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About |
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I am currently a software engineer at Google working on news feed ranking for Google Discover. Prior to Google I led applied machine learning at Clarifai in New York, NY. I was previously on the research staff at Howard Hughes Laboratories in Malibu, CA. In 2012 I finished a mathematics PhD at UCLA. My graduate work involved sparsity promoting optimization in quantum mechanical signal processing and before that I was a math major at New College.
Contact: [email protected]
[Resume]({{ site.url }}/assets/resume/ryan_compton_resume.pdf)
[Photo]({{ site.url }}/assets/resume/IMG_6683_small.jpg), [2]({{ site.url }}/assets/resume/surfleftlane.jpg), [3]({{ site.url }}/assets/resume/surflongboardlane.jpg)
You can find me elsewhere on the web: