Releases: remkos/rads
Releases · remkos/rads
v4.3.4 (2 Apr 2019)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version (v4.3.3):
- Bug fix in
. - Small documentation update.
- Allow multiple mission phases with the same name (needed for Sentinel-3B and Jason-2 after geodetic phase rewind).
- Updated Sentinel-3B mission phases.
- Implemented internal tides.
- Removed support for FES2012 tide model.
- Bug fix in
. - Removed DTU MSS13 from standard models provided.
- Added
to alias fortopo
ahread of removingtopo_srtm30plus
v4.3.3 (19 Nov 2018)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version (v4.3.2):
- Added new optional argument
routine (fixed bug issue #139).
v4.3.2 (7 Nov 2018)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version (v4.3.1):
v4.3.1 (4 Sep 2018)
- New mission phase definition for Jason-2 Phase D
- New mission definitions for Sentinel-3B
- Added optional argument "deflate" to nf90_def_axis.
- Replaced iqsort by more stable version of quicksort (fixed issue #127)
- No more duplicate tracks in radsxogen when generating single- and dual-satellite xovers (fixed issue #129)
- Documented the --reject-on-nan=all option in radscolin4
v4.3.0 (30 May 2018)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version:
- Added support for processing of Sentinel-3B data.
- Added routine rads_set_phase.
- Added <end_time> specifications on last mission phase of terminated missions.
- Added license file.
- Added geoid_xgm2016 specification in support of issue #119.
- Added topo_strm15plus specification in support of issue #120.
- Fixed issue #121.
v4.2.11 (16 Mar 2018)
This version contains the following changes with respect to the previous version:
- Updated information on Sentinel-3B orbit and mission phases.
- Provide better "histogram limits" from radsvar.
- Changed format for all time fields in 1985 seconds, so they do not overrun the maximum number of characters.
- Changed the reference frame offset for Sentinel-3A from 27 mm to 2 mm.
- Polishing of manuals
v4.2.10 (1 Jan 2018)
- Copyright updated to 2018
- Increased number of cycles for CryoSat-2
v4.2.9 (30 Nov 2017)
- Replaced freeunit() by getlun()
- Added standard_name and axis attributes when writing lat/lon grids
- Added valid_min, valid_max, grid_step attributes to output grids. Removed actual_range.
- Many changes to the developer code to produce the Nov 2017 updates; see there for more information.
- Changes to configuration file (rads.xml) in accordance with the Nov 2017 updates.
v4.2.8 (12 Sep 2017)
- Fixed information on Jason-2 Phase C in rads.xml
v4.2.7 (7 Sep 2017)
- Updates for Jason-2 Phase C ("tango")
- Added definition of qual_alt_rain_ice and qual_rad_rain_ice to Sentinel-3.