() splines in unmarked