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Rod Docking edited this page Oct 19, 2017 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the fusebench wiki!

What We're Thinking of Building


A tool that is capable of:

  • Importing results from different fusion callers tools (or can convert the results of a set of tools into a common format)
    • Initial idea: have team members write simple parsers to convert tool output formats to a common standard (most likely BEDPE)
  • From the common file format, aggregating results from different tools into a consensus set
    • Initial idea: require some level of minimum overlap between features
    • Handling duplicate or 'synonym' calls might be difficult here
  • Augmenting the consensus set with additional information from the RNA-Seq data set or existing tools
    • Initial idea: add gene expression data for candidate fusion partners
    • Initial idea: use Oncofuse?
  • Importing information from existing databases
    • Initial idea: start from dump of CIViC, filtered for fusions
    • Initial idea: use ReCount to provide view of how common the fusion junction is in different data sets
  • Review interface
    • Some kind of dashboard or web view for 'reviewers' to view evidence associated with particular fusions
  • Visualization
    • TBD


  • Currently, this repository is set up as an R package. The initial idea was to implement most of the components principally in 'tidyverse'-style R, but this is not a hard requirement (it might not make sense for some parts)

Initial Data Sets

  • Synthetic test set containing 9 known fusions (from FusionCatcher)
  • Re-called data from publicly available data sets with known positives
  • TBC - AML cell line RNA-Seq data

Component and Similar Projects

Recent Review Papers

  • Comprehensive evaluation of fusion transcript detection algorithms and a meta-caller to combine top performing methods in paired-end RNA-seq data - PMID: 26582927
  • Comparative assessment of methods for the fusion transcripts detection from RNA-Seq data. - PMID: 26862001

Fusion Callers

Selected tools include:

  • trans-ABySS
  • deFuse
  • FusionCatcher
  • EricScript
  • pizzly
  • Bellerophontes
  • InFusion
  • FusionMap
  • SOAPfuse


  • IGV
  • Ribbon
  • Packages like chimeraviz also have visualizations
  • Packages like circlize are adaptable for this (as well as other Bioconductor packages)
  • svviz - Read visualizer for structural variants



  • MetaSV
    • Bioinformatics Article
    • Mainly focused on large-scale structural variants, from tools like Pindel, BreakDancer, CNVnator, BreakSeq2
  • confFuse
  • chimeraviz
    • Bioinformatics Application Note
    • BioConductor
    • chimeraviz is able to import fusion results from 'nine different fusion-finder tools: deFuse, EricScript, InFusion, JAFFA, FusionCatcher, FusionMap, PRADA, SOAPfuse and STAR-FUSION'
    • These are imported as R S4 objects. There are then a selection of functions for visualizing and comparing events (from what I can tell the comparison is mostly done at the coordinate level)
  • MAVIS - BCGSC unpublished tool along similar lines
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