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API Reference

Jacob Silterra edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 5 revisions


POST /dicom/files - Takes .dcm files belonging to a single exam and returns diagnosis scores.

Field Name Type Description
dicom File Dicom data file. Should be submitted multiple times, one for each DICOM file.
data JSON Required freeform JSON object. Any data contained in the object will be returned in the HTTP response JSON. Can be empty.

Response Structure:

Field Name Type Description
data JSON Object containing the predictions object, which contains a list of prediction scores.
metadata JSON Freeform JSON object taken from the data field in the request JSON
message String Any relevant informational or error messages from the server. Usually null
statusCode Integer HTTP status code. 200 for success, 400 for client error, 500 for server error.
runtime String Runtime of the prediction in seconds, formatted as "123.45s".

Get Information

GET /info - Returns server and model version information.

Response Structure:

Field Name Subfield Type Description
data apiVersion String Version of the API.
modelName String Name of the model, eg "Mirai" or "Sybil"
modelVersion String Version of the model. Models with different versions may have different weights.
message String Any relevant informational or error messages from the server. Usually null
statusCode Integer HTTP status code. 200 for success, 400 for client error, 500 for server error.
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