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This document contains informal notes to help developers of the Elastic APM Node.js agent. Developers should feel free to aggressively weed out obsolete notes. For structured developer and contributing rules and guidelines, see

GitHub Usage

Work on the Elastic Node.js APM agent is coordinated with other Elastic APM work via the APM Agents project and with releases of the full Elastic Stack via milestones named after Elastic Stack version numbers.

Logging tips


ELASTIC_APM_LOG_LEVEL=trace will turn on trace-level logging in the agent and apm http-client. Agent logging is in ecs-logging format, which can be pretty-formatted via the ecslog tool:

ELASTIC_APM_LOG_LEVEL=trace node myapp.js | ecslog

One of the important libs in the agent is require-in-the-middle for intercepting require(...) statements for monkey-patching. You can get debug output from it via:


And don't forget the node core NODE_DEBUG and NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE environment variables:


debug logging of async_hooks usage

The following patch to the agent's async-hooks.js can be helpful to learn how its async hook tracks relationships between async operations:

diff --git a/lib/instrumentation/async-hooks.js b/lib/instrumentation/async-hooks.js
index 1dd168f..f35877d 100644
--- a/lib/instrumentation/async-hooks.js
+++ b/lib/instrumentation/async-hooks.js
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ module.exports = function (ins) {
     // type, which will init for each scheduled timer.
     if (type === 'TIMERWRAP') return

+    const indent = ' '.repeat(triggerAsyncId % 80)
+    process._rawDebug(`${indent}${type}(${asyncId}): triggerAsyncId=${triggerAsyncId} executionAsyncId=${asyncHooks.executionAsyncId()}`);
     const transaction = ins.currentTransaction
     if (!transaction) return

Testing tips

Integration tests fail

If the "Integration Tests" check fails for your PR, here are some notes on debugging that. (The actual ".ci/Jenkinsfile" and apm-integration-testing.git are the authority. See also the APM integration test troubleshooting guide.)

The Node.js integration tests are "" in apm-integration-testing. Roughly speaking, the integration tests:

To reproduce the integration test failure on your dev machine mainly involves getting the correct settings for that "express test app", in particular using your PR commit sha. The following boilerplate should get you going. Note that it might likely get out of date:

  1. Create and active a Python virtual env for the Python bits that are used:

     python3 -m venv ./venv
     source ./venv/bin/activate
  2. Set the apm-agent-nodejs.git commit you want to use:

     export MYCOMMIT=... # e.g. 3554f05fad6798f229f75eebc07bb66cee918385
  3. Start the docker containers:

     export BUILD_OPTS="--nodejs-agent-package elastic/apm-agent-nodejs#$MYCOMMIT --opbeans-node-agent-branch $MYCOMMIT --build-parallel"
     export ELASTIC_STACK_VERSION=8.0.0
       --with-agent-nodejs-express \
       --no-apm-server-dashboards \
       --no-apm-server-self-instrument \
       --force-build --no-xpack-secure \
     make start-env
     # OR: replace all this with a suitable call to
     #     'python3 scripts/ start ...'

    Note: There is an easier way with "ELASTIC_STACK_VERSION=... APM_AGENT_NODEJS_VERSION=... make start-env" I believe. See the README.

  4. Run the test suite:

     pytest tests/agent/ -v
  5. (Optional) In a separate terminal, watch the log output from Node.js agent:

     docker logs -f expressapp | ecslog
  6. When done, stop the docker containers via:

     make stop-env
     # OR: python3 scripts/ stop

    Also, optionally, turn off the Python virtual env:


Other tips

How to trigger a benchmark run for a PR

  1. Go to the apm-ci list of apm-agent-nodejs PRs and click on your PR.
  2. Click "Build with Parameters" in the left sidebar. (If you don't have "Build with Parameters" then you aren't logged in.)
  3. Select these options to (mostly) only run the "Benchmarks" step:
    • Run_As_Master_Branch
    • bench_ci
    • tav_ci
    • tests_ci
    • test_edge_ci

Limitation: The current dashboard for benchmark results only shows datapoints from the "master" branch. It would be useful to have a separate chart that showed PR values.

(Another way to start the "Benchmarks" step is via a GitHub comment "jenkins run the benchmark tests". However, that also triggers the "Test" step and, depending on other conditions, the "TAV Test" step -- both of which are long and will run before getting to the Benchmarks run.)