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Redis Command Interfaces

Mark Paluch edited this page Jun 13, 2020 · 25 revisions

Working with dynamic Redis Command Interfaces

The Redis Command Interface abstraction provides a dynamic way for typesafe Redis command invocation. It allows you to declare an interface with command methods to significantly reduce boilerplate code required to invoke a Redis command.


Redis is a data store supporting over 190 documented commands and over 450 command permutations. The community supports actively Redis development; each major Redis release comes with new commands. Command growth and keeping track with upcoming modules are challenging for client developers and Redis user as there is no full command coverage for each module in a single Redis client.

The central interface in Lettuce Command Interface abstraction is Commands. This interface acts primarily as a marker interface to help you to discover interfaces that extend this one. The KeyCommands interface below declares some command methods.

Example 1. Command interface
public interface KeyCommands extends Commands {

    String get(String key);                  (1)

    String set(String key, String value);    (2)

    String set(String key, byte[] value);    (3)
  1. Retrieves a key by its name.

  2. Sets a key and value.

  3. Sets a key and a value by using bytes.

The interface from above declares several methods. Let’s take a brief look at String set(String key, String value). We can derive from that declaration certain things:

  • It should be executed synchronously – there’s no asynchronous or reactive wrapper declared in the result type.

  • The Redis command method returns a String - that reveals something regarding the command result expectation. This command expects a reply that can be represented as String.

  • The method is named set so the derived command will be named set.

  • There are two parameters defined: String key and String value. Although Redis does not take any other parameter types than bulk strings, we still can apply a transformation to the parameters – we can conclude their serialization from the declared type.

The set command from above called would look like:

commands.set("key", "value");

This command translates to:

SET key value

Command methods

With Lettuce, declaring command methods becomes a four-step process:

  1. Declare an interface extending Commands.

    interface KeyCommands extends Commands { … }
  2. Declare command methods on the interface.

    interface KeyCommands extends Commands {
        String get(String key);
  3. Set up Lettuce to create proxy instances for those interfaces.

    RedisClient client = …
    RedisCommandFactory factory = new RedisCommandFactory(client.connect());
  4. Get the commands instance and use it.

    public class SomeClient {
        KeyCommands commands;
        public SomeClient(RedisCommandFactory factory) {
            commands = factory.getCommands(KeyCommands.class);
        public void doSomething() {
            String value = commands.get("Walter");

The sections that follow explain each step in detail.

Defining command methods

As a first step, you define a specific command interface. The interface must extend Commands.

Command methods are declared inside the commands interface like regular methods (probably not that much of a surprise). Lettuce derives commands (name, arguments, and response) from each declared method.

Command naming

The commands proxy has two ways to derive a Redis command from the method name. It can derive the command name from the method name directly, or by using a manually defined @Command annotation. However, there’s got to be a strategy that decides what actual command is created. Let’s have a look at the available options.

Example 2. MixedCommands interface annotated with @Command and @CommandNaming
public interface MixedCommands extends Commands {

    List<String> mget(String... keys);                    (1)

    List<Value<String> mgetAsValues(String... keys);      (2)

    @CommandNaming(strategy = DOT)
    double nrRun(String key, int... indexes)              (3)
  1. Plain command method. Lettuce will derive to the MGET command.

  2. Command method annotated with @Command. Lettuce will execute MGET since annotations have a higher precedence than method-based name derivation.

  3. Redis commands consist of one or multiple command parts or follow a different naming strategy. The recommended pattern for commands provided by modules is using dot notation. Command methods can derive from "camel humps" that style by placing a dot (.) between name parts.

Command names are attempted to be resolved against CommandType to participate in settings for known commands. These are primarily used to determine a command intent (whether a command is a read-only one). Commands are resolved case-sensitive. Use lower-case command names in @Command to resolve to an unknown command to e.g. enforce upstream-routing.

CamelCase in method names

Command methods use by default the method name command type. This is ideal for commands like GET, SET, ZADD and so on. Some commands, such as CLIENT SETNAME consist of multiple command segments and passing SETNAME as argument to a method client(…) feels rather clunky.

Camel case is a natural way to express word boundaries in method names. These "camel humps" (changes in letter casing) can be interpreted in different ways. The most common case is to translate a change in case into a space between command segments.

interface ServerCommands extends Commands {
    String clientSetname(String name);

Invoking clientSetname(…) will execute the Redis command CLIENT SETNAME name.


Camel humps are translated to whitespace-delimited command segments by default. Methods and the commands interface can be annotated with @CommandNaming to apply a different strategy.

@CommandNaming(strategy = Strategy.DOT)
interface MixedCommands extends Commands {

    @CommandNaming(strategy = Strategy.SPLIT)
    String clientSetname(String name);

    @CommandNaming(strategy = Strategy.METHOD_NAME)
    String mSet(String key1, String value1, String key2, String value2);

    double nrRun(String key, int... indexes)

You can choose amongst multiple strategies:

  • SPLIT: Splits camel-case method names into multiple command segments: clientSetname executes CLIENT SETNAME. This is the default strategy.

  • METHOD_NAME: Uses the method name as-is: mSet executes MSET.

  • DOT: Translates camel-case method names into dot-notation that is the recommended pattern for module-provided commands. nrRun executes NR.RUN.

@Command annotation

You already learned, that method names are used as command type any by default all arguments are appended to the command. Some cases, such as the example from above, require in Java declaring a method with a different name because of variance in the return type. mgetAsValues would execute a non-existent command MGETASVALUES.

Annotating command methods with @Command lets you take control over implicit conventions. The annotation value overrides the command name and provides command segments to command methods. Command segments are parts of a command that are sent to Redis. The semantics of a command segment depend on context and the command itself. @Command("CLIENT SETNAME") denotes a subcommand of the CLIENT command while a method annotated with @Command("SET key") invokes SET, using mykey as key. @Command lets you specify whole command strings and reference parameters to construct custom commands.

interface MixedCommands extends Commands {

    @Command("CLIENT SETNAME")
    String setName(String name);

    List<Value<String> mgetAsValues(String... keys);

    @Command("SET mykey")
    String set(String value);

    @Command("NR.OBSERVE ?0 ?1 -> ?2 TRAIN")
    List<Integer> nrObserve(String key, int[] in, int... out)


Most Redis commands take one or more parameters to operate with your data. Using command methods with Redis appends all parameters in their specified order to the command as arguments. You have already seen commands annotated with @Command("MGET") or with no annotation at all. Commands append their parameters as command arguments as declared in the method signature.

interface MixedCommands extends Commands {

    @Command("SET ?1 ?0")
    String set(String value, String key);

    @Command("NR.OBSERVE :key :in -> :out TRAIN")
    List<Integer> nrObserve(@Param("key") String key, @Param("in") int[] in, @Param("out") int... out)

@Command-annotated command methods allow references to parameters. You can use index-based or name-based parameter references. Index-based references (?0, ?1, …) are zero-based. Name-based parameters (:key, :in) reference parameters by their name. Java 8 provides access to parameter names if the code was compiled with javac -parameters. Parameter names can be supplied alternatively by @Param. Please note that all parameters are required to be annotated if using @Param.

The same parameter can be referenced multiple times. Not referenced parameters are appended as arguments after the last command segment.

Keys and values

Redis commands are usually less concerned about key and value type since all data is bytes anyway. In the context of Redis Cluster, the very first key affects command routing. Keys and values are discovered by verifying their declared type assignability to RedisCodec key and value types. In some cases, where keys and values are indistinguishable from their types, it might be required to hint command methods about keys and values. You can annotate key and value parameters with @Key and @Value to control which parameters should be treated as keys or values.

interface KeyCommands extends Commands {

    String set(@Key String key, @Value String value);

Hinting command method parameters influences RedisCodec selection.

Parameter types

Command method parameter types are just limited by the RedisCodecs that are supplied to RedisCommandFactory. Command methods, however, support a basic set of parameter types that are agnostic to the selected codec. If a parameter is identified as key or value and the codec supports that parameter, this specific parameter is encoded by applying codec conversion.

Built-in parameter types:

  • String - encoded to bytes using ASCII.

  • byte[]

  • double/Double

  • ProtocolKeyword - using its byte-representation. ProtocolKeyword is useful to declare/reuse commonly used Redis keywords, see io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandType and io.lettuce.core.protocol.CommandKeyword.

  • Map - key and value encoding of key-value pairs using RedisCodec.

  • types implementing io.lettuce.core.CompositeParameter - Lettuce comes with a set of command argument types such as BitFieldArgs, SetArgs, SortArgs, … that can be used as parameter. Providing CompositeParameter will ontribute multiple command arguments by invoking the method.

  • Value, KeyValue, and ScoredValue that are encoded to their value, key and value and score and value representation using RedisCodec.

  • GeoCoordinates - contribute longitude and latitude command arguments

  • Limit - used together with ZRANGEBYLEX/ZRANGEBYSCORE commands. Will add LIMIT (offset) (count) segments to the command.

  • Range - used together with ZCOUNT/ZRANGEBYLEX/ZRANGEBYSCORE commands. Numerical commands are converted to numerical boundaries (inf`, `(1.0`, `[1.0`). Value-typed `Range` parameters are encoded to their value boundary representation (`, -, [value, (value).

Command methods accept other, special parameter types such as Timeout or FlushMode that control execution-model specific behavior. Those parameters are filtered from command arguments.


Redis command interfaces use RedisCodecs for key/value encoding and decoding. Each command method performs RedisCodec resolution so each command method can use a different RedisCodec. Codec resolution is based on key and value types declared in the command method signature. Key and value parameters can be annotated with @Key/@Value annotations to hint codec resolution to the appropriate types. Codec resolution checks all annotated parameters for compatibility. If types are assignable to codec types, the codec is selected for a particular command method.

Codec resolution without annotation is based on a compatible type majority. A command method resolves to the codec accepting the most compatible types. See also Keys and values for details on key/value encoding. Depending on provided codecs and the command method signature it’s possible that no codec can be resolved. You need to provide either a compatible RedisCodec or adjust parameter types in the method signature to provide a compatible method signature. RedisCommandFactory uses StringCodec (UTF-8) and ByteArrayCodec by default.

Example 3. Initialize RedisCommandFactory with multiple RedisCodecs
RedisCommandFactory factory = new RedisCommandFactory(connection, Arrays.asList(new ByteArrayCodec(), new StringCodec(LettuceCharsets.UTF8)));

The resolved codec is also applied to command response deserialization that allows you to use parametrized command response types.

Response types

Another aspect of command methods is their response type. Redis command responses consist of simple strings, bulk strings (byte streams) or arrays with nested elements depending on the issued command.

You can choose amongst various return types that map to a particular CommandOutput. A command output can return either its return type directly (List<String> for StringListOutput) or stream individual elements (String for StringListOutput as it implements StreamingOutput<String>). Command output resolution depends on whether the declared return type supports streaming. The currently only supported streaming output are reactive wrappers such as Flux.

RedisCommandFactory comes with built-in command outputs that are resolved from OutputRegistry. You can choose from built-in command output types or register your own CommandOutput.

A command method can return its response directly or wrapped in a response wrapper. See Execution models for execution-specific wrapper types.

Table 1. Built-in command output types
CommandOutput class return type streaming type


List<Map<K, V>>




Double, double




Long, long


K (Codec key type)


List<K> (Codec key type)

K (Codec key type)


V (Codec value type)


List<V> (Codec value type)

V (Codec value type)


Set<V> (Codec value type)


Map<K, V>


Boolean, boolean












StringValueListOutput (ASCII)



StringListOutput (ASCII)







Void, void

Execution models

Each declared command methods requires a synchronization mode, more specific an execution model. Lettuce uses an event-driven command execution model to send commands, process responses, and signal completion. Command methods can execute their commands in a synchronous, asynchronous or reactive way.

The choice of a particular execution model is made on return type level, more specific on the return type wrapper. Each command method may use a different execution model so command methods within a command interface may mix different execution models.

Synchronous (Blocking) Execution

Declaring a non-wrapped return type (like List<V>, String) will execute commands synchronously. See Custom commands on more details on synchronous command execution.

Blocking command execution applies by default timeouts set on connection level. Command methods support timeouts on invocation level by defining a special Timeout parameter. The parameter position does not affect command segments since special parameters are filtered from the command arguments. Supplying null will apply connection defaults.

interface KeyCommands extends Commands {

    String get(String key, Timeout timeout);

KeyCommands commands = …

commands.get("key", Timeout.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

Asynchronous (Future) Execution

Command methods wrapping their response in Future, CompletableFuture, CompletionStage or RedisFuture will execute their commands asynchronously. Invoking an asynchronous command method will send the command to Redis at invocation time and return a return handle that allows you to synchronize or chain command execution.

interface KeyCommands extends Commands {

    RedisFuture<String> get(String key, Timeout timeout);

Reactive Execution

You can declare command methods that wrap their response in a reactive type for reactive command execution. Invoking a reactive command method will not send the command to Redis until the resulting subscriber signals demand for data to its subscription. Using reactive wrapper types allow result streaming by emitting data as it’s received from the I/O channel.

Currently supported reactive types:

  • Project Reactor Mono and Flux (native)

  • RxJava 1 Single and Observable (via rxjava-reactive-streams)

  • RxJava 2 Single, Maybe and Flowable (via rxjava 2.0)

See Reactive API for more details.

interface KeyCommands extends Commands {

    Mono<String> get(String key);

    Maybe<String> getRxJava2Maybe(String key);

    Flowable<String> lrange(String key, long start, long stop);

Batch Execution

Command interfaces support command batching to collect multiple commands in a batch queue and flush the batch in a single write to the transport. Command batching executes commands in a deferred nature. This means that at the time of invocation no result is available. Batching can be only used with synchronous methods without a return value (void) or asynchronous methods returning a RedisFuture. Reactive command batching is not supported because reactive executed commands maintain an own subscription lifecycle that is decoupled from command method batching.

Command batching can be enabled on two levels:

  • On class level by annotating the command interface with @BatchSize. All methods participate in command batching.

  • On method level by adding CommandBatching to the arguments. Method participates selectively in command batching.

interface StringCommands extends Commands {

    void set(String key, String value);

    RedisFuture<String> get(String key);

    RedisFuture<String> get(String key, CommandBatching batching);

StringCommands commands = …

commands.set("key", "value"); // queued until 50 command invocations reached.
                              // The 50th invocation flushes the queue.

commands.get("key", CommandBatching.queue()); // invocation-level queueing control
commands.get("key", CommandBatching.flush()); // invocation-level queueing control,
                                              // flushes all queued commands

Batching can be controlled on per invocation by passing a CommandBatching argument. CommandBatching has precedence over @BatchSize.

To flush queued commands at any time (without further command invocation), add BatchExecutor to your interface definition.

interface StringCommands extends Commands, BatchExecutor {

    RedisFuture<String> get(String key);

StringCommands commands = …


commands.flush() // force-flush

Batch execution synchronization

Queued command batches are flushed either on reaching the batch size or force flush (via BatchExecutor.flush() or CommandBatching.flush()). Errors are transported through RedisFuture. Synchronous commands don’t receive any result/exception signal except if the batch is flushed through a synchronous method call. Synchronous flushing throws BatchException containing the failed commands.

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