diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a21fc9174..86852e752 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ setup_convenient_bin_links:
 	cp pkg/META.in pkg/META
 	ocamlbuild -package topkg pkg/build.native
-	ocamlbuild -package ocaml-migrate-parsetree vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_404.native
 build_without_utop: compile_error setup_convenient_bin_links precompile
 	./build.native build --utop false
diff --git a/_tags b/_tags
index 457b67d90..9348d54a0 100644
--- a/_tags
+++ b/_tags
@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@ true: warn(@5@8@10@11@12@14@23-24@26@29@40), bin_annot, safe_string, debug
 <bspacks/**>: -traverse
 "formatTest": -traverse
 "src": include
-<src/*>: package(menhirLib unix compiler-libs.common ocamlbuild findlib merlin_extend result dynlink findlib.dynload ocaml-migrate-parsetree)
+<src/*>: package(menhirLib unix compiler-libs.common ocamlbuild findlib merlin_extend result dynlink findlib.dynload ocaml-migrate-parsetree ppx_tools_versioned.metaquot_404)
 <src/reason_utop.*>: package(menhirLib utop)
-<vendor/ppx_deriving/*>: ppx(./vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_404.native)
-<vendor/ppx_deriving/*>|<vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/*>: package(compiler-libs.common findlib result ocaml-migrate-parsetree)
+<vendor/ppx_deriving/*>: package(compiler-libs.common findlib result ocaml-migrate-parsetree ppx_tools_versioned.metaquot_404)
 <src_gen/*>: package(sedlex)
diff --git a/opam b/opam
index 86094007c..ff8f21d9f 100644
--- a/opam
+++ b/opam
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ substs: [ "pkg/META" ]
 build: [
   [make "compile_error"]
   ["ocamlbuild" "-package" "topkg" "pkg/build.native"]
-  ["ocamlbuild" "-package" "ocaml-migrate-parsetree" "vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_404.native"]
   ["./build.native" "build"
                     "--native" "%{ocaml-native}%"
                     "--native-dynlink" "%{ocaml-native-dynlink}%"
@@ -24,13 +23,14 @@ build-test: [
   "ocamlbuild" "-classic-display" "-use-ocamlfind" "src_test/test_reason.byte" "--"
 depends: [
-  "ocamlfind"    {build}
-  "utop"         {>= "1.17"}
-  "menhir"       {>= "20160303"}
-  "merlin-extend"{>= "0.3"}
-  "result"       {=  "1.2"}
-  "topkg"        {=  "0.8.1"}
+  "ocamlfind"               {build}
+  "utop"                    {>= "1.17"}
+  "menhir"                  {>= "20160303"}
+  "merlin-extend"           {>= "0.3"}
+  "result"                  {=  "1.2"}
+  "topkg"                   {=  "0.8.1"}
+  "ppx_tools_versioned"     {= "5.0alpha"}
 depopts: [
diff --git a/opam.in b/opam.in
index 1c9377486..237caa3db 100644
--- a/opam.in
+++ b/opam.in
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ substs: [ "pkg/META" ]
 build: [
   [make "compile_error"]
   ["ocamlbuild" "-package" "topkg" "pkg/build.native"]
-  ["ocamlbuild" "-package" "ocaml-migrate-parsetree" "vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_404.native"]
   ["./build.native" "build"
                     "--native" "%{ocaml-native}%"
                     "--native-dynlink" "%{ocaml-native-dynlink}%"
@@ -23,13 +22,14 @@ build-test: [
   "ocamlbuild" "-classic-display" "-use-ocamlfind" "src_test/test_reason.byte" "--"
 depends: [
-  "ocamlfind"    {build}
-  "utop"         {>= "1.17"}
-  "menhir"       {>= "20160303"}
-  "merlin-extend"{>= "0.3"}
-  "result"       {=  "1.2"}
-  "topkg"        {=  "0.8.1"}
+  "ocamlfind"               {build}
+  "utop"                    {>= "1.17"}
+  "menhir"                  {>= "20160303"}
+  "merlin-extend"           {>= "0.3"}
+  "result"                  {=  "1.2"}
+  "topkg"                   {=  "0.8.1"}
+  "ppx_tools_versioned"     {= "5.0alpha"}
 depopts: [
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 8fe7f3274..f1aa65a24 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
         "@opam-alpha/ocaml-migrate-parsetree": "*",
         "@opam-alpha/result": "*",
         "@opam-alpha/topkg": "0.8.1",
+        "@opam-alpha/ppx_tools_versioned": "5.0.0",
         "dependency-env": "*",
         "opam-installer-bin": "https://github.com/yunxing/opam-installer-bin.git",
         "nopam": "*",
diff --git a/package.json.in b/package.json.in
index 8b13030a4..0daf10d25 100644
--- a/package.json.in
+++ b/package.json.in
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
         "@opam-alpha/ocaml-migrate-parsetree": "*",
         "@opam-alpha/result": "*",
         "@opam-alpha/topkg": "0.8.1",
+        "@opam-alpha/ppx_tools_versioned": "5.0.0",
         "dependency-env": "*",
         "opam-installer-bin": "https://github.com/yunxing/opam-installer-bin.git",
         "nopam": "*",
diff --git a/package.ml b/package.ml
index 591eeab7d..9eee863e5 100644
--- a/package.ml
+++ b/package.ml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 let version = "1.10.2"
-let git_version = "92b107b4bd08b501b6663d77b41feb8d01ac717d"
-let git_short_version = "92b107b"
+let git_version = "e3576ae51a73647b7f1e0c73286e91d4d3f35692"
+let git_short_version = "e3576ae"
diff --git a/pkg/META.in b/pkg/META.in
index b53e187a4..e7dbbea85 100644
--- a/pkg/META.in
+++ b/pkg/META.in
@@ -12,13 +12,16 @@ preprocessor = "ocamlreason_preprocessor_where_does_this_end_up"
 # Toplevel
 archive(byte, toploop) = "@compiler-libs/ocamlcommon.cma"
 archive(byte, toploop) += "@result/result.cmo"
-archive(byte, toploop) += "easy_format.cmo ast_convenience_404.cmo ppx_deriving.cmo ppx_deriving_show.cmo reason.cma"
+archive(byte, toploop) += "@ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_versioned.cma"
+archive(byte, toploop) += "easy_format.cmo ppx_deriving.cmo ppx_deriving_show.cmo reason.cma"
 archive(byte, toploop) += "@menhirLib/menhirLib.cmo"
 archive(byte, toploop, -pkg_utop) += "reason_toploop.cmo"
 archive(byte, toploop, pkg_utop) += "reason_utop.cmo"
 archive(byte) = "@result/result.cmo"
-archive(byte) += "ast_convenience_404.cmo ppx_deriving.cmo ppx_deriving_show.cmo reason.cma"
+archive(byte) += "@ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_versioned.cma"
+archive(byte) += "ppx_deriving.cmo ppx_deriving_show.cmo reason.cma"
 archive(native) = "reason.cmxa"
 package "lib" (
diff --git a/pkg/build.ml b/pkg/build.ml
index 582ef1a7a..73763d1eb 100644
--- a/pkg/build.ml
+++ b/pkg/build.ml
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ let () =
                                   % "-I,+ocamldoc"
                                   %% (v "-I" % "vendor/cmdliner")
                                   %% (v "-I" % "vendor/easy_format")
-                                  %% (v "-I" % "vendor/ppx_tools_versioned")
                                   %% (v "-I" % "vendor/ppx_deriving")
                                   %% of_list files)
@@ -53,10 +52,6 @@ let () =
     Pkg.lib ~exts:(Exts.exts [".cmo"; ".cmx";".cmi"; ".cmt"; ".cmxs"]) "src/redoc_html";
     Pkg.lib ~exts:(Exts.exts [".cmo"; ".cmx";".cmi"; ".cmt"]) "vendor/cmdliner/cmdliner";
     Pkg.lib ~exts:(Exts.exts [".cmo"; ".cmx";".cmi"; ".cmt"]) "vendor/easy_format/easy_format";
-    (* TODO: clean up all this nonsense when ppx_tools_versioned is released on
-       opam *)
-    Pkg.lib ~exts:(Exts.exts [".cmo"; ".cmx";".cmi"; ".cmt"]) "vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_404";
-    Pkg.bin ~auto:true "vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_404" ~dst:"metaquot";
     Pkg.lib ~exts:(Exts.exts [".cmo"; ".cmx";".cmi"; ".cmt"]) "vendor/ppx_deriving/ppx_deriving";
     Pkg.lib ~exts:(Exts.exts [".cmo"; ".cmx";".cmi"; ".cmt"]) "vendor/ppx_deriving/ppx_deriving_show";
     Pkg.lib ~exts:Exts.library "src/reasondoc";
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.depend b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.depend
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c69d4244..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.depend
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-ast_convenience_402.cmo : ast_convenience_402.cmi
-ast_convenience_402.cmx : ast_convenience_402.cmi
-ast_convenience_402.cmi :
-ast_convenience_403.cmo : ast_convenience_403.cmi
-ast_convenience_403.cmx : ast_convenience_403.cmi
-ast_convenience_403.cmi :
-ast_convenience_404.cmo : ast_convenience_404.cmi
-ast_convenience_404.cmx : ast_convenience_404.cmi
-ast_convenience_404.cmi :
-ast_convenience_405.cmo : ast_convenience_405.cmi
-ast_convenience_405.cmx : ast_convenience_405.cmi
-ast_convenience_405.cmi :
-ast_lifter_402.cmo :
-ast_lifter_402.cmx :
-ast_lifter_403.cmo :
-ast_lifter_403.cmx :
-ast_lifter_404.cmo :
-ast_lifter_404.cmx :
-ast_lifter_405.cmo :
-ast_lifter_405.cmx :
-ast_mapper_class_402.cmo : ast_mapper_class_402.cmi
-ast_mapper_class_402.cmx : ast_mapper_class_402.cmi
-ast_mapper_class_402.cmi :
-ast_mapper_class_403.cmo : ast_mapper_class_403.cmi
-ast_mapper_class_403.cmx : ast_mapper_class_403.cmi
-ast_mapper_class_403.cmi :
-ast_mapper_class_404.cmo : ast_mapper_class_404.cmi
-ast_mapper_class_404.cmx : ast_mapper_class_404.cmi
-ast_mapper_class_404.cmi :
-ast_mapper_class_405.cmo : ast_mapper_class_405.cmi
-ast_mapper_class_405.cmx : ast_mapper_class_405.cmi
-ast_mapper_class_405.cmi :
-ppx_metaquot_402.cmo : ast_lifter_402.cmo ast_convenience_402.cmi
-ppx_metaquot_402.cmx : ast_lifter_402.cmx ast_convenience_402.cmx
-ppx_metaquot_403.cmo : ast_lifter_403.cmo ast_convenience_403.cmi
-ppx_metaquot_403.cmx : ast_lifter_403.cmx ast_convenience_403.cmx
-ppx_metaquot_404.cmo : ast_lifter_404.cmo ast_convenience_404.cmi
-ppx_metaquot_404.cmx : ast_lifter_404.cmx ast_convenience_404.cmx
-ppx_metaquot_405.cmo : ast_lifter_405.cmo ast_convenience_405.cmi
-ppx_metaquot_405.cmx : ast_lifter_405.cmx ast_convenience_405.cmx
-ppx_tools_402.cmo : ast_mapper_class_402.cmi ast_convenience_402.cmi
-ppx_tools_402.cmx : ast_mapper_class_402.cmx ast_convenience_402.cmx
-ppx_tools_403.cmo : ast_mapper_class_403.cmi ast_convenience_403.cmi
-ppx_tools_403.cmx : ast_mapper_class_403.cmx ast_convenience_403.cmx
-ppx_tools_404.cmo : ast_mapper_class_404.cmi ast_convenience_404.cmi
-ppx_tools_404.cmx : ast_mapper_class_404.cmx ast_convenience_404.cmx
-ppx_tools_405.cmo : ast_mapper_class_405.cmi ast_convenience_405.cmi
-ppx_tools_405.cmx : ast_mapper_class_405.cmx ast_convenience_405.cmx
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.gitignore b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c0c03121d..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.merlin b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.merlin
deleted file mode 100644
index ceeeabc99..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.merlin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-PKG compiler-libs ocaml-migrate-parsetree
-FLG -safe-string
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.ocp-indent b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.ocp-indent
deleted file mode 100644
index 324a38276..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.ocp-indent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.travis.yml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6464693d3..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-language: c
-install: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/ocaml-travisci-skeleton/master/.travis-docker.sh
-script: bash -ex .travis-docker.sh
-  - docker
-sudo: false
-  global:
-    - PACKAGE="ppx_tools_versioned"
-    - PRE_INSTALL_HOOK="cd /home/opam/opam-repository && git pull origin master && opam update -u -y"
-  matrix:
-    - DISTRO=debian-stable OCAML_VERSION=4.03.0
-    - DISTRO=debian-testing OCAML_VERSION=4.02.3
-    - DISTRO=debian-unstable OCAML_VERSION=4.04.0
-    - DISTRO=ubuntu-16.04 OCAML_VERSION=4.03.0
-    - DISTRO=alpine OCAML_VERSION=4.04.0
-      #- DISTRO=alpine OCAML_VERSION=4.05.0+trunk
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/LICENSE b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index cb4dd0952..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2013 Alain Frisch and LexiFi
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
-this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
-the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
-use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
-the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
-subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/META b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/META
deleted file mode 100644
index f8454c8ca..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/META
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-version = "5.0"
-description = "Tools for authors of ppx rewriters and other syntactic tools (with ocaml-migrate-parsetree support)"
-archive(byte) = "ppx_tools_versioned.cma"
-archive(native) = "ppx_tools_versioned.cmxa"
-requires = "compiler-libs.common"
-package "metaquot_402" (
-  version = "5.0"
-  description = "Meta-quotation: 4.02 parsetree quotation"
-  requires = "ppx_tools_versioned"
-  ppx = "./ppx_metaquot_402"
-package "metaquot_403" (
-  version = "5.0"
-  description = "Meta-quotation: 4.03 parsetree quotation"
-  requires = "ppx_tools_versioned"
-  ppx = "./ppx_metaquot_403"
-package "metaquot_404" (
-  version = "5.0"
-  description = "Meta-quotation: 4.04 parsetree quotation"
-  requires = "ppx_tools_versioned"
-  ppx = "./ppx_metaquot_404"
-package "metaquot_405" (
-  version = "5.0"
-  description = "Meta-quotation: 4.05 parsetree quotation"
-  requires = "ppx_tools_versioned"
-  ppx = "./ppx_metaquot_405"
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/Makefile b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b8716d1b..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of the ppx_tools_versioned package. It is released under
-# the terms of the LGPL 2.1 license (see LICENSE file).
-# Copyright 2017 Frédéric Bour.
-# It is forked from ppx_tools package, which is copyright 2013
-# Alain Frisch and LexiFi.
-# Don't forget to change META file as well
-PACKAGE = ppx_tools_versioned
-VERSION = 5.0
-# Config
-include $(shell ocamlc -where)/Makefile.config
-OCAML_VERSION=$(shell ./ast_version.sh ocamlc)
-PACKS = ocaml-migrate-parsetree
-OCAMLC = ocamlfind c -package $(PACKS)
-OCAMLOPT = ocamlfind opt -package $(PACKS)
-COMPFLAGS = -bin-annot -w +A-4-17-44-45-105-42 -safe-string
-MODULES = ast_convenience ast_mapper_class ppx_tools
-VERSIONS = 402 403 404 405
-# Files
-OBJECTS= $(foreach version,$(VERSIONS), \
-					 $(foreach module,$(MODULES), $(module)_$(version).cmo))
-METAQUOTS= $(foreach version,$(VERSIONS),ppx_metaquot_$(version))
-.PHONY: all
-all: ppx_tools_versioned.cma ppx_tools_versioned.cmxa $(METAQUOTS)
-ppx_metaquots: $(METAQUOTS)
-ifeq ($(NATDYNLINK),true)
-all: ppx_tools_versioned.cmxs
-.PHONY: clean
-	rm -f *.cm* *.o *.obj *.a *.lib $(METAQUOTS)
-# Default rules
-.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx .native
-%.cmo: %.ml
-	$(OCAMLC) $(COMPFLAGS) -c $<
-%.cmi: %.mli
-	$(OCAMLC) $(COMPFLAGS) -c $<
-%.cmx: %.ml
-# Install/uninstall
-targets = $(1).mli $(1).cmi $(1).cmt $(1).cmti $(wildcard $(1).cmx)
-	$(wildcard ppx_tools_versioned.*) \
-	$(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmi) $(wildcard $(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)) \
-	$(wildcard $(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmt) $(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmti)) \
-.PHONY: reinstall install uninstall
-	ocamlfind install $(PACKAGE) $(INSTALL)
-	ocamlfind remove $(PACKAGE)
-	$(MAKE) uninstall
-	$(MAKE) install
-# Ast selection
-ppx_tools_versioned.cma: $(OBJECTS)
-	$(OCAMLC) -a -o $@ $^
-ppx_tools_versioned.cmxa: $(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)
-	$(OCAMLOPT) -a -o $@ $^
-ppx_tools_versioned.cmxs: $(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)
-	$(OCAMLOPT) -shared -o $@ $^
-# Metaquot
-ppx_metaquot_%: ppx_tools_versioned.cmxa ast_lifter_%.ml ppx_metaquot_%.ml
-	$(OCAMLOPT) -o $@ $(COMPFLAGS) -linkpkg $^
-.PHONY: depend
-	ocamldep *.ml *.mli > .depend
-	dos2unix .depend
--include .depend
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/README.md b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c88d45fc..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-Tools for authors of syntactic tools (such as ppx rewriters).
-This package is licensed by LexiFi under the terms of the MIT license.
-The tools are installed as a findlib package called 'ppx_tools'.
-Executables are thus accessible through the ocamlfind driver (e.g.:
-ocamlfind ppx_tools/dumpast).
-Main contributors:
-  - Alain Frisch
-  - Peter Zotov (whitequark)
-  - Gabriel Radanne (Drup)
-Master : [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools)
-4.05 : [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools.svg?branch=4.05)](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools)
-4.04 : [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools.svg?branch=4.04)](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools)
-4.03 : [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools.svg?branch=4.03)](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools)
-4.02 : [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools.svg?branch=4.02)](https://travis-ci.org/alainfrisch/ppx_tools)
-A ppx filter to help writing programs which manipulate the Parsetree,
-by allowing the programmer to use concrete syntax for expressions
-creating Parsetree fragments and patterns deconstructing Parsetree
-fragments.  See the top of ppx_metaquot.ml for a description of the
-supported extensions.
-    ocamlfind ocamlc -c -package ppx_tools.metaquot my_ppx_code.ml
-An utility to help testing ppx rewriters that runs the rewriter on
-user-provided code and returns the result.
-    ocamlfind ppx_tools/rewriter ./my_ppx_rewriter sample.ml
-See the integrated help message for more details:
-    ocamlfind ppx_tools/rewriter -help
-This module implements an API similar to Ast_mapper from the
-compiler-libs, i.e. a generic mapper from Parsetree to Parsetree
-implemeting a deep identity copy, which can be customized with a
-custom behavior for each syntactic category.  The difference with
-Ast_mapper is that Ast_mapper_class implements the open recursion
-using a class.
-This tool parses fragments of OCaml code (or entire source files) and
-dump the resulting internal Parsetree representation.  Intended uses:
- - Help to learn about the OCaml Parsetree structure and how it
-   corresponds to OCaml source syntax.
- - Create fragments of Parsetree to be copy-pasted into the source
-   code of syntax-manipulating programs (such as ppx rewriters).
-    ocamlfind ppx_tools/dumpast -e "1 + 2"
-The tool can be used to show the Parsetree representation of small
-fragments of syntax passed on the command line (-e for expressions, -p
-for patterns, -t for type expressions) or for entire .ml/mli files.
-The standard -pp and -ppx options are supported, but only applied on
-whole files.  The tool has further option to control how location and
-attribute fields in the Parsetree should be displayed.
-This tool generates a virtual "lifter" class for one or several OCaml
-type constructors.  It does so by loading the .cmi files which define
-those types.  The generated lifter class exposes one method to "reify"
-type constructors passed on the command-line and other type
-constructors accessible from them.  The class is parametrized over the
-target type of the reification, and it must provide method to deal
-with basic types (int, string, char, int32, int64, nativeint) and data
-type builders (record, constr, tuple, list, array).  As an example,
-    ocamlfind ppx_tools/genlifter -I +compiler-libs Location.t
-produces the following class:
-    class virtual ['res] lifter =
-      object (this)
-        method lift_Location_t : Location.t -> 'res=
-          fun
-            { Location.loc_start = loc_start; Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-              Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-             ->
-            this#record "Location.t"
-              [("loc_start", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_start));
-              ("loc_end", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_end));
-              ("loc_ghost", (this#lift_bool loc_ghost))]
-        method lift_bool : bool -> 'res=
-          function
-          | false  -> this#constr "bool" ("false", [])
-          | true  -> this#constr "bool" ("true", [])
-        method lift_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> 'res=
-          fun
-            { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-              Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-             ->
-            this#record "Lexing.position"
-              [("pos_fname", (this#string pos_fname));
-              ("pos_lnum", (this#int pos_lnum));
-              ("pos_bol", (this#int pos_bol));
-              ("pos_cnum", (this#int pos_cnum))]
-      end
-_dumpast_ is a direct example of using _genlifter_ applied on the
-OCaml Parsetree definition itself.  ppx_metaquot is another
-similar example.
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/VERSION b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/VERSION
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ae195faa..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/VERSION
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_402.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_402.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c6538030..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_402.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_402
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Location
-open Ast_helper
-module Label = struct
-  type t = string
-  type desc =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string
-    | Optional of string
-  let explode s =
-    if s = "" then Nolabel
-    else if s.[0] = '?' then Optional (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))
-    else Labelled s
-  let nolabel = ""
-  let labelled s = s
-  let optional s = "?"^s
-module Constant = struct
-  type t =
-     Pconst_integer of string * char option
-   | Pconst_char of char
-   | Pconst_string of string * string option
-   | Pconst_float of string * char option
-  exception Unknown_literal of string * char
-  (** Backport Int_literal_converter from ocaml 4.03 -
-   * https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/blob/trunk/utils/misc.ml#L298 *)
-  module Int_literal_converter = struct
-    let cvt_int_aux str neg of_string =
-      if String.length str = 0 || str.[0] = '-'
-      then of_string str
-      else neg (of_string ("-" ^ str))
-    let int s = cvt_int_aux s (~-) int_of_string
-    let int32 s = cvt_int_aux s Int32.neg Int32.of_string
-    let int64 s = cvt_int_aux s Int64.neg Int64.of_string
-    let nativeint s = cvt_int_aux s Nativeint.neg Nativeint.of_string
-  end
-  let of_constant = function
-    | Asttypes.Const_int32(i) -> Pconst_integer(Int32.to_string i, Some 'l')
-    | Asttypes.Const_int64(i) -> Pconst_integer(Int64.to_string i, Some 'L')
-    | Asttypes.Const_nativeint(i) -> Pconst_integer(Nativeint.to_string i, Some 'n')
-    | Asttypes.Const_int(i) -> Pconst_integer(string_of_int i, None)
-    | Asttypes.Const_char c -> Pconst_char c
-    | Asttypes.Const_string(s, s_opt) -> Pconst_string(s, s_opt)
-    | Asttypes.Const_float f -> Pconst_float(f, None)
-  let to_constant = function
-    | Pconst_integer(i,Some 'l') -> Asttypes.Const_int32 (Int_literal_converter.int32 i)
-    | Pconst_integer(i,Some 'L') -> Asttypes.Const_int64 (Int_literal_converter.int64 i)
-    | Pconst_integer(i,Some 'n') -> Asttypes.Const_nativeint (Int_literal_converter.nativeint i)
-    | Pconst_integer(i,None) -> Asttypes.Const_int (Int_literal_converter.int i)
-    | Pconst_integer(i,Some c) -> raise (Unknown_literal (i, c))
-    | Pconst_char c -> Asttypes.Const_char c
-    | Pconst_string(s,d) -> Asttypes.Const_string(s, d)
-    | Pconst_float(f,None) -> Asttypes.Const_float f
-    | Pconst_float(f,Some c) -> raise (Unknown_literal (f, c))
-let may_tuple ?loc tup = function
-  | [] -> None
-  | [x] -> Some x
-  | l -> Some (tup ?loc ?attrs:None l)
-let lid ?(loc = !default_loc) s = mkloc (Longident.parse s) loc
-let constr ?loc ?attrs s args = Exp.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Exp.tuple args)
-let nil ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
-let unit ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
-let tuple ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | [x] -> x
-  | xs -> Exp.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
-let cons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = constr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
-let list ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (cons ?loc ?attrs) l (nil ?loc ?attrs ())
-let str ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Const_string (s, None))
-let int ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Const_int x)
-let char ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Const_char x)
-let float ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Const_float (string_of_float x))
-let record ?loc ?attrs ?over l =
-  Exp.record ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.pexp_loc s, e)) l) over
-let func ?loc ?attrs l = Exp.function_ ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (p, e) -> Exp.case p e) l)
-let lam ?loc ?attrs ?(label = Label.nolabel) ?default pat exp = Exp.fun_ ?loc ?attrs label default pat exp
-let app ?loc ?attrs f l = if l = [] then f else Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs f (List.map (fun a -> Label.nolabel, a) l)
-let evar ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.ident ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s)
-let let_in ?loc ?attrs ?(recursive = false) b body =
-  Exp.let_ ?loc ?attrs (if recursive then Recursive else Nonrecursive) b body
-let sequence ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | hd :: tl -> List.fold_left (fun e1 e2 -> Exp.sequence ?loc ?attrs e1 e2) hd tl
-let pvar ?(loc = !default_loc) ?attrs s = Pat.var ~loc ?attrs (mkloc s loc)
-let pconstr ?loc ?attrs s args = Pat.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Pat.tuple args)
-let precord ?loc ?attrs ?(closed = Open) l =
-  Pat.record ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.ppat_loc s, e)) l) closed
-let pnil ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
-let pcons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
-let punit ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
-let ptuple ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> punit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | [x] -> x
-  | xs -> Pat.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
-let plist ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (pcons ?loc ?attrs) l (pnil ?loc ?attrs ())
-let pstr ?loc ?attrs s = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Const_string (s, None))
-let pint ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Const_int x)
-let pchar ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Const_char x)
-let pfloat ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Const_float (string_of_float x))
-let tconstr ?loc ?attrs c l = Typ.constr ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc c) l
-let get_str = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Const_string (s, _)); _} -> Some s
-  | _ -> None
-let get_str_with_quotation_delimiter = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Const_string (s, d)); _} -> Some (s, d)
-  | _ -> None
-let get_lid = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=id;_};_} ->
-      Some (String.concat "." (Longident.flatten id))
-  | _ -> None
-let find_attr s attrs =
-  try Some (snd (List.find (fun (x, _) -> x.txt = s) attrs))
-  with Not_found -> None
-let expr_of_payload = function
-  | PStr [{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval(e, _); _}] -> Some e
-  | _ -> None
-let find_attr_expr s attrs =
-  match find_attr s attrs with
-  | Some e -> expr_of_payload e
-  | None -> None
-let has_attr s attrs =
-  find_attr s attrs <> None
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_402.mli b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_402.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index a07b92db2..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_402.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_402
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** {1 Convenience functions to help build and deconstruct AST fragments.} *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_helper
-(** {2 Compatibility modules} *)
-module Label : sig
-  type t = string
-  type desc =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string
-    | Optional of string
-  val explode : t -> desc
-  val nolabel : t
-  val labelled : string -> t
-  val optional : string -> t
-(** {2 Provides abstraction over Asttypes.constant type }*)
-module Constant : sig
-  type t =
-     Pconst_integer of string * char option
-   | Pconst_char of char
-   | Pconst_string of string * string option
-   | Pconst_float of string * char option
-  exception Unknown_literal of string * char
-  (** Converts Asttypes.constant to Constant.t *)
-  val of_constant : constant -> t
-  (** Converts Constant.t to Asttypes.constant. Raises Unknown_literal if conversion fails *)
-  val to_constant : t -> constant
-(** {2 Misc} *)
-val lid: ?loc:loc -> string -> lid
-(** {2 Expressions} *)
-val evar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
-val let_in: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?recursive:bool -> value_binding list -> expression -> expression
-val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression list -> expression
-val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?over:expression -> (string * expression) list -> expression
-val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-val nil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-val cons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression -> expression
-val list: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-val unit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-val func: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (pattern * expression) list -> expression
-val lam: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?label:Label.t -> ?default:expression -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-val app: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression list -> expression
-val str: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
-val int: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> expression
-val char: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> expression
-val float: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> expression
-val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-(** Return [()] if the list is empty. Tail rec. *)
-(** {2 Patterns} *)
-val pvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
-val pconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern list -> pattern
-val precord: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?closed:closed_flag -> (string * pattern) list -> pattern
-val ptuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-val pnil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-val pcons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-val plist: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-val pstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
-val pint: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> pattern
-val pchar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> pattern
-val pfloat: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> pattern
-val punit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-(** {2 Types} *)
-val tconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type list -> core_type
-(** {2 AST deconstruction} *)
-val get_str: expression -> string option
-val get_str_with_quotation_delimiter: expression -> (string * string option) option
-val get_lid: expression -> string option
-val has_attr: string -> attributes -> bool
-val find_attr: string -> attributes -> payload option
-val find_attr_expr: string -> attributes -> expression option
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_403.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_403.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3187cb497..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_403.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_403
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Location
-open Ast_helper
-module Label = struct
-  type t = Asttypes.arg_label
-  type desc = Asttypes.arg_label =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string
-    | Optional of string
-  let explode x = x
-  let nolabel = Nolabel
-  let labelled x = Labelled x
-  let optional x = Optional x
-module Constant = struct
-  type t = Parsetree.constant =
-     Pconst_integer of string * char option
-   | Pconst_char of char
-   | Pconst_string of string * string option
-   | Pconst_float of string * char option
-  let of_constant x = x
-  let to_constant x = x
-let may_tuple ?loc tup = function
-  | [] -> None
-  | [x] -> Some x
-  | l -> Some (tup ?loc ?attrs:None l)
-let lid ?(loc = !default_loc) s = mkloc (Longident.parse s) loc
-let constr ?loc ?attrs s args = Exp.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Exp.tuple args)
-let nil ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
-let unit ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
-let tuple ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | [x] -> x
-  | xs -> Exp.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
-let cons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = constr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
-let list ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (cons ?loc ?attrs) l (nil ?loc ?attrs ())
-let str ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_string (s, None))
-let int ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (string_of_int x, None))
-let char ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_char x)
-let float ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_float (string_of_float x, None))
-let record ?loc ?attrs ?over l =
-  Exp.record ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.pexp_loc s, e)) l) over
-let func ?loc ?attrs l = Exp.function_ ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (p, e) -> Exp.case p e) l)
-let lam ?loc ?attrs ?(label = Label.nolabel) ?default pat exp = Exp.fun_ ?loc ?attrs label default pat exp
-let app ?loc ?attrs f l = if l = [] then f else Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs f (List.map (fun a -> Label.nolabel, a) l)
-let evar ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.ident ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s)
-let let_in ?loc ?attrs ?(recursive = false) b body =
-  Exp.let_ ?loc ?attrs (if recursive then Recursive else Nonrecursive) b body
-let sequence ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | hd :: tl -> List.fold_left (fun e1 e2 -> Exp.sequence ?loc ?attrs e1 e2) hd tl
-let pvar ?(loc = !default_loc) ?attrs s = Pat.var ~loc ?attrs (mkloc s loc)
-let pconstr ?loc ?attrs s args = Pat.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Pat.tuple args)
-let precord ?loc ?attrs ?(closed = Open) l =
-  Pat.record ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.ppat_loc s, e)) l) closed
-let pnil ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
-let pcons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
-let punit ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
-let ptuple ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> punit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | [x] -> x
-  | xs -> Pat.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
-let plist ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (pcons ?loc ?attrs) l (pnil ?loc ?attrs ())
-let pstr ?loc ?attrs s = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_string (s, None))
-let pint ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (string_of_int x, None))
-let pchar ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_char x)
-let pfloat ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_float (string_of_float x, None))
-let tconstr ?loc ?attrs c l = Typ.constr ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc c) l
-let get_str = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, _)); _} -> Some s
-  | _ -> None
-let get_str_with_quotation_delimiter = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, d)); _} -> Some (s, d)
-  | _ -> None
-let get_lid = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=id;_};_} ->
-      Some (String.concat "." (Longident.flatten id))
-  | _ -> None
-let find_attr s attrs =
-  try Some (snd (List.find (fun (x, _) -> x.txt = s) attrs))
-  with Not_found -> None
-let expr_of_payload = function
-  | PStr [{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval(e, _); _}] -> Some e
-  | _ -> None
-let find_attr_expr s attrs =
-  match find_attr s attrs with
-  | Some e -> expr_of_payload e
-  | None -> None
-let has_attr s attrs =
-  find_attr s attrs <> None
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_403.mli b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_403.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e9690a80..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_403.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_403
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** {1 Convenience functions to help build and deconstruct AST fragments.} *)
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_helper
-open Parsetree
-(** {2 Compatibility modules} *)
-module Label : sig
-  type t = Asttypes.arg_label
-  type desc = Asttypes.arg_label =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string
-    | Optional of string
-  val explode : t -> desc
-  val nolabel : t
-  val labelled : string -> t
-  val optional : string -> t
-(** {2 Provides a unified abstraction over differences in Parsetree.constant and Asttypes.constant
- * types defined in ocaml 4.03 and 4.02 respectively}*)
-module Constant : sig
-  type t = Parsetree.constant =
-     Pconst_integer of string * char option
-   | Pconst_char of char
-   | Pconst_string of string * string option
-   | Pconst_float of string * char option
-  (** Convert Asttypes.constant to Constant.t *)
-  val of_constant : Parsetree.constant -> t
-  (** Convert Constant.t to Asttypes.constant *)
-  val to_constant : t -> Parsetree.constant
-(** {2 Misc} *)
-val lid: ?loc:loc -> string -> lid
-(** {2 Expressions} *)
-val evar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
-val let_in: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?recursive:bool -> value_binding list -> expression -> expression
-val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression list -> expression
-val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?over:expression -> (string * expression) list -> expression
-val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-val nil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-val cons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression -> expression
-val list: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-val unit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-val func: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (pattern * expression) list -> expression
-val lam: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?label:Label.t -> ?default:expression -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-val app: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression list -> expression
-val str: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
-val int: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> expression
-val char: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> expression
-val float: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> expression
-val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-(** Return [()] if the list is empty. Tail rec. *)
-(** {2 Patterns} *)
-val pvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
-val pconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern list -> pattern
-val precord: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?closed:closed_flag -> (string * pattern) list -> pattern
-val ptuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-val pnil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-val pcons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-val plist: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-val pstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
-val pint: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> pattern
-val pchar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> pattern
-val pfloat: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> pattern
-val punit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-(** {2 Types} *)
-val tconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type list -> core_type
-(** {2 AST deconstruction} *)
-val get_str: expression -> string option
-val get_str_with_quotation_delimiter: expression -> (string * string option) option
-val get_lid: expression -> string option
-val has_attr: string -> attributes -> bool
-val find_attr: string -> attributes -> payload option
-val find_attr_expr: string -> attributes -> expression option
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_404.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_404.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1af2660d5..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_404.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_404
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Location
-open Ast_helper
-module Label = struct
-  type t = Asttypes.arg_label
-  type desc = Asttypes.arg_label =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string
-    | Optional of string
-  let explode x = x
-  let nolabel = Nolabel
-  let labelled x = Labelled x
-  let optional x = Optional x
-module Constant = struct 
-  type t = Parsetree.constant =
-     Pconst_integer of string * char option 
-   | Pconst_char of char 
-   | Pconst_string of string * string option 
-   | Pconst_float of string * char option 
-  let of_constant x = x 
-  let to_constant x = x
-let may_tuple ?loc tup = function
-  | [] -> None
-  | [x] -> Some x
-  | l -> Some (tup ?loc ?attrs:None l)
-let lid ?(loc = !default_loc) s = mkloc (Longident.parse s) loc
-let constr ?loc ?attrs s args = Exp.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Exp.tuple args)
-let nil ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
-let unit ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
-let tuple ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | [x] -> x
-  | xs -> Exp.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
-let cons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = constr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
-let list ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (cons ?loc ?attrs) l (nil ?loc ?attrs ())
-let str ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_string (s, None))
-let int ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (string_of_int x, None))
-let int32 ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (Int32.to_string x, Some 'l'))
-let int64 ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (Int64.to_string x, Some 'L'))
-let char ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_char x)
-let float ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_float (string_of_float x, None))
-let record ?loc ?attrs ?over l =
-  Exp.record ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.pexp_loc s, e)) l) over
-let func ?loc ?attrs l = Exp.function_ ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (p, e) -> Exp.case p e) l)
-let lam ?loc ?attrs ?(label = Label.nolabel) ?default pat exp = Exp.fun_ ?loc ?attrs label default pat exp
-let app ?loc ?attrs f l = if l = [] then f else Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs f (List.map (fun a -> Label.nolabel, a) l)
-let evar ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.ident ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s)
-let let_in ?loc ?attrs ?(recursive = false) b body =
-  Exp.let_ ?loc ?attrs (if recursive then Recursive else Nonrecursive) b body
-let sequence ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | hd :: tl -> List.fold_left (fun e1 e2 -> Exp.sequence ?loc ?attrs e1 e2) hd tl
-let pvar ?(loc = !default_loc) ?attrs s = Pat.var ~loc ?attrs (mkloc s loc)
-let pconstr ?loc ?attrs s args = Pat.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Pat.tuple args)
-let precord ?loc ?attrs ?(closed = Open) l =
-  Pat.record ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.ppat_loc s, e)) l) closed
-let pnil ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
-let pcons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
-let punit ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
-let ptuple ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> punit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | [x] -> x
-  | xs -> Pat.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
-let plist ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (pcons ?loc ?attrs) l (pnil ?loc ?attrs ())
-let pstr ?loc ?attrs s = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_string (s, None))
-let pint ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (string_of_int x, None))
-let pchar ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_char x)
-let pfloat ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_float (string_of_float x, None))
-let tconstr ?loc ?attrs c l = Typ.constr ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc c) l
-let get_str = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, _)); _} -> Some s
-  | _ -> None
-let get_str_with_quotation_delimiter = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, d)); _} -> Some (s, d)
-  | _ -> None
-let get_lid = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=id;_};_} ->
-      Some (String.concat "." (Longident.flatten id))
-  | _ -> None
-let find_attr s attrs =
-  try Some (snd (List.find (fun (x, _) -> x.txt = s) attrs))
-  with Not_found -> None
-let expr_of_payload = function
-  | PStr [{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval(e, _); _}] -> Some e
-  | _ -> None
-let find_attr_expr s attrs =
-  match find_attr s attrs with
-  | Some e -> expr_of_payload e
-  | None -> None
-let has_attr s attrs =
-  find_attr s attrs <> None
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_404.mli b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_404.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 75fdf734b..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_404.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_404
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** {1 Convenience functions to help build and deconstruct AST fragments.} *)
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_helper
-open Parsetree
-(** {2 Compatibility modules} *)
-module Label : sig
-  type t = Asttypes.arg_label
-  type desc = Asttypes.arg_label =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string
-    | Optional of string
-  val explode : t -> desc
-  val nolabel : t
-  val labelled : string -> t
-  val optional : string -> t
-(** {2 Provides a unified abstraction over differences in Parsetree.constant and Asttypes.constant 
- * types defined in ocaml 4.03 and 4.02 respectively}*)
-module Constant : sig 
-  type t = Parsetree.constant =
-     Pconst_integer of string * char option 
-   | Pconst_char of char 
-   | Pconst_string of string * string option 
-   | Pconst_float of string * char option 
-  (** Convert Asttypes.constant to Constant.t *) 
-  val of_constant : Parsetree.constant -> t
-  (** Convert Constant.t to Asttypes.constant *)
-  val to_constant : t -> Parsetree.constant
-(** {2 Misc} *)
-val lid: ?loc:loc -> string -> lid
-(** {2 Expressions} *)
-val evar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
-val let_in: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?recursive:bool -> value_binding list -> expression -> expression
-val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression list -> expression
-val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?over:expression -> (string * expression) list -> expression
-val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-val nil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-val cons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression -> expression
-val list: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-val unit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-val func: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (pattern * expression) list -> expression
-val lam: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?label:Label.t -> ?default:expression -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-val app: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression list -> expression
-val str: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
-val int: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> expression
-val int32: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int32 -> expression
-val int64: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int64 -> expression
-val char: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> expression
-val float: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> expression
-val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-(** Return [()] if the list is empty. Tail rec. *)
-(** {2 Patterns} *)
-val pvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
-val pconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern list -> pattern
-val precord: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?closed:closed_flag -> (string * pattern) list -> pattern
-val ptuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-val pnil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-val pcons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-val plist: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-val pstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
-val pint: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> pattern
-val pchar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> pattern
-val pfloat: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> pattern
-val punit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-(** {2 Types} *)
-val tconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type list -> core_type
-(** {2 AST deconstruction} *)
-val get_str: expression -> string option
-val get_str_with_quotation_delimiter: expression -> (string * string option) option
-val get_lid: expression -> string option
-val has_attr: string -> attributes -> bool
-val find_attr: string -> attributes -> payload option
-val find_attr_expr: string -> attributes -> expression option
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_405.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_405.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index a99b7123e..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_405.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_405
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Location
-open Ast_helper
-module Label = struct
-  type t = Asttypes.arg_label
-  type desc = Asttypes.arg_label =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string
-    | Optional of string
-  let explode x = x
-  let nolabel = Nolabel
-  let labelled x = Labelled x
-  let optional x = Optional x
-module Constant = struct
-  type t = Parsetree.constant =
-     Pconst_integer of string * char option
-   | Pconst_char of char
-   | Pconst_string of string * string option
-   | Pconst_float of string * char option
-  let of_constant x = x
-  let to_constant x = x
-let may_tuple ?loc tup = function
-  | [] -> None
-  | [x] -> Some x
-  | l -> Some (tup ?loc ?attrs:None l)
-let lid ?(loc = !default_loc) s = mkloc (Longident.parse s) loc
-let constr ?loc ?attrs s args = Exp.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Exp.tuple args)
-let nil ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
-let unit ?loc ?attrs () = constr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
-let tuple ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | [x] -> x
-  | xs -> Exp.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
-let cons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = constr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
-let list ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (cons ?loc ?attrs) l (nil ?loc ?attrs ())
-let str ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_string (s, None))
-let int ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (string_of_int x, None))
-let int32 ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (Int32.to_string x, Some 'l'))
-let int64 ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (Int64.to_string x, Some 'L'))
-let char ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_char x)
-let float ?loc ?attrs x = Exp.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_float (string_of_float x, None))
-let record ?loc ?attrs ?over l =
-  Exp.record ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.pexp_loc s, e)) l) over
-let func ?loc ?attrs l = Exp.function_ ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (p, e) -> Exp.case p e) l)
-let lam ?loc ?attrs ?(label = Label.nolabel) ?default pat exp = Exp.fun_ ?loc ?attrs label default pat exp
-let app ?loc ?attrs f l = if l = [] then f else Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs f (List.map (fun a -> Label.nolabel, a) l)
-let evar ?loc ?attrs s = Exp.ident ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s)
-let let_in ?loc ?attrs ?(recursive = false) b body =
-  Exp.let_ ?loc ?attrs (if recursive then Recursive else Nonrecursive) b body
-let sequence ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> unit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | hd :: tl -> List.fold_left (fun e1 e2 -> Exp.sequence ?loc ?attrs e1 e2) hd tl
-let pvar ?(loc = !default_loc) ?attrs s = Pat.var ~loc ?attrs (mkloc s loc)
-let pconstr ?loc ?attrs s args = Pat.construct ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc s) (may_tuple ?loc Pat.tuple args)
-let precord ?loc ?attrs ?(closed = Open) l =
-  Pat.record ?loc ?attrs (List.map (fun (s, e) -> (lid ~loc:e.ppat_loc s, e)) l) closed
-let pnil ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "[]" []
-let pcons ?loc ?attrs hd tl = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "::" [hd; tl]
-let punit ?loc ?attrs () = pconstr ?loc ?attrs "()" []
-let ptuple ?loc ?attrs = function
-  | [] -> punit ?loc ?attrs ()
-  | [x] -> x
-  | xs -> Pat.tuple ?loc ?attrs xs
-let plist ?loc ?attrs l = List.fold_right (pcons ?loc ?attrs) l (pnil ?loc ?attrs ())
-let pstr ?loc ?attrs s = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_string (s, None))
-let pint ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_integer (string_of_int x, None))
-let pchar ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_char x)
-let pfloat ?loc ?attrs x = Pat.constant ?loc ?attrs (Pconst_float (string_of_float x, None))
-let tconstr ?loc ?attrs c l = Typ.constr ?loc ?attrs (lid ?loc c) l
-let get_str = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, _)); _} -> Some s
-  | _ -> None
-let get_str_with_quotation_delimiter = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, d)); _} -> Some (s, d)
-  | _ -> None
-let get_lid = function
-  | {pexp_desc=Pexp_ident{txt=id;_};_} ->
-      Some (String.concat "." (Longident.flatten id))
-  | _ -> None
-let find_attr s attrs =
-  try Some (snd (List.find (fun (x, _) -> x.txt = s) attrs))
-  with Not_found -> None
-let expr_of_payload = function
-  | PStr [{pstr_desc=Pstr_eval(e, _); _}] -> Some e
-  | _ -> None
-let find_attr_expr s attrs =
-  match find_attr s attrs with
-  | Some e -> expr_of_payload e
-  | None -> None
-let has_attr s attrs =
-  find_attr s attrs <> None
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_405.mli b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_405.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2b6ba46..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_convenience_405.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_405
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** {1 Convenience functions to help build and deconstruct AST fragments.} *)
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_helper
-open Parsetree
-(** {2 Compatibility modules} *)
-module Label : sig
-  type t = Asttypes.arg_label
-  type desc = Asttypes.arg_label =
-      Nolabel
-    | Labelled of string
-    | Optional of string
-  val explode : t -> desc
-  val nolabel : t
-  val labelled : string -> t
-  val optional : string -> t
-(** {2 Provides a unified abstraction over differences in Parsetree.constant and Asttypes.constant
- * types defined in ocaml 4.03 and 4.02 respectively}*)
-module Constant : sig
-  type t = Parsetree.constant =
-     Pconst_integer of string * char option
-   | Pconst_char of char
-   | Pconst_string of string * string option
-   | Pconst_float of string * char option
-  (** Convert Asttypes.constant to Constant.t *)
-  val of_constant : Parsetree.constant -> t
-  (** Convert Constant.t to Asttypes.constant *)
-  val to_constant : t -> Parsetree.constant
-(** {2 Misc} *)
-val lid: ?loc:loc -> string -> lid
-(** {2 Expressions} *)
-val evar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
-val let_in: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?recursive:bool -> value_binding list -> expression -> expression
-val constr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression list -> expression
-val record: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?over:expression -> (string * expression) list -> expression
-val tuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-val nil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-val cons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression -> expression
-val list: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-val unit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> expression
-val func: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> (pattern * expression) list -> expression
-val lam: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?label:Label.t -> ?default:expression -> pattern -> expression -> expression
-val app: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression -> expression list -> expression
-val str: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> expression
-val int: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> expression
-val int32: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int32 -> expression
-val int64: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int64 -> expression
-val char: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> expression
-val float: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> expression
-val sequence: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> expression list -> expression
-(** Return [()] if the list is empty. Tail rec. *)
-(** {2 Patterns} *)
-val pvar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
-val pconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern list -> pattern
-val precord: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?closed:closed_flag -> (string * pattern) list -> pattern
-val ptuple: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-val pnil: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-val pcons: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern -> pattern -> pattern
-val plist: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> pattern list -> pattern
-val pstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> pattern
-val pint: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> int -> pattern
-val pchar: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> char -> pattern
-val pfloat: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> float -> pattern
-val punit: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> unit -> pattern
-(** {2 Types} *)
-val tconstr: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> string -> core_type list -> core_type
-(** {2 AST deconstruction} *)
-val get_str: expression -> string option
-val get_str_with_quotation_delimiter: expression -> (string * string option) option
-val get_lid: expression -> string option
-val has_attr: string -> attributes -> bool
-val find_attr: string -> attributes -> payload option
-val find_attr_expr: string -> attributes -> expression option
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_402.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_402.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index c1ebdca7e..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_402.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1353 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_402
-class virtual ['res] lifter =
-  object (this)
-    method lift_Parsetree_expression : Parsetree.expression -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc; Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-           Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression"
-           [("pexp_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression_desc pexp_desc));
-           ("pexp_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pexp_loc));
-           ("pexp_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pexp_attributes))] : Parsetree.expression
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_expression_desc :
-      Parsetree.expression_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_constant", [this#lift_Asttypes_constant x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_let",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_function",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_fun",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x2;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x3])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list
-                 (List.map
-                    (fun x  ->
-                       let (x0,x1) = x in
-                       this#tuple
-                         [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-                         this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_match",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_try",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_construct",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_variant",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_record",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x0);
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_field",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_setfield",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_array",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_ifthenelse",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_sequence",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_while",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_for",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_direction_flag x3;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x4])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_coerce",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_send",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0; this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_new", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_setinstvar",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_override",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_letmodule",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_assert", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_lazy", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_poly",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_object", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_newtype",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_pack", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_open",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.expression_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_direction_flag : Asttypes.direction_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Upto  -> this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.direction_flag" ("Upto", [])
-       | Asttypes.Downto  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.direction_flag" ("Downto", []) : Asttypes.direction_flag
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_case : Parsetree.case -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs; Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-           Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.case"
-           [("pc_lhs", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pc_lhs));
-           ("pc_guard",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression pc_guard));
-           ("pc_rhs", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression pc_rhs))] : Parsetree.case
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_value_binding : Parsetree.value_binding -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat; Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-           Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.value_binding"
-           [("pvb_pat", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pvb_pat));
-           ("pvb_expr", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression pvb_expr));
-           ("pvb_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pvb_attributes));
-           ("pvb_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pvb_loc))] : Parsetree.value_binding
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_pattern : Parsetree.pattern -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc; Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-           Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern"
-           [("ppat_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern_desc ppat_desc));
-           ("ppat_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ppat_loc));
-           ("ppat_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ppat_attributes))] : Parsetree.pattern
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_pattern_desc : Parsetree.pattern_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_any  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc" ("Ppat_any", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_var", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_alias",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_constant", [this#lift_Asttypes_constant x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_interval",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_constant x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_constant x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_construct",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_variant",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_record",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1]) x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_array",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_or",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_type", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_lazy", [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_unpack", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_exception", [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.pattern_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_core_type : Parsetree.core_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc; Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-           Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type"
-           [("ptyp_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type_desc ptyp_desc));
-           ("ptyp_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ptyp_loc));
-           ("ptyp_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptyp_attributes))] : Parsetree.core_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_core_type_desc : Parsetree.core_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_any  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc" ("Ptyp_any", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_var", [this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_arrow",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_object",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1,x2) = x in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#string x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2]) x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_class",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_alias",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0; this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_variant",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_row_field x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1;
-               this#lift_option
-                 (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Asttypes_label x))
-                 x2])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_poly",
-               [this#list (List.map this#string x0);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_package", [this#lift_Parsetree_package_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.core_type_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_package_type : Parsetree.package_type -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-           this#list
-             (List.map
-                (fun x  ->
-                   let (x0,x1) = x in
-                   this#tuple
-                     [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                     this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1]) x1)] : Parsetree.package_type
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_row_field : Parsetree.row_field -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.row_field"
-             ("Rtag",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1;
-               this#lift_bool x2;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3)])
-       | Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.row_field"
-             ("Rinherit", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0]) : Parsetree.row_field
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_attributes : Parsetree.attributes -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x) :
-      Parsetree.attributes -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_attribute : Parsetree.attribute -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-           this#lift_Parsetree_payload x1] : Parsetree.attribute -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_payload : Parsetree.payload -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PStr", [this#lift_Parsetree_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PTyp", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PPat",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) :
-      Parsetree.payload -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure : Parsetree.structure -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_structure_item x) :
-      Parsetree.structure -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure_item : Parsetree.structure_item -> 'res=
-      (fun { Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc; Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item"
-           [("pstr_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_structure_item_desc pstr_desc));
-           ("pstr_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pstr_loc))] : Parsetree.structure_item
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure_item_desc :
-      Parsetree.structure_item_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_eval",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_value",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_primitive", [this#lift_Parsetree_value_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_type",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_typext", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_exception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_module", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_binding x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_recmodule",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_module_binding x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_modtype",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_open", [this#lift_Parsetree_open_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_class",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_class_type",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_include", [this#lift_Parsetree_include_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_extension",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1]) : Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_declaration :
-      Parsetree.include_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_include_infos this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x :
-      Parsetree.include_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_declaration :
-      Parsetree.class_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x :
-      Parsetree.class_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_expr : Parsetree.class_expr -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc; Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_expr"
-           [("pcl_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr_desc pcl_desc));
-           ("pcl_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcl_loc));
-           ("pcl_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcl_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_expr
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_expr_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_structure", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_fun",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x2;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x3])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x0;
-               this#list
-                 (List.map
-                    (fun x  ->
-                       let (x0,x1) = x in
-                       this#tuple
-                         [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-                         this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_let",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_structure :
-      Parsetree.class_structure -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-           Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_structure"
-           [("pcstr_self", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pcstr_self));
-           ("pcstr_fields",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_field pcstr_fields)))] :
-      Parsetree.class_structure -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field : Parsetree.class_field -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc; Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field"
-           [("pcf_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_desc pcf_desc));
-           ("pcf_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcf_loc));
-           ("pcf_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcf_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_field
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_field_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_inherit",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x1;
-               this#lift_option this#string x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_val",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2) = x0 in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind x2])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_method",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2) = x0 in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind x2])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_constraint",
-               [(let (x0,x1) = x0 in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_initializer", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_field_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind :
-      Parsetree.class_field_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_kind"
-             ("Cfk_virtual", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_field_kind"
-             ("Cfk_concrete",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) : Parsetree.class_field_kind
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_binding : Parsetree.module_binding -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name; Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-           Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_binding"
-           [("pmb_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmb_name));
-           ("pmb_expr", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr pmb_expr));
-           ("pmb_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmb_attributes));
-           ("pmb_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmb_loc))] : Parsetree.module_binding
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_expr : Parsetree.module_expr -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc; Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-           Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_expr"
-           [("pmod_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr_desc pmod_desc));
-           ("pmod_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmod_loc));
-           ("pmod_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmod_attributes))] : Parsetree.module_expr
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_expr_desc :
-      Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_structure", [this#lift_Parsetree_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_functor",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_unpack", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type : Parsetree.module_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc; Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-           Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type"
-           [("pmty_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_desc pmty_desc));
-           ("pmty_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmty_loc));
-           ("pmty_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmty_attributes))] : Parsetree.module_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type_desc :
-      Parsetree.module_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_signature", [this#lift_Parsetree_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_functor",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_with",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_with_constraint x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_typeof", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_alias",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0]) : Parsetree.module_type_desc
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_with_constraint :
-      Parsetree.with_constraint -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_module",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_typesubst", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_modsubst",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1]) : Parsetree.with_constraint
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature : Parsetree.signature -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_signature_item x) :
-      Parsetree.signature -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature_item : Parsetree.signature_item -> 'res=
-      (fun { Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc; Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item"
-           [("psig_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_signature_item_desc psig_desc));
-           ("psig_loc", (this#lift_Location_t psig_loc))] : Parsetree.signature_item
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature_item_desc :
-      Parsetree.signature_item_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_value", [this#lift_Parsetree_value_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_type",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_typext", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_exception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_module", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_recmodule",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_module_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_modtype",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_open", [this#lift_Parsetree_open_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_include", [this#lift_Parsetree_include_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_class",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_description x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_class_type",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_extension",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1]) : Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.class_type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x :
-      Parsetree.class_type_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_description :
-      Parsetree.class_description -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x :
-      Parsetree.class_description -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type : Parsetree.class_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc; Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type"
-           [("pcty_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_desc pcty_desc));
-           ("pcty_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcty_loc));
-           ("pcty_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcty_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_signature", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_arrow",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_type_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_signature :
-      Parsetree.class_signature -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-           Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_signature"
-           [("pcsig_self", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcsig_self));
-           ("pcsig_fields",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_field pcsig_fields)))] :
-      Parsetree.class_signature -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_field :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc; Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-           Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_field"
-           [("pctf_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc));
-           ("pctf_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pctf_loc));
-           ("pctf_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pctf_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_type_field
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_field_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_inherit", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_val",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0 in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag x2;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_method",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0 in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag x2;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_constraint",
-               [(let (x0,x1) = x0 in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension : Parsetree.extension -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-           this#lift_Parsetree_payload x1] : Parsetree.extension -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_infos :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Parsetree.class_infos -> 'res= fun (type f0)
-      ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun
-           { Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-             Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-             Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name; Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-             Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-             Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-            ->
-           this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.class_infos"
-             [("pci_virt", (this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag pci_virt));
-             ("pci_params",
-               (this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                          this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) pci_params)));
-             ("pci_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pci_name));
-             ("pci_expr", (f0 pci_expr));
-             ("pci_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pci_loc));
-             ("pci_attributes",
-               (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pci_attributes))] : (f0 ->
-                                                                    'res) ->
-                                                                    f0
-                                                                    Parsetree.class_infos
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag : Asttypes.virtual_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Virtual  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.virtual_flag" ("Virtual", [])
-       | Asttypes.Concrete  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.virtual_flag" ("Concrete", []) : Asttypes.virtual_flag
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_description :
-      Parsetree.include_description -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_include_infos this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x :
-      Parsetree.include_description -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_infos :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Parsetree.include_infos -> 'res= fun (type
-      f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun
-           { Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-             Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-             Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-            ->
-           this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.include_infos"
-             [("pincl_mod", (f0 pincl_mod));
-             ("pincl_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pincl_loc));
-             ("pincl_attributes",
-               (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pincl_attributes))] :
-      (f0 -> 'res) -> f0 Parsetree.include_infos -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_open_description :
-      Parsetree.open_description -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-           Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-           Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-           Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.open_description"
-           [("popen_lid",
-              (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t popen_lid));
-           ("popen_override",
-             (this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag popen_override));
-           ("popen_loc", (this#lift_Location_t popen_loc));
-           ("popen_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes popen_attributes))] : Parsetree.open_description
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_override_flag : Asttypes.override_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Override  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.override_flag" ("Override", [])
-       | Asttypes.Fresh  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.override_flag" ("Fresh", []) : Asttypes.override_flag
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.module_type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name; Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-           Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_type_declaration"
-           [("pmtd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmtd_name));
-           ("pmtd_type",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type pmtd_type));
-           ("pmtd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmtd_attributes));
-           ("pmtd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmtd_loc))] : Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_declaration :
-      Parsetree.module_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name; Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-           Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.module_declaration"
-           [("pmd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmd_name));
-           ("pmd_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_type pmd_type));
-           ("pmd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmd_attributes));
-           ("pmd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmd_loc))] : Parsetree.module_declaration
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_extension : Parsetree.type_extension -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.type_extension"
-           [("ptyext_path",
-              (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t ptyext_path));
-           ("ptyext_params",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1) = x in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) ptyext_params)));
-           ("ptyext_constructors",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor
-                   ptyext_constructors)));
-           ("ptyext_private",
-             (this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag ptyext_private));
-           ("ptyext_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptyext_attributes))] : Parsetree.type_extension
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor :
-      Parsetree.extension_constructor -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name; Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-           Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-           Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.extension_constructor"
-           [("pext_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pext_name));
-           ("pext_kind",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind));
-           ("pext_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pext_loc));
-           ("pext_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pext_attributes))] : Parsetree.extension_constructor
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor_kind :
-      Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind"
-             ("Pext_decl",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0);
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind"
-             ("Pext_rebind",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0]) : Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-           Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-           Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-           Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-           Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-           Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-           Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-           Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.type_declaration"
-           [("ptype_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string ptype_name));
-           ("ptype_params",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1) = x in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) ptype_params)));
-           ("ptype_cstrs",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1,x2) = x in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-                        this#lift_Location_t x2]) ptype_cstrs)));
-           ("ptype_kind", (this#lift_Parsetree_type_kind ptype_kind));
-           ("ptype_private", (this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag ptype_private));
-           ("ptype_manifest",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type ptype_manifest));
-           ("ptype_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptype_attributes));
-           ("ptype_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ptype_loc))] : Parsetree.type_declaration
-                                                                -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_private_flag : Asttypes.private_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Private  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.private_flag" ("Private", [])
-       | Asttypes.Public  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.private_flag" ("Public", []) : Asttypes.private_flag
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_kind : Parsetree.type_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.type_kind" ("Ptype_abstract", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.type_kind"
-             ("Ptype_variant",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.type_kind"
-             ("Ptype_record",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_label_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_open  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Parsetree.type_kind" ("Ptype_open", []) : Parsetree.type_kind
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_label_declaration :
-      Parsetree.label_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-           Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-           Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type; Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-           Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.label_declaration"
-           [("pld_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pld_name));
-           ("pld_mutable", (this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag pld_mutable));
-           ("pld_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pld_type));
-           ("pld_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pld_loc));
-           ("pld_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pld_attributes))] : Parsetree.label_declaration
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag : Asttypes.mutable_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Immutable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.mutable_flag" ("Immutable", [])
-       | Asttypes.Mutable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.mutable_flag" ("Mutable", []) : Asttypes.mutable_flag
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constructor_declaration :
-      Parsetree.constructor_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name; Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-           Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res; Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.constructor_declaration"
-           [("pcd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pcd_name));
-           ("pcd_args",
-             (this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcd_args)));
-           ("pcd_res",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcd_res));
-           ("pcd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcd_loc));
-           ("pcd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcd_attributes))] : Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_variance : Asttypes.variance -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Covariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.variance" ("Covariant", [])
-       | Asttypes.Contravariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.variance" ("Contravariant", [])
-       | Asttypes.Invariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.variance" ("Invariant", []) : Asttypes.variance
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_value_description :
-      Parsetree.value_description -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name; Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-           Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-           Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Parsetree.value_description"
-           [("pval_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pval_name));
-           ("pval_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pval_type));
-           ("pval_prim", (this#list (List.map this#string pval_prim)));
-           ("pval_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pval_attributes));
-           ("pval_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pval_loc))] : Parsetree.value_description
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_closed_flag : Asttypes.closed_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Closed  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.closed_flag" ("Closed", [])
-       | Asttypes.Open  -> this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.closed_flag" ("Open", []) :
-      Asttypes.closed_flag -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_label : Asttypes.label -> 'res=
-      (this#string : Asttypes.label -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_rec_flag : Asttypes.rec_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Nonrecursive  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.rec_flag" ("Nonrecursive", [])
-       | Asttypes.Recursive  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.rec_flag" ("Recursive", []) : Asttypes.rec_flag
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_constant : Asttypes.constant -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Const_int x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.constant" ("Const_int", [this#int x0])
-       | Asttypes.Const_char x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.constant" ("Const_char", [this#char x0])
-       | Asttypes.Const_string (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.constant"
-             ("Const_string",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#string x1])
-       | Asttypes.Const_float x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.constant" ("Const_float", [this#string x0])
-       | Asttypes.Const_int32 x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.constant" ("Const_int32", [this#int32 x0])
-       | Asttypes.Const_int64 x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.constant" ("Const_int64", [this#int64 x0])
-       | Asttypes.Const_nativeint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Asttypes.constant"
-             ("Const_nativeint", [this#nativeint x0]) : Asttypes.constant ->
-                                                          'res)
-    method lift_option : 'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 option -> 'res= fun (type
-      f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         function
-         | None  -> this#constr "option" ("None", [])
-         | Some x0 -> this#constr "option" ("Some", [f0 x0]) : (f0 -> 'res)
-                                                                 ->
-                                                                 f0 option ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Longident_t : Longident.t -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Longident.Lident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Longident.t" ("Lident", [this#string x0])
-       | Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Longident.t"
-             ("Ldot", [this#lift_Longident_t x0; this#string x1])
-       | Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_402.Longident.t"
-             ("Lapply", [this#lift_Longident_t x0; this#lift_Longident_t x1]) :
-      Longident.t -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_loc :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Asttypes.loc -> 'res= fun (type f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun { Asttypes.txt = txt; Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-           this#record "Ast_402.Asttypes.loc"
-             [("txt", (f0 txt)); ("loc", (this#lift_Location_t loc))] :
-      (f0 -> 'res) -> f0 Asttypes.loc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Location_t : Location.t -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Location.loc_start = loc_start; Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-           Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Location.t"
-           [("loc_start", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_start));
-           ("loc_end", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_end));
-           ("loc_ghost", (this#lift_bool loc_ghost))] : Location.t -> 'res)
-    method lift_bool : bool -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | false  -> this#constr "bool" ("false", [])
-       | true  -> this#constr "bool" ("true", []) : bool -> 'res)
-    method lift_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-           Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_402.Lexing.position"
-           [("pos_fname", (this#string pos_fname));
-           ("pos_lnum", (this#int pos_lnum));
-           ("pos_bol", (this#int pos_bol));
-           ("pos_cnum", (this#int pos_cnum))] : Lexing.position -> 'res)
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_403.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_403.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index c5515b718..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_403.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1378 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_403
-class virtual ['res] lifter =
-  object (this)
-    method lift_Parsetree_expression : Parsetree.expression -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc; Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-           Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression"
-           [("pexp_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression_desc pexp_desc));
-           ("pexp_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pexp_loc));
-           ("pexp_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pexp_attributes))] : Parsetree.expression
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_expression_desc :
-      Parsetree.expression_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_constant", [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_let",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_function",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_fun",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x2;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x3])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list
-                 (List.map
-                    (fun x  ->
-                       let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                       this#tuple
-                         [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-                         this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_match",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_try",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_construct",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_variant",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_record",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x0);
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_field",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_setfield",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_array",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_ifthenelse",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_sequence",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_while",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_for",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_direction_flag x3;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x4])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_coerce",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_send",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0; this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_new", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_setinstvar",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_override",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_letmodule",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_assert", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_lazy", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_poly",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_object", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_newtype",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_pack", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_open",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.expression_desc" ("Pexp_unreachable", []) :
-      Parsetree.expression_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_direction_flag : Asttypes.direction_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Upto  -> this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.direction_flag" ("Upto", [])
-       | Asttypes.Downto  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.direction_flag" ("Downto", []) : Asttypes.direction_flag
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_case : Parsetree.case -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs; Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-           Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.case"
-           [("pc_lhs", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pc_lhs));
-           ("pc_guard",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression pc_guard));
-           ("pc_rhs", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression pc_rhs))] : Parsetree.case
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_value_binding : Parsetree.value_binding -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat; Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-           Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.value_binding"
-           [("pvb_pat", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pvb_pat));
-           ("pvb_expr", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression pvb_expr));
-           ("pvb_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pvb_attributes));
-           ("pvb_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pvb_loc))] : Parsetree.value_binding
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_pattern : Parsetree.pattern -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc; Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-           Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern"
-           [("ppat_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern_desc ppat_desc));
-           ("ppat_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ppat_loc));
-           ("ppat_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ppat_attributes))] : Parsetree.pattern
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_pattern_desc : Parsetree.pattern_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_any  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc" ("Ppat_any", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_var", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_alias",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_constant", [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_interval",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_constant x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_construct",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_variant",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_record",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1]) x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_array",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_or",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_type", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_lazy", [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_unpack", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_exception", [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.pattern_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_core_type : Parsetree.core_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc; Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-           Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type"
-           [("ptyp_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type_desc ptyp_desc));
-           ("ptyp_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ptyp_loc));
-           ("ptyp_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptyp_attributes))] : Parsetree.core_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_core_type_desc : Parsetree.core_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_any  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc" ("Ptyp_any", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_var", [this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_arrow",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_object",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#string x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2]) x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_class",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_alias",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0; this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_variant",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_row_field x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1;
-               this#lift_option
-                 (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Asttypes_label x))
-                 x2])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_poly",
-               [this#list (List.map this#string x0);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_package", [this#lift_Parsetree_package_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.core_type_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_package_type : Parsetree.package_type -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-           this#list
-             (List.map
-                (fun x  ->
-                   let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                   this#tuple
-                     [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                     this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1]) x1)] : Parsetree.package_type
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_row_field : Parsetree.row_field -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.row_field"
-             ("Rtag",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1;
-               this#lift_bool x2;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3)])
-       | Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.row_field"
-             ("Rinherit", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0]) : Parsetree.row_field
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_attributes : Parsetree.attributes -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x) :
-      Parsetree.attributes -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_attribute : Parsetree.attribute -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-           this#lift_Parsetree_payload x1] : Parsetree.attribute -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_payload : Parsetree.payload -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PStr", [this#lift_Parsetree_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PSig", [this#lift_Parsetree_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PTyp", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PPat",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) :
-      Parsetree.payload -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure : Parsetree.structure -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_structure_item x) :
-      Parsetree.structure -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure_item : Parsetree.structure_item -> 'res=
-      (fun { Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc; Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item"
-           [("pstr_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_structure_item_desc pstr_desc));
-           ("pstr_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pstr_loc))] : Parsetree.structure_item
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure_item_desc :
-      Parsetree.structure_item_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_eval",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_value",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_primitive", [this#lift_Parsetree_value_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_typext", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_exception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_module", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_binding x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_recmodule",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_module_binding x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_modtype",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_open", [this#lift_Parsetree_open_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_class",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_class_type",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_include", [this#lift_Parsetree_include_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_extension",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1]) : Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_declaration :
-      Parsetree.include_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_include_infos this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x :
-      Parsetree.include_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_declaration :
-      Parsetree.class_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x :
-      Parsetree.class_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_expr : Parsetree.class_expr -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc; Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_expr"
-           [("pcl_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr_desc pcl_desc));
-           ("pcl_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcl_loc));
-           ("pcl_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcl_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_expr
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_expr_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_structure", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_fun",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x2;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x3])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x0;
-               this#list
-                 (List.map
-                    (fun x  ->
-                       let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                       this#tuple
-                         [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-                         this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_let",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_structure :
-      Parsetree.class_structure -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-           Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_structure"
-           [("pcstr_self", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pcstr_self));
-           ("pcstr_fields",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_field pcstr_fields)))] :
-      Parsetree.class_structure -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field : Parsetree.class_field -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc; Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field"
-           [("pcf_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_desc pcf_desc));
-           ("pcf_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcf_loc));
-           ("pcf_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcf_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_field
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_field_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_inherit",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x1;
-               this#lift_option this#string x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_val",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind x2])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_method",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind x2])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_constraint",
-               [(let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_initializer", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_field_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind :
-      Parsetree.class_field_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_kind"
-             ("Cfk_virtual", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_field_kind"
-             ("Cfk_concrete",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) : Parsetree.class_field_kind
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_binding : Parsetree.module_binding -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name; Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-           Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_binding"
-           [("pmb_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmb_name));
-           ("pmb_expr", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr pmb_expr));
-           ("pmb_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmb_attributes));
-           ("pmb_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmb_loc))] : Parsetree.module_binding
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_expr : Parsetree.module_expr -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc; Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-           Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_expr"
-           [("pmod_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr_desc pmod_desc));
-           ("pmod_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmod_loc));
-           ("pmod_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmod_attributes))] : Parsetree.module_expr
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_expr_desc :
-      Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_structure", [this#lift_Parsetree_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_functor",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_unpack", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type : Parsetree.module_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc; Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-           Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type"
-           [("pmty_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_desc pmty_desc));
-           ("pmty_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmty_loc));
-           ("pmty_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmty_attributes))] : Parsetree.module_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type_desc :
-      Parsetree.module_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_signature", [this#lift_Parsetree_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_functor",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_with",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_with_constraint x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_typeof", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_alias",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0]) : Parsetree.module_type_desc
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_with_constraint :
-      Parsetree.with_constraint -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_module",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_typesubst", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_modsubst",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1]) : Parsetree.with_constraint
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature : Parsetree.signature -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_signature_item x) :
-      Parsetree.signature -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature_item : Parsetree.signature_item -> 'res=
-      (fun { Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc; Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item"
-           [("psig_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_signature_item_desc psig_desc));
-           ("psig_loc", (this#lift_Location_t psig_loc))] : Parsetree.signature_item
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature_item_desc :
-      Parsetree.signature_item_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_value", [this#lift_Parsetree_value_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_typext", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_exception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_module", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_recmodule",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_module_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_modtype",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_open", [this#lift_Parsetree_open_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_include", [this#lift_Parsetree_include_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_class",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_description x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_class_type",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_extension",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1]) : Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.class_type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x :
-      Parsetree.class_type_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_description :
-      Parsetree.class_description -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x :
-      Parsetree.class_description -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type : Parsetree.class_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc; Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type"
-           [("pcty_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_desc pcty_desc));
-           ("pcty_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcty_loc));
-           ("pcty_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcty_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_signature", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_arrow",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_type_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_signature :
-      Parsetree.class_signature -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-           Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_signature"
-           [("pcsig_self", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcsig_self));
-           ("pcsig_fields",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_field pcsig_fields)))] :
-      Parsetree.class_signature -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_field :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc; Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-           Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_field"
-           [("pctf_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc));
-           ("pctf_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pctf_loc));
-           ("pctf_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pctf_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_type_field
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_field_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_inherit", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_val",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag x2;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_method",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag x2;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_constraint",
-               [(let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension : Parsetree.extension -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-           this#lift_Parsetree_payload x1] : Parsetree.extension -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_infos :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Parsetree.class_infos -> 'res= fun (type f0)
-      ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun
-           { Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-             Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-             Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name; Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-             Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-             Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-            ->
-           this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.class_infos"
-             [("pci_virt", (this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag pci_virt));
-             ("pci_params",
-               (this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                          this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) pci_params)));
-             ("pci_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pci_name));
-             ("pci_expr", (f0 pci_expr));
-             ("pci_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pci_loc));
-             ("pci_attributes",
-               (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pci_attributes))] : (f0 ->
-                                                                    'res) ->
-                                                                    f0
-                                                                    Parsetree.class_infos
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag : Asttypes.virtual_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Virtual  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.virtual_flag" ("Virtual", [])
-       | Asttypes.Concrete  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.virtual_flag" ("Concrete", []) : Asttypes.virtual_flag
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_description :
-      Parsetree.include_description -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_include_infos this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x :
-      Parsetree.include_description -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_infos :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Parsetree.include_infos -> 'res= fun (type
-      f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun
-           { Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-             Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-             Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-            ->
-           this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.include_infos"
-             [("pincl_mod", (f0 pincl_mod));
-             ("pincl_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pincl_loc));
-             ("pincl_attributes",
-               (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pincl_attributes))] :
-      (f0 -> 'res) -> f0 Parsetree.include_infos -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_open_description :
-      Parsetree.open_description -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-           Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-           Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-           Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.open_description"
-           [("popen_lid",
-              (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t popen_lid));
-           ("popen_override",
-             (this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag popen_override));
-           ("popen_loc", (this#lift_Location_t popen_loc));
-           ("popen_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes popen_attributes))] : Parsetree.open_description
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_override_flag : Asttypes.override_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Override  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.override_flag" ("Override", [])
-       | Asttypes.Fresh  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.override_flag" ("Fresh", []) : Asttypes.override_flag
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.module_type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name; Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-           Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_type_declaration"
-           [("pmtd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmtd_name));
-           ("pmtd_type",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type pmtd_type));
-           ("pmtd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmtd_attributes));
-           ("pmtd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmtd_loc))] : Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_declaration :
-      Parsetree.module_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name; Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-           Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.module_declaration"
-           [("pmd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmd_name));
-           ("pmd_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_type pmd_type));
-           ("pmd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmd_attributes));
-           ("pmd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmd_loc))] : Parsetree.module_declaration
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_extension : Parsetree.type_extension -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.type_extension"
-           [("ptyext_path",
-              (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t ptyext_path));
-           ("ptyext_params",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) ptyext_params)));
-           ("ptyext_constructors",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor
-                   ptyext_constructors)));
-           ("ptyext_private",
-             (this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag ptyext_private));
-           ("ptyext_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptyext_attributes))] : Parsetree.type_extension
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor :
-      Parsetree.extension_constructor -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name; Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-           Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-           Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.extension_constructor"
-           [("pext_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pext_name));
-           ("pext_kind",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind));
-           ("pext_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pext_loc));
-           ("pext_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pext_attributes))] : Parsetree.extension_constructor
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor_kind :
-      Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind"
-             ("Pext_decl",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind"
-             ("Pext_rebind",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0]) : Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-           Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-           Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-           Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-           Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-           Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-           Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-           Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.type_declaration"
-           [("ptype_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string ptype_name));
-           ("ptype_params",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) ptype_params)));
-           ("ptype_cstrs",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-                        this#lift_Location_t x2]) ptype_cstrs)));
-           ("ptype_kind", (this#lift_Parsetree_type_kind ptype_kind));
-           ("ptype_private", (this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag ptype_private));
-           ("ptype_manifest",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type ptype_manifest));
-           ("ptype_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptype_attributes));
-           ("ptype_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ptype_loc))] : Parsetree.type_declaration
-                                                                -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_private_flag : Asttypes.private_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Private  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.private_flag" ("Private", [])
-       | Asttypes.Public  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.private_flag" ("Public", []) : Asttypes.private_flag
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_kind : Parsetree.type_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.type_kind" ("Ptype_abstract", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.type_kind"
-             ("Ptype_variant",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.type_kind"
-             ("Ptype_record",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_label_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_open  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.type_kind" ("Ptype_open", []) : Parsetree.type_kind
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constructor_declaration :
-      Parsetree.constructor_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name; Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-           Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res; Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.constructor_declaration"
-           [("pcd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pcd_name));
-           ("pcd_args", (this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments pcd_args));
-           ("pcd_res",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcd_res));
-           ("pcd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcd_loc));
-           ("pcd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcd_attributes))] : Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments :
-      Parsetree.constructor_arguments -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.constructor_arguments"
-             ("Pcstr_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.constructor_arguments"
-             ("Pcstr_record",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_label_declaration x0)]) :
-      Parsetree.constructor_arguments -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_label_declaration :
-      Parsetree.label_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-           Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-           Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type; Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-           Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.label_declaration"
-           [("pld_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pld_name));
-           ("pld_mutable", (this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag pld_mutable));
-           ("pld_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pld_type));
-           ("pld_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pld_loc));
-           ("pld_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pld_attributes))] : Parsetree.label_declaration
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag : Asttypes.mutable_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Immutable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.mutable_flag" ("Immutable", [])
-       | Asttypes.Mutable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.mutable_flag" ("Mutable", []) : Asttypes.mutable_flag
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_variance : Asttypes.variance -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Covariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.variance" ("Covariant", [])
-       | Asttypes.Contravariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.variance" ("Contravariant", [])
-       | Asttypes.Invariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.variance" ("Invariant", []) : Asttypes.variance
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_value_description :
-      Parsetree.value_description -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name; Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-           Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-           Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Parsetree.value_description"
-           [("pval_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pval_name));
-           ("pval_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pval_type));
-           ("pval_prim", (this#list (List.map this#string pval_prim)));
-           ("pval_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pval_attributes));
-           ("pval_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pval_loc))] : Parsetree.value_description
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_arg_label : Asttypes.arg_label -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Nolabel  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Nolabel", [])
-       | Asttypes.Labelled x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Labelled", [this#string x0])
-       | Asttypes.Optional x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Optional", [this#string x0]) :
-      Asttypes.arg_label -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_closed_flag : Asttypes.closed_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Closed  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.closed_flag" ("Closed", [])
-       | Asttypes.Open  -> this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.closed_flag" ("Open", []) :
-      Asttypes.closed_flag -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_label : Asttypes.label -> 'res=
-      (this#string : Asttypes.label -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_rec_flag : Asttypes.rec_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Nonrecursive  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.rec_flag" ("Nonrecursive", [])
-       | Asttypes.Recursive  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Asttypes.rec_flag" ("Recursive", []) : Asttypes.rec_flag
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constant : Parsetree.constant -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_integer",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#char x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.constant" ("Pconst_char", [this#char x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_string",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_float",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#char x1]) : Parsetree.constant
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_option : 'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 option -> 'res= fun (type
-      f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         function
-         | None  -> this#constr "option" ("None", [])
-         | Some x0 -> this#constr "option" ("Some", [f0 x0]) : (f0 -> 'res)
-                                                                 ->
-                                                                 f0 option ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Longident_t : Longident.t -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Longident.Lident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Longident.t" ("Lident", [this#string x0])
-       | Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Longident.t"
-             ("Ldot", [this#lift_Longident_t x0; this#string x1])
-       | Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_403.Longident.t"
-             ("Lapply", [this#lift_Longident_t x0; this#lift_Longident_t x1]) :
-      Longident.t -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_loc :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Asttypes.loc -> 'res= fun (type f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun { Asttypes.txt = txt; Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-           this#record "Ast_403.Asttypes.loc"
-             [("txt", (f0 txt)); ("loc", (this#lift_Location_t loc))] :
-      (f0 -> 'res) -> f0 Asttypes.loc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Location_t : Location.t -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Location.loc_start = loc_start; Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-           Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Location.t"
-           [("loc_start", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_start));
-           ("loc_end", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_end));
-           ("loc_ghost", (this#lift_bool loc_ghost))] : Location.t -> 'res)
-    method lift_bool : bool -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | false  -> this#constr "bool" ("false", [])
-       | true  -> this#constr "bool" ("true", []) : bool -> 'res)
-    method lift_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-           Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_403.Lexing.position"
-           [("pos_fname", (this#string pos_fname));
-           ("pos_lnum", (this#int pos_lnum));
-           ("pos_bol", (this#int pos_bol));
-           ("pos_cnum", (this#int pos_cnum))] : Lexing.position -> 'res)
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_404.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_404.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1d51d19..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_404.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1388 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_404
-class virtual ['res] lifter =
-  object (this)
-    method lift_Parsetree_expression : Parsetree.expression -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc; Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-           Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression"
-           [("pexp_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression_desc pexp_desc));
-           ("pexp_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pexp_loc));
-           ("pexp_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pexp_attributes))] : Parsetree.expression
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_expression_desc :
-      Parsetree.expression_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_constant", [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_let",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_function",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_fun",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x2;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x3])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list
-                 (List.map
-                    (fun x  ->
-                       let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                       this#tuple
-                         [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-                         this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_match",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_try",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_construct",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_variant",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_record",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x0);
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_field",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_setfield",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_array",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_ifthenelse",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_sequence",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_while",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_for",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_direction_flag x3;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x4])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_coerce",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_send",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0; this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_new", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_setinstvar",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_override",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_letmodule",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_letexception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_assert", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_lazy", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_poly",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_object", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_newtype",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_pack", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_open",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.expression_desc" ("Pexp_unreachable", []) :
-      Parsetree.expression_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_direction_flag : Asttypes.direction_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Upto  -> this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.direction_flag" ("Upto", [])
-       | Asttypes.Downto  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.direction_flag" ("Downto", []) : Asttypes.direction_flag
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_case : Parsetree.case -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs; Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-           Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.case"
-           [("pc_lhs", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pc_lhs));
-           ("pc_guard",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression pc_guard));
-           ("pc_rhs", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression pc_rhs))] : Parsetree.case
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_value_binding : Parsetree.value_binding -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat; Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-           Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.value_binding"
-           [("pvb_pat", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pvb_pat));
-           ("pvb_expr", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression pvb_expr));
-           ("pvb_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pvb_attributes));
-           ("pvb_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pvb_loc))] : Parsetree.value_binding
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_pattern : Parsetree.pattern -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc; Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-           Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern"
-           [("ppat_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern_desc ppat_desc));
-           ("ppat_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ppat_loc));
-           ("ppat_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ppat_attributes))] : Parsetree.pattern
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_pattern_desc : Parsetree.pattern_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_any  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc" ("Ppat_any", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_var", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_alias",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_constant", [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_interval",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_constant x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_construct",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_variant",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_record",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1]) x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_array",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_or",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_type", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_lazy", [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_unpack", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_exception", [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_open",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1]) : Parsetree.pattern_desc ->
-                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_core_type : Parsetree.core_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc; Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-           Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type"
-           [("ptyp_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type_desc ptyp_desc));
-           ("ptyp_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ptyp_loc));
-           ("ptyp_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptyp_attributes))] : Parsetree.core_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_core_type_desc : Parsetree.core_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_any  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc" ("Ptyp_any", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_var", [this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_arrow",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_object",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#string x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2]) x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_class",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_alias",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0; this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_variant",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_row_field x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1;
-               this#lift_option
-                 (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Asttypes_label x))
-                 x2])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_poly",
-               [this#list (List.map this#string x0);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_package", [this#lift_Parsetree_package_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.core_type_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_package_type : Parsetree.package_type -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-           this#list
-             (List.map
-                (fun x  ->
-                   let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                   this#tuple
-                     [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                     this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1]) x1)] : Parsetree.package_type
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_row_field : Parsetree.row_field -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field"
-             ("Rtag",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1;
-               this#lift_bool x2;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3)])
-       | Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.row_field"
-             ("Rinherit", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0]) : Parsetree.row_field
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_attributes : Parsetree.attributes -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x) :
-      Parsetree.attributes -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_attribute : Parsetree.attribute -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-           this#lift_Parsetree_payload x1] : Parsetree.attribute -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_payload : Parsetree.payload -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PStr", [this#lift_Parsetree_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PSig", [this#lift_Parsetree_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PTyp", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PPat",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) :
-      Parsetree.payload -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure : Parsetree.structure -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_structure_item x) :
-      Parsetree.structure -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure_item : Parsetree.structure_item -> 'res=
-      (fun { Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc; Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item"
-           [("pstr_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_structure_item_desc pstr_desc));
-           ("pstr_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pstr_loc))] : Parsetree.structure_item
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure_item_desc :
-      Parsetree.structure_item_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_eval",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_value",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_primitive", [this#lift_Parsetree_value_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_typext", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_exception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_module", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_binding x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_recmodule",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_module_binding x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_modtype",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_open", [this#lift_Parsetree_open_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_class",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_class_type",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_include", [this#lift_Parsetree_include_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_extension",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1]) : Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_declaration :
-      Parsetree.include_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_include_infos this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x :
-      Parsetree.include_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_declaration :
-      Parsetree.class_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x :
-      Parsetree.class_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_expr : Parsetree.class_expr -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc; Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr"
-           [("pcl_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr_desc pcl_desc));
-           ("pcl_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcl_loc));
-           ("pcl_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcl_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_expr
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_expr_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_structure", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_fun",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x2;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x3])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x0;
-               this#list
-                 (List.map
-                    (fun x  ->
-                       let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                       this#tuple
-                         [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-                         this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_let",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_structure :
-      Parsetree.class_structure -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-           Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_structure"
-           [("pcstr_self", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pcstr_self));
-           ("pcstr_fields",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_field pcstr_fields)))] :
-      Parsetree.class_structure -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field : Parsetree.class_field -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc; Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field"
-           [("pcf_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_desc pcf_desc));
-           ("pcf_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcf_loc));
-           ("pcf_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcf_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_field
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_field_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_inherit",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x1;
-               this#lift_option this#string x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_val",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind x2])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_method",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind x2])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_constraint",
-               [(let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_initializer", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_field_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind :
-      Parsetree.class_field_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind"
-             ("Cfk_virtual", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_field_kind"
-             ("Cfk_concrete",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) : Parsetree.class_field_kind
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_binding : Parsetree.module_binding -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name; Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-           Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_binding"
-           [("pmb_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmb_name));
-           ("pmb_expr", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr pmb_expr));
-           ("pmb_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmb_attributes));
-           ("pmb_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmb_loc))] : Parsetree.module_binding
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_expr : Parsetree.module_expr -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc; Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-           Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr"
-           [("pmod_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr_desc pmod_desc));
-           ("pmod_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmod_loc));
-           ("pmod_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmod_attributes))] : Parsetree.module_expr
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_expr_desc :
-      Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_structure", [this#lift_Parsetree_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_functor",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_unpack", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type : Parsetree.module_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc; Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-           Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type"
-           [("pmty_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_desc pmty_desc));
-           ("pmty_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmty_loc));
-           ("pmty_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmty_attributes))] : Parsetree.module_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type_desc :
-      Parsetree.module_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_signature", [this#lift_Parsetree_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_functor",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_with",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_with_constraint x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_typeof", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_alias",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0]) : Parsetree.module_type_desc
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_with_constraint :
-      Parsetree.with_constraint -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_module",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_typesubst", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_modsubst",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1]) : Parsetree.with_constraint
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature : Parsetree.signature -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_signature_item x) :
-      Parsetree.signature -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature_item : Parsetree.signature_item -> 'res=
-      (fun { Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc; Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item"
-           [("psig_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_signature_item_desc psig_desc));
-           ("psig_loc", (this#lift_Location_t psig_loc))] : Parsetree.signature_item
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature_item_desc :
-      Parsetree.signature_item_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_value", [this#lift_Parsetree_value_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_typext", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_exception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_module", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_recmodule",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_module_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_modtype",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_open", [this#lift_Parsetree_open_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_include", [this#lift_Parsetree_include_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_class",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_description x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_class_type",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_extension",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1]) : Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.class_type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x :
-      Parsetree.class_type_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_description :
-      Parsetree.class_description -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x :
-      Parsetree.class_description -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type : Parsetree.class_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc; Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type"
-           [("pcty_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_desc pcty_desc));
-           ("pcty_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcty_loc));
-           ("pcty_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcty_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_signature", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_arrow",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_type_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_signature :
-      Parsetree.class_signature -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-           Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_signature"
-           [("pcsig_self", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcsig_self));
-           ("pcsig_fields",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_field pcsig_fields)))] :
-      Parsetree.class_signature -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_field :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc; Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-           Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field"
-           [("pctf_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc));
-           ("pctf_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pctf_loc));
-           ("pctf_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pctf_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_type_field
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_field_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_inherit", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_val",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag x2;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_method",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag x2;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_constraint",
-               [(let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension : Parsetree.extension -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-           this#lift_Parsetree_payload x1] : Parsetree.extension -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_infos :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Parsetree.class_infos -> 'res= fun (type f0)
-      ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun
-           { Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-             Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-             Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name; Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-             Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-             Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-            ->
-           this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.class_infos"
-             [("pci_virt", (this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag pci_virt));
-             ("pci_params",
-               (this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                          this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) pci_params)));
-             ("pci_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pci_name));
-             ("pci_expr", (f0 pci_expr));
-             ("pci_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pci_loc));
-             ("pci_attributes",
-               (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pci_attributes))] : (f0 ->
-                                                                    'res) ->
-                                                                    f0
-                                                                    Parsetree.class_infos
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag : Asttypes.virtual_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Virtual  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag" ("Virtual", [])
-       | Asttypes.Concrete  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.virtual_flag" ("Concrete", []) : Asttypes.virtual_flag
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_description :
-      Parsetree.include_description -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_include_infos this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x :
-      Parsetree.include_description -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_infos :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Parsetree.include_infos -> 'res= fun (type
-      f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun
-           { Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-             Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-             Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-            ->
-           this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.include_infos"
-             [("pincl_mod", (f0 pincl_mod));
-             ("pincl_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pincl_loc));
-             ("pincl_attributes",
-               (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pincl_attributes))] :
-      (f0 -> 'res) -> f0 Parsetree.include_infos -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_open_description :
-      Parsetree.open_description -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-           Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-           Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-           Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.open_description"
-           [("popen_lid",
-              (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t popen_lid));
-           ("popen_override",
-             (this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag popen_override));
-           ("popen_loc", (this#lift_Location_t popen_loc));
-           ("popen_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes popen_attributes))] : Parsetree.open_description
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_override_flag : Asttypes.override_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Override  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag" ("Override", [])
-       | Asttypes.Fresh  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.override_flag" ("Fresh", []) : Asttypes.override_flag
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.module_type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name; Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-           Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_type_declaration"
-           [("pmtd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmtd_name));
-           ("pmtd_type",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type pmtd_type));
-           ("pmtd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmtd_attributes));
-           ("pmtd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmtd_loc))] : Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_declaration :
-      Parsetree.module_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name; Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-           Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.module_declaration"
-           [("pmd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmd_name));
-           ("pmd_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_type pmd_type));
-           ("pmd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmd_attributes));
-           ("pmd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmd_loc))] : Parsetree.module_declaration
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_extension : Parsetree.type_extension -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.type_extension"
-           [("ptyext_path",
-              (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t ptyext_path));
-           ("ptyext_params",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) ptyext_params)));
-           ("ptyext_constructors",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor
-                   ptyext_constructors)));
-           ("ptyext_private",
-             (this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag ptyext_private));
-           ("ptyext_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptyext_attributes))] : Parsetree.type_extension
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor :
-      Parsetree.extension_constructor -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name; Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-           Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-           Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor"
-           [("pext_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pext_name));
-           ("pext_kind",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind));
-           ("pext_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pext_loc));
-           ("pext_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pext_attributes))] : Parsetree.extension_constructor
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor_kind :
-      Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind"
-             ("Pext_decl",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind"
-             ("Pext_rebind",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0]) : Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-           Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-           Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-           Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-           Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-           Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-           Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-           Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.type_declaration"
-           [("ptype_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string ptype_name));
-           ("ptype_params",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) ptype_params)));
-           ("ptype_cstrs",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-                        this#lift_Location_t x2]) ptype_cstrs)));
-           ("ptype_kind", (this#lift_Parsetree_type_kind ptype_kind));
-           ("ptype_private", (this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag ptype_private));
-           ("ptype_manifest",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type ptype_manifest));
-           ("ptype_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptype_attributes));
-           ("ptype_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ptype_loc))] : Parsetree.type_declaration
-                                                                -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_private_flag : Asttypes.private_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Private  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag" ("Private", [])
-       | Asttypes.Public  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.private_flag" ("Public", []) : Asttypes.private_flag
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_kind : Parsetree.type_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind" ("Ptype_abstract", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind"
-             ("Ptype_variant",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind"
-             ("Ptype_record",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_label_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_open  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.type_kind" ("Ptype_open", []) : Parsetree.type_kind
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constructor_declaration :
-      Parsetree.constructor_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name; Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-           Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res; Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_declaration"
-           [("pcd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pcd_name));
-           ("pcd_args", (this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments pcd_args));
-           ("pcd_res",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcd_res));
-           ("pcd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcd_loc));
-           ("pcd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcd_attributes))] : Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments :
-      Parsetree.constructor_arguments -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments"
-             ("Pcstr_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.constructor_arguments"
-             ("Pcstr_record",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_label_declaration x0)]) :
-      Parsetree.constructor_arguments -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_label_declaration :
-      Parsetree.label_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-           Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-           Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type; Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-           Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.label_declaration"
-           [("pld_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pld_name));
-           ("pld_mutable", (this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag pld_mutable));
-           ("pld_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pld_type));
-           ("pld_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pld_loc));
-           ("pld_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pld_attributes))] : Parsetree.label_declaration
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag : Asttypes.mutable_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Immutable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag" ("Immutable", [])
-       | Asttypes.Mutable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.mutable_flag" ("Mutable", []) : Asttypes.mutable_flag
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_variance : Asttypes.variance -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Covariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.variance" ("Covariant", [])
-       | Asttypes.Contravariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.variance" ("Contravariant", [])
-       | Asttypes.Invariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.variance" ("Invariant", []) : Asttypes.variance
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_value_description :
-      Parsetree.value_description -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name; Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-           Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-           Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Parsetree.value_description"
-           [("pval_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pval_name));
-           ("pval_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pval_type));
-           ("pval_prim", (this#list (List.map this#string pval_prim)));
-           ("pval_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pval_attributes));
-           ("pval_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pval_loc))] : Parsetree.value_description
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_arg_label : Asttypes.arg_label -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Nolabel  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Nolabel", [])
-       | Asttypes.Labelled x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Labelled", [this#string x0])
-       | Asttypes.Optional x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Optional", [this#string x0]) :
-      Asttypes.arg_label -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_closed_flag : Asttypes.closed_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Closed  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag" ("Closed", [])
-       | Asttypes.Open  -> this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.closed_flag" ("Open", []) :
-      Asttypes.closed_flag -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_label : Asttypes.label -> 'res=
-      (this#string : Asttypes.label -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_rec_flag : Asttypes.rec_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Nonrecursive  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag" ("Nonrecursive", [])
-       | Asttypes.Recursive  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Asttypes.rec_flag" ("Recursive", []) : Asttypes.rec_flag
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constant : Parsetree.constant -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_integer",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#char x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.constant" ("Pconst_char", [this#char x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_string",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_float",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#char x1]) : Parsetree.constant
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_option : 'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 option -> 'res= fun (type
-      f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         function
-         | None  -> this#constr "option" ("None", [])
-         | Some x0 -> this#constr "option" ("Some", [f0 x0]) : (f0 -> 'res)
-                                                                 ->
-                                                                 f0 option ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Longident_t : Longident.t -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Longident.Lident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Longident.t" ("Lident", [this#string x0])
-       | Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Longident.t"
-             ("Ldot", [this#lift_Longident_t x0; this#string x1])
-       | Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_404.Longident.t"
-             ("Lapply", [this#lift_Longident_t x0; this#lift_Longident_t x1]) :
-      Longident.t -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_loc :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Asttypes.loc -> 'res= fun (type f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun { Asttypes.txt = txt; Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-           this#record "Ast_404.Asttypes.loc"
-             [("txt", (f0 txt)); ("loc", (this#lift_Location_t loc))] :
-      (f0 -> 'res) -> f0 Asttypes.loc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Location_t : Location.t -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Location.loc_start = loc_start; Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-           Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Location.t"
-           [("loc_start", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_start));
-           ("loc_end", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_end));
-           ("loc_ghost", (this#lift_bool loc_ghost))] : Location.t -> 'res)
-    method lift_bool : bool -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | false  -> this#constr "bool" ("false", [])
-       | true  -> this#constr "bool" ("true", []) : bool -> 'res)
-    method lift_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-           Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_404.Lexing.position"
-           [("pos_fname", (this#string pos_fname));
-           ("pos_lnum", (this#int pos_lnum));
-           ("pos_bol", (this#int pos_bol));
-           ("pos_cnum", (this#int pos_cnum))] : Lexing.position -> 'res)
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_405.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_405.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e210fa56..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_lifter_405.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1393 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_405
-class virtual ['res] lifter =
-  object (this)
-    method lift_Parsetree_expression : Parsetree.expression -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pexp_desc = pexp_desc; Parsetree.pexp_loc = pexp_loc;
-           Parsetree.pexp_attributes = pexp_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression"
-           [("pexp_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression_desc pexp_desc));
-           ("pexp_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pexp_loc));
-           ("pexp_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pexp_attributes))] : Parsetree.expression
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_expression_desc :
-      Parsetree.expression_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_constant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_constant", [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_let",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_function x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_function",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_fun",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x2;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x3])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list
-                 (List.map
-                    (fun x  ->
-                       let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                       this#tuple
-                         [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-                         this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_match (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_match",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_try (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_try",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_case x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_construct (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_construct",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_variant (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_variant",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_record (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_record",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x0);
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_field (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_field",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_setfield (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_setfield",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_array x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_array",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_ifthenelse (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_ifthenelse",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_sequence (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_sequence",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_while (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_while",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_for (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_for",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_direction_flag x3;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x4])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_coerce (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_coerce",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_send (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_send",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_new x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_new", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_setinstvar (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_setinstvar",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_override x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_override",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_letmodule (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_letmodule",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_letexception (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_letexception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_assert x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_assert", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_lazy x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_lazy", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_poly",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_object x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_object", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_newtype (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_newtype",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_pack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_pack", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_open (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_open",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc"
-             ("Pexp_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pexp_unreachable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.expression_desc" ("Pexp_unreachable", []) :
-      Parsetree.expression_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_direction_flag : Asttypes.direction_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Upto  -> this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.direction_flag" ("Upto", [])
-       | Asttypes.Downto  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.direction_flag" ("Downto", []) : Asttypes.direction_flag
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_case : Parsetree.case -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pc_lhs = pc_lhs; Parsetree.pc_guard = pc_guard;
-           Parsetree.pc_rhs = pc_rhs }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.case"
-           [("pc_lhs", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pc_lhs));
-           ("pc_guard",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression pc_guard));
-           ("pc_rhs", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression pc_rhs))] : Parsetree.case
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_value_binding : Parsetree.value_binding -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pvb_pat = pvb_pat; Parsetree.pvb_expr = pvb_expr;
-           Parsetree.pvb_attributes = pvb_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pvb_loc = pvb_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.value_binding"
-           [("pvb_pat", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pvb_pat));
-           ("pvb_expr", (this#lift_Parsetree_expression pvb_expr));
-           ("pvb_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pvb_attributes));
-           ("pvb_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pvb_loc))] : Parsetree.value_binding
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_pattern : Parsetree.pattern -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ppat_desc = ppat_desc; Parsetree.ppat_loc = ppat_loc;
-           Parsetree.ppat_attributes = ppat_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern"
-           [("ppat_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern_desc ppat_desc));
-           ("ppat_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ppat_loc));
-           ("ppat_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ppat_attributes))] : Parsetree.pattern
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_pattern_desc : Parsetree.pattern_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_any  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc" ("Ppat_any", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_var x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_var", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_alias (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_alias",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_constant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_constant", [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_interval (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_interval",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_constant x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_constant x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_construct (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_construct",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_variant (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_variant",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_record (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_record",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1]) x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_array x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_array",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_or (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_or",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_type", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_lazy x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_lazy", [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_unpack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_unpack", [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_exception", [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ppat_open (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.pattern_desc"
-             ("Ppat_open",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x1]) : Parsetree.pattern_desc ->
-                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_core_type : Parsetree.core_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptyp_desc = ptyp_desc; Parsetree.ptyp_loc = ptyp_loc;
-           Parsetree.ptyp_attributes = ptyp_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type"
-           [("ptyp_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type_desc ptyp_desc));
-           ("ptyp_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ptyp_loc));
-           ("ptyp_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptyp_attributes))] : Parsetree.core_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_core_type_desc : Parsetree.core_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_any  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc" ("Ptyp_any", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_var x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_var", [this#string x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_arrow",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_object (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_object",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1;
-                          this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x2]) x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_class (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_class",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_alias (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_alias",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0; this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_variant (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_variant",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_row_field x0);
-               this#lift_Asttypes_closed_flag x1;
-               this#lift_option
-                 (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Asttypes_label x))
-                 x2])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_poly (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_poly",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map (fun x  -> this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x)
-                     x0);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_package x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_package", [this#lift_Parsetree_package_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Ptyp_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.core_type_desc"
-             ("Ptyp_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.core_type_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_package_type : Parsetree.package_type -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-           this#list
-             (List.map
-                (fun x  ->
-                   let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                   this#tuple
-                     [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-                     this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1]) x1)] : Parsetree.package_type
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_row_field : Parsetree.row_field -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Rtag (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.row_field"
-             ("Rtag",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1;
-               this#lift_bool x2;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3)])
-       | Parsetree.Rinherit x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.row_field"
-             ("Rinherit", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0]) : Parsetree.row_field
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_attributes : Parsetree.attributes -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x) :
-      Parsetree.attributes -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_attribute : Parsetree.attribute -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-           this#lift_Parsetree_payload x1] : Parsetree.attribute -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_payload : Parsetree.payload -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.PStr x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PStr", [this#lift_Parsetree_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.PSig x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PSig", [this#lift_Parsetree_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.PTyp x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PTyp", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.PPat (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.payload"
-             ("PPat",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) :
-      Parsetree.payload -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure : Parsetree.structure -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_structure_item x) :
-      Parsetree.structure -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure_item : Parsetree.structure_item -> 'res=
-      (fun { Parsetree.pstr_desc = pstr_desc; Parsetree.pstr_loc = pstr_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item"
-           [("pstr_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_structure_item_desc pstr_desc));
-           ("pstr_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pstr_loc))] : Parsetree.structure_item
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_structure_item_desc :
-      Parsetree.structure_item_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_eval (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_eval",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_value (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_value",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_primitive x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_primitive", [this#lift_Parsetree_value_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_typext x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_typext", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_exception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_module x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_module", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_binding x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_recmodule",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_module_binding x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_modtype x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_modtype",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_open x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_open", [this#lift_Parsetree_open_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_class x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_class",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_class_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_class_type",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_include x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_include", [this#lift_Parsetree_include_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pstr_extension (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.structure_item_desc"
-             ("Pstr_extension",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1]) : Parsetree.structure_item_desc
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_declaration :
-      Parsetree.include_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_include_infos this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x :
-      Parsetree.include_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_declaration :
-      Parsetree.class_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x :
-      Parsetree.class_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_expr : Parsetree.class_expr -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcl_desc = pcl_desc; Parsetree.pcl_loc = pcl_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcl_attributes = pcl_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_expr"
-           [("pcl_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr_desc pcl_desc));
-           ("pcl_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcl_loc));
-           ("pcl_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcl_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_expr
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_expr_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_structure x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_structure", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_fun (x0,x1,x2,x3) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_fun",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_pattern x2;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x3])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x0;
-               this#list
-                 (List.map
-                    (fun x  ->
-                       let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                       this#tuple
-                         [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-                         this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_let (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_let",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_value_binding x1);
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pcl_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_expr_desc"
-             ("Pcl_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_expr_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_structure :
-      Parsetree.class_structure -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcstr_self = pcstr_self;
-           Parsetree.pcstr_fields = pcstr_fields }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_structure"
-           [("pcstr_self", (this#lift_Parsetree_pattern pcstr_self));
-           ("pcstr_fields",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_field pcstr_fields)))] :
-      Parsetree.class_structure -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field : Parsetree.class_field -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcf_desc = pcf_desc; Parsetree.pcf_loc = pcf_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcf_attributes = pcf_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field"
-           [("pcf_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_desc pcf_desc));
-           ("pcf_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcf_loc));
-           ("pcf_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcf_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_field
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_field_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_inherit (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_inherit",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_expr x1;
-               this#lift_option
-                 (fun x  -> this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x) x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_val x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_val",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind x2])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_method x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_method",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind x2])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_constraint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_constraint",
-               [(let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_initializer x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_initializer", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcf_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_desc"
-             ("Pcf_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_field_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_field_kind :
-      Parsetree.class_field_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Cfk_virtual x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_kind"
-             ("Cfk_virtual", [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Cfk_concrete (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_field_kind"
-             ("Cfk_concrete",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_expression x1]) : Parsetree.class_field_kind
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_binding : Parsetree.module_binding -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmb_name = pmb_name; Parsetree.pmb_expr = pmb_expr;
-           Parsetree.pmb_attributes = pmb_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmb_loc = pmb_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_binding"
-           [("pmb_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmb_name));
-           ("pmb_expr", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr pmb_expr));
-           ("pmb_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmb_attributes));
-           ("pmb_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmb_loc))] : Parsetree.module_binding
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_expr : Parsetree.module_expr -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmod_desc = pmod_desc; Parsetree.pmod_loc = pmod_loc;
-           Parsetree.pmod_attributes = pmod_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_expr"
-           [("pmod_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr_desc pmod_desc));
-           ("pmod_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmod_loc));
-           ("pmod_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmod_attributes))] : Parsetree.module_expr
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_expr_desc :
-      Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_structure x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_structure", [this#lift_Parsetree_structure x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_functor",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_apply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_apply",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_constraint (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_constraint",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_unpack x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_unpack", [this#lift_Parsetree_expression x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmod_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_expr_desc"
-             ("Pmod_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.module_expr_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type : Parsetree.module_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmty_desc = pmty_desc; Parsetree.pmty_loc = pmty_loc;
-           Parsetree.pmty_attributes = pmty_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type"
-           [("pmty_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_desc pmty_desc));
-           ("pmty_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmty_loc));
-           ("pmty_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmty_attributes))] : Parsetree.module_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type_desc :
-      Parsetree.module_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_ident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_ident",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_signature x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_signature", [this#lift_Parsetree_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_functor (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_functor",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_with (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_with",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_with_constraint x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_typeof x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_typeof", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_expr x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pmty_alias x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type_desc"
-             ("Pmty_alias",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0]) : Parsetree.module_type_desc
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_with_constraint :
-      Parsetree.with_constraint -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_module (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_module",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_typesubst x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_typesubst", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pwith_modsubst (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.with_constraint"
-             ("Pwith_modsubst",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-               this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x1]) : Parsetree.with_constraint
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature : Parsetree.signature -> 'res=
-      (fun x  -> this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_signature_item x) :
-      Parsetree.signature -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature_item : Parsetree.signature_item -> 'res=
-      (fun { Parsetree.psig_desc = psig_desc; Parsetree.psig_loc = psig_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item"
-           [("psig_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_signature_item_desc psig_desc));
-           ("psig_loc", (this#lift_Location_t psig_loc))] : Parsetree.signature_item
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_signature_item_desc :
-      Parsetree.signature_item_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Psig_value x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_value", [this#lift_Parsetree_value_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_type (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_type",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_rec_flag x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_type_declaration x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_typext x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_typext", [this#lift_Parsetree_type_extension x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_exception x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_exception",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_module x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_module", [this#lift_Parsetree_module_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_recmodule x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_recmodule",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_module_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_modtype x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_modtype",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_open x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_open", [this#lift_Parsetree_open_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_include x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_include", [this#lift_Parsetree_include_description x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_class x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_class",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_description x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_class_type x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_class_type",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Psig_extension (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.signature_item_desc"
-             ("Psig_extension",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_attributes x1]) : Parsetree.signature_item_desc
-                                                       -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.class_type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x :
-      Parsetree.class_type_declaration -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_description :
-      Parsetree.class_description -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_class_infos this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x :
-      Parsetree.class_description -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type : Parsetree.class_type -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcty_desc = pcty_desc; Parsetree.pcty_loc = pcty_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcty_attributes = pcty_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type"
-           [("pcty_desc", (this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_desc pcty_desc));
-           ("pcty_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcty_loc));
-           ("pcty_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcty_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_type
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_type_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_constr (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_constr",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0;
-               this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_signature x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_signature", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_signature x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_arrow (x0,x1,x2) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_arrow",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_arg_label x0;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-               this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x2])
-       | Parsetree.Pcty_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_desc"
-             ("Pcty_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_type_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_signature :
-      Parsetree.class_signature -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcsig_self = pcsig_self;
-           Parsetree.pcsig_fields = pcsig_fields }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_signature"
-           [("pcsig_self", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcsig_self));
-           ("pcsig_fields",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_field pcsig_fields)))] :
-      Parsetree.class_signature -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_field :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pctf_desc = pctf_desc; Parsetree.pctf_loc = pctf_loc;
-           Parsetree.pctf_attributes = pctf_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_field"
-           [("pctf_desc",
-              (this#lift_Parsetree_class_type_field_desc pctf_desc));
-           ("pctf_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pctf_loc));
-           ("pctf_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pctf_attributes))] : Parsetree.class_type_field
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_type_field_desc :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_inherit x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_inherit", [this#lift_Parsetree_class_type x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_val x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_val",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag x2;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_method x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_method",
-               [(let (x0,x1,x2,x3) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag x1;
-                   this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag x2;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x3])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_constraint x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_constraint",
-               [(let (x0,x1) = x0  in
-                 this#tuple
-                   [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                   this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_attribute x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_attribute", [this#lift_Parsetree_attribute x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pctf_extension x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_type_field_desc"
-             ("Pctf_extension", [this#lift_Parsetree_extension x0]) :
-      Parsetree.class_type_field_desc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension : Parsetree.extension -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         let (x0,x1) = x  in
-         this#tuple
-           [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string x0;
-           this#lift_Parsetree_payload x1] : Parsetree.extension -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_class_infos :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Parsetree.class_infos -> 'res= fun (type f0)
-      ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun
-           { Parsetree.pci_virt = pci_virt;
-             Parsetree.pci_params = pci_params;
-             Parsetree.pci_name = pci_name; Parsetree.pci_expr = pci_expr;
-             Parsetree.pci_loc = pci_loc;
-             Parsetree.pci_attributes = pci_attributes }
-            ->
-           this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.class_infos"
-             [("pci_virt", (this#lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag pci_virt));
-             ("pci_params",
-               (this#list
-                  (List.map
-                     (fun x  ->
-                        let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                        this#tuple
-                          [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                          this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) pci_params)));
-             ("pci_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pci_name));
-             ("pci_expr", (f0 pci_expr));
-             ("pci_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pci_loc));
-             ("pci_attributes",
-               (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pci_attributes))] : (f0 ->
-                                                                    'res) ->
-                                                                    f0
-                                                                    Parsetree.class_infos
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_virtual_flag : Asttypes.virtual_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Virtual  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.virtual_flag" ("Virtual", [])
-       | Asttypes.Concrete  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.virtual_flag" ("Concrete", []) : Asttypes.virtual_flag
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_description :
-      Parsetree.include_description -> 'res=
-      (fun x  ->
-         this#lift_Parsetree_include_infos this#lift_Parsetree_module_type x :
-      Parsetree.include_description -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_include_infos :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Parsetree.include_infos -> 'res= fun (type
-      f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun
-           { Parsetree.pincl_mod = pincl_mod;
-             Parsetree.pincl_loc = pincl_loc;
-             Parsetree.pincl_attributes = pincl_attributes }
-            ->
-           this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.include_infos"
-             [("pincl_mod", (f0 pincl_mod));
-             ("pincl_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pincl_loc));
-             ("pincl_attributes",
-               (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pincl_attributes))] :
-      (f0 -> 'res) -> f0 Parsetree.include_infos -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_open_description :
-      Parsetree.open_description -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.popen_lid = popen_lid;
-           Parsetree.popen_override = popen_override;
-           Parsetree.popen_loc = popen_loc;
-           Parsetree.popen_attributes = popen_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.open_description"
-           [("popen_lid",
-              (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t popen_lid));
-           ("popen_override",
-             (this#lift_Asttypes_override_flag popen_override));
-           ("popen_loc", (this#lift_Location_t popen_loc));
-           ("popen_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes popen_attributes))] : Parsetree.open_description
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_override_flag : Asttypes.override_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Override  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.override_flag" ("Override", [])
-       | Asttypes.Fresh  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.override_flag" ("Fresh", []) : Asttypes.override_flag
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.module_type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmtd_name = pmtd_name; Parsetree.pmtd_type = pmtd_type;
-           Parsetree.pmtd_attributes = pmtd_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmtd_loc = pmtd_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_type_declaration"
-           [("pmtd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmtd_name));
-           ("pmtd_type",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_module_type pmtd_type));
-           ("pmtd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmtd_attributes));
-           ("pmtd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmtd_loc))] : Parsetree.module_type_declaration
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_module_declaration :
-      Parsetree.module_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pmd_name = pmd_name; Parsetree.pmd_type = pmd_type;
-           Parsetree.pmd_attributes = pmd_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pmd_loc = pmd_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.module_declaration"
-           [("pmd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pmd_name));
-           ("pmd_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_module_type pmd_type));
-           ("pmd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pmd_attributes));
-           ("pmd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pmd_loc))] : Parsetree.module_declaration
-                                                            -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_extension : Parsetree.type_extension -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptyext_path = ptyext_path;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_params = ptyext_params;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_constructors = ptyext_constructors;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_private = ptyext_private;
-           Parsetree.ptyext_attributes = ptyext_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.type_extension"
-           [("ptyext_path",
-              (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t ptyext_path));
-           ("ptyext_params",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) ptyext_params)));
-           ("ptyext_constructors",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor
-                   ptyext_constructors)));
-           ("ptyext_private",
-             (this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag ptyext_private));
-           ("ptyext_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptyext_attributes))] : Parsetree.type_extension
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor :
-      Parsetree.extension_constructor -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pext_name = pext_name; Parsetree.pext_kind = pext_kind;
-           Parsetree.pext_loc = pext_loc;
-           Parsetree.pext_attributes = pext_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.extension_constructor"
-           [("pext_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pext_name));
-           ("pext_kind",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor_kind pext_kind));
-           ("pext_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pext_loc));
-           ("pext_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pext_attributes))] : Parsetree.extension_constructor
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_extension_constructor_kind :
-      Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pext_decl (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind"
-             ("Pext_decl",
-               [this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments x0;
-               this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pext_rebind x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind"
-             ("Pext_rebind",
-               [this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#lift_Longident_t x0]) : Parsetree.extension_constructor_kind
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_declaration :
-      Parsetree.type_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.ptype_name = ptype_name;
-           Parsetree.ptype_params = ptype_params;
-           Parsetree.ptype_cstrs = ptype_cstrs;
-           Parsetree.ptype_kind = ptype_kind;
-           Parsetree.ptype_private = ptype_private;
-           Parsetree.ptype_manifest = ptype_manifest;
-           Parsetree.ptype_attributes = ptype_attributes;
-           Parsetree.ptype_loc = ptype_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.type_declaration"
-           [("ptype_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string ptype_name));
-           ("ptype_params",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Asttypes_variance x1]) ptype_params)));
-           ("ptype_cstrs",
-             (this#list
-                (List.map
-                   (fun x  ->
-                      let (x0,x1,x2) = x  in
-                      this#tuple
-                        [this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0;
-                        this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x1;
-                        this#lift_Location_t x2]) ptype_cstrs)));
-           ("ptype_kind", (this#lift_Parsetree_type_kind ptype_kind));
-           ("ptype_private", (this#lift_Asttypes_private_flag ptype_private));
-           ("ptype_manifest",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type ptype_manifest));
-           ("ptype_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes ptype_attributes));
-           ("ptype_loc", (this#lift_Location_t ptype_loc))] : Parsetree.type_declaration
-                                                                -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_private_flag : Asttypes.private_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Private  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.private_flag" ("Private", [])
-       | Asttypes.Public  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.private_flag" ("Public", []) : Asttypes.private_flag
-                                                                  ->
-                                                                  'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_type_kind : Parsetree.type_kind -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_abstract  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.type_kind" ("Ptype_abstract", [])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_variant x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.type_kind"
-             ("Ptype_variant",
-               [this#list
-                  (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_record x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.type_kind"
-             ("Ptype_record",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_label_declaration x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Ptype_open  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.type_kind" ("Ptype_open", []) : Parsetree.type_kind
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constructor_declaration :
-      Parsetree.constructor_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pcd_name = pcd_name; Parsetree.pcd_args = pcd_args;
-           Parsetree.pcd_res = pcd_res; Parsetree.pcd_loc = pcd_loc;
-           Parsetree.pcd_attributes = pcd_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.constructor_declaration"
-           [("pcd_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pcd_name));
-           ("pcd_args", (this#lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments pcd_args));
-           ("pcd_res",
-             (this#lift_option this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pcd_res));
-           ("pcd_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pcd_loc));
-           ("pcd_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pcd_attributes))] : Parsetree.constructor_declaration
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constructor_arguments :
-      Parsetree.constructor_arguments -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pcstr_tuple x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.constructor_arguments"
-             ("Pcstr_tuple",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_core_type x0)])
-       | Parsetree.Pcstr_record x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.constructor_arguments"
-             ("Pcstr_record",
-               [this#list (List.map this#lift_Parsetree_label_declaration x0)]) :
-      Parsetree.constructor_arguments -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_label_declaration :
-      Parsetree.label_declaration -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pld_name = pld_name;
-           Parsetree.pld_mutable = pld_mutable;
-           Parsetree.pld_type = pld_type; Parsetree.pld_loc = pld_loc;
-           Parsetree.pld_attributes = pld_attributes }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.label_declaration"
-           [("pld_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pld_name));
-           ("pld_mutable", (this#lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag pld_mutable));
-           ("pld_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pld_type));
-           ("pld_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pld_loc));
-           ("pld_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pld_attributes))] : Parsetree.label_declaration
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_mutable_flag : Asttypes.mutable_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Immutable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.mutable_flag" ("Immutable", [])
-       | Asttypes.Mutable  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.mutable_flag" ("Mutable", []) : Asttypes.mutable_flag
-                                                                   ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_variance : Asttypes.variance -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Covariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.variance" ("Covariant", [])
-       | Asttypes.Contravariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.variance" ("Contravariant", [])
-       | Asttypes.Invariant  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.variance" ("Invariant", []) : Asttypes.variance
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_value_description :
-      Parsetree.value_description -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Parsetree.pval_name = pval_name; Parsetree.pval_type = pval_type;
-           Parsetree.pval_prim = pval_prim;
-           Parsetree.pval_attributes = pval_attributes;
-           Parsetree.pval_loc = pval_loc }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Parsetree.value_description"
-           [("pval_name", (this#lift_Asttypes_loc this#string pval_name));
-           ("pval_type", (this#lift_Parsetree_core_type pval_type));
-           ("pval_prim", (this#list (List.map this#string pval_prim)));
-           ("pval_attributes",
-             (this#lift_Parsetree_attributes pval_attributes));
-           ("pval_loc", (this#lift_Location_t pval_loc))] : Parsetree.value_description
-                                                              -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_arg_label : Asttypes.arg_label -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Nolabel  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Nolabel", [])
-       | Asttypes.Labelled x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Labelled", [this#string x0])
-       | Asttypes.Optional x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.arg_label" ("Optional", [this#string x0]) :
-      Asttypes.arg_label -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_closed_flag : Asttypes.closed_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Closed  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.closed_flag" ("Closed", [])
-       | Asttypes.Open  -> this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.closed_flag" ("Open", []) :
-      Asttypes.closed_flag -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_label : Asttypes.label -> 'res=
-      (this#string : Asttypes.label -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_rec_flag : Asttypes.rec_flag -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Asttypes.Nonrecursive  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.rec_flag" ("Nonrecursive", [])
-       | Asttypes.Recursive  ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Asttypes.rec_flag" ("Recursive", []) : Asttypes.rec_flag
-                                                                 -> 'res)
-    method lift_Parsetree_constant : Parsetree.constant -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_integer (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_integer",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#char x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_char x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.constant" ("Pconst_char", [this#char x0])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_string (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_string",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#string x1])
-       | Parsetree.Pconst_float (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Parsetree.constant"
-             ("Pconst_float",
-               [this#string x0; this#lift_option this#char x1]) : Parsetree.constant
-                                                                    ->
-                                                                    'res)
-    method lift_option : 'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 option -> 'res= fun (type
-      f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         function
-         | None  -> this#constr "option" ("None", [])
-         | Some x0 -> this#constr "option" ("Some", [f0 x0]) : (f0 -> 'res)
-                                                                 ->
-                                                                 f0 option ->
-                                                                   'res)
-    method lift_Longident_t : Longident.t -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | Longident.Lident x0 ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Longident.t" ("Lident", [this#string x0])
-       | Longident.Ldot (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Longident.t"
-             ("Ldot", [this#lift_Longident_t x0; this#string x1])
-       | Longident.Lapply (x0,x1) ->
-           this#constr "Ast_405.Longident.t"
-             ("Lapply", [this#lift_Longident_t x0; this#lift_Longident_t x1]) :
-      Longident.t -> 'res)
-    method lift_Asttypes_loc :
-      'f0 . ('f0 -> 'res) -> 'f0 Asttypes.loc -> 'res= fun (type f0) ->
-      (fun f0  ->
-         fun { Asttypes.txt = txt; Asttypes.loc = loc }  ->
-           this#record "Ast_405.Asttypes.loc"
-             [("txt", (f0 txt)); ("loc", (this#lift_Location_t loc))] :
-      (f0 -> 'res) -> f0 Asttypes.loc -> 'res)
-    method lift_Location_t : Location.t -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Location.loc_start = loc_start; Location.loc_end = loc_end;
-           Location.loc_ghost = loc_ghost }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Location.t"
-           [("loc_start", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_start));
-           ("loc_end", (this#lift_Lexing_position loc_end));
-           ("loc_ghost", (this#lift_bool loc_ghost))] : Location.t -> 'res)
-    method lift_bool : bool -> 'res=
-      (function
-       | false  -> this#constr "bool" ("false", [])
-       | true  -> this#constr "bool" ("true", []) : bool -> 'res)
-    method lift_Lexing_position : Lexing.position -> 'res=
-      (fun
-         { Lexing.pos_fname = pos_fname; Lexing.pos_lnum = pos_lnum;
-           Lexing.pos_bol = pos_bol; Lexing.pos_cnum = pos_cnum }
-          ->
-         this#record "Ast_405.Lexing.position"
-           [("pos_fname", (this#string pos_fname));
-           ("pos_lnum", (this#int pos_lnum));
-           ("pos_bol", (this#int pos_bol));
-           ("pos_cnum", (this#int pos_cnum))] : Lexing.position -> 'res)
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_402.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_402.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c8dda083..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_402.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_402
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** Class-based customizable mapper *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_helper
-let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub # location loc; txt}
-module T = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-  let row_field sub = function
-    | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-        Rtag (l, sub # attributes attrs, b, List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub # typ t)
-  let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Typ in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-    | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-    | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # typ) tyl)
-    | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-        let f (s, a, t) = (s, sub # attributes a, sub # typ t) in
-        object_ ~loc ~attrs (List.map f l) o
-    | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-        class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t) s
-    | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs (List.map (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-    | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs sl (sub # typ t)
-    | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-        package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # typ)) l)
-    | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_type_declaration sub
-      {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-       ptype_kind;
-       ptype_private;
-       ptype_manifest;
-       ptype_attributes;
-       ptype_loc} =
-    Type.mk (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) ptype_params)
-      ~priv:ptype_private
-      ~cstrs:(List.map (map_tuple3 (sub # typ) (sub # typ) (sub # location))
-                ptype_cstrs)
-      ~kind:(sub # type_kind ptype_kind)
-      ?manifest:(map_opt (sub # typ) ptype_manifest)
-      ~loc:(sub # location ptype_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes ptype_attributes)
-  let map_type_kind sub = function
-    | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant l ->
-        Ptype_variant (List.map (sub # constructor_declaration) l)
-    | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record (List.map (sub # label_declaration) l)
-    | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-  let map_type_extension sub
-      {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-       ptyext_constructors;
-       ptyext_private;
-       ptyext_attributes} =
-    Te.mk
-      (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-      (List.map (sub # extension_constructor) ptyext_constructors)
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) ptyext_params)
-      ~priv:ptyext_private
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes ptyext_attributes)
-  let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-      Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-        Pext_decl(List.map (sub # typ) ctl, map_opt (sub # typ) cto)
-    | Pext_rebind li ->
-        Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-  let map_extension_constructor sub
-      {pext_name;
-       pext_kind;
-       pext_loc;
-       pext_attributes} =
-    Te.constructor
-      (map_loc sub pext_name)
-      (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-      ~loc:(sub # location pext_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes pext_attributes)
-module CT = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cty in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tys)
-    | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_signature x)
-    | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub # typ t) (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-    =
-    let open Ctf in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs s m v (sub # typ t)
-    | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs s p v (sub # typ t)
-    | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-    | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-    Csig.mk
-      (sub # typ pcsig_self)
-      (List.map (sub # class_type_field) pcsig_fields)
-module MT = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Mty in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub # signature sg)
-    | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-          (map_opt (sub # module_type) mt1)
-          (sub # module_type mt2)
-    | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-        with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_type mt)
-          (List.map (sub # with_constraint) l)
-    | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr me)
-    | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_with_constraint sub = function
-    | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-        Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub # type_declaration d)
-    | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-        Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-    | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub # type_declaration d)
-    | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-        Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-  let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-    let open Sig in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub # value_description vd)
-    | Psig_type l -> type_ ~loc (List.map (sub # type_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub # type_extension te)
-    | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub # extension_constructor ed)
-    | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub # module_declaration x)
-    | Psig_recmodule l ->
-        rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub # module_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub # module_type_declaration x)
-    | Psig_open od -> open_ ~loc (sub # open_description od)
-    | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub # include_description x)
-    | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub # class_description) l)
-    | Psig_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub # class_type_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        extension ~loc (sub # extension x) ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs)
-    | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-module M = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Mod in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-    | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # structure str)
-    | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-          (map_opt (sub # module_type) arg_ty)
-          (sub # module_expr body)
-    | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr m1) (sub # module_expr m2)
-    | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr m) (sub # module_type mty)
-    | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-    let open Str in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-        eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs) (sub # expr x)
-    | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs)
-    | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub # value_description vd)
-    | Pstr_type l -> type_ ~loc (List.map (sub # type_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub # type_extension te)
-    | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub # extension_constructor ed)
-    | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub # module_binding x)
-    | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub # module_binding) l)
-    | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub # module_type_declaration x)
-    | Pstr_open od -> open_ ~loc (sub # open_description od)
-    | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub # class_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub # class_type_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub # include_declaration x)
-    | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        extension ~loc (sub # extension x) ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs)
-    | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-module E = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-  let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Exp in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-    | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-    | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub # expr) def) (sub # pat p)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (List.map (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
-    | Pexp_match (e, pel) -> match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # expr) el)
-    | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub # expr) arg)
-    | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub # expr) eo)
-    | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # expr)) l)
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) eo)
-    | Pexp_field (e, lid) -> field ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_loc sub lid)
-    | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-        setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (map_loc sub lid) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # expr) el)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-        ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) e3)
-    | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-        sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_while (e1, e2) -> while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-        for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2) d
-          (sub # expr e3)
-    | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-        coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_opt (sub # typ) t1)
-          (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # typ t)
-    | Pexp_send (e, s) -> send ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) s
-    | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-        setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_override sel ->
-        override ~loc ~attrs
-          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # expr)) sel)
-    | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-        letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub # module_expr me)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-        poly ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_opt (sub # typ) t)
-    | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure cls)
-    | Pexp_newtype (s, e) -> newtype ~loc ~attrs s (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr me)
-    | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-module P = struct
-  (* Patterns *)
-  let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Pat in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-    | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-    | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-    | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # pat) pl)
-    | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub # pat) p)
-    | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub # pat) p)
-    | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # pat)) lpl)
-          cf
-    | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # pat) pl)
-    | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p1) (sub # pat p2)
-    | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (sub # typ t)
-    | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p)
-    | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p)
-    | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-module CE = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cl in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tys)
-    | Pcl_structure s ->
-        structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure s)
-    | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) e)
-          (sub # pat p)
-          (sub # class_expr ce)
-    | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce)
-          (List.map (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
-    | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs)
-          (sub # class_expr ce)
-    | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce) (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_kind sub = function
-    | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub # expr e)
-    | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub # typ t)
-  let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cf in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub # class_expr ce) s
-    | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-    | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-    | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-    | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-    {
-      pcstr_self = sub # pat pcstr_self;
-      pcstr_fields = List.map (sub # class_field) pcstr_fields;
-    }
-  let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                         pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-    Ci.mk
-      ~virt:pci_virt
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) pl)
-      (map_loc sub pci_name)
-      (f pci_expr)
-      ~loc:(sub # location pci_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes pci_attributes)
-(* Now, a generic AST mapper class, to be extended to cover all kinds
-   and cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper
-   is the identity. *)
-class mapper =
-  object(this)
-    method structure l = List.map (this # structure_item) l
-    method structure_item si = M.map_structure_item this si
-    method module_expr = M.map this
-    method signature l = List.map (this # signature_item) l
-    method signature_item si = MT.map_signature_item this si
-    method module_type = MT.map this
-    method with_constraint c = MT.map_with_constraint this c
-    method class_declaration = CE.class_infos this (this # class_expr)
-    method class_expr = CE.map this
-    method class_field = CE.map_field this
-    method class_structure = CE.map_structure this
-    method class_type = CT.map this
-    method class_type_field = CT.map_field this
-    method class_signature = CT.map_signature this
-    method class_type_declaration = CE.class_infos this (this # class_type)
-    method class_description = CE.class_infos this (this # class_type)
-    method type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration this
-    method type_kind = T.map_type_kind this
-    method typ = T.map this
-    method type_extension = T.map_type_extension this
-    method extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor this
-    method value_description {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                              pval_attributes} =
-      Val.mk
-        (map_loc this pval_name)
-        (this # typ pval_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pval_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pval_loc)
-        ~prim:pval_prim
-    method pat = P.map this
-    method expr = E.map this
-    method module_declaration {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} =
-      Md.mk
-        (map_loc this pmd_name)
-        (this # module_type pmd_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmd_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmd_loc)
-    method module_type_declaration {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} =
-      Mtd.mk
-        (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-        ?typ:(map_opt (this # module_type) pmtd_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmtd_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmtd_loc)
-    method module_binding {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} =
-      Mb.mk (map_loc this pmb_name) (this # module_expr pmb_expr)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmb_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmb_loc)
-    method value_binding {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} =
-      Vb.mk
-        (this # pat pvb_pat)
-        (this # expr pvb_expr)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pvb_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pvb_loc)
-    method constructor_declaration {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc;
-                                    pcd_attributes} =
-      Type.constructor
-        (map_loc this pcd_name)
-        ~args:(List.map (this # typ) pcd_args)
-        ?res:(map_opt (this # typ) pcd_res)
-        ~loc:(this # location pcd_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pcd_attributes)
-    method label_declaration {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable;
-                              pld_attributes} =
-      Type.field
-        (map_loc this pld_name)
-        (this # typ pld_type)
-        ~mut:pld_mutable
-        ~loc:(this # location pld_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pld_attributes)
-    method cases l = List.map (this # case) l
-    method case {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
-      {
-        pc_lhs = this # pat pc_lhs;
-        pc_guard = map_opt (this # expr) pc_guard;
-        pc_rhs = this # expr pc_rhs;
-      }
-    method open_description
-        {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} =
-      Opn.mk (map_loc this popen_lid)
-        ~override:popen_override
-        ~loc:(this # location popen_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes popen_attributes)
-    method include_description
-        {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} =
-      Incl.mk (this # module_type pincl_mod)
-        ~loc:(this # location pincl_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pincl_attributes)
-    method include_declaration
-        {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} =
-      Incl.mk (this # module_expr pincl_mod)
-        ~loc:(this # location pincl_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pincl_attributes)
-    method location l = l
-    method extension (s, e) = (map_loc this s, this # payload e)
-    method attribute (s, e) = (map_loc this s, this # payload e)
-    method attributes l = List.map (this # attribute) l
-    method payload = function
-      | PStr x -> PStr (this # structure x)
-      | PTyp x -> PTyp (this # typ x)
-      | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this # pat x, map_opt (this # expr) g)
-  end
-let to_mapper this =
-  let open Ast_mapper in
-  {
-    attribute = (fun _ -> this # attribute);
-    attributes = (fun _ -> this # attributes);
-    case = (fun _ -> this # case);
-    cases = (fun _ -> this # cases);
-    class_declaration = (fun _ -> this # class_declaration);
-    class_description = (fun _ -> this # class_description);
-    class_expr = (fun _ -> this # class_expr);
-    class_field = (fun _ -> this # class_field);
-    class_signature = (fun _ -> this # class_signature);
-    class_structure = (fun _ -> this # class_structure);
-    class_type = (fun _ -> this # class_type);
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # class_type_declaration);
-    class_type_field = (fun _ -> this # class_type_field);
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ -> this # constructor_declaration);
-    expr = (fun _ -> this # expr);
-    extension = (fun _ -> this # extension);
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ -> this # extension_constructor);
-    include_declaration = (fun _ -> this # include_declaration);
-    include_description = (fun _ -> this # include_description);
-    label_declaration = (fun _ -> this # label_declaration);
-    location = (fun _ -> this # location);
-    module_binding = (fun _ -> this # module_binding);
-    module_declaration = (fun _ -> this # module_declaration);
-    module_expr = (fun _ -> this # module_expr);
-    module_type = (fun _ -> this # module_type);
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # module_type_declaration);
-    open_description = (fun _ -> this # open_description);
-    pat = (fun _ -> this # pat);
-    payload = (fun _ -> this # payload);
-    signature = (fun _ -> this # signature);
-    signature_item = (fun _ -> this # signature_item);
-    structure = (fun _ -> this # structure);
-    structure_item = (fun _ -> this # structure_item);
-    typ = (fun _ -> this # typ);
-    type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # type_declaration);
-    type_extension = (fun _ -> this # type_extension);
-    type_kind = (fun _ -> this # type_kind);
-    value_binding = (fun _ -> this # value_binding);
-    value_description = (fun _ -> this # value_description);
-    with_constraint = (fun _ -> this # with_constraint);
-  }
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_402.mli b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_402.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fbaa22f1..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_402.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_402
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** Class-based customizable mapper *)
-open Parsetree
-class mapper:
-  object
-    method attribute: attribute -> attribute
-    method attributes: attribute list -> attribute list
-    method case: case -> case
-    method cases: case list -> case list
-    method class_declaration: class_declaration -> class_declaration
-    method class_description: class_description -> class_description
-    method class_expr: class_expr -> class_expr
-    method class_field: class_field -> class_field
-    method class_signature: class_signature -> class_signature
-    method class_structure: class_structure -> class_structure
-    method class_type: class_type -> class_type
-    method class_type_declaration: class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
-    method class_type_field: class_type_field -> class_type_field
-    method constructor_declaration: constructor_declaration -> constructor_declaration
-    method expr: expression -> expression
-    method extension: extension -> extension
-    method extension_constructor: extension_constructor -> extension_constructor
-    method include_declaration: include_declaration -> include_declaration
-    method include_description: include_description -> include_description
-    method label_declaration: label_declaration -> label_declaration
-    method location: Location.t -> Location.t
-    method module_binding: module_binding -> module_binding
-    method module_declaration: module_declaration -> module_declaration
-    method module_expr: module_expr -> module_expr
-    method module_type: module_type -> module_type
-    method module_type_declaration: module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration
-    method open_description: open_description -> open_description
-    method pat: pattern -> pattern
-    method payload: payload -> payload
-    method signature: signature -> signature
-    method signature_item: signature_item -> signature_item
-    method structure: structure -> structure
-    method structure_item: structure_item -> structure_item
-    method typ: core_type -> core_type
-    method type_declaration: type_declaration -> type_declaration
-    method type_extension: type_extension -> type_extension
-    method type_kind: type_kind -> type_kind
-    method value_binding: value_binding -> value_binding
-    method value_description: value_description -> value_description
-    method with_constraint: with_constraint -> with_constraint
-  end
-val to_mapper: #mapper -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-(** The resulting mapper is "closed", i.e. methods ignore
-    their first argument. *)
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_403.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_403.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7697738..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_403.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_403
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** Class-based customizable mapper *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_helper
-let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub # location loc; txt}
-module T = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-  let row_field sub = function
-    | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-        Rtag (l, sub # attributes attrs, b, List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub # typ t)
-  let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Typ in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-    | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-    | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # typ) tyl)
-    | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-        let f (s, a, t) = (s, sub # attributes a, sub # typ t) in
-        object_ ~loc ~attrs (List.map f l) o
-    | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-        class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t) s
-    | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs (List.map (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-    | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs sl (sub # typ t)
-    | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-        package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # typ)) l)
-    | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_type_declaration sub
-      {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-       ptype_kind;
-       ptype_private;
-       ptype_manifest;
-       ptype_attributes;
-       ptype_loc} =
-    Type.mk (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) ptype_params)
-      ~priv:ptype_private
-      ~cstrs:(List.map (map_tuple3 (sub # typ) (sub # typ) (sub # location))
-                ptype_cstrs)
-      ~kind:(sub # type_kind ptype_kind)
-      ?manifest:(map_opt (sub # typ) ptype_manifest)
-      ~loc:(sub # location ptype_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes ptype_attributes)
-  let map_type_kind sub = function
-    | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant l ->
-        Ptype_variant (List.map (sub # constructor_declaration) l)
-    | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record (List.map (sub # label_declaration) l)
-    | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-  let map_type_extension sub
-      {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-       ptyext_constructors;
-       ptyext_private;
-       ptyext_attributes} =
-    Te.mk
-      (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-      (List.map (sub # extension_constructor) ptyext_constructors)
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) ptyext_params)
-      ~priv:ptyext_private
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes ptyext_attributes)
-  let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-      Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-        Pext_decl(sub # constructor_arguments ctl, map_opt (sub # typ) cto)
-    | Pext_rebind li ->
-        Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-  let map_extension_constructor sub
-      {pext_name;
-       pext_kind;
-       pext_loc;
-       pext_attributes} =
-    Te.constructor
-      (map_loc sub pext_name)
-      (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-      ~loc:(sub # location pext_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes pext_attributes)
-module CT = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cty in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tys)
-    | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_signature x)
-    | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub # typ t) (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-    =
-    let open Ctf in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs s m v (sub # typ t)
-    | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs s p v (sub # typ t)
-    | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-    | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-    Csig.mk
-      (sub # typ pcsig_self)
-      (List.map (sub # class_type_field) pcsig_fields)
-module MT = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Mty in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub # signature sg)
-    | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-          (map_opt (sub # module_type) mt1)
-          (sub # module_type mt2)
-    | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-        with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_type mt)
-          (List.map (sub # with_constraint) l)
-    | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr me)
-    | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_with_constraint sub = function
-    | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-        Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub # type_declaration d)
-    | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-        Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-    | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub # type_declaration d)
-    | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-        Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-  let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-    let open Sig in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub # value_description vd)
-    | Psig_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf (List.map (sub # type_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub # type_extension te)
-    | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub # extension_constructor ed)
-    | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub # module_declaration x)
-    | Psig_recmodule l ->
-        rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub # module_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub # module_type_declaration x)
-    | Psig_open od -> open_ ~loc (sub # open_description od)
-    | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub # include_description x)
-    | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub # class_description) l)
-    | Psig_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub # class_type_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        extension ~loc (sub # extension x) ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs)
-    | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-module M = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Mod in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-    | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # structure str)
-    | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-          (map_opt (sub # module_type) arg_ty)
-          (sub # module_expr body)
-    | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr m1) (sub # module_expr m2)
-    | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr m) (sub # module_type mty)
-    | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-    let open Str in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-        eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs) (sub # expr x)
-    | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs)
-    | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub # value_description vd)
-    | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf (List.map (sub # type_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub # type_extension te)
-    | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub # extension_constructor ed)
-    | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub # module_binding x)
-    | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub # module_binding) l)
-    | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub # module_type_declaration x)
-    | Pstr_open od -> open_ ~loc (sub # open_description od)
-    | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub # class_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub # class_type_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub # include_declaration x)
-    | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        extension ~loc (sub # extension x) ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs)
-    | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-module E = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-  let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Exp in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-    | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-    | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub # expr) def) (sub # pat p)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (List.map (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
-    | Pexp_match (e, pel) -> match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # expr) el)
-    | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub # expr) arg)
-    | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub # expr) eo)
-    | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # expr)) l)
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) eo)
-    | Pexp_field (e, lid) -> field ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_loc sub lid)
-    | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-        setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (map_loc sub lid) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # expr) el)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-        ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) e3)
-    | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-        sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_while (e1, e2) -> while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-        for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2) d
-          (sub # expr e3)
-    | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-        coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_opt (sub # typ) t1)
-          (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # typ t)
-    | Pexp_send (e, s) -> send ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) s
-    | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-        setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_override sel ->
-        override ~loc ~attrs
-          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # expr)) sel)
-    | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-        letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub # module_expr me)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-        poly ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_opt (sub # typ) t)
-    | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure cls)
-    | Pexp_newtype (s, e) -> newtype ~loc ~attrs s (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr me)
-    | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-    | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-module P = struct
-  (* Patterns *)
-  let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Pat in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-    | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-    | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-    | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # pat) pl)
-    | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub # pat) p)
-    | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub # pat) p)
-    | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # pat)) lpl)
-          cf
-    | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # pat) pl)
-    | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p1) (sub # pat p2)
-    | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (sub # typ t)
-    | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p)
-    | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p)
-    | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-module CE = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cl in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tys)
-    | Pcl_structure s ->
-        structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure s)
-    | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) e)
-          (sub # pat p)
-          (sub # class_expr ce)
-    | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce)
-          (List.map (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
-    | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs)
-          (sub # class_expr ce)
-    | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce) (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_kind sub = function
-    | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub # expr e)
-    | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub # typ t)
-  let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cf in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub # class_expr ce) s
-    | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-    | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-    | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-    | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-    {
-      pcstr_self = sub # pat pcstr_self;
-      pcstr_fields = List.map (sub # class_field) pcstr_fields;
-    }
-  let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                         pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-    Ci.mk
-      ~virt:pci_virt
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) pl)
-      (map_loc sub pci_name)
-      (f pci_expr)
-      ~loc:(sub # location pci_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes pci_attributes)
-(* Now, a generic AST mapper class, to be extended to cover all kinds
-   and cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper
-   is the identity. *)
-class mapper =
-  object(this)
-    method structure l = List.map (this # structure_item) l
-    method structure_item si = M.map_structure_item this si
-    method module_expr = M.map this
-    method signature l = List.map (this # signature_item) l
-    method signature_item si = MT.map_signature_item this si
-    method module_type = MT.map this
-    method with_constraint c = MT.map_with_constraint this c
-    method class_declaration = CE.class_infos this (this # class_expr)
-    method class_expr = CE.map this
-    method class_field = CE.map_field this
-    method class_structure = CE.map_structure this
-    method class_type = CT.map this
-    method class_type_field = CT.map_field this
-    method class_signature = CT.map_signature this
-    method class_type_declaration = CE.class_infos this (this # class_type)
-    method class_description = CE.class_infos this (this # class_type)
-    method type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration this
-    method type_kind = T.map_type_kind this
-    method typ = T.map this
-    method type_extension = T.map_type_extension this
-    method extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor this
-    method value_description {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                              pval_attributes} =
-      Val.mk
-        (map_loc this pval_name)
-        (this # typ pval_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pval_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pval_loc)
-        ~prim:pval_prim
-    method pat = P.map this
-    method expr = E.map this
-    method module_declaration {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} =
-      Md.mk
-        (map_loc this pmd_name)
-        (this # module_type pmd_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmd_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmd_loc)
-    method module_type_declaration {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} =
-      Mtd.mk
-        (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-        ?typ:(map_opt (this # module_type) pmtd_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmtd_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmtd_loc)
-    method module_binding {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} =
-      Mb.mk (map_loc this pmb_name) (this # module_expr pmb_expr)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmb_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmb_loc)
-    method value_binding {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} =
-      Vb.mk
-        (this # pat pvb_pat)
-        (this # expr pvb_expr)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pvb_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pvb_loc)
-    method constructor_arguments = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple (tys) -> Pcstr_tuple (List.map (this # typ) tys)
-      | Pcstr_record (ls) -> Pcstr_record (List.map (this # label_declaration) ls)
-    method constructor_declaration {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc;
-                                    pcd_attributes} =
-      Type.constructor
-        (map_loc this pcd_name)
-        ~args:(this # constructor_arguments pcd_args)
-        ?res:(map_opt (this # typ) pcd_res)
-        ~loc:(this # location pcd_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pcd_attributes)
-    method label_declaration {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable;
-                              pld_attributes} =
-      Type.field
-        (map_loc this pld_name)
-        (this # typ pld_type)
-        ~mut:pld_mutable
-        ~loc:(this # location pld_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pld_attributes)
-    method cases l = List.map (this # case) l
-    method case {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
-      {
-        pc_lhs = this # pat pc_lhs;
-        pc_guard = map_opt (this # expr) pc_guard;
-        pc_rhs = this # expr pc_rhs;
-      }
-    method open_description
-        {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} =
-      Opn.mk (map_loc this popen_lid)
-        ~override:popen_override
-        ~loc:(this # location popen_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes popen_attributes)
-    method include_description
-        {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} =
-      Incl.mk (this # module_type pincl_mod)
-        ~loc:(this # location pincl_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pincl_attributes)
-    method include_declaration
-        {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} =
-      Incl.mk (this # module_expr pincl_mod)
-        ~loc:(this # location pincl_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pincl_attributes)
-    method location l = l
-    method extension (s, e) = (map_loc this s, this # payload e)
-    method attribute (s, e) = (map_loc this s, this # payload e)
-    method attributes l = List.map (this # attribute) l
-    method payload = function
-      | PStr x -> PStr (this # structure x)
-      | PTyp x -> PTyp (this # typ x)
-      | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this # pat x, map_opt (this # expr) g)
-      | PSig x -> PSig (this # signature x)
-  end
-let to_mapper this =
-  let open Ast_mapper in
-  {
-    attribute = (fun _ -> this # attribute);
-    attributes = (fun _ -> this # attributes);
-    case = (fun _ -> this # case);
-    cases = (fun _ -> this # cases);
-    class_declaration = (fun _ -> this # class_declaration);
-    class_description = (fun _ -> this # class_description);
-    class_expr = (fun _ -> this # class_expr);
-    class_field = (fun _ -> this # class_field);
-    class_signature = (fun _ -> this # class_signature);
-    class_structure = (fun _ -> this # class_structure);
-    class_type = (fun _ -> this # class_type);
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # class_type_declaration);
-    class_type_field = (fun _ -> this # class_type_field);
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ -> this # constructor_declaration);
-    expr = (fun _ -> this # expr);
-    extension = (fun _ -> this # extension);
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ -> this # extension_constructor);
-    include_declaration = (fun _ -> this # include_declaration);
-    include_description = (fun _ -> this # include_description);
-    label_declaration = (fun _ -> this # label_declaration);
-    location = (fun _ -> this # location);
-    module_binding = (fun _ -> this # module_binding);
-    module_declaration = (fun _ -> this # module_declaration);
-    module_expr = (fun _ -> this # module_expr);
-    module_type = (fun _ -> this # module_type);
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # module_type_declaration);
-    open_description = (fun _ -> this # open_description);
-    pat = (fun _ -> this # pat);
-    payload = (fun _ -> this # payload);
-    signature = (fun _ -> this # signature);
-    signature_item = (fun _ -> this # signature_item);
-    structure = (fun _ -> this # structure);
-    structure_item = (fun _ -> this # structure_item);
-    typ = (fun _ -> this # typ);
-    type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # type_declaration);
-    type_extension = (fun _ -> this # type_extension);
-    type_kind = (fun _ -> this # type_kind);
-    value_binding = (fun _ -> this # value_binding);
-    value_description = (fun _ -> this # value_description);
-    with_constraint = (fun _ -> this # with_constraint);
-  }
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_403.mli b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_403.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 9672290c6..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_403.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_403
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** Class-based customizable mapper *)
-open Parsetree
-class mapper:
-  object
-    method attribute: attribute -> attribute
-    method attributes: attribute list -> attribute list
-    method case: case -> case
-    method cases: case list -> case list
-    method class_declaration: class_declaration -> class_declaration
-    method class_description: class_description -> class_description
-    method class_expr: class_expr -> class_expr
-    method class_field: class_field -> class_field
-    method class_signature: class_signature -> class_signature
-    method class_structure: class_structure -> class_structure
-    method class_type: class_type -> class_type
-    method class_type_declaration: class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
-    method class_type_field: class_type_field -> class_type_field
-    method constructor_arguments: constructor_arguments -> constructor_arguments
-    method constructor_declaration: constructor_declaration -> constructor_declaration
-    method expr: expression -> expression
-    method extension: extension -> extension
-    method extension_constructor: extension_constructor -> extension_constructor
-    method include_declaration: include_declaration -> include_declaration
-    method include_description: include_description -> include_description
-    method label_declaration: label_declaration -> label_declaration
-    method location: Location.t -> Location.t
-    method module_binding: module_binding -> module_binding
-    method module_declaration: module_declaration -> module_declaration
-    method module_expr: module_expr -> module_expr
-    method module_type: module_type -> module_type
-    method module_type_declaration: module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration
-    method open_description: open_description -> open_description
-    method pat: pattern -> pattern
-    method payload: payload -> payload
-    method signature: signature -> signature
-    method signature_item: signature_item -> signature_item
-    method structure: structure -> structure
-    method structure_item: structure_item -> structure_item
-    method typ: core_type -> core_type
-    method type_declaration: type_declaration -> type_declaration
-    method type_extension: type_extension -> type_extension
-    method type_kind: type_kind -> type_kind
-    method value_binding: value_binding -> value_binding
-    method value_description: value_description -> value_description
-    method with_constraint: with_constraint -> with_constraint
-  end
-val to_mapper: #mapper -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-(** The resulting mapper is "closed", i.e. methods ignore
-    their first argument. *)
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_404.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_404.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d0ab1828..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_404.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_404
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** Class-based customizable mapper *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_helper
-let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub # location loc; txt}
-module T = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-  let row_field sub = function
-    | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-        Rtag (l, sub # attributes attrs, b, List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub # typ t)
-  let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Typ in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-    | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-    | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # typ) tyl)
-    | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-        let f (s, a, t) = (s, sub # attributes a, sub # typ t) in
-        object_ ~loc ~attrs (List.map f l) o
-    | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-        class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t) s
-    | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs (List.map (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-    | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs sl (sub # typ t)
-    | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-        package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # typ)) l)
-    | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_type_declaration sub
-      {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-       ptype_kind;
-       ptype_private;
-       ptype_manifest;
-       ptype_attributes;
-       ptype_loc} =
-    Type.mk (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) ptype_params)
-      ~priv:ptype_private
-      ~cstrs:(List.map (map_tuple3 (sub # typ) (sub # typ) (sub # location))
-                ptype_cstrs)
-      ~kind:(sub # type_kind ptype_kind)
-      ?manifest:(map_opt (sub # typ) ptype_manifest)
-      ~loc:(sub # location ptype_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes ptype_attributes)
-  let map_type_kind sub = function
-    | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant l ->
-        Ptype_variant (List.map (sub # constructor_declaration) l)
-    | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record (List.map (sub # label_declaration) l)
-    | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-  let map_type_extension sub
-      {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-       ptyext_constructors;
-       ptyext_private;
-       ptyext_attributes} =
-    Te.mk
-      (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-      (List.map (sub # extension_constructor) ptyext_constructors)
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) ptyext_params)
-      ~priv:ptyext_private
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes ptyext_attributes)
-  let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-      Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-        Pext_decl(sub # constructor_arguments ctl, map_opt (sub # typ) cto)
-    | Pext_rebind li ->
-        Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-  let map_extension_constructor sub
-      {pext_name;
-       pext_kind;
-       pext_loc;
-       pext_attributes} =
-    Te.constructor
-      (map_loc sub pext_name)
-      (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-      ~loc:(sub # location pext_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes pext_attributes)
-module CT = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cty in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tys)
-    | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_signature x)
-    | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub # typ t) (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-    =
-    let open Ctf in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs s m v (sub # typ t)
-    | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs s p v (sub # typ t)
-    | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-    | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-    Csig.mk
-      (sub # typ pcsig_self)
-      (List.map (sub # class_type_field) pcsig_fields)
-module MT = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Mty in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub # signature sg)
-    | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-          (map_opt (sub # module_type) mt1)
-          (sub # module_type mt2)
-    | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-        with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_type mt)
-          (List.map (sub # with_constraint) l)
-    | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr me)
-    | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_with_constraint sub = function
-    | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-        Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub # type_declaration d)
-    | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-        Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-    | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub # type_declaration d)
-    | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-        Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-  let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-    let open Sig in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub # value_description vd)
-    | Psig_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf (List.map (sub # type_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub # type_extension te)
-    | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub # extension_constructor ed)
-    | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub # module_declaration x)
-    | Psig_recmodule l ->
-        rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub # module_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub # module_type_declaration x)
-    | Psig_open od -> open_ ~loc (sub # open_description od)
-    | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub # include_description x)
-    | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub # class_description) l)
-    | Psig_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub # class_type_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        extension ~loc (sub # extension x) ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs)
-    | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-module M = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Mod in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-    | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # structure str)
-    | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-          (map_opt (sub # module_type) arg_ty)
-          (sub # module_expr body)
-    | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr m1) (sub # module_expr m2)
-    | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr m) (sub # module_type mty)
-    | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-    let open Str in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-        eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs) (sub # expr x)
-    | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs)
-    | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub # value_description vd)
-    | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf (List.map (sub # type_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub # type_extension te)
-    | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub # extension_constructor ed)
-    | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub # module_binding x)
-    | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub # module_binding) l)
-    | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub # module_type_declaration x)
-    | Pstr_open od -> open_ ~loc (sub # open_description od)
-    | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub # class_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub # class_type_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub # include_declaration x)
-    | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        extension ~loc (sub # extension x) ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs)
-    | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-module E = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-  let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Exp in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-    | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-    | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub # expr) def) (sub # pat p)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (List.map (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
-    | Pexp_match (e, pel) -> match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # expr) el)
-    | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub # expr) arg)
-    | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub # expr) eo)
-    | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # expr)) l)
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) eo)
-    | Pexp_field (e, lid) -> field ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_loc sub lid)
-    | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-        setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (map_loc sub lid) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # expr) el)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-        ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) e3)
-    | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-        sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_while (e1, e2) -> while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-        for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2) d
-          (sub # expr e3)
-    | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-        coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_opt (sub # typ) t1)
-          (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # typ t)
-    | Pexp_send (e, s) -> send ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) s
-    | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-        setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_override sel ->
-        override ~loc ~attrs
-          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # expr)) sel)
-    | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-        letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub # module_expr me)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-        letexception ~loc ~attrs
-          (sub # extension_constructor cd)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-        poly ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_opt (sub # typ) t)
-    | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure cls)
-    | Pexp_newtype (s, e) -> newtype ~loc ~attrs s (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr me)
-    | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-    | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-module P = struct
-  (* Patterns *)
-  let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Pat in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-    | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-    | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-    | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # pat) pl)
-    | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub # pat) p)
-    | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub # pat) p)
-    | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # pat)) lpl)
-          cf
-    | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # pat) pl)
-    | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p1) (sub # pat p2)
-    | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (sub # typ t)
-    | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p)
-    | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p)
-    | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-    | Ppat_open (l, p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (sub # pat p)
-module CE = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cl in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tys)
-    | Pcl_structure s ->
-        structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure s)
-    | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) e)
-          (sub # pat p)
-          (sub # class_expr ce)
-    | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce)
-          (List.map (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
-    | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs)
-          (sub # class_expr ce)
-    | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce) (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_kind sub = function
-    | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub # expr e)
-    | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub # typ t)
-  let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cf in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub # class_expr ce) s
-    | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-    | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-    | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-    | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-    {
-      pcstr_self = sub # pat pcstr_self;
-      pcstr_fields = List.map (sub # class_field) pcstr_fields;
-    }
-  let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                         pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-    Ci.mk
-      ~virt:pci_virt
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) pl)
-      (map_loc sub pci_name)
-      (f pci_expr)
-      ~loc:(sub # location pci_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes pci_attributes)
-(* Now, a generic AST mapper class, to be extended to cover all kinds
-   and cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper
-   is the identity. *)
-class mapper =
-  object(this)
-    method structure l = List.map (this # structure_item) l
-    method structure_item si = M.map_structure_item this si
-    method module_expr = M.map this
-    method signature l = List.map (this # signature_item) l
-    method signature_item si = MT.map_signature_item this si
-    method module_type = MT.map this
-    method with_constraint c = MT.map_with_constraint this c
-    method class_declaration = CE.class_infos this (this # class_expr)
-    method class_expr = CE.map this
-    method class_field = CE.map_field this
-    method class_structure = CE.map_structure this
-    method class_type = CT.map this
-    method class_type_field = CT.map_field this
-    method class_signature = CT.map_signature this
-    method class_type_declaration = CE.class_infos this (this # class_type)
-    method class_description = CE.class_infos this (this # class_type)
-    method type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration this
-    method type_kind = T.map_type_kind this
-    method typ = T.map this
-    method type_extension = T.map_type_extension this
-    method extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor this
-    method value_description {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                              pval_attributes} =
-      Val.mk
-        (map_loc this pval_name)
-        (this # typ pval_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pval_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pval_loc)
-        ~prim:pval_prim
-    method pat = P.map this
-    method expr = E.map this
-    method module_declaration {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} =
-      Md.mk
-        (map_loc this pmd_name)
-        (this # module_type pmd_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmd_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmd_loc)
-    method module_type_declaration {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} =
-      Mtd.mk
-        (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-        ?typ:(map_opt (this # module_type) pmtd_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmtd_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmtd_loc)
-    method module_binding {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} =
-      Mb.mk (map_loc this pmb_name) (this # module_expr pmb_expr)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmb_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmb_loc)
-    method value_binding {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} =
-      Vb.mk
-        (this # pat pvb_pat)
-        (this # expr pvb_expr)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pvb_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pvb_loc)
-    method constructor_arguments = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple (tys) -> Pcstr_tuple (List.map (this # typ) tys)
-      | Pcstr_record (ls) -> Pcstr_record (List.map (this # label_declaration) ls)
-    method constructor_declaration {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc;
-                                    pcd_attributes} =
-      Type.constructor
-        (map_loc this pcd_name)
-        ~args:(this # constructor_arguments pcd_args)
-        ?res:(map_opt (this # typ) pcd_res)
-        ~loc:(this # location pcd_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pcd_attributes)
-    method label_declaration {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable;
-                              pld_attributes} =
-      Type.field
-        (map_loc this pld_name)
-        (this # typ pld_type)
-        ~mut:pld_mutable
-        ~loc:(this # location pld_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pld_attributes)
-    method cases l = List.map (this # case) l
-    method case {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
-      {
-        pc_lhs = this # pat pc_lhs;
-        pc_guard = map_opt (this # expr) pc_guard;
-        pc_rhs = this # expr pc_rhs;
-      }
-    method open_description
-        {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} =
-      Opn.mk (map_loc this popen_lid)
-        ~override:popen_override
-        ~loc:(this # location popen_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes popen_attributes)
-    method include_description
-        {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} =
-      Incl.mk (this # module_type pincl_mod)
-        ~loc:(this # location pincl_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pincl_attributes)
-    method include_declaration
-        {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} =
-      Incl.mk (this # module_expr pincl_mod)
-        ~loc:(this # location pincl_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pincl_attributes)
-    method location l = l
-    method extension (s, e) = (map_loc this s, this # payload e)
-    method attribute (s, e) = (map_loc this s, this # payload e)
-    method attributes l = List.map (this # attribute) l
-    method payload = function
-      | PStr x -> PStr (this # structure x)
-      | PTyp x -> PTyp (this # typ x)
-      | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this # pat x, map_opt (this # expr) g)
-      | PSig x -> PSig (this # signature x)
-  end
-let to_mapper this =
-  let open Ast_mapper in
-  {
-    attribute = (fun _ -> this # attribute);
-    attributes = (fun _ -> this # attributes);
-    case = (fun _ -> this # case);
-    cases = (fun _ -> this # cases);
-    class_declaration = (fun _ -> this # class_declaration);
-    class_description = (fun _ -> this # class_description);
-    class_expr = (fun _ -> this # class_expr);
-    class_field = (fun _ -> this # class_field);
-    class_signature = (fun _ -> this # class_signature);
-    class_structure = (fun _ -> this # class_structure);
-    class_type = (fun _ -> this # class_type);
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # class_type_declaration);
-    class_type_field = (fun _ -> this # class_type_field);
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ -> this # constructor_declaration);
-    expr = (fun _ -> this # expr);
-    extension = (fun _ -> this # extension);
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ -> this # extension_constructor);
-    include_declaration = (fun _ -> this # include_declaration);
-    include_description = (fun _ -> this # include_description);
-    label_declaration = (fun _ -> this # label_declaration);
-    location = (fun _ -> this # location);
-    module_binding = (fun _ -> this # module_binding);
-    module_declaration = (fun _ -> this # module_declaration);
-    module_expr = (fun _ -> this # module_expr);
-    module_type = (fun _ -> this # module_type);
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # module_type_declaration);
-    open_description = (fun _ -> this # open_description);
-    pat = (fun _ -> this # pat);
-    payload = (fun _ -> this # payload);
-    signature = (fun _ -> this # signature);
-    signature_item = (fun _ -> this # signature_item);
-    structure = (fun _ -> this # structure);
-    structure_item = (fun _ -> this # structure_item);
-    typ = (fun _ -> this # typ);
-    type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # type_declaration);
-    type_extension = (fun _ -> this # type_extension);
-    type_kind = (fun _ -> this # type_kind);
-    value_binding = (fun _ -> this # value_binding);
-    value_description = (fun _ -> this # value_description);
-    with_constraint = (fun _ -> this # with_constraint);
-  }
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_404.mli b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_404.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index f30a0bff7..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_404.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_404
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** Class-based customizable mapper *)
-open Parsetree
-class mapper:
-  object
-    method attribute: attribute -> attribute
-    method attributes: attribute list -> attribute list
-    method case: case -> case
-    method cases: case list -> case list
-    method class_declaration: class_declaration -> class_declaration
-    method class_description: class_description -> class_description
-    method class_expr: class_expr -> class_expr
-    method class_field: class_field -> class_field
-    method class_signature: class_signature -> class_signature
-    method class_structure: class_structure -> class_structure
-    method class_type: class_type -> class_type
-    method class_type_declaration: class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
-    method class_type_field: class_type_field -> class_type_field
-    method constructor_arguments: constructor_arguments -> constructor_arguments
-    method constructor_declaration: constructor_declaration -> constructor_declaration
-    method expr: expression -> expression
-    method extension: extension -> extension
-    method extension_constructor: extension_constructor -> extension_constructor
-    method include_declaration: include_declaration -> include_declaration
-    method include_description: include_description -> include_description
-    method label_declaration: label_declaration -> label_declaration
-    method location: Location.t -> Location.t
-    method module_binding: module_binding -> module_binding
-    method module_declaration: module_declaration -> module_declaration
-    method module_expr: module_expr -> module_expr
-    method module_type: module_type -> module_type
-    method module_type_declaration: module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration
-    method open_description: open_description -> open_description
-    method pat: pattern -> pattern
-    method payload: payload -> payload
-    method signature: signature -> signature
-    method signature_item: signature_item -> signature_item
-    method structure: structure -> structure
-    method structure_item: structure_item -> structure_item
-    method typ: core_type -> core_type
-    method type_declaration: type_declaration -> type_declaration
-    method type_extension: type_extension -> type_extension
-    method type_kind: type_kind -> type_kind
-    method value_binding: value_binding -> value_binding
-    method value_description: value_description -> value_description
-    method with_constraint: with_constraint -> with_constraint
-  end
-val to_mapper: #mapper -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-(** The resulting mapper is "closed", i.e. methods ignore
-    their first argument. *)
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_405.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_405.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 294718508..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_405.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_405
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** Class-based customizable mapper *)
-open Parsetree
-open Asttypes
-open Ast_helper
-let map_fst f (x, y) = (f x, y)
-let map_snd f (x, y) = (x, f y)
-let map_tuple f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
-let map_tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
-let map_opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
-let map_loc sub {loc; txt} = {loc = sub # location loc; txt}
-module T = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the core language *)
-  let row_field sub = function
-    | Rtag (l, attrs, b, tl) ->
-        Rtag (l, sub # attributes attrs, b, List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Rinherit t -> Rinherit (sub # typ t)
-  let map sub {ptyp_desc = desc; ptyp_loc = loc; ptyp_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Typ in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Ptyp_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-    | Ptyp_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs s
-    | Ptyp_arrow (lab, t1, t2) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Ptyp_tuple tyl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # typ) tyl)
-    | Ptyp_constr (lid, tl) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Ptyp_object (l, o) ->
-        let f (s, a, t) = (s, sub # attributes a, sub # typ t) in
-        object_ ~loc ~attrs (List.map f l) o
-    | Ptyp_class (lid, tl) ->
-        class_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tl)
-    | Ptyp_alias (t, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t) s
-    | Ptyp_variant (rl, b, ll) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs (List.map (row_field sub) rl) b ll
-    | Ptyp_poly (sl, t) -> poly ~loc ~attrs sl (sub # typ t)
-    | Ptyp_package (lid, l) ->
-        package ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # typ)) l)
-    | Ptyp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_type_declaration sub
-      {ptype_name; ptype_params; ptype_cstrs;
-       ptype_kind;
-       ptype_private;
-       ptype_manifest;
-       ptype_attributes;
-       ptype_loc} =
-    Type.mk (map_loc sub ptype_name)
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) ptype_params)
-      ~priv:ptype_private
-      ~cstrs:(List.map (map_tuple3 (sub # typ) (sub # typ) (sub # location))
-                ptype_cstrs)
-      ~kind:(sub # type_kind ptype_kind)
-      ?manifest:(map_opt (sub # typ) ptype_manifest)
-      ~loc:(sub # location ptype_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes ptype_attributes)
-  let map_type_kind sub = function
-    | Ptype_abstract -> Ptype_abstract
-    | Ptype_variant l ->
-        Ptype_variant (List.map (sub # constructor_declaration) l)
-    | Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record (List.map (sub # label_declaration) l)
-    | Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
-  let map_type_extension sub
-      {ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
-       ptyext_constructors;
-       ptyext_private;
-       ptyext_attributes} =
-    Te.mk
-      (map_loc sub ptyext_path)
-      (List.map (sub # extension_constructor) ptyext_constructors)
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) ptyext_params)
-      ~priv:ptyext_private
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes ptyext_attributes)
-  let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
-      Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
-        Pext_decl(sub # constructor_arguments ctl, map_opt (sub # typ) cto)
-    | Pext_rebind li ->
-        Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
-  let map_extension_constructor sub
-      {pext_name;
-       pext_kind;
-       pext_loc;
-       pext_attributes} =
-    Te.constructor
-      (map_loc sub pext_name)
-      (map_extension_constructor_kind sub pext_kind)
-      ~loc:(sub # location pext_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes pext_attributes)
-module CT = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the class language *)
-  let map sub {pcty_loc = loc; pcty_desc = desc; pcty_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cty in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcty_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tys)
-    | Pcty_signature x -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_signature x)
-    | Pcty_arrow (lab, t, ct) ->
-        arrow ~loc ~attrs lab (sub # typ t) (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pcty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_field sub {pctf_desc = desc; pctf_loc = loc; pctf_attributes = attrs}
-    =
-    let open Ctf in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pctf_inherit ct -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pctf_val (s, m, v, t) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs s m v (sub # typ t)
-    | Pctf_method (s, p, v, t) -> method_ ~loc ~attrs s p v (sub # typ t)
-    | Pctf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pctf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-    | Pctf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_signature sub {pcsig_self; pcsig_fields} =
-    Csig.mk
-      (sub # typ pcsig_self)
-      (List.map (sub # class_type_field) pcsig_fields)
-module MT = struct
-  (* Type expressions for the module language *)
-  let map sub {pmty_desc = desc; pmty_loc = loc; pmty_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Mty in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pmty_ident s -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Pmty_alias s -> alias ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Pmty_signature sg -> signature ~loc ~attrs (sub # signature sg)
-    | Pmty_functor (s, mt1, mt2) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-          (map_opt (sub # module_type) mt1)
-          (sub # module_type mt2)
-    | Pmty_with (mt, l) ->
-        with_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_type mt)
-          (List.map (sub # with_constraint) l)
-    | Pmty_typeof me -> typeof_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr me)
-    | Pmty_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_with_constraint sub = function
-    | Pwith_type (lid, d) ->
-        Pwith_type (map_loc sub lid, sub # type_declaration d)
-    | Pwith_module (lid, lid2) ->
-        Pwith_module (map_loc sub lid, map_loc sub lid2)
-    | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub # type_declaration d)
-    | Pwith_modsubst (s, lid) ->
-        Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s, map_loc sub lid)
-  let map_signature_item sub {psig_desc = desc; psig_loc = loc} =
-    let open Sig in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Psig_value vd -> value ~loc (sub # value_description vd)
-    | Psig_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf (List.map (sub # type_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub # type_extension te)
-    | Psig_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub # extension_constructor ed)
-    | Psig_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub # module_declaration x)
-    | Psig_recmodule l ->
-        rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub # module_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub # module_type_declaration x)
-    | Psig_open od -> open_ ~loc (sub # open_description od)
-    | Psig_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub # include_description x)
-    | Psig_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub # class_description) l)
-    | Psig_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub # class_type_declaration) l)
-    | Psig_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        extension ~loc (sub # extension x) ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs)
-    | Psig_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-module M = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-  let map sub {pmod_loc = loc; pmod_desc = desc; pmod_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Mod in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pmod_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-    | Pmod_structure str -> structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # structure str)
-    | Pmod_functor (arg, arg_ty, body) ->
-        functor_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub arg)
-          (map_opt (sub # module_type) arg_ty)
-          (sub # module_expr body)
-    | Pmod_apply (m1, m2) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr m1) (sub # module_expr m2)
-    | Pmod_constraint (m, mty) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr m) (sub # module_type mty)
-    | Pmod_unpack e -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pmod_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_structure_item sub {pstr_loc = loc; pstr_desc = desc} =
-    let open Str in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pstr_eval (x, attrs) ->
-        eval ~loc ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs) (sub # expr x)
-    | Pstr_value (r, vbs) -> value ~loc r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs)
-    | Pstr_primitive vd -> primitive ~loc (sub # value_description vd)
-    | Pstr_type (rf, l) -> type_ ~loc rf (List.map (sub # type_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_typext te -> type_extension ~loc (sub # type_extension te)
-    | Pstr_exception ed -> exception_ ~loc (sub # extension_constructor ed)
-    | Pstr_module x -> module_ ~loc (sub # module_binding x)
-    | Pstr_recmodule l -> rec_module ~loc (List.map (sub # module_binding) l)
-    | Pstr_modtype x -> modtype ~loc (sub # module_type_declaration x)
-    | Pstr_open od -> open_ ~loc (sub # open_description od)
-    | Pstr_class l -> class_ ~loc (List.map (sub # class_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_class_type l ->
-        class_type ~loc (List.map (sub # class_type_declaration) l)
-    | Pstr_include x -> include_ ~loc (sub # include_declaration x)
-    | Pstr_extension (x, attrs) ->
-        extension ~loc (sub # extension x) ~attrs:(sub # attributes attrs)
-    | Pstr_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-module E = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the core language *)
-  let map sub {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = desc; pexp_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Exp in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Pexp_ident x -> ident ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub x)
-    | Pexp_constant x -> constant ~loc ~attrs x
-    | Pexp_let (r, vbs, e) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_fun (lab, def, p, e) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub # expr) def) (sub # pat p)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_function pel -> function_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_apply (e, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (List.map (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
-    | Pexp_match (e, pel) -> match_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_try (e, pel) -> try_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # cases pel)
-    | Pexp_tuple el -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # expr) el)
-    | Pexp_construct (lid, arg) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (map_opt (sub # expr) arg)
-    | Pexp_variant (lab, eo) ->
-        variant ~loc ~attrs lab (map_opt (sub # expr) eo)
-    | Pexp_record (l, eo) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # expr)) l)
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) eo)
-    | Pexp_field (e, lid) -> field ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_loc sub lid)
-    | Pexp_setfield (e1, lid, e2) ->
-        setfield ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (map_loc sub lid) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_array el -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # expr) el)
-    | Pexp_ifthenelse (e1, e2, e3) ->
-        ifthenelse ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) e3)
-    | Pexp_sequence (e1, e2) ->
-        sequence ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_while (e1, e2) -> while_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2)
-    | Pexp_for (p, e1, e2, d, e3) ->
-        for_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (sub # expr e1) (sub # expr e2) d
-          (sub # expr e3)
-    | Pexp_coerce (e, t1, t2) ->
-        coerce ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_opt (sub # typ) t1)
-          (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pexp_constraint (e, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (sub # typ t)
-    | Pexp_send (e, s) -> send ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) s
-    | Pexp_new lid -> new_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid)
-    | Pexp_setinstvar (s, e) ->
-        setinstvar ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_override sel ->
-        override ~loc ~attrs
-          (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # expr)) sel)
-    | Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
-        letmodule ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) (sub # module_expr me)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_letexception (cd, e) ->
-        letexception ~loc ~attrs
-          (sub # extension_constructor cd)
-          (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_assert e -> assert_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_lazy e -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_poly (e, t) ->
-        poly ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e) (map_opt (sub # typ) t)
-    | Pexp_object cls -> object_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure cls)
-    | Pexp_newtype (s, e) -> newtype ~loc ~attrs s (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_pack me -> pack ~loc ~attrs (sub # module_expr me)
-    | Pexp_open (ovf, lid, e) ->
-        open_ ~loc ~attrs ovf (map_loc sub lid) (sub # expr e)
-    | Pexp_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-    | Pexp_unreachable -> unreachable ~loc ~attrs ()
-module P = struct
-  (* Patterns *)
-  let map sub {ppat_desc = desc; ppat_loc = loc; ppat_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Pat in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    let attrs = sub # attributes attrs in
-    match desc with
-    | Ppat_any -> any ~loc ~attrs ()
-    | Ppat_var s -> var ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_alias (p, s) -> alias ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_constant c -> constant ~loc ~attrs c
-    | Ppat_interval (c1, c2) -> interval ~loc ~attrs c1 c2
-    | Ppat_tuple pl -> tuple ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # pat) pl)
-    | Ppat_construct (l, p) ->
-        construct ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (map_opt (sub # pat) p)
-    | Ppat_variant (l, p) -> variant ~loc ~attrs l (map_opt (sub # pat) p)
-    | Ppat_record (lpl, cf) ->
-        record ~loc ~attrs (List.map (map_tuple (map_loc sub) (sub # pat)) lpl)
-          cf
-    | Ppat_array pl -> array ~loc ~attrs (List.map (sub # pat) pl)
-    | Ppat_or (p1, p2) -> or_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p1) (sub # pat p2)
-    | Ppat_constraint (p, t) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p) (sub # typ t)
-    | Ppat_type s -> type_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_lazy p -> lazy_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p)
-    | Ppat_unpack s -> unpack ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s)
-    | Ppat_exception p -> exception_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # pat p)
-    | Ppat_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-    | Ppat_open (l, p) -> open_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub l) (sub # pat p)
-module CE = struct
-  (* Value expressions for the class language *)
-  let map sub {pcl_loc = loc; pcl_desc = desc; pcl_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cl in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcl_constr (lid, tys) ->
-        constr ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub lid) (List.map (sub # typ) tys)
-    | Pcl_structure s ->
-        structure ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_structure s)
-    | Pcl_fun (lab, e, p, ce) ->
-        fun_ ~loc ~attrs lab
-          (map_opt (sub # expr) e)
-          (sub # pat p)
-          (sub # class_expr ce)
-    | Pcl_apply (ce, l) ->
-        apply ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce)
-          (List.map (map_snd (sub # expr)) l)
-    | Pcl_let (r, vbs, ce) ->
-        let_ ~loc ~attrs r (List.map (sub # value_binding) vbs)
-          (sub # class_expr ce)
-    | Pcl_constraint (ce, ct) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # class_expr ce) (sub # class_type ct)
-    | Pcl_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_kind sub = function
-    | Cfk_concrete (o, e) -> Cfk_concrete (o, sub # expr e)
-    | Cfk_virtual t -> Cfk_virtual (sub # typ t)
-  let map_field sub {pcf_desc = desc; pcf_loc = loc; pcf_attributes = attrs} =
-    let open Cf in
-    let loc = sub # location loc in
-    match desc with
-    | Pcf_inherit (o, ce, s) -> inherit_ ~loc ~attrs o (sub # class_expr ce) s
-    | Pcf_val (s, m, k) -> val_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) m (map_kind sub k)
-    | Pcf_method (s, p, k) ->
-        method_ ~loc ~attrs (map_loc sub s) p (map_kind sub k)
-    | Pcf_constraint (t1, t2) ->
-        constraint_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # typ t1) (sub # typ t2)
-    | Pcf_initializer e -> initializer_ ~loc ~attrs (sub # expr e)
-    | Pcf_attribute x -> attribute ~loc (sub # attribute x)
-    | Pcf_extension x -> extension ~loc ~attrs (sub # extension x)
-  let map_structure sub {pcstr_self; pcstr_fields} =
-    {
-      pcstr_self = sub # pat pcstr_self;
-      pcstr_fields = List.map (sub # class_field) pcstr_fields;
-    }
-  let class_infos sub f {pci_virt; pci_params = pl; pci_name; pci_expr;
-                         pci_loc; pci_attributes} =
-    Ci.mk
-      ~virt:pci_virt
-      ~params:(List.map (map_fst (sub # typ)) pl)
-      (map_loc sub pci_name)
-      (f pci_expr)
-      ~loc:(sub # location pci_loc)
-      ~attrs:(sub # attributes pci_attributes)
-(* Now, a generic AST mapper class, to be extended to cover all kinds
-   and cases of the OCaml grammar.  The default behavior of the mapper
-   is the identity. *)
-class mapper =
-  object(this)
-    method structure l = List.map (this # structure_item) l
-    method structure_item si = M.map_structure_item this si
-    method module_expr = M.map this
-    method signature l = List.map (this # signature_item) l
-    method signature_item si = MT.map_signature_item this si
-    method module_type = MT.map this
-    method with_constraint c = MT.map_with_constraint this c
-    method class_declaration = CE.class_infos this (this # class_expr)
-    method class_expr = CE.map this
-    method class_field = CE.map_field this
-    method class_structure = CE.map_structure this
-    method class_type = CT.map this
-    method class_type_field = CT.map_field this
-    method class_signature = CT.map_signature this
-    method class_type_declaration = CE.class_infos this (this # class_type)
-    method class_description = CE.class_infos this (this # class_type)
-    method type_declaration = T.map_type_declaration this
-    method type_kind = T.map_type_kind this
-    method typ = T.map this
-    method type_extension = T.map_type_extension this
-    method extension_constructor = T.map_extension_constructor this
-    method value_description {pval_name; pval_type; pval_prim; pval_loc;
-                              pval_attributes} =
-      Val.mk
-        (map_loc this pval_name)
-        (this # typ pval_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pval_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pval_loc)
-        ~prim:pval_prim
-    method pat = P.map this
-    method expr = E.map this
-    method module_declaration {pmd_name; pmd_type; pmd_attributes; pmd_loc} =
-      Md.mk
-        (map_loc this pmd_name)
-        (this # module_type pmd_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmd_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmd_loc)
-    method module_type_declaration {pmtd_name; pmtd_type; pmtd_attributes; pmtd_loc} =
-      Mtd.mk
-        (map_loc this pmtd_name)
-        ?typ:(map_opt (this # module_type) pmtd_type)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmtd_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmtd_loc)
-    method module_binding {pmb_name; pmb_expr; pmb_attributes; pmb_loc} =
-      Mb.mk (map_loc this pmb_name) (this # module_expr pmb_expr)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pmb_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pmb_loc)
-    method value_binding {pvb_pat; pvb_expr; pvb_attributes; pvb_loc} =
-      Vb.mk
-        (this # pat pvb_pat)
-        (this # expr pvb_expr)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pvb_attributes)
-        ~loc:(this # location pvb_loc)
-    method constructor_arguments = function
-      | Pcstr_tuple (tys) -> Pcstr_tuple (List.map (this # typ) tys)
-      | Pcstr_record (ls) -> Pcstr_record (List.map (this # label_declaration) ls)
-    method constructor_declaration {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc;
-                                    pcd_attributes} =
-      Type.constructor
-        (map_loc this pcd_name)
-        ~args:(this # constructor_arguments pcd_args)
-        ?res:(map_opt (this # typ) pcd_res)
-        ~loc:(this # location pcd_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pcd_attributes)
-    method label_declaration {pld_name; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_mutable;
-                              pld_attributes} =
-      Type.field
-        (map_loc this pld_name)
-        (this # typ pld_type)
-        ~mut:pld_mutable
-        ~loc:(this # location pld_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pld_attributes)
-    method cases l = List.map (this # case) l
-    method case {pc_lhs; pc_guard; pc_rhs} =
-      {
-        pc_lhs = this # pat pc_lhs;
-        pc_guard = map_opt (this # expr) pc_guard;
-        pc_rhs = this # expr pc_rhs;
-      }
-    method open_description
-        {popen_lid; popen_override; popen_attributes; popen_loc} =
-      Opn.mk (map_loc this popen_lid)
-        ~override:popen_override
-        ~loc:(this # location popen_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes popen_attributes)
-    method include_description
-        {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} =
-      Incl.mk (this # module_type pincl_mod)
-        ~loc:(this # location pincl_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pincl_attributes)
-    method include_declaration
-        {pincl_mod; pincl_attributes; pincl_loc} =
-      Incl.mk (this # module_expr pincl_mod)
-        ~loc:(this # location pincl_loc)
-        ~attrs:(this # attributes pincl_attributes)
-    method location l = l
-    method extension (s, e) = (map_loc this s, this # payload e)
-    method attribute (s, e) = (map_loc this s, this # payload e)
-    method attributes l = List.map (this # attribute) l
-    method payload = function
-      | PStr x -> PStr (this # structure x)
-      | PTyp x -> PTyp (this # typ x)
-      | PPat (x, g) -> PPat (this # pat x, map_opt (this # expr) g)
-      | PSig x -> PSig (this # signature x)
-  end
-let to_mapper this =
-  let open Ast_mapper in
-  {
-    attribute = (fun _ -> this # attribute);
-    attributes = (fun _ -> this # attributes);
-    case = (fun _ -> this # case);
-    cases = (fun _ -> this # cases);
-    class_declaration = (fun _ -> this # class_declaration);
-    class_description = (fun _ -> this # class_description);
-    class_expr = (fun _ -> this # class_expr);
-    class_field = (fun _ -> this # class_field);
-    class_signature = (fun _ -> this # class_signature);
-    class_structure = (fun _ -> this # class_structure);
-    class_type = (fun _ -> this # class_type);
-    class_type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # class_type_declaration);
-    class_type_field = (fun _ -> this # class_type_field);
-    constructor_declaration = (fun _ -> this # constructor_declaration);
-    expr = (fun _ -> this # expr);
-    extension = (fun _ -> this # extension);
-    extension_constructor = (fun _ -> this # extension_constructor);
-    include_declaration = (fun _ -> this # include_declaration);
-    include_description = (fun _ -> this # include_description);
-    label_declaration = (fun _ -> this # label_declaration);
-    location = (fun _ -> this # location);
-    module_binding = (fun _ -> this # module_binding);
-    module_declaration = (fun _ -> this # module_declaration);
-    module_expr = (fun _ -> this # module_expr);
-    module_type = (fun _ -> this # module_type);
-    module_type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # module_type_declaration);
-    open_description = (fun _ -> this # open_description);
-    pat = (fun _ -> this # pat);
-    payload = (fun _ -> this # payload);
-    signature = (fun _ -> this # signature);
-    signature_item = (fun _ -> this # signature_item);
-    structure = (fun _ -> this # structure);
-    structure_item = (fun _ -> this # structure_item);
-    typ = (fun _ -> this # typ);
-    type_declaration = (fun _ -> this # type_declaration);
-    type_extension = (fun _ -> this # type_extension);
-    type_kind = (fun _ -> this # type_kind);
-    value_binding = (fun _ -> this # value_binding);
-    value_description = (fun _ -> this # value_description);
-    with_constraint = (fun _ -> this # with_constraint);
-  }
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_405.mli b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_405.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 5285a9be1..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ast_mapper_class_405.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_405
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(** Class-based customizable mapper *)
-open Parsetree
-class mapper:
-  object
-    method attribute: attribute -> attribute
-    method attributes: attribute list -> attribute list
-    method case: case -> case
-    method cases: case list -> case list
-    method class_declaration: class_declaration -> class_declaration
-    method class_description: class_description -> class_description
-    method class_expr: class_expr -> class_expr
-    method class_field: class_field -> class_field
-    method class_signature: class_signature -> class_signature
-    method class_structure: class_structure -> class_structure
-    method class_type: class_type -> class_type
-    method class_type_declaration: class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration
-    method class_type_field: class_type_field -> class_type_field
-    method constructor_arguments: constructor_arguments -> constructor_arguments
-    method constructor_declaration: constructor_declaration -> constructor_declaration
-    method expr: expression -> expression
-    method extension: extension -> extension
-    method extension_constructor: extension_constructor -> extension_constructor
-    method include_declaration: include_declaration -> include_declaration
-    method include_description: include_description -> include_description
-    method label_declaration: label_declaration -> label_declaration
-    method location: Location.t -> Location.t
-    method module_binding: module_binding -> module_binding
-    method module_declaration: module_declaration -> module_declaration
-    method module_expr: module_expr -> module_expr
-    method module_type: module_type -> module_type
-    method module_type_declaration: module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration
-    method open_description: open_description -> open_description
-    method pat: pattern -> pattern
-    method payload: payload -> payload
-    method signature: signature -> signature
-    method signature_item: signature_item -> signature_item
-    method structure: structure -> structure
-    method structure_item: structure_item -> structure_item
-    method typ: core_type -> core_type
-    method type_declaration: type_declaration -> type_declaration
-    method type_extension: type_extension -> type_extension
-    method type_kind: type_kind -> type_kind
-    method value_binding: value_binding -> value_binding
-    method value_description: value_description -> value_description
-    method with_constraint: with_constraint -> with_constraint
-  end
-val to_mapper: #mapper -> Ast_mapper.mapper
-(** The resulting mapper is "closed", i.e. methods ignore
-    their first argument. *)
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/opam b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/opam
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba2bff2e..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/opam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-opam-version: "1.2"
-name: "ppx_tools_versioned"
-maintainer: "frederic.bour@lakaban.net"
-authors: [ 
-  "Frédéric Bour <frederic.bour@lakaban.net>"
-  "Alain Frisch <alain.frisch@lexifi.com>" 
-license: "MIT"
-homepage: "https://github.com/let-def/ppx_tools_versioned"
-bug-reports: "https://github.com/let-def/ppx_tools_versioned/issues"
-dev-repo: "git://github.com/let-def/ppx_tools_versioned.git"
-tags: [ "syntax" ]
-build: [[make "all"]]
-install: [[make "install"]]
-remove: [["ocamlfind" "remove" "ppx_tools_versioned"]]
-depends: [
-  "ocamlfind" {>= "1.5.0"}
-  "ocaml-migrate-parsetree"
-available: ocaml-version >= "4.02.0"
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_402.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_402.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 879d78e95..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_402.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_402
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(* A -ppx rewriter to be used to write Parsetree-generating code
-   (including other -ppx rewriters) using concrete syntax.
-   We support the following extensions in expression position:
-   [%expr ...]  maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
-   [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
-   [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
-   [%stri ...] maps to code which creates the structure item represented by ...
-   [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
-   Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
-   using the following extensions:
-     [%e ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.expression
-     [%t ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.core_type
-     [%p ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.pattern
-   All locations generated by the meta quotation are by default set
-   to [Ast_helper.default_loc].  This can be overriden by providing a custom
-   expression which will be inserted whereever a location is required
-   in the generated AST.  This expression can be specified globally
-   (for the current structure) as a structure item attribute:
-     ;;[@@metaloc ...]
-   or locally for the scope of an expression:
-     e [@metaloc ...]
-   Support is also provided to use concrete syntax in pattern
-   position.  The location and attribute fields are currently ignored
-   by patterns generated from meta quotations.
-   We support the following extensions in pattern position:
-   [%expr ...]  maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
-   [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
-   [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
-   [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
-   Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
-   using the following extensions:
-     [%e? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.expression
-     [%t? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.core_type
-     [%p? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.pattern
-module Main : sig end = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Ast_convenience_402
-  let prefix ty s =
-    let open Longident in
-    match parse ty with
-    | Ldot(m, _) -> String.concat "." (Longident.flatten m) ^ "." ^ s
-    | _ -> s
-  class exp_builder =
-    object
-      method record ty x = record (List.map (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
-      method constr ty (c, args) = constr (prefix ty c) args
-      method list l = list l
-      method tuple l = tuple l
-      method int i = int i
-      method string s = str s
-      method char c = char c
-      method int32 x = Exp.constant (Const_int32 x)
-      method int64 x = Exp.constant (Const_int64 x)
-      method nativeint x = Exp.constant (Const_nativeint x)
-    end
-  class pat_builder =
-    object
-      method record ty x = precord ~closed:Closed (List.map (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
-      method constr ty (c, args) = pconstr (prefix ty c) args
-      method list l = plist l
-      method tuple l = ptuple l
-      method int i = pint i
-      method string s = pstr s
-      method char c = pchar c
-      method int32 x = Pat.constant (Const_int32 x)
-      method int64 x = Pat.constant (Const_int64 x)
-      method nativeint x = Pat.constant (Const_nativeint x)
-    end
-  let get_exp loc = function
-    | PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval (e, _); _} ] -> e
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aExpression expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let get_typ loc = function
-    | PTyp t -> t
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aType expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let get_pat loc = function
-    | PPat (t, None) -> t
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aPattern expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let exp_lifter loc map =
-    let map = map.Ast_mapper.expr map in
-    object
-      inherit [_] Ast_lifter_402.lifter as super
-      inherit exp_builder
-      (* Special support for location in the generated AST *)
-      method! lift_Location_t _ = loc
-      (* Support for antiquotations *)
-      method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
-        | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
-        | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
-        | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
-    end
-  let pat_lifter map =
-    let map = map.Ast_mapper.pat map in
-    object
-      inherit [_] Ast_lifter_402.lifter as super
-      inherit pat_builder
-      (* Special support for location and attributes in the generated AST *)
-      method! lift_Location_t _ = Pat.any ()
-      method! lift_Parsetree_attributes _ = Pat.any ()
-      (* Support for antiquotations *)
-      method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
-        | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
-        | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
-        | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
-    end
-  let loc = ref (app (evar "Pervasives.!") [evar "Ast_helper.default_loc"])
-  let handle_attr = function
-    | {txt="metaloc";loc=l}, e -> loc := get_exp l e
-    | _ -> ()
-  let with_loc ?(attrs = []) f =
-    let old_loc = !loc in
-    List.iter handle_attr attrs;
-    let r = f () in
-    loc := old_loc;
-    r
-  let expander =
-    let open Ast_mapper in
-    let super = default_mapper in
-    let expr this e =
-      with_loc ~attrs:e.pexp_attributes
-        (fun () ->
-           match e.pexp_desc with
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
-           | _ ->
-               super.expr this e
-        )
-    and pat this p =
-      with_loc ~attrs:p.ppat_attributes
-        (fun () ->
-           match p.ppat_desc with
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
-           | _ ->
-               super.pat this p
-        )
-    and structure this l =
-      with_loc
-        (fun () -> super.structure this l)
-    and structure_item this x =
-      begin match x.pstr_desc with
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> handle_attr x
-      | _ -> ()
-      end;
-      super.structure_item this x
-    in
-    {super with expr; pat; structure; structure_item}
-  let expander =
-    let open Migrate_parsetree in
-    let module To_current = Convert(OCaml_402)(OCaml_current) in
-    To_current.copy_mapper expander
-  let () =
-    Migrate_parsetree.Compiler_libs.Ast_mapper.run_main @@
-    fun _args -> expander
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_403.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_403.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b4b239c0..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_403.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_403
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(* A -ppx rewriter to be used to write Parsetree-generating code
-   (including other -ppx rewriters) using concrete syntax.
-   We support the following extensions in expression position:
-   [%expr ...]  maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
-   [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
-   [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
-   [%stri ...] maps to code which creates the structure item represented by ...
-   [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
-   Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
-   using the following extensions:
-     [%e ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.expression
-     [%t ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.core_type
-     [%p ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.pattern
-   All locations generated by the meta quotation are by default set
-   to [Ast_helper.default_loc].  This can be overriden by providing a custom
-   expression which will be inserted whereever a location is required
-   in the generated AST.  This expression can be specified globally
-   (for the current structure) as a structure item attribute:
-     ;;[@@metaloc ...]
-   or locally for the scope of an expression:
-     e [@metaloc ...]
-   Support is also provided to use concrete syntax in pattern
-   position.  The location and attribute fields are currently ignored
-   by patterns generated from meta quotations.
-   We support the following extensions in pattern position:
-   [%expr ...]  maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
-   [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
-   [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
-   [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
-   Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
-   using the following extensions:
-     [%e? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.expression
-     [%t? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.core_type
-     [%p? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.pattern
-module Main : sig end = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Ast_convenience_403
-  let prefix ty s =
-    let open Longident in
-    match parse ty with
-    | Ldot(m, _) -> String.concat "." (Longident.flatten m) ^ "." ^ s
-    | _ -> s
-  class exp_builder =
-    object
-      method record ty x = record (List.map (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
-      method constr ty (c, args) = constr (prefix ty c) args
-      method list l = list l
-      method tuple l = tuple l
-      method int i = int i
-      method string s = str s
-      method char c = char c
-      method int32 x = Exp.constant (Const.int32 x)
-      method int64 x = Exp.constant (Const.int64 x)
-      method nativeint x = Exp.constant (Const.nativeint x)
-    end
-  class pat_builder =
-    object
-      method record ty x = precord ~closed:Closed (List.map (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
-      method constr ty (c, args) = pconstr (prefix ty c) args
-      method list l = plist l
-      method tuple l = ptuple l
-      method int i = pint i
-      method string s = pstr s
-      method char c = pchar c
-      method int32 x = Pat.constant (Const.int32 x)
-      method int64 x = Pat.constant (Const.int64 x)
-      method nativeint x = Pat.constant (Const.nativeint x)
-    end
-  let get_exp loc = function
-    | PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval (e, _); _} ] -> e
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aExpression expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let get_typ loc = function
-    | PTyp t -> t
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aType expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let get_pat loc = function
-    | PPat (t, None) -> t
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aPattern expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let exp_lifter loc map =
-    let map = map.Ast_mapper.expr map in
-    object
-      inherit [_] Ast_lifter_403.lifter as super
-      inherit exp_builder
-      (* Special support for location in the generated AST *)
-      method! lift_Location_t _ = loc
-      (* Support for antiquotations *)
-      method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
-        | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
-        | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
-        | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
-    end
-  let pat_lifter map =
-    let map = map.Ast_mapper.pat map in
-    object
-      inherit [_] Ast_lifter_403.lifter as super
-      inherit pat_builder
-      (* Special support for location and attributes in the generated AST *)
-      method! lift_Location_t _ = Pat.any ()
-      method! lift_Parsetree_attributes _ = Pat.any ()
-      (* Support for antiquotations *)
-      method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
-        | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
-        | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
-        | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
-    end
-  let loc = ref (app (evar "Pervasives.!") [evar "Ast_helper.default_loc"])
-  let handle_attr = function
-    | {txt="metaloc";loc=l}, e -> loc := get_exp l e
-    | _ -> ()
-  let with_loc ?(attrs = []) f =
-    let old_loc = !loc in
-    List.iter handle_attr attrs;
-    let r = f () in
-    loc := old_loc;
-    r
-  let expander =
-    let open Ast_mapper in
-    let super = default_mapper in
-    let expr this e =
-      with_loc ~attrs:e.pexp_attributes
-        (fun () ->
-           match e.pexp_desc with
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
-           | _ ->
-               super.expr this e
-        )
-    and pat this p =
-      with_loc ~attrs:p.ppat_attributes
-        (fun () ->
-           match p.ppat_desc with
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
-           | _ ->
-               super.pat this p
-        )
-    and structure this l =
-      with_loc
-        (fun () -> super.structure this l)
-    and structure_item this x =
-      begin match x.pstr_desc with
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> handle_attr x
-      | _ -> ()
-      end;
-      super.structure_item this x
-    in
-    {super with expr; pat; structure; structure_item}
-  let expander =
-    let open Migrate_parsetree in
-    let module To_current = Convert(OCaml_403)(OCaml_current) in
-    To_current.copy_mapper expander
-  let () =
-    Migrate_parsetree.Compiler_libs.Ast_mapper.run_main @@
-    fun _args -> expander
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_404.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_404.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index fd058504a..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_404.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_404
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(* A -ppx rewriter to be used to write Parsetree-generating code
-   (including other -ppx rewriters) using concrete syntax.
-   We support the following extensions in expression position:
-   [%expr ...]  maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
-   [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
-   [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
-   [%stri ...] maps to code which creates the structure item represented by ...
-   [%sig: ...] maps to code which creates the signature represented by ...
-   [%sigi: ...] maps to code which creates the signature item represented by ...
-   [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
-   Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
-   using the following extensions:
-     [%e ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.expression
-     [%t ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.core_type
-     [%p ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.pattern
-     [%%s ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.structure
-               or Parsetree.signature depending on the context.
-   All locations generated by the meta quotation are by default set
-   to [Ast_helper.default_loc].  This can be overriden by providing a custom
-   expression which will be inserted whereever a location is required
-   in the generated AST.  This expression can be specified globally
-   (for the current structure) as a structure item attribute:
-     ;;[@@metaloc ...]
-   or locally for the scope of an expression:
-     e [@metaloc ...]
-   Support is also provided to use concrete syntax in pattern
-   position.  The location and attribute fields are currently ignored
-   by patterns generated from meta quotations.
-   We support the following extensions in pattern position:
-   [%expr ...]  maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
-   [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
-   [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
-   [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
-   Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
-   using the following extensions:
-     [%e? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.expression
-     [%t? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.core_type
-     [%p? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.pattern
-module Main : sig end = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Ast_convenience_404
-  let prefix ty s =
-    let open Longident in
-    match parse ty with
-    | Ldot(m, _) -> String.concat "." (Longident.flatten m) ^ "." ^ s
-    | _ -> s
-  let append ?loc ?attrs e e' =
-    let fn = Location.mknoloc (Longident.(Ldot (Lident "List", "append"))) in
-    Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs (Exp.ident fn) [Nolabel, e; Nolabel, e']
-  class exp_builder =
-    object
-      method record ty x = record (List.map (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
-      method constr ty (c, args) = constr (prefix ty c) args
-      method list l = list l
-      method tuple l = tuple l
-      method int i = int i
-      method string s = str s
-      method char c = char c
-      method int32 x = Exp.constant (Const.int32 x)
-      method int64 x = Exp.constant (Const.int64 x)
-      method nativeint x = Exp.constant (Const.nativeint x)
-    end
-  class pat_builder =
-    object
-      method record ty x = precord ~closed:Closed (List.map (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
-      method constr ty (c, args) = pconstr (prefix ty c) args
-      method list l = plist l
-      method tuple l = ptuple l
-      method int i = pint i
-      method string s = pstr s
-      method char c = pchar c
-      method int32 x = Pat.constant (Const.int32 x)
-      method int64 x = Pat.constant (Const.int64 x)
-      method nativeint x = Pat.constant (Const.nativeint x)
-    end
-  let get_exp loc = function
-    | PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval (e, _); _} ] -> e
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aExpression expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let get_typ loc = function
-    | PTyp t -> t
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aType expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let get_pat loc = function
-    | PPat (t, None) -> t
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aPattern expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let exp_lifter loc map =
-    let map = map.Ast_mapper.expr map in
-    object
-      inherit [_] Ast_lifter_404.lifter as super
-      inherit exp_builder
-      (* Special support for location in the generated AST *)
-      method! lift_Location_t _ = loc
-      (* Support for antiquotations *)
-      method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
-        | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
-        | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_structure str =
-        List.fold_right
-          (function
-           | {pstr_desc=Pstr_extension(({txt="s";loc}, e), _); _} ->
-               append (get_exp loc e)
-           | x ->
-               cons (super # lift_Parsetree_structure_item x))
-          str (nil ())
-      method! lift_Parsetree_signature sign =
-        List.fold_right
-          (function
-           | {psig_desc=Psig_extension(({txt="s";loc}, e), _); _} ->
-               append (get_exp loc e)
-           | x ->
-               cons (super # lift_Parsetree_signature_item x))
-          sign (nil ())
-      method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
-        | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
-    end
-  let pat_lifter map =
-    let map = map.Ast_mapper.pat map in
-    object
-      inherit [_] Ast_lifter_404.lifter as super
-      inherit pat_builder
-      (* Special support for location and attributes in the generated AST *)
-      method! lift_Location_t _ = Pat.any ()
-      method! lift_Parsetree_attributes _ = Pat.any ()
-      (* Support for antiquotations *)
-      method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
-        | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
-        | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
-        | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
-    end
-  let loc = ref (app (evar "Pervasives.!") [evar "Ast_helper.default_loc"])
-  let handle_attr = function
-    | {txt="metaloc";loc=l}, e -> loc := get_exp l e
-    | _ -> ()
-  let with_loc ?(attrs = []) f =
-    let old_loc = !loc in
-    List.iter handle_attr attrs;
-    let r = f () in
-    loc := old_loc;
-    r
-  let expander =
-    let open Ast_mapper in
-    let super = default_mapper in
-    let expr this e =
-      with_loc ~attrs:e.pexp_attributes
-        (fun () ->
-           match e.pexp_desc with
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="sig";_}, PSig e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_signature e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="sigi";_}, PSig [e]) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_signature_item e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
-           | _ ->
-               super.expr this e
-        )
-    and pat this p =
-      with_loc ~attrs:p.ppat_attributes
-        (fun () ->
-           match p.ppat_desc with
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="sig";_}, PSig e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_signature e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="sigi";_}, PSig [e]) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_signature_item e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
-           | _ ->
-               super.pat this p
-        )
-    and structure this l =
-      with_loc
-        (fun () -> super.structure this l)
-    and structure_item this x =
-      begin match x.pstr_desc with
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> handle_attr x
-      | _ -> ()
-      end;
-      super.structure_item this x
-    and signature this l =
-      with_loc
-        (fun () -> super.signature this l)
-    and signature_item this x =
-      begin match x.psig_desc with
-      | Psig_attribute x -> handle_attr x
-      | _ -> ()
-      end;
-      super.signature_item this x
-    in
-    {super with expr; pat; structure; structure_item; signature; signature_item}
-  let expander =
-    let open Migrate_parsetree in
-    let module To_current = Convert(OCaml_404)(OCaml_current) in
-    To_current.copy_mapper expander
-  let () =
-    Migrate_parsetree.Compiler_libs.Ast_mapper.run_main @@
-    fun _args -> expander
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_405.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_405.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a792304..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_metaquot_405.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-open Ast_405
-(*  This file is part of the ppx_tools package.  It is released  *)
-(*  under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE file).       *)
-(*  Copyright 2013  Alain Frisch and LexiFi                      *)
-(* A -ppx rewriter to be used to write Parsetree-generating code
-   (including other -ppx rewriters) using concrete syntax.
-   We support the following extensions in expression position:
-   [%expr ...]  maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
-   [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
-   [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
-   [%stri ...] maps to code which creates the structure item represented by ...
-   [%sig: ...] maps to code which creates the signature represented by ...
-   [%sigi: ...] maps to code which creates the signature item represented by ...
-   [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
-   Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
-   using the following extensions:
-     [%e ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.expression
-     [%t ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.core_type
-     [%p ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.pattern
-     [%%s ...] where ... is an expression of type Parsetree.structure
-               or Parsetree.signature depending on the context.
-   All locations generated by the meta quotation are by default set
-   to [Ast_helper.default_loc].  This can be overriden by providing a custom
-   expression which will be inserted whereever a location is required
-   in the generated AST.  This expression can be specified globally
-   (for the current structure) as a structure item attribute:
-     ;;[@@metaloc ...]
-   or locally for the scope of an expression:
-     e [@metaloc ...]
-   Support is also provided to use concrete syntax in pattern
-   position.  The location and attribute fields are currently ignored
-   by patterns generated from meta quotations.
-   We support the following extensions in pattern position:
-   [%expr ...]  maps to code which creates the expression represented by ...
-   [%pat? ...] maps to code which creates the pattern represented by ...
-   [%str ...] maps to code which creates the structure represented by ...
-   [%type: ...] maps to code which creates the core type represented by ...
-   Quoted code can refer to expressions representing AST fragments,
-   using the following extensions:
-     [%e? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.expression
-     [%t? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.core_type
-     [%p? ...] where ... is a pattern of type Parsetree.pattern
-module Main : sig end = struct
-  open Asttypes
-  open Parsetree
-  open Ast_helper
-  open Ast_convenience_405
-  let prefix ty s =
-    let open Longident in
-    match parse ty with
-    | Ldot(m, _) -> String.concat "." (Longident.flatten m) ^ "." ^ s
-    | _ -> s
-  let append ?loc ?attrs e e' =
-    let fn = Location.mknoloc (Longident.(Ldot (Lident "List", "append"))) in
-    Exp.apply ?loc ?attrs (Exp.ident fn) [Nolabel, e; Nolabel, e']
-  class exp_builder =
-    object
-      method record ty x = record (List.map (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
-      method constr ty (c, args) = constr (prefix ty c) args
-      method list l = list l
-      method tuple l = tuple l
-      method int i = int i
-      method string s = str s
-      method char c = char c
-      method int32 x = Exp.constant (Const.int32 x)
-      method int64 x = Exp.constant (Const.int64 x)
-      method nativeint x = Exp.constant (Const.nativeint x)
-    end
-  class pat_builder =
-    object
-      method record ty x = precord ~closed:Closed (List.map (fun (l, e) -> prefix ty l, e) x)
-      method constr ty (c, args) = pconstr (prefix ty c) args
-      method list l = plist l
-      method tuple l = ptuple l
-      method int i = pint i
-      method string s = pstr s
-      method char c = pchar c
-      method int32 x = Pat.constant (Const.int32 x)
-      method int64 x = Pat.constant (Const.int64 x)
-      method nativeint x = Pat.constant (Const.nativeint x)
-    end
-  let get_exp loc = function
-    | PStr [ {pstr_desc=Pstr_eval (e, _); _} ] -> e
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aExpression expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let get_typ loc = function
-    | PTyp t -> t
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aType expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let get_pat loc = function
-    | PPat (t, None) -> t
-    | _ ->
-        Format.eprintf "%aPattern expected@."
-          Location.print_error loc;
-        exit 2
-  let exp_lifter loc map =
-    let map = map.Ast_mapper.expr map in
-    object
-      inherit [_] Ast_lifter_405.lifter as super
-      inherit exp_builder
-      (* Special support for location in the generated AST *)
-      method! lift_Location_t _ = loc
-      (* Support for antiquotations *)
-      method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
-        | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
-        | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_structure str =
-        List.fold_right
-          (function
-           | {pstr_desc=Pstr_extension(({txt="s";loc}, e), _); _} ->
-               append (get_exp loc e)
-           | x ->
-               cons (super # lift_Parsetree_structure_item x))
-          str (nil ())
-      method! lift_Parsetree_signature sign =
-        List.fold_right
-          (function
-           | {psig_desc=Psig_extension(({txt="s";loc}, e), _); _} ->
-               append (get_exp loc e)
-           | x ->
-               cons (super # lift_Parsetree_signature_item x))
-          sign (nil ())
-      method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
-        | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_exp loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
-    end
-  let pat_lifter map =
-    let map = map.Ast_mapper.pat map in
-    object
-      inherit [_] Ast_lifter_405.lifter as super
-      inherit pat_builder
-      (* Special support for location and attributes in the generated AST *)
-      method! lift_Location_t _ = Pat.any ()
-      method! lift_Parsetree_attributes _ = Pat.any ()
-      (* Support for antiquotations *)
-      method! lift_Parsetree_expression = function
-        | {pexp_desc=Pexp_extension({txt="e";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_expression x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_pattern = function
-        | {ppat_desc=Ppat_extension({txt="p";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_pattern x
-      method! lift_Parsetree_core_type = function
-        | {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_extension({txt="t";loc}, e); _} -> map (get_pat loc e)
-        | x -> super # lift_Parsetree_core_type x
-    end
-  let loc = ref (app (evar "Pervasives.!") [evar "Ast_helper.default_loc"])
-  let handle_attr = function
-    | {txt="metaloc";loc=l}, e -> loc := get_exp l e
-    | _ -> ()
-  let with_loc ?(attrs = []) f =
-    let old_loc = !loc in
-    List.iter handle_attr attrs;
-    let r = f () in
-    loc := old_loc;
-    r
-  let expander =
-    let open Ast_mapper in
-    let super = default_mapper in
-    let expr this e =
-      with_loc ~attrs:e.pexp_attributes
-        (fun () ->
-           match e.pexp_desc with
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="sig";_}, PSig e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_signature e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="sigi";_}, PSig [e]) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_signature_item e
-           | Pexp_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (exp_lifter !loc this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
-           | _ ->
-               super.expr this e
-        )
-    and pat this p =
-      with_loc ~attrs:p.ppat_attributes
-        (fun () ->
-           match p.ppat_desc with
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="expr";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_expression (get_exp l e)
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="pat";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_pattern (get_pat l e)
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="str";_}, PStr e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="stri";_}, PStr [e]) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_structure_item e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="sig";_}, PSig e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_signature e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="sigi";_}, PSig [e]) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_signature_item e
-           | Ppat_extension({txt="type";loc=l}, e) ->
-               (pat_lifter this) # lift_Parsetree_core_type (get_typ l e)
-           | _ ->
-               super.pat this p
-        )
-    and structure this l =
-      with_loc
-        (fun () -> super.structure this l)
-    and structure_item this x =
-      begin match x.pstr_desc with
-      | Pstr_attribute x -> handle_attr x
-      | _ -> ()
-      end;
-      super.structure_item this x
-    and signature this l =
-      with_loc
-        (fun () -> super.signature this l)
-    and signature_item this x =
-      begin match x.psig_desc with
-      | Psig_attribute x -> handle_attr x
-      | _ -> ()
-      end;
-      super.signature_item this x
-    in
-    {super with expr; pat; structure; structure_item; signature; signature_item}
-  let expander =
-    let open Migrate_parsetree in
-    let module To_current = Convert(OCaml_405)(OCaml_current) in
-    To_current.copy_mapper expander
-  let () =
-    Migrate_parsetree.Compiler_libs.Ast_mapper.run_main @@
-    fun _args -> expander
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_402.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_402.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 773388514..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_402.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-module Ast_convenience = Ast_convenience_402
-module Ast_mapper_class = Ast_mapper_class_402
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_403.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_403.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d186d991..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_403.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-module Ast_convenience = Ast_convenience_403
-module Ast_mapper_class = Ast_mapper_class_403
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_404.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_404.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index cef40a644..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_404.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-module Ast_convenience = Ast_convenience_404
-module Ast_mapper_class = Ast_mapper_class_404
diff --git a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_405.ml b/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_405.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 398d008e8..000000000
--- a/vendor/ppx_tools_versioned/ppx_tools_405.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-module Ast_convenience = Ast_convenience_405
-module Ast_mapper_class = Ast_mapper_class_405