diff --git a/.nvmrc b/.nvmrc
index 726a201e6..645ae0c87 100644
--- a/.nvmrc
+++ b/.nvmrc
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/datapubs.js b/config/datapubs.js
index 48dcb69e5..c28032940 100644
--- a/config/datapubs.js
+++ b/config/datapubs.js
@@ -1,24 +1,83 @@
module.exports.datapubs = {
+ "rootCollection": {
+ targetRepoNamespace: "uts_public_data_repo",
+ rootCollectionId: "arcp://name,data_repo/root_collection",
+ targetRepoColId: "root_collection",
+ targetRepoColName: "",
+ targetRepoColDescription: "This is a sample data portal. For any questions, please get in touch with us at info@redboxresearchdata.com.au",
+ dsType: ["Dataset", "RepositoryCollection"],
+ enableDatasetToUseDefaultLicense: true,
+ defaultLicense: {
+ "@id": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0",
+ "@type": "OrganizationReuseLicense",
+ "name": "Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)",
+ "description": "You are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially)."
+ },
+ },
"sites": {
"staging": {
- "dir": "/publication/staging",
- "url": "http://localhost:8080/staging"
+ "dir": "/opt/oni/staged/ocfl",
+ "tempDir": "/opt/oni/staged/temp",
+ "url": "http://localhost:11000"
"public": {
- "dir": "/publication/public",
- "url": "http://localhost:8080/public"
+ "dir": "/opt/oni/public/ocfl",
+ "url": "http://localhost:11000/publication"
- "datacrate": {
- "catalog_html": "CATALOG.html",
- "catalog_json": "CATALOG.json",
+ "metadata": {
+ "html_filename": "ro-crate-preview.html",
+ "jsonld_filename": "ro-crate-metadata.jsonld",
"datapub_json": "datapub.json",
+ "identifier_namespace": "public_ocfl",
+ "render_script": "",
"organization": {
- "id": "https://www.uts.edu.au/",
- "name": "University of Technology Sydney"
+ "@id": "https://www.redboxresearchdata.com.au",
+ "@type": "Organization",
+ "identifier": "https://www.redboxresearchdata.com.au",
+ "name": "ReDBox Research Data"
+ },
+ related_works: [
+ {
+ field: 'publications',
+ type: 'ScholarlyArticle'
+ },
+ {
+ field: 'websites',
+ type: 'WebSite'
+ },
+ {
+ field: 'metadata',
+ type: 'CreativeWork'
+ },
+ {
+ field: 'data',
+ type: 'Dataset'
+ },
+ {
+ field: 'services',
+ type: 'CreativeWork'
+ }
+ ],
+ funders: [
+ 'foaf:fundedBy_foaf:Agent',
+ 'foaf:fundedBy_vivo:Grant'
+ ],
+ subjects: [
+ 'dc:subject_anzsrc:for',
+ 'dc:subject_anzsrc:seo'
+ ],
+ 'about': {
+ 'dc:subject_anzsrc:for': '_:FOR/',
+ 'dc:subject_anzsrc:seo': '_:SEO/'
+ },
+ 'spatialCoverage': '_:spatial/',
+ 'funder': '_:funder/',
+ 'license': '_:license/',
+ 'citation': '_:citation/',
+ 'contact': '_:contact/',
+ 'location': '_:location/'
diff --git a/typescript/api/services/OniService.ts b/typescript/api/services/OniService.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f7bd2ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typescript/api/services/OniService.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation (http://www.qcif.edu.au/)
+// Version 2, June 1991
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import { Services as services, DatastreamService, RBValidationError } from '@researchdatabox/redbox-core-types';
+import { Sails } from "sails";
+import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';
+import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
+import path from 'node:path';
+import {Collector, generateArcpId} from "oni-ocfl";
+import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';
+import { promisify } from 'util';
+import * as stream from 'stream';
+const finished = promisify(stream.finished);
+import {languageProfileURI} from "language-data-commons-vocabs";
+import * as mime from 'mime-types';
+import {ROCrate} from "ro-crate";
+const { convertToWK } = require('wkt-parser-helper');
+declare var sails: Sails;
+declare var RecordsService, UsersService;
+declare var _;
+const URL_PLACEHOLDER = '{ID_WILL_BE_HERE}'; // config
+export module Services {
+ /**
+ *
+ * a Service to extract a DataPub and put it in a RO-Crate with the
+ * metadata crosswalked into the right JSON-LD
+ *
+ * @author Mike Lynch
+ *
+ */
+ export class OniService extends services.Core.Service {
+ protected _exportedMethods: any = [
+ 'exportDataset'
+ ];
+ datastreamService: DatastreamService = null;
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.logHeader = "OniService::";
+ let that = this;
+ sails.on('ready', function () {
+ that.getDatastreamService();
+ });
+ }
+ getDatastreamService() {
+ this.datastreamService = sails.services[sails.config.storage.serviceName];
+ }
+ private getRBError(logPrefix: string, message: string) {
+ let customError: RBValidationError = new RBValidationError(message)
+ sails.log.error(`${logPrefix}->${message}`);
+ return customError;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a RB Data Publication record into RO-Crate and writes it to the OCFL repository
+ *
+ * @param oid
+ * @param record
+ * @param options
+ * @param user
+ */
+ public async exportDataset(oid, record, options, user) {
+ if( this.metTriggerCondition(oid, record, options) === "true") {
+ const rootColConfig = sails.config.datapubs.rootCollection;
+ const site = sails.config.datapubs.sites[options['site']];
+ if( ! site ) {
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader } exportDataset()`, "Unknown publication site " + options['site']);
+ }
+ const md = record['metadata'];
+ const drec = md['dataRecord'];
+ const drid = drec ? drec['oid'] : undefined;
+ if(!drid) {
+ const err = `Couldn't find dataRecord or id for data pub: ${oid}`;
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader} exportDataset()`, err);
+ }
+ if(! user || ! user['email']) {
+ user = { 'email': '' };
+ const err = `Empty user or no email found: ${oid}`;
+ // TODO: should we throw here?
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader} exportDataset()`, err);
+ }
+ // set the dataset URL and DOI
+ const datasetUrl = site['url'] + '/' + oid + '/';
+ md['citation_url'] = datasetUrl;
+ md['citation_doi'] = md['citation_doi'].replace(URL_PLACEHOLDER, datasetUrl);
+ // get the repository, then write out the attachments and the RO-Crate
+ const targetCollector = new Collector({repoPath: site.dir, namespace: rootColConfig.targetRepoNamespace});
+ try {
+ await targetCollector.connect();
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader} exportDataset()`, `Error connecting to target collector ${site.dir}: ${err}`);
+ }
+ let rootCollection = targetCollector.repo.object(rootColConfig.rootCollectionId);
+ try {
+ await rootCollection.load();
+ // check if the root collection exists in disk, otherwise populate the root collection's properties
+ rootCollection = targetCollector.newObject();
+ rootCollection.crate.addProfile(languageProfileURI("Collection"));
+ rootCollection.rootDataset["@type"] = rootColConfig.dsType;
+ rootCollection.mintArcpId(rootColConfig.targetRepoColId);
+ rootCollection.rootId = generateArcpId(targetCollector.namespace, rootColConfig.targetRepoColId);
+ rootCollection.rootDataset.name = rootColConfig.targetRepoColName;
+ rootCollection.rootDataset.description = rootColConfig.targetRepoColDescription;
+ rootCollection.rootDataset.license = rootColConfig.defaultLicense;
+ if (await this.pathExists(rootCollection.root) === false) {
+ await rootCollection.addToRepo();
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader} exportDataset()`, `Error loading root collection ${site.rootCollectionId}: ${err}`);
+ }
+ let creator = await UsersService.getUserWithUsername(record['metaMetadata']['createdBy']).toPromise();
+ if (_.isEmpty(creator)) {
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader} exportDataset()`, `Error getting creator for record ${oid} :: ${record['metaMetadata']['createdBy']}`);
+ }
+ try {
+ await this.writeDatasetObject(creator, user, oid, drid, targetCollector, rootCollection, record, site.tempDir);
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader} exportDataset()`, `Error writing dataset object for ${oid}: ${err}`);
+ }
+ try {
+ await RecordsService.updateMeta(sails.config.auth.defaultBrand, oid, record, null, true, false);
+ } catch (err) {
+ this.recordPublicationError(oid, record, err);
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader} exportDataset()`, `Error updating record metadata for ${oid}: ${err}`);
+ }
+ } else {
+ sails.log.debug(`Not publishing: ${oid}, condition not met: ${_.get(options, "triggerCondition", "")}`);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write the dataset object to the OCFL repository
+ *
+ * @param creator
+ * @param approver
+ * @param oid
+ * @param drid
+ * @param targetCollector
+ * @param rootCollection
+ * @param record
+ * @param tempDir
+ */
+ private async writeDatasetObject(creator: Object, approver: Object, oid: string, drid: string, targetCollector: Collector, rootCollection: any, record: Object, tempDir:string): Promise {
+ const metadata = record['metadata'];
+ const metaMetadata = record['metaMetadata'];
+ const mdOnly = metadata['accessRightsToggle'];
+ const attachments = metadata['dataLocations'].filter(
+ (a) => ( !mdOnly && a['type'] === 'attachment' && a['selected'] )
+ );
+ // write all valid attachments to temp directory
+ try {
+ attachments.map((a) => {
+ // a['fileId'] necessary to avoid file name clashes within the dataset
+ a['parentDir'] = path.join(tempDir, oid, a['fileId']);
+ a['path'] = path.join(a['parentDir'] , a['name']);
+ });
+ for (let a of attachments) {
+ const datastream = await this.datastreamService.getDatastream(drid, a['fileId']);
+ let dataFile;
+ if (datastream.readstream) {
+ dataFile = datastream.readstream;
+ } else {
+ dataFile = Buffer.from(datastream.body);
+ }
+ await this.writeDatastream(dataFile, a['parentDir'], a['name']);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw this.getRBError(`${this.logHeader} writeDatasetObject()`, `Error writing attachments for dataset ${oid}: ${err}`);
+ }
+ await this.writeDatasetROCrate(creator, approver, oid, attachments, record, targetCollector, rootCollection);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * Builds and persists the rocrate object to the OCFL repository
+ *
+ * @param creator
+ * @param approver
+ * @param oid
+ * @param attachments
+ * @param record
+ * @param targetCollector
+ * @param rootCollection
+ */
+ private async writeDatasetROCrate(creator: Object, approver: Object, oid:string, attachments: any[], record: Object, targetCollector: Collector, rootCollection: any) {
+ const metadata = record['metadata'];
+ const metaMetadata = record['metaMetadata'];
+ // Create Dataset/Repository Object
+ let targetRepoObj = targetCollector.newObject();
+ let targetCrate = targetRepoObj.crate;
+ let extraContext = {};
+ // use the OID as the root
+ targetRepoObj.mintArcpId(oid);
+ targetCrate.rootId = generateArcpId(targetCollector.namespace, oid);
+ targetCrate.addProfile(languageProfileURI("Object"));
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset["@type"] = ["Dataset", "RepositoryObject"];
+ targetRepoObj.mintArcpId(oid);
+ // Set the basic properties
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.identifier = oid;
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.name = metadata['title'];
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.description = metadata['description'];
+ const now = (new Date()).toISOString();
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.dateCreated = metaMetadata['createdOn'];
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.yearCreated = this.getYearFromDate(targetRepoObj.rootDataset.dateCreated);
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.datePublished = now;
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.yearPublished = this.getYearFromDate(targetRepoObj.rootDataset.datePublished);
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.keywords = metadata['finalKeywords'];
+ // Set the publisher
+ // https://www.researchobject.org/ro-crate/specification/1.1/contextual-entities.html#organizations-as-values
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.publisher = sails.config.datapubs.metadata.organization;
+ // Set the author
+ // https://www.researchobject.org/ro-crate/specification/1.1/contextual-entities.html#people
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.author = this.getCreators(metadata, sails.config.datapubs.metadata.organization);
+ // Set the contact point
+ // https://www.researchobject.org/ro-crate/specification/1.1/contextual-entities.html#contact-information
+ const contactPoint = this.getPerson(metadata['contributor_data_manager'], "ContactPoint");
+ if (contactPoint) {
+ contactPoint['contactType'] = "Data Manager";
+ contactPoint['identifier'] = contactPoint['id'];
+ const author = _.find(targetRepoObj.rootDataset.author, (a) => a['@id'] === contactPoint['@id']);
+ contactPoint['@id'] = `mailto:${contactPoint['email']}`
+ if (author) {
+ author['contactPoint'] = contactPoint;
+ } else {
+ // Add the contact point as a contributor
+ const contactPointPerson = this.getPerson(metadata['contributor_data_manager'], "Person");
+ contactPointPerson['contactPoint'] = contactPoint;
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset['contributor'] = [contactPointPerson];
+ }
+ }
+ // Set the license
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.license = this.getLicense(metadata);
+ // Set the files
+ await this.addFiles(targetRepoObj, record, attachments);
+ // Set the related works
+ this.addRelatedWorks(targetRepoObj, metadata);
+ // Set the spatial coverage
+ this.addSpatialCoverage(targetRepoObj, metadata, extraContext);
+ // Set the temporal coverage
+ this.addTemporalCoverage(targetRepoObj, metadata, extraContext);
+ // Set the funders
+ this.addFunders(targetRepoObj, metadata, extraContext);
+ // Set about
+ this.addSubjects(targetRepoObj, metadata, extraContext);
+ // Set the provenance
+ this.addHistory(targetRepoObj, metadata, creator, approver);
+ // Finally...
+ if (!_.isEmpty(extraContext)) {
+ targetCrate.addContext(extraContext);
+ }
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset["memberOf"] = rootCollection.rootDataset;
+ await targetRepoObj.addToRepo();
+ }
+ private addHistory(targetRepoObj: any, metadata: Object, creator: Object, approver: Object) {
+ // check if the creator and approver are in the author list, if not add them
+ sails.log.verbose(`${this.logHeader} addHistory() -> adding creator and approver to the author list`);
+ const people = _.concat(targetRepoObj.rootDataset.author, targetRepoObj.rootDataset.contributor);
+ let creatorPerson = _.find(people, (a) => a && a['email'] == creator['email']);
+ let approverPerson = _.find(people, (a) => a && a['email'] == approver['email']);
+ if (!creatorPerson) {
+ creatorPerson = this.getPerson(creator, "Person");
+ targetRepoObj.crate.addEntity(creatorPerson);
+ }
+ if (!approverPerson) {
+ approverPerson = this.getPerson(approver, "Person");
+ targetRepoObj.crate.addEntity(approverPerson);
+ }
+ // add the history entries
+ sails.log.verbose(`${this.logHeader} addHistory() -> adding history entries`);
+ targetRepoObj.crate.addEntity({
+ '@id': 'history1',
+ '@type': 'CreateAction',
+ 'name': 'Create',
+ 'description': 'Data record created',
+ 'endTime': targetRepoObj.rootDataset.dateCreated,
+ 'object': {'@id': targetRepoObj.crate.rootId},
+ 'agent': {'@id': creatorPerson['@id']}
+ });
+ targetRepoObj.crate.addEntity({
+ '@id': 'history2',
+ '@type': 'UpdateAction',
+ 'name': 'Publish',
+ 'endTime': targetRepoObj.rootDataset.datePublished,
+ 'object': {'@id': targetRepoObj.crate.rootId},
+ 'agent': {'@id': approverPerson['@id']}
+ });
+ }
+ private addSubjects(targetRepoObj: any, metadata: Object, extraContext: Object) {
+ sails.log.verbose(`${this.logHeader} addSubjects() -> adding subjects to the dataset`);
+ const subjects = [];
+ for (let subjectField of sails.config.datapubs.metadata.subjects) {
+ const fieldVals = _.isArray(metadata[subjectField]) ? metadata[subjectField] : [metadata[subjectField]];
+ sails.log.verbose(`${subjectField} -> fieldVal: ${JSON.stringify(fieldVals)}`);
+ if (!_.isEmpty(fieldVals)) {
+ for (let fieldVal of fieldVals) {
+ if (!_.isEmpty(fieldVal)) {
+ const id = `${sails.config.datapubs.metadata.DEFAULT_IRI_PREFS['about'][subjectField]}${fieldVal['notation']}`;
+ const subject = {
+ '@id': id,
+ '@type': 'StructuredValue',
+ 'url': id,
+ 'identifier': id,
+ 'name': fieldVal['name']
+ };
+ subjects.push(subject);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset['about'] = subjects;
+ }
+ private addFunders(targetRepoObj: any, metadata: Object, extraContext: Object) {
+ sails.log.verbose(`${this.logHeader} addFunders() -> adding funders to the dataset`);
+ let funders = [];
+ for (let fundingField of sails.config.datapubs.metadata.funders) {
+ const fieldVals = _.isArray(metadata[fundingField]) ? metadata[fundingField] : [metadata[fundingField]];
+ sails.log.verbose(`${fundingField} -> fieldVal: ${JSON.stringify(fieldVals)}`);
+ for (let fieldVal of fieldVals) {
+ if (!_.isEmpty(fieldVal) && !_.isEmpty(_.get(fieldVal, 'dc_identifier[0]'))) {
+ const id = `${sails.config.datapubs.metadata.DEFAULT_IRI_PREFS['funder']}${fieldVal['dc_identifier'][0]}`;
+ const funder = {
+ '@id': id,
+ '@type': 'Organization',
+ 'name': fieldVal['dc_title'],
+ 'identifier': id
+ };
+ funders.push(funder);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset['funder'] = funders;
+ }
+ private addTemporalCoverage(targetRepoObj: any, metadata: Object, extraContext: Object) {
+ sails.log.verbose(`${this.logHeader} addTemporalCoverage() -> adding temporal coverage to the dataset`);
+ var tc = '';
+ if( metadata['startDate'] ) {
+ tc = metadata['startDate'];
+ if( metadata['endDate'] ) {
+ tc += '/' + metadata['endDate'];
+ }
+ } else if ( metadata['endDate'] ) {
+ tc = metadata['endDate'];
+ }
+ if( metadata['timePeriod'] ) {
+ if( tc ) {
+ tc = tc + '; ' + metadata['timePeriod'];
+ } else {
+ tc = metadata['timePeriod'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_.isEmpty(tc)) {
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset.temporalCoverage = tc;
+ }
+ }
+ private addSpatialCoverage(targetRepoOjb: any, metadata: Object, extraContext: Object) {
+ sails.log.verbose(`${this.logHeader} addSpatialCoverage() -> adding spatial coverage to the dataset`);
+ if (metadata['geospatial']) {
+ if (_.isEmpty(extraContext['Geometry'])) {
+ extraContext['Geometry'] = "http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Geometry";
+ extraContext['asWKT'] = "http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#asWKT";
+ }
+ let geospatial = metadata['geospatial'];
+ sails.log.verbose(`spatialCoverage -> ${JSON.stringify(geospatial)}`);
+ if (!_.isArray(geospatial)) {
+ geospatial = [geospatial];
+ }
+ // COmmenting out the "proper way" of GEOMETRYCOLLECTION as it doesn't show up in the UI!
+ const convertedGeoJson = _.map(geospatial, (geoJson, idx) => {
+ return {
+ "@id": `_:place-${idx}`,
+ "@type": "Place",
+ "geo": this.convertToWkt(`_:geo-${idx}`, geoJson)
+ };
+ });
+ // NOTE: the "proper way" of GEOMETRYCOLLECTION doesn't show up in the UI (unsupported)
+ // Code below is for converting each feature collection entry as a separate place in the hopes that it will show up in the UI
+ // const convertedGeoJson = [];
+ // _.each(geospatial, (geoJson, idx) => {
+ // if (geoJson['type'] === 'FeatureCollection') {
+ // _.each(geoJson['features'], (feature, fIdx) => {
+ // convertedGeoJson.push({
+ // "@id": `_:place-${idx}-${fIdx}`,
+ // "@type": "Place",
+ // "geo": this.convertToWkt(`_:geo-${idx}-${fIdx}`, feature)
+ // });
+ // });
+ // } else {
+ // convertedGeoJson.push({
+ // "@id": `_:place-${idx}`,
+ // "@type": "Place",
+ // "geo": this.convertToWkt(`_:geo-${idx}`, geoJson)
+ // });
+ // }
+ // });
+ sails.log.verbose(`Converted spatialCoverage -> ${JSON.stringify(convertedGeoJson)}`)
+ targetRepoOjb.rootDataset.spatialCoverage = convertedGeoJson;
+ } else {
+ sails.log.verbose(`No geospatial field found in metadata`);
+ }
+ }
+ private convertToWkt(id: string, geoJsonSrc:any) {
+ let geoJson = _.cloneDeep(geoJsonSrc);
+ _.unset(geoJson, '@type');
+ const wkt = convertToWK(geoJson);
+ sails.log.verbose(`Converted WKT -> ${wkt}`);
+ return {
+ "@id": id,
+ "@type": "Geometry",
+ "asWKT": wkt
+ };
+ }
+ private addRelatedWorks(targetRepoObj: any, metadata: Object) {
+ for (let relatedFieldConf of sails.config.datapubs.metadata.related_works) {
+ let relatedWorks = [];
+ const fieldVals = _.isArray(metadata[`related_${relatedFieldConf.field}`]) ? metadata[`related_${relatedFieldConf.field}`] : [metadata[`related_${relatedFieldConf.field}`]];
+ sails.log.verbose(`related_${relatedFieldConf.field} -> fieldVal: ${JSON.stringify(fieldVals)}`);
+ for (let fieldVal of fieldVals) {
+ if (!_.isEmpty(fieldVal) && !_.isEmpty(fieldVal['related_url'])) {
+ const relatedWork = {
+ '@id': fieldVal['related_url'],
+ '@type': relatedFieldConf.type,
+ 'name': fieldVal['related_title'],
+ 'identifier': fieldVal['related_url']
+ };
+ if (!_.isEmpty(fieldVal.related_notes)) {
+ relatedWork['description'] = fieldVal.related_notes;
+ }
+ relatedWorks.push(relatedWork);
+ }
+ }
+ targetRepoObj.rootDataset[relatedFieldConf.field] = relatedWorks;
+ }
+ }
+ private async addFiles(targetRepoObj: any, record: Object, attachments: any[]) {
+ for (let a of attachments) {
+ const fileAttMetaPart = {
+ "name": a['name'],
+ "@id": a['name'],
+ "@type": ["File"],
+ "encodingFormat": mime.lookup(a['name'])
+ };
+ await targetRepoObj.addFile(fileAttMetaPart, a['parentDir'], a['name']);
+ }
+ }
+ private getLicense(metadata: Object): Object {
+ const licenses = [];
+ if (!_.isEmpty(metadata['license_other_url']) || !_.isEmpty(metadata['license_notes'])) {
+ if(metadata['license_other_url'] ) {
+ licenses.push({
+ '@id': metadata['license_other_url'],
+ '@type': 'CreativeWork',
+ 'url': metadata['license_other_url'],
+ 'name': ( metadata['license_notes'] || metadata['license_other_url'])
+ });
+ } else {
+ licenses.push({
+ '@id': sails.config.datapubs.metadata.DEFAULT_IRI_PREFS['license'] + 'other',
+ '@type': 'CreativeWork',
+ 'name': metadata['license_notes']
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if(metadata['license_identifier'] && metadata['license_identifier'] !== 'undefined' ) {
+ licenses.push({
+ '@id': metadata['license_identifier'],
+ '@type': 'CreativeWork',
+ 'name': metadata['license_identifier'],
+ 'url': metadata['license_identifier']
+ });
+ }
+ if(metadata['accessRights_url']) {
+ licenses.push({
+ '@id': metadata['accessRights_url'],
+ '@type': 'WebSite',
+ 'name': "Conditions of Access",
+ 'url': metadata['accessRights_url']
+ });
+ }
+ // if no license is found, use the default license because the ONI indexers require a license
+ if (_.isEmpty(licenses) && sails.config.datapubs.rootCollection.enableDatasetToUseDefaultLicense) {
+ licenses.push(sails.config.datapubs.rootCollection.defaultLicense);
+ }
+ return licenses;
+ }
+ private getCreators(metadata: Object, organization: Object): Object[] {
+ let creators = [];
+ if (metadata['creators']) {
+ creators = _.compact(metadata['creators'].map((creator) => {
+ const person = this.getPerson(creator, "Person");
+ if (person) {
+ person['affiliation'] = organization;
+ return person;
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ return creators;
+ }
+ private getPerson(rbPerson: Object, type:string): Object {
+ // ORCID prioritised as per https://www.researchobject.org/ro-crate/specification/1.1/contextual-entities.html#identifiers-for-contextual-entities
+ const id = rbPerson['orcid'] || rbPerson['email'] || rbPerson['text_full_name'];
+ if (!id) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ "@id": id,
+ "@type": type,
+ "name": rbPerson['text_full_name'],
+ "givenName": rbPerson['givenName'],
+ "familyName": rbPerson['familyName'],
+ "email": rbPerson['email']
+ };
+ }
+ private getYearFromDate(dateString):string {
+ const date = new Date(dateString);
+ const year = date.getFullYear();
+ return year.toString();
+ }
+ private async ensureDir(dirPath: string): Promise {
+ try {
+ await fs.access(dirPath, fs.constants.F_OK);
+ // Directory exists, nothing to do
+ } catch {
+ // Directory does not exist, create it
+ await fs.mkdir(dirPath, { recursive: true });
+ }
+ }
+ private async pathExists(path: string): Promise {
+ try {
+ await fs.access(path, fs.constants.F_OK);
+ return true;
+ } catch {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private async writeToFileUsingStream(filePath: string, inputStream: any): Promise {
+ const writeStream = createWriteStream(filePath);
+ inputStream.pipe(writeStream);
+ await finished(writeStream); // Wait for the stream to finish
+ }
+ // writeDatastream works for new redbox-storage -- using sails-hook-redbox-storage-mongo.
+ private async writeDatastream(stream: any, dir: string, fn: string) {
+ await this.ensureDir(dir);
+ await this.writeToFileUsingStream(path.join(dir, fn), stream);
+ }
+ private async recordPublicationError(oid: string, record: Object, err: Error): Promise {
+ const branding = sails.config.auth.defaultBrand;
+ // turn off postsave triggers
+ sails.log.verbose(`${this.logHeader} recordPublicationError() -> recording publication error in record metadata`);
+ record['metadata']['publication_error'] = "Data publication failed with error: " + err.name + " " + err.message;
+ await RecordsService.updateMeta(branding, oid, record, null, true, false);
+ }
+ }
+module.exports = new Services.OniService().exports();
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