The configuration and rendering API uses a declarative tree structure in html, utilising dl and dt elements and html5 data attributes. This makes it trivial to parse and easy to maintain.
An example usage of the configuration API is:
%dt.persistent{ data: { value: 'true' } }{ data: { value: '/books' } }
%dt.saved-searches-url{ data: { value: '/books/saved_searches' } }
%dt.configuration-url{ data: { value: '/filter_bar_configurations/books' } }
%dt.export-results-url{ data: { value: '/books/export' } }
%dt.export-all-options{ data: { value: 'true' } }
%dt.export-page-limit{ data: { value: '50' } }
%dt.export-page-limit-exceeded-message{ data: { value: 'Too many books.' } }
%dt.field{ data: { value: "genre" } }
%dt.type{ data: { value: "select" } }
%dt.label{ data: { value: "Genre" } }
%dt.url{ data: { value: "/books/filters/genres" } }
%dt.default{ data => { value: "mystery" } }
%dt.field{ data: { value: "Author" } }
%dt.type{ data: { value: "text" } }
%dt.label{ data: { value: "Author" } }
%dt.field{ data: { value: "isbn" } }
%dt.type{ data: { value: "id" } }
%dt.label{ data: { value: "ISBN" } }
%dt.field{ data: { value: "published_date" } }
%dt.type{ data: { value: "date" } }
%dt.label{ data: { value: "Published Date" } }
%dt.field{ data: { value: "rating" } }
%dt.type{ data: { value: "range" } }
%dt.label{ data: { value: "Rating" } }
%dl.tableConfiguration{ data: { value: '/books' } }
%dt.heading{ data: { value: "Title" } }
%dt.field{ data: { value: "title" } }
%dt.sortable{ data: { value: "title" } }
%dt.heading{ data: { value: "Actions" } }
%dt.field{ data: { value: "actions" } }
%dt.type{ data: { value: "html" } }
To break it up into pieces:
A DIV with class react-filterable-table
is placed as a child of the DOMNode where the component is to be rendered. This DIV has two children, both DL elements, dl.filterBarConfiguration
and dl.tableConfiguration
. These lists contain the configurations for the component structure, stored in a tree structure. In these configuration trees, a DL element signifies a key whose value is an object, and a DT element signifies a key whose value is a string, number or other simple value.
The filterBarConfiguration tree has several options, as well as a child tree containing the configurations and definitions for the filters used in the FilterBar component.
This setting toggles url and localStorage persistence for the component. If it is true, on applying a search the component will update both the url of the page and the localStorage value for the pathname to persist the current search. This allows a user to revisit these searches without saving or rebuilding them, through bookmarking or through copy and paste. It will also eventually allow navigation using back and forward events.
Allowed Values: ['true', 'false']
This setting is the endpoint the component should use to GET results from. The API contract is defined at Search API.
Allowed Values: ['/resource', '://fqdn/resource']
This setting is the endpoint the component should use to GET a list of saved searches or POST a search in order to save it. The API contract is defined at Saved Search API
Allowed Values: ['/resource', '://fqdn/resource']
This setting is a URL which allows the user to configure their filter bar. This URL will be rendered within a modal.
Allowed Values: ['/resource', '://fqdn/resource']
This setting is the endpoint the component should use to export the current resultset. The API contract is defined at Export Results API
Allowed Values: ['/resource', '://fqdn/resource']
This setting limits the number of pages that can be exported at once. The API contract is defined at Export Results API
Allowed Values: string(integer)
This message is displayed to the user if they attempt to export more pages than they're limited to. The API contract is defined at Export Results API
Allowed Values: string
This tree contains children trees of the filters that are to be used on the page. It has no other options.
Every filter configuration tree must have a unique identifier for a classname. This identifier is used by the component to identify which filters are enabled for display and to build the queries, so it is essential that it be unique.
Allowed Values: string(unique).
This is the field the query applies to, used to build the search on the client and sent to the server. It should be the exact field name you are expecting on your server for however you plan to search. For example, with an ElasticSearch backend, the field would be the key in the document you want to filter on.
Allowed Values: string.
This is the type of the filter, used on the server to structure the query.
text: a free text input
id: a free text input intended for exact matching
date: a from, to date input
date_relative: a from, to date input, with a relative selection to populate the dates (e.g. Last Week)
select: a dropdown selection box
lazy_select: a dropdown selection which is loaded only after searching (Usefull for huge collections)
multi_select: a dropdown selection box which allows multiple values
lazy_multi_select: a dropdown selection box which allows multiple values and is loaded only after searching (Usefull for huge collections)
range: a from, to text input
Allowed Values: ['text', 'id', 'date', 'date_relative', 'select', 'range'], must be one of these.
The label to show in the filter dropdown list, and when the filter is displayed.
Allowed Values: string
This is only a required field for a select type. This is the endpoint to hit to get the options to fill the select. This API contract is defined at Filter Options API.
This is an optional field for a lazy_multi_select type. If the label and the id are not the same, for example, the label is supplier name, id is supplier id, we need this endpoint to get the label to show on the UI when the component is initialized.
The endpoint should accept HTTP GET request: url/:id, and return a json
"id": VALUE,
"text": LABEL // support text or name
This is an optional field for a select type. If the field is present, the input will be preselected with the value from that field.
Allowed Values: ['/resource', '://fqdn/resource']
This is an optional field for a lazy_multi_select/lazy_select type. The default minimum input length is 3.
Allowed Values: number
This is an optional field for the multi_select filter type. If specified, the filter will include the option to search by "Any" of the specified values (boolean OR), or by "All" of the specified values (boolean AND). Whichever value is supplied will be the default selected option.
Allowed Values: ['all', 'any']
The tableConfiguration tree has several options, as well as a child tree containing the configurations and definitions for the columns used in the Table component.
This is the endpoint the table should use to GET the initial results.
Allowed Values: ['/resource', '://fqdn/resource']
This tree contains children trees of the columns that are to be used on the page. It has no other options.
Every column configuration tree must have a unique identifier for a classname. This identifier is used by the component to identify which columns are enabled for display, so it is essential that it be unique.
The label for the column(the heading).
Allowed Values: string.
The field in the results API that the column contains. This contract is defined in Table Results API.
Allowed Values: string.
This is an optional field. It is used to indicate that the results being sent are html. If it isn't present, the data in the column will be plain text. If a value is set, it will run it through an html parser and render it. This is unsafe, so you must be sure that the data being passed in is clean.
Allowed Values: [null, 'html'].
This is an optional field. It is used to indicate that the data in the column is sortable and should specify an identifier the API should sort on. If a value is set, it will allow the column to be sorted by clicking on the heading cell, with each click reversing the order of results.
Allowed Values: [null, string].
This is an optional field. If value is set to true, the right column would be fixed/frozen.
%dt.fix-right-column{ data: { value: "true"} }
In this case, please add css below in your assets. because two tables are one above another, we have to set background to non-transparent color. reference:
.table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-child(even) > td {
background: white;
The table endpoint and the filterbar endpoints expect to receive JSON documents containing results for the queries / initial data load for the table.
The API must be of the following form:
current_page: number,
total_pages: number,
results: [
field: value,
Where current_page and total_page are integers, and results contains an array of objects, where each object is a row in the table. Each object has key:value pairs of the fields defined in the tableConfiguration columns list and the relevant value to display. If the value is an html string to be parsed, it should be plain html syntax stored as a string.
The dt.url filter endpoint expects to receive JSON documents containing an array of objects of the following form:
"value": VALUE,
"label": LABEL
To group the dropdown options use the following form:
"group": "Group Name 1",
"options": [
"value": VALUE,
"label": LABEL
"value": VALUE,
"label": LABEL
"group": "Group Name 2",
"options": [
"value": VALUE,
"label": LABEL
"value": VALUE,
"label": LABEL
where value is the associated id or attribute used to search for the relevant resources and label is the string to display in the dropdown box.
The component expects to be able to GET to the filterBarConfiguration endpoint with a query string of the following form:
"uid": "dt.filterName",
"type": "select",
"field": "dt.field",
"value": "User selected value"
"uid": "dt.filterName",
"type": "text",
"field": "dt.field",
"value": "User entered value"
"uid": "dt.filterName",
"type": "id",
"field": "dt.field",
"value": "User entered value"
"uid": "dt.filterName",
"type": "date",
"field": "dt.field",
"value": {
"from": "User selected or entered value",
"to": "User selected or entered value"
The above shows you the possible packets for each filter type, where dt.filterName is the supplied filterUid in the configuration, type is the supplied type, field is the supplied field and value is the value entered by the user for the input. The N for the page is the selected page, and integer.
The saved search endpoint must be able to handle three actions, GET and POST and DELETE. The GET action retrieves a list of saved searches, the POST action saves the current search (index and create essentially), the DELETE action delete one saved search.
The endpoint GET action expects to be able to receive the save search and convert to Search API. It is backward compatible to version 1 format as well as the current version 2 format. It can receive a JSON array of the following forms:
name: NAME,
configuration: {
url: '/saved_searches/my_id'
}, ...
name: NAME,
configuration: [
uid: "dt.filterName",
type: "select",
field: "dt.field",
value: "User selected value",
url: "/saved_searches/my_id",
This is an array of objects, where each object has a key:value pair for a name label, and a configuration object of key:value pairs of a filterUid and a filterValue, where filterUid and Value are of the same form as in the Search API, and a key:value pair for delete url.
The endpoint POST action expects to be able to post a JSON payload of the following form:
"saved_search": {
"search_title": "user entered value",
"filters": '[{"uid":"dt.filterName","type":"select","field":"dt.field","value":"User selected value"},{"uid":"dt.filterName","type":"text","field":"dt.field","value":"User entered value"}]',
This is an object where the saved_search object has search_title and. The search_title key:value pair is the user entered title for the search. The filters key:value pair is an stringified JSON which when jsonified returns the array in the following format:
uid: "dt.filterName",
type: "select",
field: "dt.field",
value: "User selected value",
uid: "dt.filterName",
type: "text",
field: "dt.field",
value: "User entered value",
The endpoint DELETE action expects to be able to delete a saved search by id:
DELETE '/saved_searches/:id'
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