The cloud-governance project welcomes contributions from everyone! Please read the below steps to see how you can contribute.
Before going further we assume you must have the python3 installed in your system.
branch for latest, or a specific release branch
git clone --single-branch --branch main
- Change directory to the code and create your own branch to work
cd cloud-governance/
git checkout -b <name_of_change>
python3.9 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirmenets.txt
- Choose the policy type by cloud in policy folder.
- Choose the policy type that need to be created.
If the policy is cleanup/ idle choose cleanup folder. - You will find the common methods that will be useful for tracking in helper folder by cloud.
- main
- common
- helper
- aws
- azure
- aws
- helper
- policy
- aws
- cleanup
- ec2_run
- ebs_use
- tagging
- cost_reports
- ec2_run
- cleanup
- policy_runners
- aws
- azure
- elasticsearch
- common
- aws
- aws
- Each policy needs to be run in two modes dry_run=yes/ no.
- RUN_ACTIVE_REGIONS=True env variable runs the policy in all active regions and the data will be uploaded to the ElasticSearch and s3/ storage bucket. This is already implemented in policy_runner.
- The S3 upload data format is key/region_name/policy/YYYY/MM/DD structure.
- Each policy will have the option to skip the action by having the resource tag Policy=notdelete or skip=not_delete.
- Each policy will have the env #DAYS_TO_TAKE_ACTION variable, which will take action that equals the days of DaysCount.
- Each policy has the alert days, which will be #DAYS_TO_TAKE_ACTION - 4 and alert the user if we configured the policy alert. ( Note: Currently this is disabled due to that we have the aggregated message policy )
- Possibilities for checking the dry_run days.
- If an instance is Using/ stopped then set DaysCount=0
- If an instance is running increment the counter based on dry_run=no mode by +1 else set 0
- If dry_run == "no":
- CountDays=date@#1
- else:
- If dry_run == "yes":
- CountDays=date@#0
- If dry_run == "yes":