organization-to-repo is a tool designed to retrieve all released software from a specified organization and distribute them to respective repositories for RHEL9 systems. This tool is used in production at redborder for the delivery process.
Install the required dependencies using pip:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Open the .env file for configuration:
vim .env
DOWNLOAD_DIR=/tmp # Where to download the RPMs temporarily
SRC_RPMS_DIR=./src_rpms # Where to store source RPMs
x86_64_RPMS_DIR=./x86_rpms # Where to store RPMs
GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN=abcabcabc # Your GitHub token
DISALLOW_REPO_LIST=my-cool-repo # List of repositories to exclude (use commas to exclude more repos)
TOPIC=delivery # Topic of the repository to trigger the download
3 -. You can set-up this to run on your jenkins host like we do in redborder or you can just trigger
python3 your_organization_here
And it will download the rpms and put in your repo
Miguel Álvarez [email protected]