- Fix compiling on boost > 1.66 (#362) Reflective of changes made to boost::asio noted here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_66_0/doc/html/boost_asio/net_ts.html
- Contributors: Fan Jiang
- Fix catkin lint errors (#296)
- Contributors: Bei Chen Liu
- Use catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS to avoid CMake warning (#246)
- Fix AsyncReadBuffer for UDP socket case. (#245)
- Contributors: Mike Purvis
- Avoid runaway async condition when port is bad. (#236)
- Add missing install rule for udp_socket_node
- Make the ~require param configurable from Session. (#233)
- Contributors: Mike Purvis
- Implementation of native UDP rosserial server. (#231)
- Explicit session lifecycle for the serial server. (#228) This is a long overdue change which will resolve some crashes when USB serial devices return error states in the face of noise or other interruptions.
- Support for VER1 protocol has been dropped.
- Handle log messages in rosserial_server
- Contributors: Mike Purvis, mkrauter
- Fill out description field in package.xml.
- Bugfix for checksum. Publishing topics fails when messages are over 256 bytes in length due to checksum() function or'ing high and low byte instead of adding them.
- rosserial_server: Properly receive messages > 255 bytes.
- Contributors: Chad Attermann, Mike Purvis
- Add more log output, don't end the session for certain write errors.
- Contributors: Mike Purvis
- Bugfix for interrupted sessions. This is a two-part fix for an issue causes a segfault when the device disappears during operation, for example a ttyACM device which is unplugged. The AsyncReadBuffer part avoids calling a callback after the object owning it has destructed, and the SerialSession part avoids recreating itself until the previous instance has finished the destructor and been full destroyed.
- Add dependency on rosserial_msgs_gencpp, fixes #133
- Make ServiceClient::handle public, to fix compilation bug on some platforms.
- Enabled registration of service clients
- Add namespaces to headers, swap ROS thread to foreground.
- Move headers to include path, rename to follow ROS style.
- Fixed build error due to variable being read as a function due to missing parenthesis
- Add rosserial_python as dependency of rosserial_server
- Contributors: Mike Purvis, spaghetti-
- Add support for require/publishers and require/subscribers parameters.
- Use stream logging in rosserial_server
- New package: rosserial_server
- Contains example launch file for serial configuration of server
- Working now with both Groovy and Hydro clients.
- Subscriber to correctly declare known md5 and topic type from client.