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Bus List Selection State Discussion

Jeremy Jao edited this page Jul 7, 2016 · 7 revisions

The current state of the Bus List looks like this.

However there are some limitations here:

  • This resides in a Fragment that attaches to the DrawerLayout Programmatically as a Navigation Drawer
  • Navigation Drawer is used to navigate between different pages in the app. Our app uses this as a selection to change the state of the map, which is not the point of the navigation drawer.
  • Furthermore, the Navigation Drawer must be a top level layer, which the bus list selection is. The Toolbar should not be behind the Navigation Drawer.
  • Hence, our use of the Navigation Drawer is not to material spec.

Currently, Pull Request #285 needs to be pushed but is blocked because of this. This is because the Snackbar is a layer underneath the Navigation Drawer when it should be at a level above it.

We need a new way to represent the Bus List.

Today, we will discuss three things:

  1. Long-term state of the Bus List Selection
  • Short-Term fix Pull Request #285
  • How can we transition from the short term solution to a long term solution

We are to convene in our Slack Channel.


  • @Epicstar
  • @mikeantonacci
  • @TheAndroidMaster
  • Pgh_bus_info_team


Nearest Buses Selection


  • Auto select of nearest buses
  • have the buses be autoselected while moving the map


  • What is the definition of "nearest?"
  • What does this mean to the state of bus selection?
    • @Epicstar and @mikeantonacci think the 2nd feature may bury the selection which was, coincidentally, one of the main selling points of the app. @pgh_bus_info_team agrees with this sentiment
    • @Epicstar is particularly vehemently against auto selection when map moves
    • However, @theandroidmaster seems willing to scrap selection in favor of this

We came to an easy agreement for the first feature, but lots of pushback on scrapping selection and came to an agreement with an option to turn these features off/on.

Searching by Text

Two ideas came up here... pretty much use text to search on buses

  • @mikeantonacci and @Epicstar want the feature but want a filtered search
  • @theandroidmaster originally wanted an actual autocomplete search

Where will the selection reside?

  • @Epicstar suggested a FAB that will open a floating list and search with a text box
  • @theandroidmaster wants this in a different setting
    • will expose many other features to the app if in another screen
    • pushback from both @Epicstar and @mikeantonacci since manual selection to them is an important feature

Will pick this up on another day.