- FAQ page
- Display Questions
- Login Button
- Form for submitting questions
- Send question to db
- Logout
- Something to indicate login status (current page states are enough?)
- User logged in
- Option to save a question (like favorite)
- User page to view saved things
- (Admin thing) Page for an admin to view new questions that have been submitted and respond to them.
Sessions for pages - Basic Login/Register functionality
- Password hashing/checking
- Use TypeScript
- Email verification for Register
- Password verification for Register
- ReadMe
- Deploy working
- FAQ: Consider making the place to submit a question standout a little. (just my opinion xD)
- Auth stuff: When a user logs out, remove email and admin from local Storage.
- Login/Register: Redirect to home page or FAQ page after a user is logged in, we could then alert that they logged in or something. Maybe a little alert banner?
- Fav: Delete fav question on the fav page
- Register: Display on the page the password requirements so a user knows when signing up what is expected
- Fav: icons load in the saved state, so that when clicked they are removed
- Seed db through user/admin functionalities to test as well as seed
- Create user account for demoing
- Register: Password alert shows for an acceptable password, but it will still register the user. So change the message on that case to "sucessful register" or something like that.
- Login: Alert to user when there is a wrong password or email doesnt exist as a registered user. Only console error right now and server console log
- Powerpoint presentation
- FAQ: clear the question after it is submitted
- Entry password twice to Register
- (Admin) View questions submitted
- (Admin) Ability to delete/edit existing questions
- (Admin) Ability to add questions
- (Admin) Ability to answer questions and submit to show on FAQ page
- (Admin) ON FAQ page, option for Admin to edit current questions/answers
- (Admin) ON FAQ page, option for Admin to edit current questions/answers
- (Admin) Navbar: When user is logged in as Admin, Nav bar link for the Admin page